Canon printer Color imageCLASS MF8580Cdw User Manual
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111 Troubleshooting QCan I change the folder that the scanned images are saved to? └ AYes, you can change the folder to save the scanned images when scanning with MF Toolbox. T\f change, 1. Fr\fm the MF T\f\flb\fx screen, click [ Browse]. 2. L\fcate a f\flder t\f save the scanned images, and then click [ OK]. QCan I scan multiple images and save as a single PDF file? └ AYes, you can save multiple images as a single PDF file when scanning with MF Toolbox. T\f make a single PDF file \ff multiple pages, 1. Fr\fm the PDF m\fde screen \ff MF T\f\flb\fx, select [ PDF (Multiple Pages)] in [Save as Type ]. 2. Scan the d\fcuments.

112 If a Power Failure Occurs The mach\fne cannot be used wh\fle the power supply \fs cut OFF. The fax function during a power failure : • Faxes cannot be sent or rece\fved. • You may not be able to make a call w\fth the external telephone depend\fng on your telephone. • You may be able to rece\fve a call w\fth the external telephone depend\fng on your telephone.Data storage for when the power supply is cut OFF Even \ff power \fs lost due to a power fa\flure or acc\fdental unplugg\fng, any sent or rece\fved documents stored \fn the memory are backed up. Recycling Used Cartridges Canon has \fnst\ftuted a worldw\fde recycl\fng program for cartr\fdges called “The Clean Earth Campa\fgn”. Th\fs program preserves prec\fous natural resources by ut\fl\fz\fng a var\fety of mater\fals found \fn the used cartr\fdges that are of no further use, to remanufacture new cartr\fdges wh\fch, at the same t\fme, keeps the env\fronment cleaner by reduc\fng landfill waste. Complete deta\fls concern\fng th\fs program are enclosed \fn each Cartr\fdge box. The Clean Earth Campaign THE Canon CARTRIDGE RECYCLING PROGRAM The Canon Cartr\fdge Recycl\fng \brogram fulfills the first \fn\ft\fat\fve of Canon’s Clean Earth Campa\fgn, wh\fch supports four cr\ft\fcal env\fronmental areas: • Recycl\fng \fn the Workplace • Conserv\fng Env\fronmental Resources • Sc\fent\ffic Research and Educat\fon • Encourag\fng Outdoors Apprec\fat\fon The rema\fn\fng “Clean Earth” \fn\ft\fat\fves are supported \fn the U.S. through sponsorsh\fps of the Nat\fonal \bark Foundat\fon, the Nat\fonal W\fldl\ffe Federat\fon, and The Nature Conservancy and \fn Canada through donat\fons to the World W\fldl\ffe Fund Canada and The Nature Conservancy of Canada. S\fnce \fts \fncept\fon, The Canon Cartr\fdge Recycl\fng \brogram has collected huge amount of cartr\fdges that otherw\fse would have been d\fscarded \fnto landfills or s\fm\flar fac\fl\ft\fes. Instead, th\fs rap\fdly grow\fng program returns used cartr\fdges to the manufactur\fng process, thus conserv\fng an array of resources. Becom\fng a part of th\fs worthwh\fle program \fs easy. When your cartr\fdge \fs of no further use, s\fmply follow the \fnstruct\fons deta\fled for U.S. or Canad\fan res\fdents. We apprec\fate your support of The Canon Cartr\fdge Recycl\fng \brogram. Work\fng together we can make a s\fgn\fficant contr\fbut\fon to a cleaner planet. • Cartr\fdges collected through th\fs program are not refilled. • You are not ent\ftled to a tax deduct\fon or rebate for the return of empty cartr\fdges. • Th\fs program may be mod\ffied or d\fscont\fnued w\fthout not\fce. U.S.A. PROGRAM Packaging Option A\b1: Single Box Return • Repackage the empty cartr\fdge ut\fl\fz\fng the wrapper and pulp mould end-blocks from the new cartr\fdge’s box. • \blace the empty cartr\fdge \fn the box of your new cartr\fdge. Seal the box. Option B: Volume Box Return We encourage you to use th\fs opt\fon as a more effic\fent way to sh\fp cartr\fdges. • \blace as many cartr\fdges as poss\fble \fnto one box. Carefully seal the box w\fth tape; or • Call 1-800-OK-Canon to rece\fve your free e\fght cartr\fdge collect\fon box. Option A\b2: Multiple Box Return We encourage you to use th\fs opt\fon as a more effic\fent way to sh\fp cartr\fdges. • Complete Opt\fon A-1. • Bundle mult\fple cartr\fdge boxes together securely w\fth tape. IMPORTANTI M PO RTA N T

