Casio Qt 6100 User Manual
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Advanced Operations QT-6100 User’s Manual91E Subdepartment unit price SUBDEPT01 0001-003—Subdepartment descriptor/Record No./File [email protected]—Unit PriceSUBDEPT02 0002-003 @2.00 SUBDEPT03 0003-003 @3.34 Department unit price DEPT01 0001-005—Department descriptor/Record No./File [email protected]—Unit PriceDEPT02 0002-005 @2.34 DEPT03 0003-005 @1.34 Function key rate/price %- 0013-002—Function key descriptor/Record No./File No.0%—Unit Price, percent rate or conversion rate- 0018-002 @0.00 CASH 0035-002 @0.00 Item descriptor PLU PLU001 0001-004—PLU descriptor/Record No./File No.PLU002 0002-004 PLU 2nd unit price PLU001 0001-054—PLU 2nd descriptor/Record No./File No.PLU002 0002-054 Subdepartment SUBDEPT01 0001-003—Subdepartment descriptor/Record No./File No.SUBDEPT02 0002-003 SUBDEPT03 0003-003 Department descriptor DEPT01 0001-005—Department descriptor/Record No./File No.DEPT02 0002-005 DEPT03 0003-005 Function key descriptor RCT 0001-002—Function key descriptor/Record No./File No.NEW/OLD 0002-002 RC 0003-002 DISP ON/OFF 0004-002 CLK#1 0005-002

Advanced Operations 92E Character and Message Receipt/Slip message 0001-032—Record No./File No. YOUR RECEIPT—Receipt message0002-032 THANK YOU0003-032 Clerk Clerk feature C01 001-007—Clerk name/Record No./File No.0001—Clerk secret code00—Drawer No.000111—01-067 0000040000 02-067 000000000000 03-067 0000000000 04-067 000000000000 05-067 000000000000 06-067 000000000000 07-067 000000000000 — Other program data 08-067 000000000000 09-067 000000000000 10-067 000000000000 11-067 000000000000 068 00000000 069 000000000000 —C02 002-007 0002 Key feature PLU feature PLU001 0001-004—PLU descriptor/Record No./File No.000000000000—Elementary program11-066 000000—12-066 000000 13-066 0000 14-066 0 0 15-066 @0.00 — Other program data16-066 00 17-066 00 20-066 0000 21-066 000000000000 22-066 000000 —PLU002 PLU 2nd unit price feature PLU001 0001-054—PLU 2nd @ descriptor/Record No./File No.000000000000—Elementary program11-066 000000—Other program data12-066 000000—Other program data14-066 0—Other program dataPLU002 0002-054 000000000000 11-066 000000 12-066 000000 14-066 0 PLU003 0003-054

Advanced Operations QT-6100 User’s Manual93E Subdepartment feature SUBDEPT01 0001-003—Subdepartment descriptor/Record No./File No.000000000000—Elementary program11-066 000000—15-066 @0.00 16-066 00 — Other program 17-066 00 20-066 0000 21-066 00000000 22-066 00 —SUBDEPT02 0002-003 Department feature DEPT01 0001-005—Department descriptor/Record No./File No.000000000000—Elementary program 11-066 000000— 15-066 @0.00 16-066 00 — Other program 17-066 00 20-066 0000 21-066 00000000 22-066 00 —DEPT02 0002-005 Function key feature 0001 CASH 000000000000—Record No./Key descriptor/Parameter0002 CHARGE 000000000000 0003 CREDIT 000000000000 0004 %+ 000000000000 0005 CLEAR 000000000000 0006 PGM MODE 000000000000

