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Canon I Sensys Mf8280cw User Guide

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Page 231

Printing from USB Memory (USB Print)
You  can print image files  stored  in a USB  memory  device by connecting it directly  to  the  machine. Using  this function,  you can print
without using a computer.
Available  File Formats
You  can print the  following  types of image files.JPEG  (DCF/Exif 2.21 or earlier/JFIF)
TIFF (JPEG/MH/MR/MMR  compression)
Maximum printable data size per file  is  50 MB .
 For multi -page TIFF  files,  maximum  data  size  is per  page.
 Maximum data  size  is...

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Use  / to select , and  press  .
Index Print
You  can print thumbnails  of the  image files  (JPEG only)  stored  in a USB  memory  device. To print the  images in thumbnails, select
 on  the  screen, and  proceed to  the  next step.
Select the file to print, and  press  .
You  can select multiple files.
To clear a selection,  select the  file you have selected (marked as ), and  press .
To display the  contents of a folder,  select a folder,  and  press 
or. To return to  the  folder in the  upper...

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To  change the file sort  order
You  can change the  sort  order of the  files  in a USB  memory  device.
You  can specify  a sort  setting such as  or  as the  default  setting for  the  file sort
File Sort Default  Settings
2Select ,  and  press .
3Select the display method,  and  press .
Displays  file names  and  dates.
You  can set whether  to  display abbreviated file names. 
File Name  Display Format

Displays  previews. To select a file, press 
/ to  switch  the...

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Press  .
Specify  the print settings  as necessary.
Use  / to  select the  settings,  press  and  specify  each setting.

When  you select  or , files  are  sorted  based on  the
modification dates and  time  of the  files.
Specify the  number of copies from 1  to  99.  Use  /or the  numeric keys to  enter a quantity, and  press .
Select the  paper  to  print on. Use  /to  select the  paper,  and  press .
You  can print two or four  images onto  a single sheet. Use  /to  select  or , and  press...

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 (MF8580Cdw / MF8550Cdn  / MF8540Cdn  Only)

Prints  two images onto  a single sheet.
Prints  four  images onto  a single sheet.
 is  not  available for  printing TIFF files.
You  can make 2 -sided  printouts.  Use  /to  select the  binding position, and  press .
 Prints  images in such a way  that  the  printed pages are  opened horizontally when bound.
Prints  images in such a way  that  the  printed pages are  opened vertically  when bound.
  may  not  be available with some  sizes or...

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Although   is  not  available for  Index  Print,  the  file name is  automatically printed below each image.
You  can select the  type of original  depending on  the  image to  print.  Use  /to  select  or ,  and  press .

Gives priority  to  printing photo  images smoothly.
Gives priority  to  printing text clearly.
You  can adjust the  brightness  of printouts.  Use  /to  adjust the  brightness, and  press .
Prints  images darker.
Prints  images brighter.
You  can adjust the  brightness...

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Press  .
Printing  starts.
If  you want to  cancel printing,  press 
Disconnect the USB memory device from the USB memory port.
1Press  .
2Press  (Status Monitor).
3Use /to select , and  press .
4Select ,  and  press .
Wait until the  message  is  displayed.
5Disconnect  the USB memory device.
If  you always  want to  print with the  same settings:  Changing Default  USB Print Settings
Memory Media  Print Settings
Prints  images with small text or fine  lines with a clear finish.

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Changing Default USB Print Settings
The default  settings are  the  settings that  are  displayed whenever you turn  ON the  machine, or when you press . If  you change these
default  settings to  match the  operations that  you perform  frequently,  you can eliminate the  need to  specify  the  same settings every time
you make prints.
       Select the  setting  Change  the
default  value  of the  selected item    
Select the  item  you want to  set, and  change the  default  value....

Page 239

Using Google Cloud Print
Google  Cloud Print  is  a service that  enables a user  who has a Google  account to  print from applications  such as Google  Docs™  or Gmail™
via  a smartphone, tablet,  or computer  connected to  the  Internet. Unlike  conventional printing from a computer, Google  Cloud Print  is  a
new technology  that  enables you to  print by connecting a printer directly  to  the  Web. For example,  if  you want to  print an  e-mail or files
that  are  attached to  an  e-mail,...

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Preparing for Using Google Cloud Print
To print with Google  Cloud Print,  register  the  machine with Google  Cloud Print.
To use Google  Cloud Print,  a Google  account is  required.  If  you do not  have one, access Google  Web site  to  create your account.
Checking the Machine  Settings
Enabling  Google Cloud  Print
Registering the Machine  with Google Cloud  Print
Before setting up  Google  Cloud Print,  check  the  following: Make  sure  that  the  machine is  assigned  an  IPv4...
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