113 \blease be sure that the sh\fpment does not exceed U\bS spec\fficat\fons. Max\fmum we\fght = 70 lb. (31.8 kg) Max\fmum length = 108” (2,743 mm) Max\fmum g\frth (length + 2 x w\fdth + 2 x he\fght) = 130” (3,302 mm) If your sh\fpment exceeds the above l\fm\fts, please call 1-800-OK- Canon for spec\fal sh\fpp\fng \fnformat\fon.Please Note: Do not send defect\fve cartr\fdges for replacement. Defect\fve cartr\fdges under warranty should be exchanged by an author\fzed dealer or serv\fce fac\fl\fty as prov\fded \fn the warranty. Shipping Apply the U\bS author\fzed return\fng label prov\fded \fn th\fs gu\fde. Res\fdents of Alaska and Hawa\f\f, Do not use the U\bS author\fzed return\fng label. For Alaska and Hawa\f\f: Canon set up alternat\fve ma\fl serv\fce w\fth the U.S. \bostal Serv\fce. \blease call 1-800-OK-Canon to rece\fve U.S. \bostal Serv\fce merchand\fse return\fng label. • G\fve the sh\fpment to your U\bS dr\fver when you rece\fve your next regular del\fvery; (U\bS may charge a fee for customers who call U\bS to p\fck up a cartr\fdge sh\fpment \ff they do not already have a del\fvery scheduled.) or • Take the sh\fpment to your local U\bS rece\fv\fng po\fnt. CANADA PROGRAM\bCANADA PROGRAMME Option A: Single Box Return • Repackage the empty cartr\fdge ut\fl\fz\fng the wrapper and pulp mould end-blocks from the new cartr\fdge’s box. • \blace the empty cartr\fdge \fn the box of your new cartr\fdge. Seal the box. • Apply the Canon Canada Inc./Canada \bost label prov\fded \fn th\fs brochure. Canon’s labels are spec\fally marked so that Canon pays the postage. • Depos\ft your empty cartr\fdge \fn any full s\fze street ma\flbox or take \ft to your local Canada \bost outlet or franch\fse. Option B: Volume Box Return (eight or more cartridges) We encourage you to use th\fs opt\fon as a more effic\fent way to sh\fp cartr\fdges. • Call 1-800-667-2666 to rece\fve your free Canon collect\fon box k\ft. • The collect\fon box can accommodate e\fght \fnd\fv\fdual cartr\fdge boxes. • \blace your e\fght \fnd\fv\fdually packaged boxes of empty cartr\fdges \fnto the Canon collect\fon box. Seal the box. • Apply the Canon Canada Inc./Canada \bost label prov\fded \fn th\fs brochure. • Canon’s labels are spec\fally marked so that Canon pays the postage. • Del\fver to any local Canada \bost outlet or franch\fse. Customers who hold a Commerc\fal p\fck-up agreement w\fth Canada \bost may have the\fr collect\fon box p\fcked up. Work\fng to preserve endangered spec\fes \fs a long-stand\fng Canon \fnterest. To th\fs end, for every cartr\fdge collected, Canon Canada donates $1, shared equally between World W\fldl\ffe Fund Canada and the Nature Conservancy of Canada. Th\fs donat\fon \fs ut\fl\fzed \fn Canada. • For further \fnformat\fon about The Clean Earth Campa\fgn \fn Canada, please call or wr\fte to Canon. 1-800-667-2666 Canon Canada Inc. Corporate Customer Relat\fons 6390 D\fx\fe Road M\fss\fssauga, ON L5T 1\b7 Important Safety Instructions \blease read the “Important Safety Instruct\fons” \fn th\fs manual and \fn the e-Manual thoroughly before operat\fng the mach\fne. As these \fnstruct\fons are \fntended to prevent \fnjury to the user and other persons or to prevent destruct\fon of property, always pay attent\fon to these \fnstruct\fons and operat\fonal requ\frements. \blease note that you are respons\fble for all damages caused by fa\flure to follow the d\frect\fons prov\fded here\fn, us\fng the dev\fce for any purpose for wh\fch \ft was not \fntended, or repa\frs or alterat\fons made by anyone other than a Canon-approved techn\fc\fan. Installation \fARNING • Do not \fnstall the mach\fne near flammable substances such as alcohol-based products or pa\fnt th\fnners. If these substances come \fnto contact to the electr\fcal parts \fns\fde the mach\fne could \fgn\fte these substances and cause a fire or \fncrease your r\fsk of electr\fc shock. • Do not place necklaces and other metal objects or conta\fners filled w\fth l\fqu\fd on the mach\fne. If fore\fgn substances come \fn contact w\fth electr\fcal parts \fns\fde the mach\fne, th\fs may result \fn a fire or electr\fcal shock. If any of these substances falls \fnto the mach\fne, turn off the power to the mach\fne \fmmed\fately and contact your local Canon dealer. • Do not use near any med\fcal equ\fpment. Rad\fowave em\ftted from th\fs mach\fne may \fnterfere w\fth med\fcal equ\fpments, wh\fch may result \fn ser\fous acc\fdents.

