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Christie Projector Mirage Hd8 User Manual

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Page 91

Section 3: Operation  
3-62 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 

Page 92

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-63. 
1d) In either Color Adjustments menu, select a “User” color. Then: 
• If you have created a “User 1” color gamut (recommended) for a well-
matched wall, continue to Step 1e. 
• If you prefer maximum brightness rather than a particular color 
temperature, select “Max Drives”.
IMPORTANT: Do not change User 1 Color Adjustment in color-matched 
1e) In the White Uniformity 
menu, set the “Overall” 
output level to 50.0 and all...

Page 93

Section 3: Operation  
3-64 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
Figure 3.16. Match Zones to Center Color Temperature 
Repeat the color adjustment of sides and corners for each edge of the screen that does 
not yet match the center (note that each corner is adjustable in either of its two 
adjacent “side” menus). When done, all areas of a given screen should match. Repeat 
2a & 2b for all remaining screens. 
Step 3: Adjust Light Output in Eight Zones 
3a) For each screen, compare the light output of...

Page 94

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-65. 
Cancelling Brightness Uniformity 
If you do not want to use or apply Brightness Uniformity settings, delete the 
checkmark from the “Uniformity Enable” checkbox at the top of the Brightness 
Uniformity menu. 
Christie Edge Blending is an innovative set of software functions that can quickly and 
easily blend white levels along the edges of multiple adjacent projected images to 
create a single seamless larger image. 
What is a Blend? 
In simple...

Page 95

Section 3: Operation  
3-66 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
• Blend Width determines how much area is used for blending along an overlapping 
edge. Slide bar values represent the number of eight-pixel steps used for the 
blend. For example, a setting of “eight” creates a blended edge 24 pixels wide. A 
setting of “0” signifies no blending. For best results in most applications, use a 
blend width of 16-48 steps (128-384 pixels). 
Ranges: 0-80 horizontal, 0-60 vertical. 
Blend Shape determines the rate...

Page 96

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-67. 
• Show Blending Overlap turns your 
defined blend width area to solid gray so 
that, if needed, simply overlapping the 
gray bars can seamlessly align two 
adjacent images. Toggle the Show 
Blending Overlap off to reactivate the 
blend effect.  
NOTE: Blending Overlap appears as 
Reserved when ChristieTWIST is 
Other Functions  
For convenience, the Edge Blending 
submenu also includes related options for 
enabling a specific color...

Page 97

Section 3: Operation  
3-68 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
4. SET BLEND WIDTH: On one projector, increase the Blend Width for an overlapping 
edge (for example, if the projector’s image is on left, its right edge overlaps the 
adjacent image—adjust Right Blend Width). Use the same setting on the second 
projector for this shared edge. 
5. Re-adjust width (both projectors) until the overly bright band at the midpoint of the 
overlapping blends disappears or just changes to very light gray. For the shared...

Page 98

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-69. 
3.   Working with one projector at a time, use the center brightness slide bar to adjust 
the center brightness (brightness of the non-blended region) so that the center 
intensity matches that of the brightest blended region (the center of all images 
when blending a 2 x 2 display is the target area). 
4.   Use the following three color slide bars, Black Red Level, Black Green Level and 
Black Blue Level, so the black hue of each projector...

Page 99

Section 3: Operation  
3-70 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
Repeat for remaining networked projectors as desired. Keep in mind that multiple 
units can be controlled from one PC, but each unit will be in its own ChristieNET 
interface (web browser) at the PC. Likewise, you can make up to five separate web 
locations to a single projector. 
The default login provides access to security settings, where you can define other 
users with the same or fewer rights. Use “unlimited” rights for most applications....

Page 100

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-71. 
No Signal 
The message No signal occurs when there is no source signal detected at the 
selected input—both HSYNC and VSYNC are inactive and the screen background is 
black. Connect or correct the signal, or try another input. 
Bad Sync 
The message Bad Sync occurs when HSYNC or VSYNC are active but the signal 
cannot be displayed. Such a condition occurs when only one of the two sync signals is 
present or when either sync signal is unstable...
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