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Canon recording software RM9 V10 User Manual

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    							Configure the Camera
    Viewer Settings
    „Change the Video Window Format
     [MPEG-4] is unavailable.
     The live video and its audio are not in synch when 
    [H.264] is selected.
     [H.264] is unavailable.
     The live video and its audio are not in synch when 
    [MPEG-4] is selected.
    [MPEG-4] and [H.264] are unavailable.
    „Change the Video Window Resolution
    Select [Default] to use the camera’s resolution.
    [1280 x 960] is unavailable.
    The resolution cannot be specified for [H.264] format.
    The resolution cannot be specified for [MPEG-4] format.
     If you save the layout (p. 67), the [Video Receive Size] setting 
    is also saved.
     The size used for [Default] is determined the first time you 
    display a video from the camera. The size on the Viewer will 
    not change, even if you change the size setting on the camera.
    „Display the video Full Screen
    You can display the video full screen.
    A white frame is displayed surrounding the selected 
    video window.
    The video from the selected video window is 
    displayed full screen.
    Configure the [Advanced Camera Settings]
    1Click the video window menu button to display the 
    2Click [Video Format] and select the video format 
    ([JPEG] or [MPEG-4], or [H.264]) from the submenu.
    1Click the video window menu button to display the 
    2Click [Video Receive Size] and select the resolution 
    ([160x120], [320x240], [640x480], [1280x960], or 
    [Default]) from the submenu.
    When you display more than one video window for the same 
    camera, changes to the resolution of one of these windows are 
    applied to all of the other windows.
    1Click the video window menu button to display the 
    2Click [Video Display Size] and select [Full Screen] from 
    the submenu.
    3A confirmation message is displayed. Click [Yes].
    4To exit full screen display, press the Esc key.
    1Click [Window] > [Camera Control].
    2Click the video window of the camera you want to 
    configure and click [Control] on the [Camera Control] 
    dialog box to get control of the camera.
    3Click [Advanced] on the [Camera Control] dialog box to 
    display the [Advanced Camera Settings] dialog box.
    4Click the tab that you want to configure.
    5After configuring the settings, click [Close].
    If camera control is lost while the [Advanced Camera Settings] 
    dialog box is open, you cannot continue configuring the 
    settings. Click [Control] on the [Camera Control] dialog box 
    again to get control and continue configuring the settings. 
    „Adjust the Image Quality
    Adjust the image quality using the [Image Adjustment] tab 
    in the [Advanced Camera Settings] dialog box.
    [Image Adjustment] tab
    The settings change according to the selected 
    exposure setting.
    Automatically control the exposure.
    Shutter Priority)]
    Specify the shutter speed.
     [Auto (Flickerless)]
    Reduce flicker from light sources, such as 
    fluorescent lighting. The shutter speed is 
    automatically adjusted according to the lighting 
    conditions.The following exposure compensation setting is 
    displayed when [Auto], [Auto (Shutter Priority)] or [Auto 
    (Flickerless)] is selected.
    [Compensation]: Specify exposure compensation using 
    seven levels, from -3 to +3 (alternately [Off], 
    [Low], [Medium], [High]). Select negative 
    values to darken the image and positive values 
    to lighten the image.
    [Metering Mode]: Specify the metering mode setting: 
    [Center-weighted], [Average], or [Spot].
    [Shutter]: Specify the shutter speed when [Exposure] is 
    set to [Auto (Shutter Priority)] using 12 levels, 
    from 1/8 to 1/8000 seconds.
    The settings may be different for different camera models. For 
    details, see the camera manual.
    Metering modeDescription
    [Center-weighted] Meters the entire scene, with an 
    emphasis on the center. Correct 
    exposure is obtained for a subject 
    near the center of the scene, even 
    though the periphery may be slightly 
    darker or lighter. Use for subjects that 
    are in the center of the scene.
    [Average] Meters an average of the entire scene.    
    A uniform exposure is obtained even 
    when the scene has significant 
    differences in brightness.
    Use for scenes where, for example, 
    cars are passing through or people 
    are entering and exiting.
    [Spot] Meters the center of the scene.
