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Canon I Sensys Mf8280cw User Guide

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Page 311

Sending  Documents as E- mails  Directly from the Machine  (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
Saving  Documents Directly to a Shared Folder  (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
If you want to easily and  quickly  delete destinations without displaying a list  of destinations
Before selecting  in step 1, you can press / to  toggle the  destinations you
specified. Display a destination  you want to  delete, and  press .

Page 312

Specifying Previously Used Destinations
You  can select a destination  from the  three most previously used destinations. When  you specify  a previously
used destination, the  machine also  sets the  same scan settings,  such as density, used the  last  time  you sent
documents to  that  destination.
When   is  set to  , you cannot  use this feature. Disabling Use of Previously  Used
Turning OFF  the  machine or setting  to   deletes the  past destinations, and  disables...

Page 313

Specifying Destinations in an LDAP Server (E-mail)
If  your office  has an  LDAP server  installed,  you can use the  destinations registered in the  server. To specify
destinations, access an  LDAP server  via  the  machine, and  then  search for  a destination.
You  need to  specify  the  settings for  connecting to  an  LDAP server  beforehand.
Registering LDAP Servers (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
Press  .
Use  / to select , and  press  .
Select the LDAP server...

Page 314

Specify  the search  method, and  press  .

Searches and  displays the  destinations that  meet  all the  search criteria specified in steps 4  and  5.

All  destinations meeting  any of the  search criteria specified in steps 4  and  5  are  displayed as search results.
Press  .
The destinations meeting  your search criteria are  displayed.
If  the  authentication screen appears when you press , enter the  user  name of the  machine and  the  password
registered in the  LDAP server, and  press ....

Page 315

Sending  Documents as E- mails  Directly from the Machine  (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
3Press  , select ,  and  press .
If you want to easily and  quickly  delete destinations without displaying a list  of destinations
Before selecting  in step 1, you can press / to  toggle the  destinations you
specified. Display a destination  you want to  delete, and  press .

Page 316

Changing Default Settings
The default  settings are  the  settings that  are  displayed whenever you turn  ON the  machine, or when you press . If  you change these
default  settings to  match the  operations that  you perform  frequently,  you can eliminate the  need to  configure the  same settings every
time  you scan.
USB memory
         Select the  setting  Change  the  default  value  of the  selected item    
Select the  item  you want to  set, and  change the  default  value.

Page 317

SettingsSelect the  item  you want to  set, and  change the  default  value.
Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory
Sending  Documents as E- mails  Directly from the Machine  (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
Saving  Documents Directly to a Shared Folder  (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
Specifying Detailed Settings
Scan Settings

Page 318

Checking Log for Sent Documents (E-mail/Shared Folder) (MF8580Cdw /
MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
The logs  for  sent e-mails or documents scanned to  shared  folders  can be checked  in a list.
When   is  set to  , you cannot  check  the  logs  for  sent documents.
Display Job  Log
Press  (Status Monitor).
Use  / to select , and  press  .
Select , and  press  .
A list  of the  documents that  were sent is  displayed.
Select the document  whose detailed information  you want to check,...

Page 319

The machine has been designed for  flexibility of use across a variety  of environments,  and  it includes advanced  technologies in addition
to  basic  network features.  Do not  worry  if  you are  not  a network expert, because  the  machine has also  been designed for  convenience
and  ease  of use. Relax and  proceed with the  network setup one step at a time.
Connecting to  a Computer/Viewing the Machine's Network Settings
Connecting to a NetworkViewing Network Settings...

Page 320

Connecting to a Network
When  connecting the  machine to  a wired or wireless local area network (LAN), you need to  set an  IP  address unique  to  the  selected
network. Select "wired" or "wireless"  depending on  your communication environment and  networking devices (Connecting to a
Computer ). For specific IP  address settings,  contact your Internet  service provider  or Network Administrator.
If  the  machine is  connected to  an  unsecured network, your personal...
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