114 CAUTION • Do not \fnstall the mach\fne \fn the follow\fng locat\fons. Do\fng so may result \fn personal \fnjury, fire or electr\fcal shock. –Unstable l\fcati\fn –A l\fcati\fn subject t\f excessive vibrati\fns –A l\fcati\fn where bl\fck the ventilati\fn sl\fts (t\f\f cl\fse t\f walls, bed, shaggy rug, and \fther similar \fbjects) –A damp \fr dusty l\fcati\fn –A l\fcati\fn exp\fsed t\f direct sunlight \fr an \futside place –A l\fcati\fn subject t\f high temperatures –A l\fcati\fn near \fpen flames –A l\fcati\fn with p\f\fr ventilati\fn system • Although ozone \fs produced by th\fs mach\fne \fs work\fng, the amount \fs too low to have any effect on the human body. However, \ff you \fntend to use the mach\fne for long per\fods of t\fme, ensure that the \fnstallat\fon locat\fon \fs well vent\flated. • Do not connect unapproved cables to th\fs mach\fne. Do\fng so may result \fn a fire or an electr\fc shock. Power Supply \fARNING • Do not use power cords other than the one prov\fded, as th\fs can result \fn a fire or electr\fcal shock. • Do not mod\ffy or bend the power cord and do not pull on \ft w\fth great force. Do not place heavy objects on the power cord. Damag\fng the power cord may result \fn a fire or an electr\fc shock. • Do not plug or unplug the power plug w\fth wet hands, as th\fs can result \fn electr\fcal shock. • Do not use extens\fon cords or mult\f-plug power str\fps w\fth th\fs mach\fne. Do\fng so may result \fn a fire or electr\fc shock. • Do not bundle up or t\fe up the power cord \fn a knot, as th\fs can result \fn a fire or electr\fcal shock. • Insert the power plug completely \fnto the AC power outlet. Fa\flure to do so can result \fn a fire or electr\fcal shock. • Remove the power plug completely from the power outlet dur\fng a thunder storm. Fa\flure to do so can result \fn a fire, electr\fcal shock, or malfunct\fon. CAUTION • Use only a power supply that meets the voltage requ\frements l\fsted here\fn. Fa\flure to do so may result \fn a fire or electr\fc shock. • Do not obstruct the power outlet where th\fs mach\fne \fs connected, so that you can unplug the power cord eas\fly \fn an emergency. Handling \fARNING • Do not d\fsassemble or mod\ffy the mach\fne. There are h\fgh- temperature and h\fgh-voltage components \fns\fde the mach\fne wh\fch may result \fn a fire or electr\fcal shock. • Do not allow ch\fldren to touch or play w\fth the power cord and cables or \fnternal or electr\fcal parts. Do\fng so may result \fn ser\fous personal \fnjury. • \blease contact an author\fzed Canon dealer \ff the mach\fne makes an unusual no\fse, em\fts an unusual smell, or em\fts smoke or excess\fve heat. Cont\fnued use may result \fn a fire or electr\fc shock. • Do not use flammable sprays near the mach\fne. If flammable substances come \fnto contact w\fth electr\fcal parts \fns\fde the mach\fne, th\fs may result \fn a fire or electr\fc shock. CAUTION • For your safety, please unplug the power cord \ff the mach\fne w\fll not be used for a long per\fod of t\fme. • Use caut\fon when open\fng and clos\fng covers to avo\fd \fnjury to your hands. • Keep hands and cloth\fng away from the rollers \fn the output area. If the rollers catch your hands or cloth\fng, th\fs may result \fn personal \fnjury. • The \fns\fde of the mach\fne and the output slot \fs very hot dur\fng and \fmmed\fately after use. Avo\fd contact w\fth these areas to prevent burns. Also, pr\fnted paper may be hot \fmmed\fately after be\fng output, so use caut\fon when handl\fng \ft. Fa\flure to do so may result \fn burns. Maintenance and Inspections \fARNING • Turn off the mach\fne and unplug the power cord from the outlet before clean\fng. Fa\flure to do so may result \fn a fire or an electr\fc shock • Unplug the power plug from the power outlet per\fod\fcally and clean the area around the base of the power plug’s metal p\fns and the power outlet w\fth a dry cloth to remove dust and gr\fme. When damp, accumulated dust may cause short c\frcu\ft\fng or fires. • Use a damp, well wrung-out cloth to clean the mach\fne. Dampen clean\fng cloths w\fth water only. Do not use alcohol, benzenes, pa\fnt th\fnners, or other flammable substances. If these substances come \fnto contact w\fth electr\fcal parts \fns\fde the mach\fne, th\fs may result \fn a fire or electr\fc shock. • Check the power cord and plug regularly for damage. Check the mach\fne for rust, dents, scratches, cracks, or excess\fve heat generat\fon. Use of poorly-ma\fnta\fned equ\fpment may result \fn a fire or electr\fc shock. Consumables \fARNING • Do not d\fspose of used toner cartr\fdges \fn open flames. Th\fs may cause an \fgn\ft\fon, and result \fn burns or fire. • If you acc\fdentally sp\fll or scatter toner, carefully w\fpe up the loose toner w\fth a damp, soft cloth and avo\fd \fnhal\fng any toner dust. Never use a vacuum cleaner to clean up loose toner. Do\fng so may cause a malfunct\fon \fn the vacuum cleaner or result \fn a dust explos\fon due to stat\fc d\fscharge. CAUTION • Keep the toner cartr\fdges and other consumables out of the reach of small ch\fldren. If toner \fs \fngested, consult a phys\fc\fan or po\fson control center \fmmed\fately. • Do not attempt to d\fsassemble the toner cartr\fdge. The toner may scatter and get \fnto your eyes or mouth. If toner gets \fnto your eyes or mouth, wash them \fmmed\fately w\fth cold water and consult a phys\fc\fan. • If toner sp\flls from the toner cartr\fdge, avo\fd \fnhal\fng \ft or allow\fng \ft to come \fnto contact w\fth your sk\fn. If the toner comes \fnto contact w\fth your sk\fn, wash \fmmed\fately w\fth soap. If you \fnhale the toner or your sk\fn becomes \frr\ftated due to contact w\fth the toner, consult a phys\fc\fan or po\fson control center \fmmed\fately.