    The correct exposure is obtained for a 
    subject near the center of the scene, 
    irrespective of the brightness of the 
    Use if the subject is lit by a spotlight or 
    is backlit, where the exposure should 
    be adjusted to the center of the 
    							Configure the Camera
    Viewer Settings
    Compensate for the exposure manually. The 
    following exposure compensation settings are 
    [Iris]: Specify the iris setting. Drag the slider to the left 
    to close down the iris and make the image 
    darker or to the right to open up the iris and 
    make the image brighter.
    [Shutter]: Specify the shutter speed using 15 levels, 
    from 1/1 to 1/8000 seconds.
    [Gain]: Specify the gain (sensitivity to brightness). Drag 
    the slider to the left to decrease the gain and 
    make the image darker or to the right to 
    increase the gain and make the image brighter.
    ➁[Smart Shade Control]
    Specify a value to use for the camera’s smart shade 
    control feature for live image. Select one of seven 
    levels, from 1 (weakest) to 7 (strongest), or [Off]. If [Off] 
    is selected, the camera’s smart shade control setting is 
    used for live image.
    ➂[Aperture Mode]
    Specify the camera aperture mode.
    [Night Mode]
    Disable the night mode function.
    Display live image in night mode.
    The camera automatically switches to night mode.
    ➃[White Balance]
    Specify the appropriate white balance by selecting one 
    of the camera’s light source settings displayed in the 
    If [Manual] is selected, use one of the following two 
    methods to adjust the white balance.
     [R Gain] and [B Gain]
    Specify the white balance parameters by dragging 
    the sliders. Drag to the right to increase the gain (the 
    sensitivity to brightness).
    Shot WB]
    Force white balance adjustment to a light source. 
    Using a white object (such as piece of white paper) 
    as a standard, fill the shot with the object and click 
    this button. You cannot specify [Aperture Mode] when you select 
    [Auto] for [Aperture Mode] in a recording schedule.
     [Compensation] can be specified using seven levels, 
    from -3 to +3. To disable exposure compensation, 
    specify [0].
     [Compensation] can be specified as [Off], [Low], 
    [Medium] or [High].
     The Smart Shade Control feature is not supported.
     You cannot select the [Metering Mode].
    You cannot specify [Aperture Mode] when you select 
    [Auto] for [Day/Night] in Video and Camera settings.
     [Auto] is unavailable for [Aperture Mode].
     [Exposure] and [White Balance] are unavailable.
    When [Night Mode] is enabled in [Aperture Mode], both the 
    displayed and recorded images are in black and white.
    If you select [Enabled] for Night Mode, you will not be able to 
    set the white balance. If you select [Auto] for Night Mode, 
    however, you will be able to set the white balance, but those 
    settings will be cleared when the camera switches to Night 
    „Adjust the Focus and Speed
    You can use the [Focus and Speed] tab in the [Advanced 
    Camera Settings] dialog box to adjust the focus and the 
    pan/tilt/zoom speeds.
    [Focus and Speed] tab
    ➀[Auto], [Auto (for domes)]
    Automatically focus the image.
    Use [Auto (for domes)] for cameras equipped with an 
    indoor dome housing. The setting prevents the camera 
    from focusing onto the dome surface.
    ➁[Fixed at infinity]
    Fix the focal point at infinity.
    Adjust the focus manually by clicking the [Far] or 
    [Near] button.
    Click [One Shot AF] to focus once on the current 
    subject and then return to manual focus.
    Specify the pan/tilt speed ([Slow], [Normal] or [Fast]).
    Specify the zoom speed ([Slow] or [Fast]).
    The pan/tilt speed is unavailable.
    When the digital zoom on the camera is set to [Disable], 
    the zoom speed is unavailable.
    „Configure External Outputs
    Use the [External Outputs] tab on the [Advanced Camera 
    Settings] dialog box to configure output to external 
    devices connected to the camera.
    Disable the external output.
    Enable the external output.
    The settings may be different for different camera models. For 
    details, see the camera manual.
    Viewer Settings
    You can save the size and position of a video window in 
    the Viewer as a layout.
    Configure a layout using the following procedure:
    The following special layouts are also provided:
     Dynamic layouts
    Specify criteria, such as camera tags and events, to 
    only display video windows that meet the criteria. You 
    can also select a pre-defined dynamic layout.
    Sequence through multiple layouts you have created at 
    a certain time interval.
