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Canon I Sensys Mf8280cw User Guide

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Page 221

Printing a Document Secured by a PIN (Secure Print) (MF8580Cdw /
MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
By setting a PIN  to  a document when printing from a computer, the  document is  held in the  memory  of the  machine, and  is  not  printed
until the  correct PIN  is  entered  on  the  operation panel of the  machine. This function is  called "Secure Print," and  the  document that  is
protected  by a PIN  is  called a "secured document." Using  Secure Print  keeps  printouts of...

Page 222

Preparing for Using Secure Print
Make  sure  that  Secure Print  is  enabled  on  the  printer driver.
To perform  the  following  procedure, log on  to  the  computer  with an  administrator account.
Open the printer  folder. Displaying the Printer Folder
Right-click your printer  icon and  click [Printer  properties] (or  [Properties]).
Click the [Device Settings] tab and  make sure that  the [Allow Use of Secured Print] check  box is  selected.
If  the  check  box is  selected,...

Page 223

Printing via Secure Print
This section  describes  how to  print a document from an  application as a secured document. The first part of this section  describes  how to
send a secured document to  the  machine, and  the  second part of this section  describes  how to  print the  secured document on  the
Sending  a Secured Document  from a Computer to the Machine
Printing Out  Secured Documents
Changing the Valid Time Period  for Secured Documents
Open a document  in an application and...

Page 224

Specify  the print settings,  and  click [OK].
Click the  [Basic Settings],  [Page Setup], [Finishing],  [Paper Source], or [Quality]  tabs to  specify  the  print settings on  each
screen as necessary.Various Print Settings
Click [Print] (or  [OK]).
Check  the document  name, user name, and  PIN and  click [OK].
[Document  Name]
The document name is  automatically set based on  the  information  from the  application.  If  you want to  change the  document
name,  enter up  to  32 alphanumeric...

Page 225

After the  secured document is  sent to  the  machine, it is  held in the  memory  of the  machine waiting  to  be printed.
After you send the  secured document to  the  machine, print it out  within  30 minutes.  After that,  the  secured document will  be de leted
from the  memory  of the  machine and  can no  longer  be printed.
If  secured documents are  left  unprinted, they occupy the  memory  and  may  prevent  the  machine from printing even ordinary
(not  secured) documents.  Make  sure...

Page 226

The machine at purchase  is  set to  delete  secured documents 30 minutes  after receiving them unless  they are  printed,  but you can
change this setting.
Press  .
Use  /  to select ,  and  press  .
If  the  logon screen appears, enter the  correct ID and  PIN  using numeric keys, and  then  press .Logging  on  to the
Select ,  and  press  .
Select ,  and  press  .
Disabling Secure Print
Select , press 
, and  restart the  machine.
Specify  how  long  the machine holds secured documents,...

Page 227

Configuring Print Settings to Your Needs
You  can register  combinations of settings as "Profiles" to  suit your different  printing needs.  Also, you can register  the  settings that  you
frequently use as the  default  setting. Once the  default  setting is  set, the  registered settings are  automatically displayed on  the  printer
driver  screen, and  you can skip  the  operations to  specify  the  print settings and  print immediately.
Register the  combination of the  [2  on  1]...

Page 228

Registering Combinations of Frequently Used Print Settings
Specifying  combinations of settings such as "1 -sided  landscape orientation on  A4  size paper"  every time  you print may  be time
consuming.  If  you register  these frequently used combinations of print settings as "profiles," you can specify  printing settings simply  by
selecting one of these profiles from the  list. This section  describes  how to  register  profiles and  how to  print using them.
Registering a...

Page 229

Changing the settings  of the selected profile
You  can change the  settings of a selected profile. In addition,  the  changed settings can be registered as another profile.
Printing a Document

Page 230

Changing Default Settings
The default  settings are  the  settings that  are  first displayed whenever you open the  print settings screen of the  printer driver, but you
can change them. For example,  if  you want to  print all documents,  including color documents,  in black and  white,  you can change  the
default  setting for  color mode to  [Black and  White].  By changing  the  default  settings,  the  setting is  always  [Black and  White]  whenever
you open the  printer driver  screen,...
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