115 Others \fARNING • If you are us\fng a card\fac pacemaker: Th\fs mach\fne generates a low level magnet\fc field. If you feel any abnormal\ft\fes \fn your body wh\fle us\fng th\fs mach\fne, please move away from the mach\fne and consult your phys\fc\fan \fmmed\fately. Telephone Equipment When us\fng telephone equ\fpment, bas\fc safety precaut\fons should always be followed to reduce the r\fsk of fire, electr\fc shock, and \fnjury to persons, \fnclud\fng the follow\fng: 1. Do not use th\fs mach\fne near water (\f.e., near a bathtub, k\ftchen s\fnk, or laundry tub), or \fn a wet basement or near a sw\fmm\fng pool. 2. Avo\fd us\fng the telephone dur\fng an electr\fcal storm, as there may be a remote r\fsk of electr\fc shock from l\fghtn\fng. 3. Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak \fn the v\fc\fn\fty of the leak. Legal Notices Legal Limitations on the Usage of Your Product and the Use of Images Us\fng your product to scan, pr\fnt or otherw\fse reproduce certa\fn documents, and the use of such \fmages as scanned, pr\fnted or otherw\fse reproduced by your product, may be proh\fb\fted by law and may result \fn cr\fm\fnal and/or c\fv\fl l\fab\fl\fty. A non-exhaust\fve l\fst of these documents \fs set forth below. Th\fs l\fst \fs \fntended to be a gu\fde only. If you are uncerta\fn about the legal\fty of us\fng your product to scan, pr\fnt or otherw\fse reproduce any part\fcular document, and/or of the use of the \fmages scanned, pr\fnted or otherw\fse reproduced, you should consult \fn advance w\fth your legal adv\fsor for gu\fdance. • \baper Money • Money Orders • Cert\fficates of Depos\ft • \bostage Stamps (canceled or uncanceled) • Ident\ffy\fng Badges or Ins\fgn\fas • Select\fve Serv\fce or Draft \bapers • Checks or Drafts Issued by Governmental Agenc\fes • Motor Veh\fcle L\fcenses and Cert\fficates of T\ftle • Travelers Checks • Food Stamps • \bassports • Imm\fgrat\fon \bapers • Internal Revenue Stamps (canceled or uncanceled) • Bonds or Other Cert\fficates of Indebtedness • Stock Cert\fficates • Copyr\fghted Works/Works of Art w\fthout \berm\fss\fon of Copyr\fght Owner FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Color \fmageCLASS MF8580Cdw: F164802 Color \fmageCLASS MF8280Cw: F164702 Conta\fns Transm\ftter Module FCC ID: AZDFM48944 Th\fs dev\fce compl\fes w\fth \bart 15 of the FCC Rules. Operat\fon \fs subject to the follow\fng two cond\ft\fons: 1. Th\fs dev\fce may not cause harmful \fnterference, and 2. Th\fs dev\fce must accept any \fnterference rece\fved, \fnclud\fng \fnterference that may cause undes\fred operat\fon. FCC \fARNING Changes or mod\fficat\fons not expressly approved by the party respons\fble for compl\fance could vo\fd the user’s author\fty to operate the equ\fpment. • \broperly sh\felded and grounded cables and connectors must be used for connect\fon to host computers and/or per\fpherals \fn order to meet FCC em\fss\fon l\fm\fts. Th\fs equ\fpment has been tested and found to comply w\fth the l\fm\fts for a class B d\fg\ftal dev\fce, pursuant to \bart 15 of the FCC Rules. These l\fm\fts are des\fgned to prov\fde reasonable protect\fon aga\fnst harmful \fnterference \fn a res\fdent\fal \fnstallat\fon. Th\fs equ\fpment generates, uses and can rad\fate rad\fo frequency energy and, \ff not \fnstalled and used \fn accordance w\fth the \fnstruct\fons, may cause harmful \fnterference to rad\fo commun\fcat\fons. However, there \fs no guarantee that \fnterference w\fll not occur \fn a part\fcular \fnstallat\fon. If th\fs equ\fpment does cause harmful \fnterference to rad\fo or telev\fs\fon recept\fon, wh\fch can be determ\fned by turn\fng the equ\fpment OFF and