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Casio Exilim EX H5 User Manual

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    							81Viewing Snapshots and Movies
    The Movie Editing feature lets you use one of the following procedures to edit out a 
    specific part of a movie.
    1.To pause movie playback, press [SET].
    2.Press [2].
    3.Use [8] and [2] to select the editing method you want to use and then 
    press [SET].
    4.Use [4] and [6] to scroll through the movie and 
    search for the frame (point) from which or to 
    which you want to cut the movie (the cut point).
    • You also can search for the cut location by playing 
    back the movie and pressing [SET] to pause. During 
    playback, you can press [4] or [6] to perform fast 
    reverse or fast forward.
    Editing a Movie on the Camera (Movie Editing)
    (To-Point Cut)Cuts everything from the beginning of the movie up to the 
    current location.
    (Point-To-Point Cut)Cuts everything between two points.
    (From-Point Cut)Cuts everything from the current location to the end of the 
    Cut range (red)
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    							82Viewing Snapshots and Movies
    5.When the frame where you want the cut point to be is displayed, press 
    6.Use [8] and [2] to select “Yes” and then press [SET].
    The selected cut operation will take considerable time to complete. Don’t try to 
    perform any camera operation until the “Busy... Please wait...” message 
    disappears from the monitor screen. Note that a cut operation can take a long 
    time if the movie being edited is long.
    • When you edit a movie, only the result is saved. The original movie is not retained. 
    An editing operation cannot be undone.
    • A movie that is shorter than five seconds cannot be edited.
    • Editing of movies recorded with a different type of camera is not supported.
    • You will not be able to edit a movie if the amount of remaining memory capacity is 
    less than the size of the movie file you want to edit. If there is not enough memory 
    available, delete files you no longer need to free up more.
    • Splitting of a movie into two movies and splicing of two different movies into a 
    single movie are not supported.
    (To-Point Cut)While the frame you want the cut to be up to is 
    displayed, press [2].
    (Point-To-Point Cut)1While the frame you want the first (From) cut to be is 
    displayed, press [2].
    2While the frame you want the second (To) cut to be 
    is displayed, press [2].
    (From-Point Cut)While the frame you want the cut to be from is 
    displayed, press [2].
    Downloaded From camera-usermanual.com Casio Manuals 
    							83Viewing Snapshots and Movies
    Each time you perform a continuous shutter (CS) operation, the camera creates a CS 
    group that includes all of the images for that particular CS session. You can use the 
    following procedure to play back the images in a particular CS group.
    1.Press [p] (PLAY) and then use [4] and [6] to display the CS group 
    whose images you want to view.
    2.Press [0] (Movie) to start playback the images in the CS group.
    This will play back the images in the CS group you selected.
    Playback Controls
    Viewing Continuous Shutter Images
    [4] [6]During playback, changes the playback direction and playback 
    While playback is paused, scrolls forward or back.
    • Playback speed cannot be adjusted while the displayed image 
    is zoomed.
    [SET]Toggles between pause and play.
    controllerZooms the image.
    • You can use [8], [2], [4], and [6] to scroll the zoomed image 
    on the monitor screen.
    [0] (Movie)Exits CS group playback.
    [8] (DISP)Cycles through information display formats.
    [2] or 
    [ ] (Delete)Displays the delete menu.
    Number of image files
    in the CS group
    First image in the CS groupCS group icon
    Current image number/
    number of images in
    the group
    Playback guide
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    							84Viewing Snapshots and Movies
    • Multiple images shot using “CS: Normal Speed CS” are stored individually and are 
    not grouped. This means they can be displayed individually (page 28) but not as a 
    CS group.
    You can delete CS images (1 image in CS group, selected images in CS group, 1 CS 
    group) while playback is in progress or paused.
    1.While CS image playback is in progress or paused, press [2] or [ ] 
    2.Next, perform the same operations you would perform to delete normal 
    (non-CS) images (page 29).
    Use the following to divide up a CS Group into individual images.
    .Dividing Up a Specific CS Group
    1.While a CS group is displayed, press [SET].
    2.Use [8] and [2] to select the bottom PLAY Panel item (MENU) and 
    then press [SET] (page 89).
