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Canon I Sensys Mf8280cw User Guide

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Page 321

Set the IP address as necessary.This step is  required when you want to  assign  a specific IP  address to  the  machine or change the  dynamic IP
addressing protocol from the  default  DHCP.
Setting IP Addresses

Page 322

Selecting Wired LAN or Wireless LAN (MF8580Cdw / MF8280Cw Only)
After you decide  on  wired or wireless LAN to  connect the  machine to  the  computer  (Connecting to a Computer), select wired LAN or
wireless LAN using the  operation panel.  Note that  if  you change the  setting from  to   or vice versa,  you will
need to  uninstall  MF Drivers installed on  your computer  and  then  reinstall them (MF  Driver  Installation  Guide).
Press  .
Use  /  to select ,  and  press  .
If  the  logon...

Page 323

Connecting to a Wired LAN
Connect  the  machine to  a computer  via  a router. Use  a LAN cable to  connect the  machine to  the  router.
Connect a LAN cable.
Connect  the  machine to  a router  by using a LAN cable.
Push  the  connector  in until it clicks  into place.
Wait approximately 2 minutes.
While you wait, the  IP  address is  set automatically.
You  can set the  IP  address manually.  
Setting IP Addresses
Connecting to a Network

Page 324

Connecting to a Wireless LAN (MF8580Cdw / MF8280Cw Only)
Wireless routers (or access points) connect the  machine to  a computer  via  radio waves. If  your wireless router  is  equipped with Wi-Fi
Protected Setup  (WPS),  configuring your network is  automatic and  easy. If  your networking devices do not  support automatic
configuration,  or if  you want to  specify  authentication and  encryption settings in detail, you need to  manually set up  the  connection.
Make  sure  that  your...

Page 325

If  the  wireless router  is  set to  use WEP authentication,  you may  not  be able  to  set up  connection using WPS.
When  manually setting up  a wireless connection,  you can either select a wireless router  or manually enter the  required informat ion.
Regardless  of the  method, make sure  that  you have the  required setup information, including the  SSID  and  network key  (
the SSID and  Network Key ).
Selecting a Wireless  Router
Select this setup option if  you need to  manually...

Page 326

Setting Up Connection Using WPS Push Button Mode
If  your wireless router  supports WPS push  button mode,  you can easily  set up  a connection with a WPS button.
How  to  operate the  wireless router  may  vary on  each device. See the  instruction  manuals  for  your networking device for  help.
Press  .
Use  /  to select ,  and  press  .
If  the  logon screen appears, enter the  correct ID and  PIN  using the  numeric keys, and  then  press .Logging  on  to the
Select ,...

Page 327

When  the  setup is  completed, the  screen below is  displayed,  and  approximately  2  seconds  later, the  Wi-Fi  indicator lights up.
Wait approximately  2  minutes  until the  IP  address settings of the  machine are  completed.
Signal  strength
When  more than one wireless router  is  available for  connection,  the  machine connects to  the  device with the  strongest  signal.
Signal  strength is  measured using RSSI  (Received  Signal  Strength Indication).
Reducing power...

Page 328

Setting Up Connection Using WPS PIN Code Mode
If  your wireless router  supports WPS PIN  code mode,  generate  a PIN  code with the  machine and  register  the  code to  the  networking
How  to  operate the  wireless router  may  vary on  each device. See the  instruction  manuals  for  your networking device for  help.
From a Computer
Access  your wireless router  from a computer  and  display the screen  for entering a WPS  PIN code.
For more information, see  the...

Page 329

Check  that  the Wi-Fi indicator is  blinking  on the operation panel.
The Wi-Fi  indicator blinks when a wireless router  is  detected.
When  the  setup is  completed, the  screen below is  displayed,  and  approximately  2  seconds  later, the  Wi-Fi  indicator lights up.
Wait approximately  2  minutes  until the  IP  address settings of the  machine are  completed.
Signal  strength
When  more than one wireless router  is  available for  connection,  the  machine connects to  the  device...

Page 330

Setting Up Connection by Selecting a Wireless Router
You  can search the  wireless routers (or access points) available for  connection and  select one from the  display of the  machine. For the
network key, enter a WEP key  or TKIP.  Before selecting a wireless router, check  and  write down the  required setup information, including
the  SSID  and  network key  (
Checking the SSID and  Network Key ).
Security settings
If  the  wireless connection is  set up  by selecting a wireless...
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