ON, the user \fs encouraged to try to correct the \fnterference by one or more of the follow\fng measures: • Reor\fent or relocate the rece\fv\fng antenna. • Increase the separat\fon between the equ\fpment and rece\fver. • Connect the equ\fpment to an outlet on a c\frcu\ft d\ffferent from that to wh\fch the rece\fver \fs connected. • Consult the dealer or an exper\fenced rad\fo/TV techn\fc\fan for help. Th\fs transm\ftter must not be co-located or operated \fn conjunct\fon w\fth any other antenna or transm\ftter. Th\fs equ\fpment compl\fes w\fth FCC rad\fat\fon exposure l\fm\fts set forth for an uncontrolled env\fronment and meets the FCC rad\fo frequency (RF) Exposure Gu\fdel\fnes \fn Supplement C to OET65. Th\fs equ\fpment should be \fnstalled and operated keep\fng the rad\fator at least 20cm or more away from person’s body (exclud\fng extrem\ft\fes: hands, wr\fsts, feet and ankles). Use of sh\felded cables \fs requ\fred to comply w\fth class B l\fm\fts \fn Subpart B of \bart 15 of the FCC Rules. Do not make any changes or mod\fficat\fons to the equ\fpment unless otherw\fse spec\ffied \fn th\fs manual. If you make such changes or mod\fficat\fons, you could be requ\fred to stop operat\fon of the equ\fpment. Canon U.S.A., Inc. One Canon \bark, Melv\flle, NY 11747, U.S.A. TEL No. 1-800-OK-CANON

116 Users in the U.S.A. \bre-Installat\fon Requ\frements for Canon Facs\fm\fle Equ\fpment A. Location Supply a su\ftable table, cab\fnet, or desk for the mach\fne. See the e-Manual for spec\ffic d\fmens\fons and we\fght. B. Order Information 1. A s\fngle telephone l\fne (touch-tone or rotary) should be used. 2. Order an RJ11-C telephone wall jack (USOC), wh\fch should be \fnstalled by the telephone company. If the RJ11-C wall jack \fs not present, telephone/facs\fm\fle operat\fon \fs not poss\fble. 3. Order a normal bus\fness l\fne from your telephone company’s bus\fness representat\fve. The l\fne should be a regular vo\fce grade l\fne or an equ\fvalent one. Use one l\fne per un\ft. DDD (D\frect D\fstance D\fal) l\fne -or- IDDD (Internat\fonal D\frect D\fstance D\fal) l\fne \ff you commun\fcate overseas Canon recommends an \fnd\fv\fdual l\fne follow\fng \fndustry standards, \f.e., 2,500 (touch-tone) or 500 (rotary/pulse d\fal) telephones. A ded\fcated extens\fon off a \bBX (\br\fvate Branch eXchange) un\ft w\fthout “Call Wa\ft\fng” can be used w\fth your facs\fm\fle un\ft. Key telephone systems are not recommended because they send nonstandard s\fgnals to \fnd\fv\fdual telephones for r\fng\fng and spec\fal codes, wh\fch may cause a facs\fm\fle error. C. Power Requirements The mach\fne should be connected to a standard 120 volt AC, three-w\fre grounded outlet only. Do not connect th\fs mach\fne to an outlet or power l\fne shared w\fth other appl\fances that cause “electr\fcal no\fse.” A\fr cond\ft\foners, electr\fc typewr\fters, cop\fers, and mach\fnes of th\fs sort generate electr\fcal no\fse that often \fnterferes w\fth commun\fcat\fons equ\fpment and the send\fng and rece\fv\fng of documents. Connection of the Equipment Th\fs equ\fpment compl\fes w\fth \bart 68 of the FCC rules and the requ\frements adopted by the ACTA. On the rear panel of th\fs equ\fpment \fs a label that conta\fns, among other \fnformat\fon, a product \fdent\ffier \fn the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. If requested, th\fs number must be prov\fded to the telephone company. The REN (R\fnger Equ\fvalence Number) \fs used to determ\fne the number of dev\fces that may be connected to a telephone l\fne. Excess\fve RENs on a telephone l\fne may result \fn the dev\fces not r\fng\fng \fn response to an \fncom\fng call. In most, but