Candy Cs 115 D User Instructions
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EN 6061 CHAPTER 10THE PRODUCTIMPORTANT: When washing heavy rugs, bed spreads and other heavy articles, it is advisable not to spin. To be machine-washed, woollen garments and other articles in wool must bear the “Machine Washable Label”.IMPORTANT: When sorting articles ensure that:-there are no metal objects in the washing (e.g. brooches, safety pins, pins, coins etc.). -cushion covers are buttoned, zips and hooks are closed, loose belts and long tapes on dressing gowns are knotted. -runners from...
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EN CHAPTER 11CUST OMER AW ARENESS A guide environmentally friendly and economic use of your appliance. MAXIMISE THE LOAD SIZE Achieve the best use of energy, water, detergent and time by using the recommended maximum load size. Save up to 50% energy by washing a full load instead of 2 half loads. DO YOU NEED TO PRE-WASH? For heavily soiled laundry only! SAVE detergent, time, water and between 5 to 15% energy consumption by NOT selecting Prewash for slight to normally soiled laundry. IS A HOT WASH...
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6465 EN W ASHING VARIABLE CAPACITYThis washing machine automatically adapts the level of the water to the type and quantity of washing. In this way it is also possible to obtain a “personalized” wash from an energy saving point of view. This system gives a decrease in energy consumption and a sensible reduction in washing times.EXAMPLE: A net bag should be used for particularly delicate fa brics. Let us suppose that the washing consists of HEAVILY SOILED COTTON (tough stains should be removed with...
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6667 EN ● Ensure that the water inlet tap is turned on. ● And that the discharge tube is in place. PROGRAMME SELECTION Refer to the programme guide to select the most suitable programme. Turning the selector knob required programme is activate. The display will show the settings for the programme selected. Adjust the wash temperature if necessary. Press the option buttons (if required) Then press the START button. When the START button is pressed the machine sets the working sequence in motion. The...
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6869 EN CHAPTER 12CLEANING AND ROUTINEMAINTENANCEDo not use abrasives, spirits and/or diluents on the exterior of the appliance. It is sufficient to use a damp cloth. The washing machine requires very little maintenance: ● Cleaning of drawer compartments. ● Filter cleaning ● Removals or long periods when the machine is left standing. CLEANING OF DRAWER COMPARTMENTS Although not strictly necessary, it is advisable to clean the detergent, bleach and additives compartments occasionally. Remove the...
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71 70 SK âISTENIE FILTRA Práãka je vybavená ‰peciálnym filtrom, ktor˘ zachytáva väã‰ie predmety, ktoré by mohli upchaÈ odtokovú hadicu, napr. mince, gombíky, atì. Tie potom môÏu byÈ vybraté nasledujúcim spôsobom: ●Uvoºnite kryt zobrazen˘m spôsobom na obrázku. ●Kryt pouÏite ako nádobu na vodu vytekajúcu z filtra. ● Otoãte filter proti smeru hodín tak, aby zostal vo zvislej polohe. ● ZloÏte ho a oãistite. ● Po vyãistení ho pripevnite späÈ v smere hodín. Potom postupujte opaãne ako pri demontáÏi....
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KAPITOLA1 13 3 SK PORUCHA Ak porucha pretrváva, obráÈte sa na servisnú organizáciu. Uveìte vÏdy typ práãky (nájdete ho buì na zadnej stene spotrebiãa alebo na záruãnom liste). DôleÏité: 1 PouÏitie ekologick˘ch bezfosfátov˘ch pracích prá‰kov môÏe maÈ vplyv na: - Odtekajúca voda po plákaní môÏe byÈ chladnej‰ia vìaka prítomnosti zeolitov v zmesi. Neovplyvní to úãinnosÈ plákania. - Na záver prania sa na bielizni môÏe objaviÈ biely prá‰ok (zeolity), ktor˘ v‰ak na nej nezostane a tieÏ neovplyvní farbu...
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75 K KA AP PI IT TO OL LA A 1 13 3 CZ Z ZÁ ÁV VA AD DA A Pokud závada püetrvává, obrat’te se na servisní organizaci. Uved’te vïdy typ praöky (najdete jej bud’ na zadní stënë spotüebiöe nebo na záruöním listë). D Då ål le eï ïi it té é: : 1 1P Po ou uï ïi it tí í e ek ko ol lo og gi ic ck kÿ ÿc ch h b be ez zf fo os sf fá át to ov vÿ ÿc ch h p pr ra ac cí íc ch h p pr rá áä äk kå å m må åï ïe e m mí ít t v vl li iv v n na a : : - -O Od dt té ék ka aj jí íc cí í v vo od da a p po o...
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76 CHAPTER 13 EN FAU LT If the fault should persist, contact a Candy Technical Assistance Centre. For prompt servicing, give the model of the washing machine, to be found on the label placed on the cabinet inside of the porthole or on the guarantee certificate. Important 1The use of environment friendly detersives without phosphates may produce the following effects: -The discharge rinse water may result cloudier due to the presence of zeolites in suspension. This does not compromise the efficiency of...
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Z zastrzezeniem prawa do modyfikacji technicznych i ewentualnych bäëdów drukarskich.V˘robca sa ospravedlÀuje za prípadné tlaãové chyby v tomto návode na pouÏívanie. ëalej si v˘robca vyhradzuje právo urobiÈ potrebné zmeny na svojich v˘robkoch, ktoré nemajú vplyv na ich základnú charakteristiku.Agyártó minden felelosséget elhárít az ebben a füzetben esetleg eloforduló nyomdahibákkal kapcsolatban. A gyártó – a lényeges jellemzok megváltoztatása nélkül – fenntartja a termékek szükség szerinti módosításának...