94E This section describes what to do when you have problems with operation. When an error occurs Errors are indicated by an error codes. When this happens, you can usually find out what the problem is as illustrated below. Press C and check the appropriate section of this manual for the operation you want to perform. Troubleshooting Prompt message Meaning Action Operator mistake.E001 Wrong mode. E003 Wrong operator. E005 Insufficient memory.E011 Close the drawer.E012 Journal paper end.E014 Receipt paper end.E015 Check R/J printer. E016 Change back to REG mode. E017 Enter Check/TBL number.E018 Enter Table number.E019 Enter Number of covers.E020 Enter Seat number. E023 Stock running short. E024 No stock is available. E028 Not found PLU or C/D is mismatch. E029 No registration is possible while you are in the tender operation.E031 Press ST key before Finalization.E033 Enter tendered amount.E035 Change amount exceeds the limit. E036 Remove money from the drawer. E037 Digit or Amount Limitation Over.E038 Perform Money DeclarationE040 Issue Guest Receipt.E041 Print Validation.E044 Print Cheque.E045 Print Check-Endorsement. E046 REG Buffer Full. Please Finalize or NB.E047 Print bill.E048 Insert Slip Paper and retry. E049 CHECK memory full. E050 Detail memory full. E051 CHK/TBL No. is occupied. E052 CHK/TBL No. is Busy. E053 CHK/TBL No. is not opened. E054 Out of CHK/TBL No. Range.E056 Store range full.E057 No item exists in detail.E058 Enter post entry item.E059 Press Eat-in or Take-out key. ********** E060 Printer offline. ********** E061 Printer error.Operation error Check tracking (Open mode error) Error clerk/Error clerk in check tracking Memory allocation over Drawer compulsory Journal paper end Receipt paper end Internal R/J printer error Prohibit plural operation in REF/REG– mode Check number compulsory Table number compulsory Cover compulsory Seat number compulsory Alarm when any item drops below its programmed minimum stock quantity during registration. Error when actual stock value for a registration items is a negative value. Scanning PLU is not found or OBR code is mismatched. Attempted registration whilst partial tender operation is being done. ST compulsory Amount tender compulsory Change amount exceeds the limit. Contents of the drawer exceed the programmed limit — Sentinel function. H.D.L., H.A.L., L.D.L. error Money declaration compulsory Guest receipt compulsory Validation compulsory Check print compulsory Check endorsement compulsory Registration buffer full Slip compulsory Alarm when no paper is inserted in the Slip. Check tracking index full/near end Check tracking memory full/near end Attempt is made to use the key to open a new check using a number that is already used for an existing check tracking memory. Attempt to use the same check number whilst the specified number is being used in the other terminal. Check number not found Check number range over All check number are occupied in range. Round repeat cannot be found in detail. Post entry item exists in detail. Press eat-in or take-out key. Printer offline. “****” means ECR logical ID and printer number. Printer downed. “****” means ECR logical ID and printer number. Perform proper operation. Return the mode to its original setting. Input correct check number or assign the proper clerk. Reallocate memory. Close cash drawer. Replace journal paper. Replace receipt paper. Check the internal R/J printer. Switch to another mode and then back to the REF/REG– mode again. Input a check number. Input a table number. Enter the number of customers. Input a seat number. Perform stock maintenance. Perform stock maintenance. Re-enter the PLU code. Finalize the transaction. Press ST key. Enter tendered amount. Enter amount tendered again. Perform pickup operation. Enter correct unit price/amount. Perform money declaration. Issue a guest receipt. Perform validation operation. Perform check print operation. Perform check endorsement operation. Finalize the transaction. Allocate sufficient buffer. Perform slip printing operation. Insert new slip paper. Finalize and close the check number currently used. Finalize and close the check number currently used. Finalize and close the check that is currently under the number that you want to use or use a different check number. Use another check number or close the check at that terminal. Use the correct check number (if you want to reopen a check that already exists in the check tracking memory) or use to open a new check. Enter correct number. Recall the stored data. Enter Post entry item. Press Eat-in or Takeout key. The contents are printed on the backup printer.