not all areas, the sum of the RENs should not exceed five (5.0). To be certa\fn of the number of dev\fces that may be connected to a l\fne, as determ\fned by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company. The REN for th\fs product \fs part of the product \fdent\ffier that has the format US: AAAEQ##TXXXX. The d\fg\fts represented by ## are the REN w\fthout a dec\fmal po\fnt (e.g., 10 \fs a REN of 1.0). An FCC compl\fant telephone l\fne cable and modular plug \fs prov\fded w\fth th\fs equ\fpment. Th\fs equ\fpment \fs des\fgned to be connected to the telephone network or prem\fse w\fr\fng us\fng a compat\fble modular jack that \fs \bart 68 compl\fant. Th\fs equ\fpment may not be used on co\fn serv\fce prov\fded by the telephone company. Connect\fon to party l\fnes \fs subjected to state tar\fffs. In Case of Equipment Malfunction Should any malfunct\fon occur wh\fch cannot be corrected by the procedures descr\fbed \fn th\fs gu\fde or the e-Manual, d\fsconnect the equ\fpment from the telephone l\fne cable and d\fsconnect the power cord. The telephone l\fne cable should not be reconnected or the power sw\ftch turned ON unt\fl the problem \fs completely resolved. Users should contact Canon Author\fzed Serv\fce Fac\fl\ft\fes for serv\fc\fng of equ\fpment, Informat\fon regard\fng Author\fzed Serv\fce Fac\fl\fty locat\fons can be obta\fned by call\fng Canon Customer Care Center (1-800-OK-CANON). Rights of the Telephone Company If th\fs equ\fpment (Color \fmageCLASS MF8580Cdw/MF8280Cw) causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may temporar\fly d\fsconnect serv\fce. The telephone company also reta\fns the r\fght to make changes \fn fac\fl\ft\fes and serv\fces that may affect the operat\fon of th\fs equ\fpment. When such changes are necessary, the telephone company \fs requ\fred to g\fve adequate pr\for not\fce to the user. However, \ff advance not\fce \fs not poss\fble, the telephone company w\fll not\ffy the customer as soon as poss\fble. Also, the customer w\fll be adv\fsed of h\fs/her r\fght to file a compla\fnt w\fth the FCC \ff he/she bel\feves \ft \fs necessary. \fARNING The Telephone Consumer \brotect\fon Act of 1991 makes \ft unlawful for any person to use a computer or other electron\fc dev\fce, \fnclud\fng FAX mach\fnes, to send any message unless such message clearly conta\fns \fn a marg\fn at the top or bottom of each transm\ftted page or on the first page of the transm\fss\fon, the date and t\fme \ft \fs sent and an \fdent\fficat\fon of the bus\fness or other ent\fty, or other \fnd\fv\fdual send\fng the message and the telephone number of the send\fng mach\fne or such bus\fness, other ent\fty, or \fnd\fv\fdual. (The telephone number prov\fded may not be a 900 number or any other number for wh\fch charges exceed local or long-d\fstance transm\fss\fon charges.) In order to program th\fs \fnformat\fon \fnto your mach\fne, you should complete the procedure for reg\fster\fng your name, un\ft’s telephone number, t\fme, and date \fn Gett\fng Started. Users in Canada \bre-Installat\fon Requ\frements for Canon Facs\fm\fle Equ\fpment A. Location Supply a su\ftable table, cab\fnet, or desk for the mach\fne. See the e-Manual for spec\ffic d\fmens\fons and we\fght. B. Order Information 1. A s\fngle telephone l\fne (touch-tone or rotary) should be used. 2. Order a CA11A modular jack, wh\fch should be \fnstalled by the telephone company. If the CA11A jack \fs not present, \fnstallat\fon cannot occur. 3. Order a normal bus\fness l\fne from your telephone company’s bus\fness representat\fve. The l\fne should be a regular vo\fce grade l\fne or an equ\fvalent one. Use one l\fne per un\ft.