    3.Use [4] and [6] to select the “PLAY” tab.
    4.Use [8] and [2] to select “Divide Group” and then press [6].
    5.Use [4] and [6] to display the CS group you want to divide up.
    6.Use [8] and [2] to select “Divide” and then press [SET].
    • To divide up other CS group files, repeat steps 5 and 6.
    Deleting Continuous Shutter Images
    Dividing Up a CS Group
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    							85Viewing Snapshots and Movies
    .Dividing Up All CS Groups
    1.While a CS group is displayed, press [SET].
    2.Use [8] and [2] to select the bottom PLAY Panel item (MENU) and 
    then press [SET] (page 89).
    3.Use [4] and [6] to select the “PLAY” tab.
    4.Use [8] and [2] to select “Divide Group” and then press [6].
    5.Use [8] and [2] to select “Divide All Groups” and then press [SET].
    6.Use [8] and [2] to select “Yes”, and then press [SET].
    • Once a CS group is divided, it cannot be regrouped.
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    							86Viewing Snapshots and Movies
    1.In the PLAY mode, use [4] and [6] to scroll through the images until 
    the one you want is displayed.
    2.Slide the zoom controller towards z ([) to 
    You can use [8], [2], [4], and [6] to scroll the 
    zoomed image on the monitor screen. Slide the 
    zoom controller towards w to unzoom the image.
    – When monitor screen contents are turned on, a 
    graphic in the lower right corner of the screen 
    shows what part of the zoomed image is 
    currently displayed.
    – To exit the zoom screen, press [ ] (Delete).
    – Though the maximum image zoom factor is 8X, 
    certain image sizes may not allow zooming up 
    to the full 8X.
    • Pressing [SET] will lock the current zoom factor for the on-screen image. You 
    can then use [4] and [6] to scroll between images, using the same zoom 
    factor. Pressing [SET] again will unlock the zoom factor and allow you to use 
    [8], [2], [4] and [6] to move around the currently displayed images.
    1.In the PLAY mode, slide the zoom controller 
    towards w (]).
    Use [8], [2], [4] and [6] to move the selection 
    boundary around the image menu.
    To view a particular image, use [8], [2], [4], or [6] to 
    move the selection boundary to the image you want 
    and then press [SET].
    Zooming an On-screen Image
    Displaying the Image Menu
    Image area
    Current display areaZoom factor
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    							87Viewing Snapshots and Movies
    1.In the PLAY mode, slide the zoom controller towards w (]) twice.
    This will display the calendar screen that shows the first image recorded on each 
    To display the first image recorded on a particular day, 
    use [8], [2], [4], and [6] to move the selection 
    boundary to the day you want and then press [SET].
    To exit the calendar screen, press [p] (PLAY).
    • If you save an image using any one of the following 
    functions, the image will appear in the calendar on the 
    date that you last saved it.
    Resizing, Cropping, Copy
    If you edit the date and time of an image, the image still will appear on the date 
    it was originally recorded.
    1.Use the AV cable that comes with the camera to connect it to the TV.
    • Make sure that you insert the cable connector into the 
    USB/AV port until you feel it click securely into place. 
    Failure to insert the connector fully can result in poor 
    communication or malfunction.
    • Note that even while the connector is fully inserted, you 
    still will be able to see the metal part of the connector as 
    shown in the illustration.
    Displaying Images in the Calendar Screen
    Viewing Snapshots and Movies on a TV Screen
    YellowAV cable (bundled)
    USB/AV port White
    Making sure that the 2 mark on the camera is aligned with the 8 mark of the AV 
    cable connector, connect the cable to the camera.VIDEO IN jack (yellow)AUDIO IN jacks (white)
    TVAudio Video
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    							88Viewing Snapshots and Movies
    2.Turn on the TV and select its video input mode.
    If the TV has more than one video input, select the one where the camera is 
    3.Press [p] (PLAY) to turn on the camera.
    This will cause an image to appear on the TV screen, without anything appearing 
    on the camera’s monitor screen.
    • Pressing [ON/OFF] (Power) or [r] (REC) will not turn on the camera while the 
    AV cable is connected.
