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Canon I Sensys Mf8280cw User Guide

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Page 211

Setting Color Mode
You  can select a color mode (color or black and  white). If  a document has pages in both  color and  black and
white,  by specifying  auto  mode,  color pages are  printed in color, and  black and  white  pages are  printed in
black and  white  automatically.
[Basic Settings] tab  
 Select the  color mode in [Color Mode]  [OK]
[Color  Mode] Select [Black and  White] or [Color]. If  you select [Auto  [Color/B&W]], the  color
mode is  automatically switched page by page.

Page 212

Printing a Document
For more information, click [Help] on  the  printer driver  screen.

Page 213

Specifying Paper Source
To print onto  the  specific paper,  specify  the  paper  source that  is  loaded  with the  paper  you want to  use.
Before printing,  specify  the  paper  size and  type for  the  paper  loaded  in the  paper  source.
Loading Paper
Specifying Paper Size  and  Type[Paper Source] tab  
 Select [Paper Source] in [Select by]  Select the  paper  source that  is  loaded  with the  paper  you want
to  print on  from [Paper Source]  [OK]
When  a paper  source has been...

Page 214

[Paper Selection]
Select how to  specify  paper,  such as [Different  for  Cover and  Others]  or [Different  for  First,  Others, and  Last]. Also, specify
which paper  should be used for  the  cover and  the  body pages.
 You  can  select this  option when you  select [Booklet  Printing] in [1-sided/2-sided/Booklet  Printing] in the [Basic Settings]  ta b.Printing
Booklet (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn  / MF8540Cdn  Only)
Printing a Document

Page 215

Selecting Document Type
You  can specify  the  document type to  ensure  optimal image quality. There  are  different  settings for  photo
documents,  documents that  have charts  or graphs,  and  documents that  have design drawings with fine  lines.
[Quality]  tab  
 Select the  document type in [Objective]   [OK]
[Objective] Select an  option that  suits the  document type or purpose of printing.  For example,  select [General] for  general use, or select
[Vivid Photo] when you want to  print...

Page 216

Saving Toner
You  can set the  printer driver  to  print documents using less toner.
When  the  toner save  setting is  enabled,  fine  lines and  portions  with lighter print density  may  become blurred.[Quality]  tab  
 Select the  document type in [Objective]   Click [Advanced  Settings]  Select [Toner  Save]  in the
[Advanced  Settings] screen  Select [On]  from the  drop-down list   [OK]   [OK]
[Objective]  Selecting  Document  Type
Select the  document type for  which you want...

Page 217

Combining and Printing Multiple Documents
By using Canon  PageComposer, you can combine multiple documents into one print job and  print the  job with
specified print settings.  This function, for  example,  enables you to  combine documents made  with different
applications  and  print all of the  pages in the  same paper  size.
Open a document  in an application and  display the print dialog  box.
How  to  display the  print dialog  box differs for  each application.  For more information, see...

Page 218

Repeat  steps  1 to 4 for the documents you want to combine.
The documents are  added to  the  Canon  PageComposer.
From the [Document Name] list, select the documents to combine, and  click .
To select multiple documents,  click the  documents while holding down [SHIFT] key  or [CTRL]  key.
Change the settings  as necessary, and  click [Combine].
The documents selected in step 6  are  combined.
[Print Preview]
Displays  a preview  of the  document to  be printed.
[Document  List]/[Print  Settings] Click...

Page 219

Displays  the  print setting screen of the  printer driver. There  are  fewer  settings available than when using the  ordinary printi ng
On the [Document Name] list, select the combined -document  print job  you want to print, and  click  .
Printing  starts.
For instructions on  how to  cancel printing,  see  
Canceling Prints .
Printing a Document

Page 220

Configuring Printer Settings on the Machine
When  you print a document from a computer, you can specify  many print settings,  such as the  number of copies or color mode,  in the
application you used to  make the  document or on  the  printer driver. However, the   setting described below can
only be specified on  the  machine.

Select whether  to  switch  between  printing on  A4  and  Letter size paper  if  one of these paper  sizes is  loaded  but the  other is  not. For
example,  if  you...
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