QT-6100 Users Manual95E Troubleshooting Prompt message Meaning Action ********** E061 Printer error. YES:Retry to print. NO :Backup to R/J printer. ESC:Discard data. ********** E062 Printer paper end. ********** E062 Printer paper end. YES:Retry to print. NO :Backup to R/J printer. ESC:Discard data. E064 Printer buffer full. YES:Retry to print. NO :Backup to R/J printer. ESC:Discard data. ********** E070 Terminal out of action. Cannot print. ********** E071 Target terminal printer BF full. YES:Retry to print. NO :Backup to R/J printer. ESC:Discard data. ********** E072 Target printer terminal is busy. ********** E073 Your receipt/order may not be issued. YES:Retry to print. NO :Backup to R/J printer. ESC:Discard data. E075 Negative Balance, cannot be finalized. E080 Electronic Journal Full Please clear E-Journal.E082 ***** Illegal Data ***** E083 Cannot create E-Journal. Check Flash memory. ********** E105 Check/TBL tracking Master down. Please call Manager!! YES:Retry for connection. NO :Remove it from system. ********** E106 Check/TBL tracking Backup master down. Please call Manager!! YES:Retry for connection. NO :Remove it from system. ********** E107 Both Master&Backup master down. CHK/TBL tracking or Clerk interrupt is not available. ********** E108 CHK/TBL Master is removed from system. ********** E109 CHK/TBL Backup master is removed from system. E110 CHK data mismatch between Master and Backup master. E130 Middle of Pick up or Loan Press Cancel Key. E131 Middle of Press Cancel Key. E133 Middle of Press Cancel Key.Printer downed. “****” means ECR logical ID and printer number. Paper near-end/end “****” means ECR logical ID and printer number. Paper near-end/end “****” means ECR logical ID and printer number. Print buffer full at sender side Down at target ECR which has printer “****” means ECR logical ID and printer number. Printer buffer full at target ECR which has printer “****” means ECR logical ID and printer number. Busy at target ECR which has printer “****” means ECR logical ID and printer number. Time out at ECR which has printer “****” means ECR logical ID and printer number. Attempted finalization when balance is less than zero. Electronic journal full Illegal Electronic journal data Electronic journal file cannot be created. CHK master down “****” means ECR logical ID. CHK BM down “****” means ECR logical ID. CHK M/BM down “****” means ECR logical ID. Master down then take it off from system “****” means ECR logical ID. Backup master down then take it off from system “****” means ECR logical ID. Data mismatch has occurred. During picking up During bill copy During media changeFollow the prompt message. The contents are printed on the backup printer. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Register item(s) until the balance becomes positive amount. Reset the electronic journal memory. Check flash memory. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Troubleshooting