    When the Viewer starts, it displays the layout that was being 
    displayed when the program last ended. A new layout with the 
    name “Untitled1” is opened the first time the Viewer is started. 
    You can save the layout with a name after you place a video 
    Create a Layout
    Specify the layout name, layout background and the video 
    window display conditions and open it as a new layout.
    ➀[Layout Name]
    Enter the name of the layout.
    Specify the background of the layout. Click [Browse] to 
    specify an image (a .bmp file or JPEG file) to be used 
    for the background.
    ➂[Playback Options]
    Specify how the video windows are displayed when the 
    layout is opened.
     [View Live Video]
    Display the live view from the camera.
     [Remember playhead positions]
    Play back recordings starting from the positions that 
    were playing when the program last ended.
    Start at specific time]
    Play back a recording starting at a specific time.
    Start at offset before live]
    Start playback from a position a specific amount of 
    time in the past.
    ➃[OK] and [Cancel]
    Close the dialog box.
    Configure the Video Window Layout
    1. Create a layout
    2. Place a video window 
    3. Save the layout
    1Click [Layouts] > [New Layout] to display the [New 
    Layout] dialog box.
    2Configure each item.
    Place a Video Window
    You can place a video window anywhere in the viewing 
    You can arrange video windows according to a grid.
    „Change the Layout Background Image
    You can select an image for the layout background.
     The image that you specify as the background will be 
    registered to the [Background] list in the layout properties.
     To disable backgrounds, select [(None)] in the [Background] 
    list of the layout properties.
    „Display a Grid
    Do not display a grid.
    Display a dotted grid.
     [160x120] / [320x240] / [640x480]
    Display a solid grid with one of three sizes.
    Displays the [Custom Grid] dialog box.Configure a Custom Grid
    Selecting [Custom] as a grid type displays the [Custom 
    Grid] dialog box, where you can configure the size of the 
    ➀[Aspect Ratio]
    Specify the aspect ratio of the grid frame ([4:3] or 
    ➁[Horizontal] and [Vertical]
    Specify the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in 
    the grid frame.
    Changing the value for one of the items changes the 
    value in the other box to maintain a constant aspect 
    ➂[OK] and [Cancel]
    Close the dialog box.
    Using a custom grid may increase the load on the CPU.
    „Move a Video Window
    You can drag a video window to any position.
    When the grid is set to [None], the video window remains 
    in the position to which it is dragged.
    For options other than [None], the video window snaps to 
    the grid position that is nearest to where the window is 
    You can enlarge the video window in multiples of the grid frame 
    size (2 x 2, 3 x 3, etc.).
    3Click [OK] to close the dialog box.
    Following the above steps does not automatically save the 
    layout. Be sure to enter a name and save the new layout after 
    configuring it.
    1Click [Layouts] > [Organize Layouts] to display the 
    [Organize Layouts and Layout Sequences] dialog box.
    2Click the layout for which you want to specify a 
    background, and click [Properties] to display the 
    properties of the layout.
    3Click [Browse] for [Background].
    4Specify the image file to use as the background, and 
    click [Open].
    1Click [Grids] on the toolbar.
    2Select the type of grid.
    The number of video windows that can be displayed in the 
    Viewer depends on factors such as the video card, CPU 
    performance, video frame rate, camera video size, and the 
    video quality.
    							Configure the Video Window Layout
    Viewer Settings
    Save the Layout
    After configuring the display and position of the video 
    windows, follow these steps to save the layout.
    Configure a Dynamic Layout
    ➀[Layout Name]
    Enter the name of the dynamic layout.
    ➁[Display cameras that]
    Specify the display criteria for cameras.
    Click a check box to make a set of display criteria 
    available, and then click each criteria list to select the 
    You can specify up to five sets of criteria.
    The criteria are (from left to right), the property, 
    operator, and status.Select [All of the following are met] to display only 
    cameras that meet all the criteria. Select [Any of the 
    following are met] to display cameras that meet any of 
    the criteria.
    ➂[When conditions are not met, continue displaying 
    cameras for]
    Specify how long a video window in the layout will 
    remain displayed when it does not match the criteria 
    specified here.
    ➃[OK] and [Cancel]
    Close the dialog box.
    1Click [File] > [Save Layout].
    2Change the layout name as required, and click [OK].
