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Canon recording software RM9 V10 User Manual

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    							Chapter 5
    Setting a Recording 
    ❏Setting weekly schedules
    ❏Configuring recording modes: continuous recording, motion detection 
    recording, and sensor recording
    ❏Setting special day schedules 
    The camera supports sensor recording and schedule recording to internal memory. If these features are enabled, they take 
    precedence over the Storage Server recording schedule. You must disable the feature on the camera before using the 
    recording schedule on the Storage Server.
    Flow of Recording Schedule Settings
    Display the [Recording Schedules] window (p. 73)
    Set a Weekly schedule Set a Special Day schedule
    Select a camera (p. 73)Name the schedule (p. 88)
    Set a schedule (p. 74)Specify the day (p. 89)
    Select a camera (p. 89)
    Configure the recording mode (p. 76)
    Continuous recording (p. 76)Intelligent function recording (p. 81)
    Motion detection recording (p. 78)Volume detection recording (p. 81)
    Sensor recording (p. 77)
    Configure the advanced recording settings (p. 82)
    Camera angle (p. 82)Focus (p. 87)
    Recording before or after an event (p. 84)External outputs (p. 87)
    Image quality adjustment (p. 85)
    Save the schedule (pp. 75, 89)
    Edit, delete or copy from a schedule (p. 90)
    Be sure to test recording schedules before using them. 
    Setting a Recording Schedule
    Display the [Recording Schedules] window
    The [Repeating Weekly Schedules] tab is selected 
    whenever the [Recording Schedules] window is 
    ➀[Add Schedule Item], [Edit], [Delete]
    Add, edit or delete a schedule item.
    ➁[Zoom] slider
    Zoom in and zoom out the time line of the schedule 
    ➂[Search for] box
    Find the camera that will be assigned the recording 
    ➃Schedule area
    Displays the currently registered cameras and their 
    corresponding weekly schedules, arranged by day of 
    the week.
    Closes this window.
    Select a Camera
    When you have a large number of cameras registered, 
    search for the camera using the camera name or any 
    associated tags.
    The following items are displayed when you click the 
    search button.
    Enter the camera name, any associated tags, or the 
    camera status in the search criteria box.
     [Camera Name]
    Enter the camera name in the search criteria box.
    Select the camera tag to be searched.
    Select the status to be searched.
    Select the model name to be searched.
     [Host Name]
    Enter the camera host name or IP address in the 
    search criteria box.
    Storage Server Group Name]
    Searching by this item is not available.
    Record on a Regular Basis (Repeating Weekly Schedules)
    1Click [Window] > [Recording Schedules] to display the 
    [Recording Schedules] window.
    ➂➃ ➄
    1Click the search button and specify the search criteria.
    2Specify the search criteria and search for the camera.
    Search button
    Search criteria box 
    Set a Weekly Schedule
    You can select more than one camera by holding down the Shift 
    key or Ctrl key and clicking the cameras.
    ➀Recording time settings area
    Specify the day of the week and the start and end time 
    of the recording period.
    ➁Recording mode list
    Select the recording mode.
    ➂Recording settings area
    Configure the settings for the recording mode selected 
    in ➁.
    ➃[OK] and [Cancel]
    Close the dialog box.
    Specify the Recording Period and Day of the 
     To record for the entire day without specifying a 
    start and end time, click [All Day].
     To specify a recording period, enter the start time 
    in [Start Time] and the end time in [End Time]. Use 
    these items when you want to specify a recording 
    time that goes past midnight, such as when 
    recording late into the night. Alternately, select a 
    duration for the recording (minimum of 15 min.) in 
    the [Duration] field.
    If [Restrict Service Time] is enabled on the camera, 
    recording will take place only during the service time, 
    irrespective of the recording schedule.
     You cannot specify overlapping recording schedules on the 
    same camera.
     The time of the recording schedules is based on the Storage 
    Server clock. We recommend that you synchronize the clocks 
    on all the Storage Server you are using.
     If you set the operating system to automatically handle daylight 
    saving time, the time will be automatically adjusted on the first 
    and last days of the daylight saving time period.
    1In the schedule area, click the camera that you want to 
    add the schedule to.
    2Click [Add Schedule Item] to display the [Edit Schedule 
    Item] dialog box.
    1Specify the recording period.
    2Select the check boxes for the days of the week on 
    which to repeat the recording in [Repeat On]. 
    							Record on a Regular Basis (Repeating Weekly Schedules)
    Setting a Recording Schedule
    Specify the Recording Mode
    For example, if you want continuously record for the 
    entire duration of the recording schedule, select the 
    check box next to [Continuous Recording].