96E Troubleshooting Prompt message Meaning Action E134 Middle of Clerk Transfer Press ESC Key. E136 Middle of Separate Check Press ESC key. E139 Not allowed to be negative by Minus/Coupon key.E140 Wrong menu. E141 Press twice before finalization.E145 Arrangement syntax error.E150 Incorrect value entry.E151 Incorrect Key Pressed. E152 PGM File or Memory number does not Exist. E164 Employee No. is not Found in the Employee File. E165 Employee No. is not Clocking-in. E166 Employee No. is Occupied. E167 Incorrect Job code. E168 Your Operation is out of Schedule. Please Call Manager. E169 Work Hours Exceeded. Please Call Manager. E170 No Shift Remains in the Schedule. You cannot Clock-in. E171 Please Break-out and Retry. E172 Break Hours Exceeded. Please Call Manager.E173 This employee is at work now. E174 This employee is taking a break now. E175 Please Clock-in/Break-out before you sign on. or Please Call Manager. E176 You cannot Clock-in. Please reset Employee Report. E177 Time&Attendance Data Communication Error. Please Call Manager. E180 IDC FILE (1) memory full. Please clear IDC data. E181 IDC FILE (2) memory full. Please clear IDC data. E182 IDC FILE (3) memory full. Please clear IDC data.E200 Insert CF Card.E201 Format error.E203 Insufficient memory. E205 The file already exists. Do you replace? YES:Replace the file. NO :Input new name. E240 Customer No. is occupied. E241 Customer memory full.E242 Customer not found. E243 Illegal Site ID. E244 Credit limit over. E251 Magnetic card error. E252 Enter customer name.E253 Enter address. E254 Enter phone number.During clerk transfer During separate check Credit balance error This sheet holder is prohibited by program. key is not pressed twice before finalization. Arrangement syntax error Incorrect entry for PGM Linking is incorrect. No such file, no such record Employee No. is not set in the Employee File. Employee has not done CLOCK-IN operation yet. Employee who has done CLOCK-IN operation attempts to operate CLOCK-IN again. Employee attempts to operate CLOCK-IN with incorrect JOB code. Employees operate CLOCK-IN/OUT in not allowance time. Overtime work. There is no available shift left. Employee attempts to operate CLOCK-OUT whilst he/she is in a break time. Break hours are exceeded. Employee is at work without break. Employee who has not done BREAK-OUT operation attempts to operate BREAK-IN. Sign on after you clock-in or break out. Employee Report has not been reset. Time & Attendance Data communication error. IDC FILE (1) memory is full of items. IDC FILE (2) memory is full of items. IDC FILE (3) memory is full of items. CF card is not inserted to the slot. CF card data or formats illegal. Insufficient memory is remained in CF card. File name duplication error Attempt is made to set a customer that already exists in the customer file. Customer file becomes full. This customer does not exist. The site No. of the file does not coincide with the No. of the card. Attempt to transfer when the balance is over than the credit limit This card cannot be read. This card format is illegal. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Enter proper minus/coupon amount. Set correct sheet holder. Follow the prompt message. Program the arrangement again. Enter proper value again. Enter proper key again. Enter file/record number again. Enter employee number again. Perform CLOCK-IN operation. Enter the proper employee number again. Enter proper job code. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Insert CF card. Check the CF card. Format or use a new CF card. Follow the prompt message. Enter proper customer No. Delete unnecessary customer No. Enter proper customer No. Swipe the proper magnetic card. Release credit limit by OPEN2 Make minus, void, or refund operation to decrease the balance under the credit limit. Perform finalization or cancellation. Swipe the magnetic card again. Swipe the proper magnetic card. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message. Follow the prompt message.

QT-6100 Users Manual97E When the terminal does not operate at all Perform the following check whenever the terminal enter an error condition as soon as you switch it on. The results of this check are required by service personnel, so be sure to perform this check before you contact a CASIO representative for servicing. Start Is terminal plugged in? Is power on? Do figures appear on the display? Do keys function?Plug in the power cord. Press . Use other outlet. Set to correct position. Is the electrical outlet active? Contact CASIO service representative. Is the mode position correct? Contact CASIO service representative.YES N O Troubleshooting Troubleshooting

98E In case of power failure If the power supply to the terminal is cut by a power failure or any other reason, simply wait for power to be restored. The details of any on-going transaction as well as all sales data in memory are protected by the memory backup batteries. •Power failure during a registration The subtotal for items registered up to the power failure is retained in memory. You will be able to continue with the registration when power is restored. •Power failure during printing a read/reset report •Power failure during printing of a receipt and the journal Printing on remote printer will resume after power is restored. A line that was being printed when the power failure occurred is printed in full. The memory protection battery is constantly charging and discharging as you switch the terminal on and off during normal operations. This causes the capacity of the battery to decrease after approximately five years of use. Important ! •Remember a weak battery has the potential of losing valuable transaction data. •A label on the back of the terminal shows the normal service period of the battery installed in the terminal. •Have the battery replaced by your dealer within the period noted on this label. Troubleshooting and Options Options Remote customer display: QT-6060D Slip printer: SP-1300 Cable: PRT-CB-8C Power supply: AD31U or AD31E Remote printer: UP-360 Cable: PRT-CB-8A or PRT-CB-8BCash drawer: MCR: QT-6046MCR Interlink cable: PRL-CB-2 Consult with your CASIO dealer for details.