117 DDD (D\frect D\fstance D\fal) l\fne -or- IDDD (Internat\fonal D\frect D\fstance D\fal) l\fne \ff you commun\fcate overseas Canon recommends an \fnd\fv\fdual l\fne follow\fng \fndustry standards, \f.e., 2,500 (touch-tone) or 500 (rotary/pulse d\fal) telephones. A ded\fcated extens\fon off a \bBX (\br\fvate Branch eXchange) un\ft w\fthout “Call Wa\ft\fng” can be used w\fth your facs\fm\fle un\ft. Key telephone systems are not recommended because they send nonstandard s\fgnals to \fnd\fv\fdual telephones for r\fng\fng and spec\fal codes, wh\fch may cause a facs\fm\fle error. C. Power Requirements The power outlet should be a three-prong grounded receptacle (S\fngle or Duplex). It should be \fndependent from cop\fers, heaters, a\fr cond\ft\foners, or any electr\fc equ\fpment that \fs thermostat\fcally controlled. The rated value \fs 115 volts and 15 amperes. The CA11A modular jack should be relat\fvely close to the power outlet to fac\fl\ftate \fnstallat\fon. Notice • Th\fs product meets the appl\fcable Industry Canada techn\fcal spec\fficat\fons. • The R\fnger Equ\fvalence Number \fs an \fnd\fcat\fon of the max\fmum number of dev\fces allowed to be connected to a telephone \fnterface. The term\fnat\fon of an \fnterface may cons\fst of any comb\fnat\fon of dev\fces subject only to the requ\frement that the sum of the RENs of all the dev\fces does not exceed five. • The REN of th\fs product \fs 1.0. • Before \fnstall\fng th\fs equ\fpment, users should ensure that \ft \fs perm\fss\fble to be connected to the fac\fl\ft\fes of the local telecommun\fcat\fons company. The equ\fpment must also be \fnstalled us\fng an acceptable method of connect\fon. In some cases, the company’s \fns\fde w\fr\fng assoc\fated w\fth a s\fngle l\fne \fnd\fv\fdual serv\fce may be extended by means of a cert\ffied connector assembly (telephone extens\fon cord). The customer should be aware that compl\fance w\fth the above cond\ft\fons may not prevent deter\forat\fon of serv\fce \fn some s\ftuat\fons. • Repa\frs to cert\ffied equ\fpment should be made by an author\fzed Canad\fan ma\fntenance fac\fl\fty des\fgnated by the suppl\fer. Any repa\frs or alterat\fons made by the user to th\fs equ\fpment, or equ\fpment malfunct\fons, may g\fve the telecommun\fcat\fons company cause to request the user to d\fsconnect the equ\fpment. • Users should ensure for the\fr own protect\fon that the electr\fcal ground connect\fons of the power ut\fl\fty, telephone l\fnes, and \fnternal metall\fc water p\fpe system, \ff present, are connected together. Th\fs precaut\fon may be part\fcularly \fmportant \fn rural areas. CAUTION Users should not attempt to make such connect\fons themselves, but should contact the appropr\fate electr\fc \fnspect\fon author\fty, or electr\fc\fan, as appropr\fate. Th\fs equ\fpment compl\fes w\fth the Canad\fan ICES-003 Class B l\fm\fts. Utilisation au Canada Cond\ft\fons à Rempl\fr \bréalablement à L’\fnstallat\fon d’un Télécop\feur Canon A. Emplacement \brévo\fr une table, un meuble, ou un bureau suffisamment sol\fde et de ta\flle appropr\fée (vo\fr le chap\ftre 11, Annexe (Append\fx), pour les \fnd\fcat\fons de po\fds et d\fmens\fons). B. Installation téléphonique 1. Une seule l\fgne téléphon\fque (tonal\ftés ou \fmpuls\fons) do\ft être ut\fl\fsée. 2. Il faut commander un jack modula\fre CA11A qu\f sera \fnstallé par la compagn\fe téléphon\fque. Sans ce jack, la m\fse en place sera\ft \fmposs\fble. 3. S\f vous vous abonnez à une nouvelle l\fgne, demandez une l\fgne d’affa\fres normale de qual\fté téléphon\fque courante ou équ\fvalente. \brenez un abonnement d’une l\fgne par appare\fl. L\fgne automat\fque \fnterurba\fne ou L\fgne automat\fque \fnternat\fonale (s\f vous commun\fquez avec les pays étrangers) Canon vous conse\flle d’ut\fl\fser une l\fgne \fnd\fv\fduelle conforme aux normes \fndustr\felles, à savo\fr: l\fgne téléphon\fque 2,500 (pour appare\fl à clav\fer) ou 500 (pour appare\fl à cadran/\fmpuls\fons). Il est également poss\fble de raccorder ce télécop\feur à un système téléphon\fque à pousso\frs car la plupart de ces systèmes émettent des s\fgnaux d’appel non normal\fsés ou des codes spéc\faux qu\f r\fsquent de perturber le fonct\fonnement du télécop\feur. C. Condition d’alimentation Raccordez le télécop\feur à une pr\fse de courant plus terre à tro\fs branches, du type s\fmple ou double, et qu\f ne sert pas à al\fmenter un cop\feur, un appare\fl de chauffage, un cl\fmat\fseur ou tout autre appare\fl électr\fque à thermostat. L’al\fmentat\fon do\ft être de 115 volts et 15 ampères. \bour fac\fl\fter l’\fnstallat\fon, le jack CA11A do\ft être assez proche de la pr\fse de courant. Remarques • Le présent matér\fel est conforme aux spéc\fficat\fons techn\fques appl\fcables d’Industr\fe Canada. • Avant d’\fnstaller cet appare\fl, l’ut\fl\fsateur do\ft s’assurer qu’\fl est perm\fs de le connecter à l’équ\fpement de la compagn\fe de télécommun\fcat\fon locale et do\ft \fnstaller cet appare\fl en ut\fl\fsant une méthode de connex\fon autor\fsée. Il se peut qu’\fl fa\flle étendre la c\frcu\fter\fe \fntér\feure de la l\fgne \fnd\fv\fduelle d’abonné, qu\f a été \fnstallée par la compagn\fe, au moyen d’un jeu de connecteurs homologués (rallonge téléphon\fque). • L’attent\fon de l’ut\fl\fsateur est att\frée sur le fa\ft que le respect des cond\ft\fons ment\fonnées c\f-dessus ne const\ftue pas une garant\fe contre les dégradat\fons de qual\fté du serv\fce dans certa\fnes c\frconstances. • L’\fnd\fce d’équ\fvalence de la sonner\fe (IES) sert à \fnd\fquer le nombre max\fmal de term\fnaux qu\f peuvent être raccordés à une \fnterface téléphon\fque. La term\fna\fson d’une \fnterface peut cons\fster en une comb\fna\fson quelconque de d\fspos\ft\ffs, à la seule cond\ft\fon que la somme d’\fnd\fces d’équ\fvalence de la sonner\fe de tous les d\fspos\ft\ffs n’excède pas 5.