    The settings are different for each recording mode.
     Continuous recording
    Records continuously for the specified recording 
    period. For details, see “Continuous Recording 
    Settings” (p. 76).
    Sensor recording
    Starts recording when there is a signal from a sensor 
    connected to the camera. For details, see “Sensor 
    Recording Settings” (p. 77).
     Motion detection recording
    Starts recording when motion is detected. For details, 
    see “Motion Detection Recording Settings” (p. 78).
     Intelligent function recording
    Starts recording when motion that meets the intelligent 
    function detection criteria is detected. For details, see 
    “Intelligent Function Recording Settings” (p. 81).
     Volume detection recording
    Starts recording when the volume detection criteria are 
    met. For details, see “Volume Detection Recording 
    Settings” (p. 81).
    Intelligent function recording and volume detection 
    recording are not supported.
     You can specify the priority of the events generated by sensor 
    recording, motion detection recording, intelligent function 
    recording and volume detection recording. For details, see 
    p. 77 and p. 78. When two events occur simultaneously, the 
    event with the higher priority takes precedence.
     Only supports continuous recording mode.
    You can specify more than one recording mode at the same time. 
    For example, you can select motion detection recording and 
    specify a frame rate that is higher than continuous recording. This 
    way, a high frame rate is used only when motion is detected.
    Specify Advanced Settings
    Advanced settings are available when the [Advanced] 
    button is displayed in the recording settings area. For 
    details, see “Configure the Advanced Recording Settings” 
    (p. 82).
    Save the Recording Schedule
    The schedule that was set is displayed in the 
    schedule area. The schedule becomes active as soon 
    as it is displayed in the schedule area.
    1Select the check box next to the recording mode in the 
    list that best suits the type of recording you require.
    2Configure the recording mode settings in the recording 
    settings area.
    1Click [OK] to close the dialog box. 
    Configure the Recording Mode
    „Continuous Recording Settings
    ➀[Aspect Ratio]
    Specify the aspect ratio ([4:3]).
    If you select [Not specified], the camera’s aspect ratio 
    setting is used for recording.
    Set the [Aspect Ratio] to [4:3] to make this setting 
    available and specify the resolution ([160x120], 
    [320x240], [640x480] or [1280x960]).
    If you select [Not Specified] for the [Resolution], the 
    camera’s resolution setting is used for recording.➂[Video Format]
    Specify the video format ([JPEG], [MPEG-4] or 
    The available formats depend on the camera model.
    If you select [MPEG-4] or [H.264] for the [Video Format] setting, 
    the [Aspect Ratio] and [Maximum Frame Rate] settings cannot 
    be changed. The settings on the camera are used for recording.
    Only supports [JPEG] for the [Video Format].
    ➃[Maximum Frame Rate]
    Specify the maximum frame rate (number of frames 
    recorded in one second) in the range from 0.1 to 30 
    frames per second (fps).
     It may not be possible to record at the specified frame rate or 
    recording may pause intermittently, depending on the load on 
    the Storage Server CPU or the hard disk.
     Recording may be performed at lower than the specified frame 
    rate, depending on the number of Viewers that are accessing 
    the camera, the load on the camera and Storage Server, 
    variation in network traffic, and the environment at the time of 
     The maximum frame rate is 5 fps.
    ➄[Record audio if available]
    Select this check box if you want to record audio 
    together with the image.
     Audio recording is enabled when the recording mode is 
    selected. You cannot schedule audio-only recording.
     If [MPEG-4] or [H.264] recording format is used, the recorded 
    audio will not be in sync with the recorded image. If [JPEG] 
    recording format is used, the recorded audio will be in sync 
    with the recorded image for the most part, however it is not 
    guaranteed that it will be completely in sync.
    1Click [Continuous Recording] in the recording mode 
    list and select the check box.
    2Configure the video recording settings.
    The size of the recording file increases as the resolution 
    becomes higher. Make sure there is sufficient hard disk space 
    available before specifying a higher resolution.
    ➅ ➁
    If you select [MPEG-4] or [H.264], the [Storage Server] option in 
    the [Detect Motion Using] box cannot be selected.
    The size of the recording file increases as the frame rate 
    becomes higher. Make sure there is sufficient hard disk space 
    available before specifying a higher frame rate.
    Even if the [Record audio if available] check box is selected, 
    audio will not be recorded if the audio sending function has not 
    been activated on the camera. If you schedule a recording, 
    make sure the audio sending function on the camera has been 
    set to [Enable]. 