QT-6100 Users Manual99E * Specifications and design are subject to change without notice. Specifications Troubleshooting, Options and Specifications Input method Entry: 10-key system Function: Full key system Display Main: Color LCD: 12.1 inch 800 × 600 dots with touch screen Listing capacity Amount: 9999999 Quantity: 9999.999 Tendered amount: 9999999999 Percent: 99.99 Tax rate: 9999.9999 Numbers: 999999999999 Chronological data Date print: Automatic date printout on receipt or journal, automatic calendar Time print: Automatic time printout on receipt or journal, 24-hour system/12-hour system Alarm Key catch tone, error alarm, sentinel alarm Memory protection battery 24-hour full charge protects memories for approximately 30 days. Battery should be replaced every five years. Power supply/power consumption See the rating plate. Operation temperature 0˚C ~ 40˚C (32˚F ~ 104˚F) Humidity 20 ~ 85% Dimensions and weight 311 mm (H) max. × 343 mm (W) × 327 mm (D) max. / 5.3 kg…without drawer (12 1/4 (H) max. × 13 1/2 (W) × 12 7/8 (D) max. / 11 lbs. 10 oz) Totalizers Contents CategoryNo. of Amount No. of items Count No. of customers Periodic totalizers totalizers (10 digits)(6 integer/3 decimal)(4 digits) (6 digits) Department Up to 99✔✔ ✔ PLU Up to 9999✔✔ ✔ Clerk Up to 99✔✔✔✔ ✔ Hourly sales 24 ~ 96✔✔✔✔ Monthly sales 32✔✔✔✔ ✔ Transaction Variable with program✔ Non resettable grand total3✔ (16 digits) Reset counter✔ Consecutive No. 1✔ (6 digits)

100E Index A AC adaptor 10 accessories 10 add check 19, 52 add-on new number type 18 adding to check 49 alphabet key 78 arrangement 19, 67 arrow key 16 assigning a clerk 23 auto new balance function 48 B backspace key 79 batch printing 47 bill copy 19, 57 break-in/out key 19 C cancel 41 cash in drawer 43 cash/amount tendered key 17 change 26 character editing 80 character entering 78 charge 19 check 19, 33 check endorsement 19 check in drawer 43 check number 15 check number method 48 check number pop-up window 18 check print 19 check tracking 15, 48 check/table number window 18 clear key 16 clerk 92 clerk interrupt 46 clerk key 16 clerk number 19 clerk number key 23 clerk programming 74 clerk sign off 23 clerk sign on 23 clerk transfer 19, 54 clock-in/out 19 closing check memory 50 condiment PLU 55 correct not registered item 39 correct previously registered item 41 correct registered item 40 correction 39 coupon 19, 63 coupon 2 19, 63 credit 19, 33 credit in drawer 43 cube 19 currency exchange 19, 68 cursor key 78customer ID number 19 D daily sales report 42, 85 date/time key 16 declaration 19 department 19 department descriptor 91 department number 19 deposit 19, 56 descriptor programming 75 discount 30, 31 discount total 43 display mode 19 display on/off key 10, 12 displaying the time and date 25 drawer 12 drawer lock 12 drawer open key 12 dust cover 10 Dutch account 19 E eat-in 19 electronic journal display 19 error code 94 error correct key 16 ESC/SKIP key 16 escape 21 Euro 34 F finalization list key 17 financial read report 83 first unit price 19 flat-PLU 26, 75 flat-PLU key 17 function key descriptor 76, 91 function list key 17 G grand total 43 gross total 43 guest receipt 44, 50 H hand held scanner 98 high amount limitation 29 home position key 17 hourly sales report 87 house Bon 19 I i-Button key 12, 23 i-Button key receiver 10 individual clerk report 84 insert key 78 interlink cable 98