Canon Imagerunner 2202n User Guide
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37 English Loading Paper 04 Load \fhe paper s\fack i\Sn\fo \fhe drawer. Even out the edges o\wf the paper stack\f Load the paper stack against the \wend guide of the d\wrawer\f When loading paper\w into the drawer for the first time, set the slide guid\wes for the paper \being \wloaded\f (See "Adjusting a Drawer to Hold a Different Paper Size (Drawer 1)," on p\f38\f) When loading paper\w into the drawer, make sure that the paper size setting of the d\wrawer matches the size of the paper...
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38Loading Paper 06 Specify \fhe size and \fype of paper you loaded. See e-Manual > Basic Oper\wations\f Adjusting a Drawer to \bold a Different Paper Size \fDrawer 1) If you want to change the size of paper in a dr\wawer, follow the procedure descri\bed \below to adjust the drawer guides\f For information on changing the paper size of the optional Cassette Feeding Module-AB1, see e-Manual > Maintenance\f 01 Pull ou\f \fhe drawer 1, and remove all \fhe loaded paper. Push down the metal plate to...
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39 English Loading Paper 04 Load \fhe appropria\fe size paper in\fo \fhe drawer 1. CAUTION Take care not to cut your hands on the e\wdges of the paper when loading \wit into the machine\f 05 Gen\fly push \fhe drawer 1 back in\fo \fhe machine un\fil i\f clicks in\fo place in \fhe closed posi\fion. CAUTION When returning the drawer to its original position, \be careful not to get your fingers caught,\w as this may result in personal \winjury\f 06 Specify \fhe size and \fype of paper you loaded. See...
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40Consuma\bles Consumables The following consuma\bles ar\we availa\ble from Canon\f For more information, contact your local authorized Canon dealer\f We recommend that you order paper stock and toner from your local authorized Canon dealer \before your stock runs out\f Recommended Paper In addition to plain paper, recycled paper, colour paper, transparencies (recommended for this machine), \wla\bels, and other types of paper stock are availa\ble\f CAUTION Do not store paper in places \wexposed to...
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41 English Consuma\bles IMPORTANT • Store toner cartridges in a cool lo\wcation, away from direct sunlight\f ( The recommended storage conditions are temperatures \below 30°C and humidity \below 80%\f) • Do not store toner cartridges in an upright position\f • [Be careful of counterfeit toners] Please \be aware that there are counterfeit Canon toners in the marketplace\f Use of counterfeit toner may result in poor print quality or machine performance\f Canon is not responsi\ble for any...
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42Replacing the Toner Replacing the Toner When there is only a small a\wmount of toner remaining in the ma\wchine, the following message \blinks on the displ\way\f You may continue printing, however, it is highly recommended that you prepare a new toner cartridge \before the toner has completely run out\f + - Prepare the toner cartridge. Density: 0 Original Type: Text ... 2-Sided: Off When prints can no longer\w \be made as toner runs out completely, the message appears on the o\wperation...
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43 English Replacing the Toner 0\b While pressing \fhe unlock \fab\S on \fhe grip, \furn \fhe \foner car\fridge in \fhe direc\fion of \fhe arrow (clockwise). * * Unlock Ta\b 03 Pressing \fhe unlock \fab\S, pull ou\f \fhe \foner car\fridge. 04 Shake \fhe new \foner car\fridge back and for\fh (five or six \fimes) \fo dis\fribu\fe \fhe \foner evenly inside \fhe car\fridge. WARNING Do not \burn or throw used toner cartridge into open flames, as this may cause the toner remaining inside the cartridges...
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44Replacing the Toner 06 Hold \fhe \foner car\fridge in place wi\fh one hand, and \fhen remove \fhe pro\fec\five seal by pulling i\f s\fraigh\f ou\f wi\fh \fhe o\fher hand. IMPORTANT • Pull out the seal s\wlowly, otherwise the toner may scatter and soil your clothes or skin\f • Make sure that you pull out the se\wal completely, otherwise print errors may occur\f • Make sure that you pull the seal s\wtraight out\f Pulling the seal upwards or downwards may \break the seal\f If the seal \breaks...
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45 English Locations of Paper Jams Locations of Paper Jams Paper jams may occur in the following parts of the machine\f By following the instructions in the appli\wca\ble section, you can clear paper\w jams\f For details on thes\we procedures, see the e-Manual\f Paper Jams: e-Manual > Pro\blem Solving Ou\fpu\f Area Mul\fi-Purpose Tray Fixing Uni\fCasse\f\fe Feeding Uni\f-AB1 (Op\fional) Feeder (DADF-AM1) (Op\fional) Drawer 1 Duplex Uni\f-C1 (Op\fional)
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46When an Error Message/Error Code Is Displayed When an Error Message/Error Code Is Displayed When an Error Message Is Displayed Error messages may appear on the dis\wplay of the machine or the We\b \browser\f Self-diagnostic error messages appear\w in the following cases: • When scanning or p\wrinting cannot \be pe\wrformed \because of an opera\wtional error • When you need to make a decision or ta\wke some action while scanning\w or printing • When you need to make a decision or ta\wke some...