    1Click [Layouts] > [New Dynamic Layout] to display the 
    [New Dynamic Layout] dialog box.
    2Specify the criteria for the video windows displayed in 
    the dynamic layout.
    PropertyOperator for the 
    Tags  is
     isn’tCamera tags
    Status  is
     isn’tCamera status 
    (such as 
    [Idle], or [Error])
    Event Type  is
     isn’tEvent type (such 
    as [Motion] or 
    Event Priority is
    is equal or higher than
    is equal or lower thanEvent priority 
    ([Highest], [High], 
    [Medium], [Low], 
    or [Lowest])
    Server Group is
     isn’tThe name of 
    Storage Server 
    Group to which 
    the Viewer is 
    3Click [OK] to close the dialog box.
    4Click [File] > [Save Layout].
    5Change the layout name as required and click [OK].
    Switch Between Layouts
    The menu is separated into two sub-menus:
    • Shared layoutsDisplays shared layouts under the name of the Storage 
    Server Group. The [Layouts] menu shows the Storage 
    Server Groups.
    All users have access to the layouts, however, only the 
    administrator can make changes to them.
     User layouts Displays layouts created by the currently logged in 
    user. These layouts are not available to other users.
    „Configure a Layout Sequence
    ➀ [Sequence Name]
    Enter the name of layout sequence.
    ➁ [Type]
    Specify the type of layout sequence. ➂
    [Available Layouts]
    Displays a list of available layouts.
    ➃ [Add Layout]
    Add the selected layout to the [Sequence Layouts] list.
    ➄ [Move Up] and [Move Down]
    Move the selected layout up or down in the list to 
    change the sequence order.
    ➅ [Remove Layout]
    Remove a layout from the list.
    \b [Sequence Layouts]
    Displays a list of layouts in the order of the layout 
    ➇ [Interval]
    Specify the display time of each layout in the 
    sequence, from 5 to 9999 seconds.
    ➈ [OK] and [Cancel]
    Close the dialog box.
    Open Multiple Layouts Using Tabs
    You can open different layouts using tabs for quick 
    A new layout is displayed for the tab.
    1Click [Layouts] on the toolbar to display a menu for 
    selecting existing layouts.
    2Select a layout.
    1Click [Layouts] > [New Layout Sequence] to display 
    the [New Layout Sequence] dialog box.
    2Specify the layouts to be displayed in the sequence.
    ➃\b ➇➄
    3Click [OK] to close the dialog box.
    1Click [File] > [New Tab] to open a new tab.
    2Select a layout and open it in the tab (p. 68). 
    							Configure the Video Window Layout
    Viewer Settings
    Organize Layouts
    You can change the display order of menus, classify and 
    organize layouts in folders, and edit the layouts.
    ➀Layout tree
    Displays a list of created layouts.
    The layout tree uses the following icons:
    ➁[New Folder]
    Create a new folder.
    ➂[Move to Folder]
    Move the selected layout to a folder.
    ➃[Move Up] and [Move Down]
    Move the selected layout up or down in the list.
    Delete the selected layout from the list.
    Change the name of the selected layout.
    Displays the properties of the selected layout.
    The properties displayed will differ according to the 
    type of layout, as described below.
    (Normal) Layout: Same as the properties displayed in 
    step 2 on p. 65. You can configure the 
    background and the video window display.
    Dynamic Layout: Same as the properties displayed in 
    step 2 on p. 67. You can specify the conditions 
    for displaying cameras.
    Layout Sequence: Same as the properties displayed in 
    step 2 on p. 68. You can specify the layouts that 
    will be automatically sequenced.➇[Copy to Folder]
    Copy the selected layout to a folder.
    Close the dialog box.
    The settings in the [Organize Layouts and Layout Sequences] 
    dialog box, such as the order of the layout sequence and the 
    folder types are also displayed when you click the [Layout] menu, 
    or when you click the [Layouts] button on the toolbar.
    1Click [Layouts] > [Organize Layouts] to display the 
    [Organize Layouts and Layout Sequences] dialog box.
    Custom layout
    Dynamic layout
    Layout sequence
     You cannot change the name of the [Shared Layouts] and 
    [User Layouts] folders.
     Only the administrator (or a user with the required 
    permissions) can manage shared folders (p. 51). 
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