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Canon I Sensys Mf8280cw User Guide

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Page 171

2Select the document whose  log you want to check, and  press .
/Displays  a list  of the  documents that  were sent and  received.  is  displayed when a document was  sent or received
successfully,  and    is  displayed when a document failed to  be sent or received because  it was  canceled or there
was  some  error.
Displays  detailed information  about  the  document selected from the  list.
If the  column  shows  a three- digit number
This number represents  an  error  code.  
When an Error...

Page 172

Sending Faxes from Your Computer (PC Fax)
You  can send fax  documents created on  your computer  application directly  from your computer. This feature eliminates the  need to  print
documents for  faxing and  saves paper.  You  need to  complete some  procedures,  such as specifying  the  basic  fax  settings (Configuring
Initial  Settings  for Fax Functions (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8280Cw Only) ) and  installing the  fax  driver  on  your computer
( MF Driver  Installation Guide ), before...

Page 173

Sending PC Faxes
When   is  set to  , you cannot  send faxes from computers.
Prohibiting PC Faxing (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
You  need to  enable  Department  ID Management on  the  fax  driver  you are  using if  Department  ID Management is  enabled  on
the  machine. For more information, click [Help] on  the  fax  driver  screen. 
Setting the Department  ID Management
Open a document  in an application and  display the print dialog  box.
How  to  display the  print...

Page 174

Attach  a cover  sheet  to the document  as necessary. Attaching Cover Sheets to PC Faxes
Click [OK] to send the document.

Page 175

Attaching Cover Sheets to PC Faxes
You  can attach a cover sheet to  the  document you are  sending. Select a cover sheet from three preset  cover sheets in the  fax  driver, or
create your own custom cover sheets.  For more information, click [Help] on  the  fax  driver  screen.
Open a document  in an application and  display the print dialog  box.
How  to  display the  print dialog  box differs for  each application.  For more information, see  the  instruction  manual  for  the

Page 176

[Sender] tab
Select the  sender  items you want to  include  and  enter the  information.
[Destination] tab
Select the  destination  items you want to  include  and  enter the  information. Destination  names, company  names,
department  names, and  fax  numbers  specified in the  [Sending Settings] tab  (Sending  PC Faxes) are  included  on
the  cover sheet.
[Logo]  tab/[Signature] tab
Specify each setting. The following  screen shows  an  example  for  when the  [Logo] tab  is  selected.

Page 177

If you want to insert an attention  note, select [Insert  Attention Note] and  select a note  from the [Attention
Note] drop -down  list.
Attention notes such as "Urgent"  and  "Confidential" are  available. You  can also  enter characters  directly  in [Attention Note]
instead of selecting a note from the  list.
You  can also  add  comments in [Comment  to  Include].
Click [Preview] to check  the contents  of the cover  sheet, and  if everything is  correct, click [OK].
To modify the...

Page 178

Using Address Book
Once you register  frequently used destinations for  PC faxes in the  Address Book,  you can easily  specify
destinations whenever you send PC faxes.  Also, Address Book data in CSV format created on  applications  such
as Microsoft  Excel can be imported into the  machine, or the  Address Book data can be exported to  a file for
use on  other fax  machines or applications.
You  cannot  use the  Address Book if  you do not  have permission to  access the  folder where the...

Page 179

Registering Destinations
This section  describes  how to  register  destinations in the  Address Book for  PC faxes.  You  can select single destinations from among those
registered in the  Address Book to  make one group destination  (Group Dial), which is  useful  when sending to  multiple destination s at
Registering Destinations
Registering Multiple Destinations as One Destination (Group  Dial)
A total of 6,000 destinations can be registered: 3,000 for  single destinations and...

Page 180

Specify  each setting and  click [OK].
Enter the  recipient name,  company  name,  and  department  name.
[Fax Number]
Enter the  fax  number(s). Hyphens can be inserted between  numbers  as necessary. If  you want to  add  explanations of the  uses
for  the  fax  numbers, such as "Home" or "Office",  enter them in [Description].
Enter comments as necessary.
Open the printer  folder. Displaying the Printer Folder
Right-click your fax icon and  click [Printing...
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