    							Record on a Regular Basis (Repeating Weekly Schedules)
    Setting a Recording Schedule
    Displays the [Advanced Recording Settings] dialog 
    box. For details, see “Configure the Advanced 
    Recording Settings” (p. 82).
    ➆[Use the recording-mode stream]
    Enable the recording stream function. With this 
    function, the camera temporarily stores the image in its 
    own memory before sending it to the Storage Server. 
    This can help reduce the effects of non-uniform 
    network traffic (jitter).
     The recording-mode stream function will only work if the 
    camera supports the feature and the stream can be acquired.
     If an upload function is already being used on the camera, you 
    cannot use the recording-mode stream function.
     This setting is only available if [JPEG] format is specified for 
    [Video Format].
     [Maximum Frame Rate] must be [10] or less when using this 
     When the recording-mode stream function is used, the 
    streamed image has a higher priority than the live image. 
    Depending on the load on the camera, such as the number of 
    Viewers that are simultaneously connected to the camera, 
    display of the live image may stop.
     You cannot select [H.264] for the [Video Format].
     You cannot select [1280x960] for the [Resolution].
     You cannot select [MPEG-4] for the [Video Format].
     When using [Use the recording-mode stream], JPEG 
    images are recorded to the camera’s SD memory card 
    when the network connection is interrupted. The frame 
    rate of the recording is 1 fps. For details, see the 
    camera manual.
    The VB-C50Fi does not support [Record audio if 
     You cannot select [MPEG-4] or [H.264] for the [Video 
     [Use the recording-mode stream] is unavailable.
    „Sensor Recording Settings
    ➀[Do not record]
    Select to not record even when there is a signal from 
    this sensor.
    You can individually enable or disable recording for each sensor. 
    For example, you may not want to record when there is door 
    sensor signal, but to start recording when there is a window 
    sensor signal.
    ➁[Start Recording]
    Start recording when there is a signal from the sensor. 
    After selecting the item, configure the recording 
    settings below the item.
    Select the event priority. For details, see “Check 
    Events” (p. 104).
    ➃[Invert this event]
    Start recording when there is no signal from the sensor, 
    and stop recording when a signal is present.
    1Click [Sensor Recording] in the recording mode list 
    and select the check box.
    2Configure the image and event settings.
    The other settings are the same as those for continuous 
    recording. For details, see “Continuous Recording 
    Settings” (p. 76).
     The number of tabs depends on the number of compatible 
    external devices (sensors) that are connected to the camera.
     The name of the external device that is registered in the 
    camera is displayed in the [Sensor Name] box.
     If two sensor recording schedules with the same priority are 
    set, the schedule that is triggered first takes precedence. If the 
    second schedule is still present when the first schedule ends, 
    the second schedule will start recording.
    „Motion Detection Recording Settings
    Using the Camera for Motion Detection
    ➀[Do not record]
    Select this item if you do not want recording to start 
    when motion is detected.
    You can use this setting to individually enable or disable 
    recording for each area. For example, you may want to record 
    when motion is detected around a vault, but not record when 
    motion is detected around an entrance.
    ➁[Start Recording]
    Start recording when motion is detected.
    Select the event priority. For details, see “Check 
    Events” (p. 104).
     When you select the [Sensor Recording] check box in the 
    recoding mode list in step 1, [Do not record] is selected for 
    all of the sensors. You must select [Start Recording] for at 
    least one sensor to be able to start sensor recording.
     The sensor inputs can generate a large number of events for 
    the Storage Server, thereby increasing the load on the 
    server. For reference, if the Storage Server is continuously 
    receiving more than 10 events per minute, we recommend 
    that you use continuous recording mode.
     If the recording period for a schedule ends while sensor 
    recording is in progress, recording will stop.
    The motion detection feature is not suitable for applications 
    where high reliability is required. We recommend that you do 
    not use the motion detection feature in applications such as 
    surveillance, which require high reliability. Canon cannot take 
    responsibility for any accidents or damages associated with 
    using the motion detection feature.
    1Click [Motion Detection Recording] in the recording 
    mode list and select the check box.
    2Select [Camera] in the [Detect Motion Using] box.
    3Configure the recorded image and event settings on 
    each area tab.
    							Record on a Regular Basis (Repeating Weekly Schedules)
    Setting a Recording Schedule
    The other settings are the same as those for continuous 
    recording. For details, see “Continuous Recording 
    Settings” (p. 76).
