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Christie Projector Mirage Hd8 User Manual

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Users ManualUsersManual

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020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)     
China RoHS Compliance Information 
• Environmentally Friendly Use Period 
The year number in the centre of the label indicates the Environmentally Friendly Use Period, which 
is required to mark on the electronic information product sold in China according to the China RoHS 
• Material Concentration...

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Table of Contents  
NOTE: Due to continuing research, all information in this manual is subject to change without notice. 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)    i 
1.1 Projector Overview ......................................................................................... 1-1 
1.2 Components..................................................................................................... 1-2 
1.3  Purchase Record and Servicing ..........................................................................

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Section 1 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  1-1 
Christie DS+6K/5Kc/8K, HD6K/5Kc/8K/7Kc, 
Mirage S+3K/6K/8K, Mirage HD3/6/8, 
DW3K/3Kc/6K/6Kc, Matrix 
S+2K/5K/HD2/HD4/HD7, DLV1400-DX and 
DLV1920-DX are all professional 3-chip projectors 
based on next-generation Digital Light Processing™ 
(DLP™) technology by Texas Instruments™ to 
deliver high quality, crisp, clean images.  
Mirage S+3K/6K/8K and Mirage HD3/6/8 
projectors provide a powerful combination of SXGA+ resolution, high...

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Section 1: Introduction    
1-2 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)   
Refer to Section 6 for a complete list of Specifications including Brightness and 
Contrast and Optional Input Modules 
The projector accepts data/graphics and video input signals for projection onto front 
or rear flat screens. High brightness light is generated by an internal Xenon lamp then 
modulated by three Digital Micro-mirror Device (DMD) panels that provide digitized 
red, green or blue color information. Light from the “on” pixels...

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  Section 1: Introduction   
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 1-3. 
Whether the projector is under warranty or the warranty has expired, Christie’s highly 
trained and extensive factory and dealer service network is always available to quickly 
diagnose and correct projector malfunctions. Service manuals and updates are 
available to service technicians for all projectors. 
If you encounter any problems with the projector and require assistance, contact your 
dealer or Christie Digital Systems. Fill out...

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Section 2 
Installation & Setup  
013-100199-05 Rev. 01 (03/07)  2-1 
The instructions provided here are for those that are familiar with the projector and 
wish to quickly set it up and use it temporarily. Refer to the remaining subsections of 
this manual for a more complete setup. 
Install a Projection Lens  
The projection lens is shipped separately from the projector and must be installed 
prior to setting up the projector. Install the projection lens as described in 4.5 
Replacing the...
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