    • You also can change the aspect ratio of the screen and the video output 
    system (page 142).
    4.Now you can display images and play back movies as you normally do.
    • Before connecting to a TV to display images, be sure to configure the camera’s 
    [r] (REC) and [p] (PLAY) buttons for “Power On” or “Power On/Off” (page 140).
    • Audio is initially output by the camera at maximum volume. When you first start 
    displaying images, set the TV volume control at a relatively low level and then 
    adjust it as required.
    • Audio is monaural.
    • Certain TVs may cut off part of the images.
    • All icons and indicators that appear on the monitor screen also appear on the TV 
    screen. You can use [8] (DISP) to change the display contents.
    Recording Camera Images to a DVD Recorder or Video Deck
    Use one of the following methods to connect the camera to the recording device 
    using the camera’s bundled AV cable.
    – DVD recorder or video deck: Connect to the VIDEO IN and AUDIO IN terminals.
    – Camera: USB/AV port
    You can play a slideshow of snapshots and movies on the camera and record it on a 
    DVD or video tape. You can record movies by selecting “» Only” for the slideshow 
    “Images” setting (page 91). When recording images to an external device, use [8] 
    (DISP) to clear all indicators from the monitor screen (page 13).
    For information about connecting a monitor to the recording device and about how to 
    record, see the user documentation that comes with the recording device you are 
    Downloaded From camera-usermanual.com Casio Manuals 
    							89Other Playback Functions (PLAY)
    Other Playback Functions (PLAY)
    This section explains menu items that you can use to configure settings and perform 
    other playback operations.
    Pressing [SET] in the PLAY mode will display the PLAY Panel.
    .Example PLAY Panel Operation
    1.In the PLAY mode, press [SET].
    The PLAY Panel will appear along the 
    right side of the monitor screen.
    2.Use [8] and [2] to select the 
    PLAY Panel item you want, and 
    then press [SET].
    3.The following describes the operations you can perform for each of the 
    PLAY Panel items.
    Using the PLAY Panel
     ExitExits the PLAY Panel.
    StartThe operation that is performed when this item is selected 
    depends on the type of file that is currently displayed on the 
    monitor screen.
    • Movie: Starts movie playback (page 80).
    • Voice recording: Starts voice recording playback (page 56).
    • Audio snapshot: Starts audio playback (page 98).
    • Dynamic Photo character: Starts character playback (page 
    • CS image group: Starts group playback (page 83).
    SlideshowDisplays a slideshow menu. See “Playing a Slideshow on the 
    Camera (Slideshow)” (page 91) for slideshow menu operations.
    PhotoDisplays a Dynamic Photo creation screen. See “Inserting a 
    Subject into a Snapshot or Movie (Dynamic Photo)” (page 104) 
    for details about Dynamic Photo creation.
    [SET] [8] [2]
    PLAY Panel
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    							90Other Playback Functions (PLAY)
    .PLAY Menu Operations in This Manual
    PLAY menu operations are represented in this manual as shown below. The following 
    operation is the same one described under “Example PLAY Panel Operation” on 
    page 89.
     MenuDisplays the PLAY menu. You can perform the following 
    operations on the PLAY menu.
    1Use [4] and [6] to select the tab 
    where the menu item you want to 
    configure is located.
    2Use [8] and [2] to select the menu 
    item you want, and then press [6].
    3Use [8] and [2] to change the 
    setting of the selected menu item.
    4Press [SET] to apply the setting.
    • Pressing [ ] (Delete) performs one of the following 
    – If you previously selected a tab, pressing [ ] (Delete) 
    returns to the viewfinder screen.
    – If you previously selected menu item, pressing [ ] (Delete) 
    returns to the tab.
    Selected menu item
    [p] (PLAY) * [SET] * MENU * PLAY Tab * Protect
    Use [8] and [2] to select the bottom PLAY Panel 
    item (MENU) and then press [SET].
    Use [4] and [6] to select the 
    “PLAY” tab.
    [p] (PLAY).Press [SET].
    Use [8] and [2] to select 
    “Protect” and then press [6].
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