118 • Le nombre d’équ\fvalents sonner\fe (REN) de ce produ\ft est 1,0. • Les réparat\fons sur un appare\fl cert\ffié do\fvent être fa\ftes par une soc\fété d’entret\fen canad\fenne autor\fsée par le Gouvernement canad\fen et dés\fgnée par le fourn\fsseur. Toute réparat\fon ou mod\fficat\fon que pourra\ft fa\fre l’ut\fl\fsateur de cet appare\fl, ou tout mauva\fs fonct\fonnement, donne à la compagn\fe de télécommun\fcat\fon le dro\ft de débrancher l’appare\fl. • \bour sa propre protect\fon, l’ut\fl\fsateur do\ft s’assurer que les pr\fses de terre de l’appare\fl d’al\fmentat\fon, les l\fgnes téléphon\fques et les tuyaux métall\fques \fnternes, s’\fl y en a, sont b\fen connectés entre eux. Cette précaut\fon est part\fcul\fèrement \fmportante dans les zones rurales CAUTION Au l\feu d’essayer de fa\fre ces branchements eux-mêmes, les ut\fl\fsateurs sont \fnv\ftés à fa\fre appel à un serv\fce d’\fnspect\fon fa\fsant autor\fté en mat\fère d’électr\fc\fté ou à un électr\fc\fen, selon le cas.Respecte les l\fm\ftes de la classe B de la NMB-003 du Canada. Laser Safety Th\fs mach\fne compl\fes w\fth 21 CFR Chapter 1 Subchapter J as a Class 1 laser product under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Serv\fces (DHHS) Rad\fat\fon \berformance Standard accord\fng to the Rad\fat\fon Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968. Th\fs means that the mach\fne does not produce hazardous rad\fat\fon. S\fnce rad\fat\fon em\ftted \fns\fde the mach\fne \fs completely confined w\fth\fn protect\fve hous\fngs and external covers, the laser beam cannot escape from the mach\fne dur\fng any phase of user operat\fon. CDRH Regulations The Center for Dev\fces and Rad\folog\fcal Health (CDRH) of the U.S. Food and Drug Adm\fn\fstrat\fon \fmplemented regulat\fons for laser products on August 2, 1976. These regulat\fons apply to laser products manufactured from August 1, 1976. Compl\fance \fs mandatory for products marketed \fn the Un\fted States. CAUTION Use of controls, adjustments, or performance of procedures other than those spec\ffied \fn th\fs manual may result \fn hazardous rad\fat\fon exposure. The label \fs attached to the laser scanner mach\fne \fns\fde the mach\fne and \fs not \fn a user access area.

FT6-0109 (000) XXXXXXXXXX © CANON INC. 201\f PRINTE\b IN CHINA CANON INC.30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, \fokyo 14\b-8501, Japan CANON MARKETING JAPAN INC.1\b-\b, Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, \fokyo 108-8011, Japan CANON U.S.A., INC.One Canon Park, Melville, NY 11747, U.S.A. CANON EUROPA N.V.Bovenkerkerweg 59, 1185 XB Amste\tlveen, \fhe Netherlands CANON C\fINA CO. LTD.15F Jinbao Building\t No.89, Jinbao Street,\t Dongcheng District, Beijing 100005\t, PRC CANON SINGAPORE PT\VE LTD1 HarbourFront Avenue, #04-01 Keppel Bay \fower, Singapore 098\b32 CANON AUSTRALIA PTY LTD1 \fhomas Holt Drive, North Ryde, Sydney NSW 2113, Australia CANON GLO\bAL WORLDWIDE SITES Serial No. \bate of Purchase