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Christie Projector Mirage Hd8 User Manual

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Page 51

Section 3: Operation  
3-22 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
• Select “ANAMORPHIC” to display an anamorphic 
image in its native 16:9 aspect ratio. The image will 
fill the screen from side-to-side and be centered 
between black bars at top and bottom.  
“Size” controls both the image width and height in tandem, maintaining the current 
aspect ratio (proportion) of the displayed signal data.  
Vertical Stretch 
“Vertical Stretch” adjusts the height of the image while keeping the width constant....

Page 52

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-23. 
If some shimmer from a video or HDTV source persists, use the “Filter” control to 
remove high-frequency noise from the signal. 
This option moves the image right or left within the area of available pixels. 
NOTE: The value shown represents where the approximate center of the image lies in 
relation to the total number of pixels available horizontally. This varies widely 
according to the signal—watch the image while adjusting....

Page 53

Section 3: Operation  
3-24 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
Crop the image as desired so 
that unwanted edges are removed from 
the display (changed to black—see 
right). Blanking defines the size of the 
Active Input Window, or area of 
interest. Range of adjustment depends 
on the source resolution and other 
factors. After adjustment of blanking it 
may be necessary to perform a source 
NOTE: Blanking a PIP image 
resembles zoom (see Figure 3.6). For...

Page 54

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-25. 
Use options in the Image Settings 
menu to alter your main image 
without affecting its size or 
position. Changes made to the 
Image Settings menu are applied 
immediately and are saved when 
you exit the menu (press 
Exit or
 Menu). Options not available for 
the projector model or source are 
disabled and appear dim (gray). 
SHORT CUT: Press Contrast and adjust the slide bar.) 
“Contrast” increases or decreases the perceived...

Page 55

Section 3: Operation  
3-26 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
setting. In high ambient light conditions, lower gamma may produce better results 
than higher gamma. Gamma of 2.2 (default) indicates the gamma table has not been 
adjusted. For more information, refer to Advanced Image Settings submenu, Gamma 
Table. Again, good gamma improves contrast while maintaining good details for 
The proper filter setting is automatically set for virtually all 
signals, and rarely needs to be changed....

Page 56

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-27. 
NOTE: When certain RGB signals are first connected, the projector may not initially 
recognize them as RGB and will incorrectly decode their color information as YPbPr 
(video). These signals can include: 
• RGB signals in NTSC, PAL, SECAM frequency ranges. 
• Scan-doubled sync-on-green. 
• Scan-quadrupled sync-on-green. 
For these signals, change the Color Space to RGB, and then define a new channel for 
future use. 
Video Options 

Page 57

Section 3: Operation  
3-28 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
NOTE: Generally, use “Auto” for all instances EXCEPT: 1) a poor quality input 
signal or 2) a black-and-white video signal. In order to detect and display such 
signals, select the relevant standard from the list. 
INPUT VIDEO BLACK: This control 
compensates for incoming elevated black 
levels present in certain video signals, and 
ensures that blacks in the display are 
neither crushed (i.e., where dark grays appear black) nor excessively...

Page 58

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-29. 
Good RGB or input levels—
that is, the drives and black 
levels for each of the three 
colors, red, green and blue—
ensure that images from 
analog sources other than 
decoded video have 
maximum contrast without 
crushing black or white. By 
default (and in an “Auto 
Setup”), the projector 
automatically determines the 
best input levels by 
monitoring image content and adjusting the controls appropriately—further 
adjustment is typically not...

Page 59

Section 3: Operation  
3-30 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 
3. Confirm that you are using an analog source not connected to INPUT 3 or INPUT 
4, as Input Levels are not applicable for digital sources or sources going through 
the decoder. A grayscale is recommended. 
4. If the blacks and/or whites appear OK, input levels do not need adjustment. If 
black levels are too high (and/or whites are too low, which is rare), you likely 
have a noisy source that is producing skewed input levels. Continue with Step...

Page 60

 Section 3: Operation 
020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07)  3-31. 
1. Display a 16 level grayscale test pattern from the desired external source, and 
enter a checkmark in the Peak Detector checkbox.  
NOTE: The “Peak Detector” will initially render the grayscale as a uniform gray 
field before adjustment or extreme crushing. 
2. Display one primary color.  
NOTE: Selecting Auto Color Enable ensures the correct color is displayed for 
each setting.  
3. For the current color, adjust its corresponding “Black...
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