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Canon I Sensys Mf8280cw User Guide

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Page 281

It is  troublesome  to  configure the  color mode,  image quality, or other settings each time  you scan.  If  you register  frequently used
settings as Favorite Settings,  you can scan simply  call the  registered settings when scanning.
The following  settings cannot  be registered in [Favorite Settings].Widths and  heights in [Input  Settings] and  [Output Settings]
On or off  of the  
button (to lock the  ratio of width to  height) in [Input  Settings]
The magnification percentage (%) in [Output...

Page 282

Calling registered Favorite Settings
Display a preview  image, and  select the  registered setting in the  drop-down list.
Registering the Brightness or Color Setting
To register  only the  brightness, contrast, histogram, tone curve, or threshold  setting, follow  the  procedure below.
Place the document(s), and  click [Preview].
Adjust the brightness or color.
Adjusting Brightness  and Color
Select settings to  register  as necessary.
Select [Add/Delete] in the drop -down  list.
The [Add/Delete...

Page 283

Configuring  Scan Settings  in Simple Mode
Scanning Using  MF Toolbox
Scanning Using  an Application

Page 284

Convenient Scanning with a Machine-Based Operation
The machine can convert original  documents into electronic file formats such as PDF  without using a computer. There  are  many
advantages  to  digitizing documents.  A variety  of useful  settings are  available to  suit your needs.
Scanning  Documents  Directly  to USB Memory
One  way  this function can be used is  by scanning documents directly  onto  a USB  memory  device and  taking the  USB  memory  device
to  your meeting. You  can then...

Page 285

Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory
This section  describes  how to  scan documents to  save  directly  in a USB  memory  device connected to  the  machine. You  can save  the
scanned documents in PDF,  JPEG  or TIFF format.
Available  USB Memory  Devices
You  can use USB  memory  devices with the  following  format styles.FAT16 (memory  capacity: up  to  2  GB)
FAT32 (memory  capacity: up  to  32 GB)
Do not  use non-standard USB  memory  devices.  You  may  not  be able  to...

Page 286

If  you select JPEG  in , only one page can be scanned when the  document is  placed  on  the  platen glass. To scan
multiple documents at a time, place them in the  feeder.  These documents will  be scanned and  saved  as separate files. For PDF  or
TIFF files, multiple documents can be scanned and  saved  into one set of files, regardless of whether  documents are  placed  on
the  platen glass  or in the  feeder.
Press  .
Scanning starts.
If  you want to  cancel scanning, press  
When  placing...

Page 287


Page 288

Sending Documents as E-mails Directly from the Machine (MF8580Cdw /
MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
You  can specify  multiple destinations, including Cc/Bcc  destinations, just like you can when sending normal e-mails.
Place the document(s). Placing  Documents
Press  .
Use  / to select , and  press  .
Enter  the destination using the numeric  keys,  and  press .
Pressing   toggles  the  input  modes.
If  you enter the  wrong characters, press 
. (Press to  delete  each character one by one; press...

Page 289

You  can select either  or  as a file format.
The file name of a scanned document is  automatically assigned  based on  the  following  format: communication management
number (four  digits)_sent  date and  time_document  number (three  digits).pdf.
Example  of file  names: If  a one-page document is  converted into a PDF  file and  sent on  October 17,  2013  at 07:00:05 P.M.
You  cannot  specify  file names  yourself.
Specify  the subject, body, reply-to address, and  priority...

Page 290

To  specify reply-to address
To  specify priority
Press   to start sending.
Scanning starts.
If  you want to  cancel sending, press 
1Select , and  press .
2Select , and  press .
3Select a reply - to address from the Address Book,  and  press .
For instructions on  how to  use the  Address Book,  see  
Specifying from Address Book .
1Select , and  press .
2Select a priority  level,  and  press .
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