    To use motion detection, you must create a schedule with 
    motion detection using the camera’s schedule setting 
     If the camera supports four motion detection areas, tabs 
    named [Area 1] through [Area 4] are displayed in the 
    recording settings area. You can specify settings individually 
    for each motion detection area.
     The [Area Name] box displays the name of the area that is 
    registered in the camera.
     To use a camera for motion detection, you must configure the 
    motion detection settings on the camera. For details, see the 
    camera manual.
     When using the camera for motion detection with more than 
    one motion detection area, you can specify the event priority 
    for each area.
     Motion detection is suspended when the camera is panning, 
    tilting or zooming, irrespective of the motion detection settings.
     If motion is detected in multiple motion detection areas that 
    have the same priority, recording will start with the area having 
    the lowest number.
    Using the Storage Server for Motion Detection
    If you select [MPEG-4] or [H.264] in [Video Format], the [Storage 
    Server] option in the [Detect Motion Using] box cannot be 
    selected. Note also that if you select [MPEG-4] or [H.264] in other 
    recording modes besides motion detection recording, the 
    [Storage Server] option still cannot be selected.
    [Recording Settings] tab
    Select the priority of the motion detection events. For 
    details, see “Check Events” (p. 104).
    The other settings are the same as those for continuous 
    recording. For details, see “Continuous Recording 
    Settings” (p. 76).
    You can use this setting to individually enable or disable 
    recording for each area. For example, you may want to record 
    when motion is detected around a vault, but not record when 
    motion is detected around an entrance.
    [Settings] tab
    ➀[Analysis Frame Rate]
    Specify the motion detection frame rate (frames per 
    The load on the Storage Server CPU increases when motion 
    detection is performed on the Storage Server. We strongly 
    recommend that you use the motion detection on the camera, if 
    it is available.
    1Click [Motion Detection Recording] in the recording 
    mode list and select the check box.
    2Select [Storage Server] in the [Detect Motion Using] 
    3Configure the recorded image and event settings on 
    the [Recording Settings] tab.
    4Configure the motion detection settings on the 
    [Settings] tab.
    ➅ ➁
    ➁[Settings Mode]
    [Sensitivity] and [Area Ratio] can only be set using 
    the sliders. [Duration] is fixed at 0.2 seconds.
    Makes the [Sensitivity], [Area Ratio] and [Duration] 
    boxes available so that values can be entered.
    Specify the motion detection sensitivity within the range 
    of 1 to 256. Increase the number to increase the 
    ➃[Area Ratio]
    Specify the area of the preview video that the Storage 
    Server uses for motion detection. The range is 0 to 
    100%. The size marker inside the Detection Indicator 
    changes position depending on the value of this 
    Specify the length of time the motion signal must be 
    present to decide that there is motion. The range is 0 to 
    5.0 seconds.
    ➅[Active Region]
    Displays a preview video from the camera used for 
    motion detection.
    Displays a dotted-line frame representing the active 
    region on top of the preview video. Drag the frame 
    handles to make it larger or smaller.
    ➆[Detection Indicator]
    The size marker changes position depending on the 
    value of the [Area Ratio] setting. Adjust the motion 
    detection settings while viewing the preview video and 
    the Detection Indicator.
    The colored bar changes depending on the value of 
    the [Sensitivity] and the [Area Ratio] settings.
    Use intelligent function recording instead of motion 
    detection recording.You cannot specify motion detection on the camera.
    Color of the 
    Colored BarMeaning
    Green The detected motion does not exceed the 
    values specified in [Sensitivity] and [Area 
    Ratio]. In this case, the colored bar remains 
    to the left of the size marker.
    Red The detected motion exceeds the values 
    specified in [Sensitivity] and [Area Ratio]. In 
    this case, the colored bar remains to the 
    right of the size marker.
    Size marker
    Colored bar
     If the recording period for a schedule ends while motion 
    detection recording is in progress, recording will stop.
     The detection indicator is not affected by the [Duration] 
    setting. Be sure to take the detection time into account when 
    adjusting the motion detection settings.
     To perform motion detection on the Storage Server, you must 
    specify [JPEG] for the [Video Format]. Also, if you 
    simultaneously use more than one recording mode, all the 
    [Video Format] settings must be [JPEG]. An error message is 
    displayed if you try to use a format other than [JPEG] and 
    motion detection on the Storage Server at the same time.
     Make the [Priority] setting on the [Recording Settings] tab 
    lower than the priority of any of the other recording settings.
     It may take approximately 30 sec. for 
    exposure, night mode and white balance settings to be 
    reflected in the view after recording starts. 
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