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Barco Projector Cineversum 110 User Manual

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14. Installation menu
Image 14-15
14.8 Security
What can be done ?
A security function is implemented in the projector that allows a protection against theft.
A PIN code allows the user to lock the projector in case of wrong code entry.
The PIN code must be entered at each start up (Power ON), entering three times a wrong number triggers a wait cycle of 15 minutes,
the second 3 wrong codes a wait cycle of 30 minutes, 1 hour, ...
The security mode can be enabled or disabled.
How to activate the security...

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14. Installation menu
Image 14-16
Activating the security mode involves
the following things:
- The startup screen (identification window)
will contain a line withthe name of the
owner in it.
- You will be asked to enter a PIN code
every time the projector lost its power.
Are you sure you want to activate the 
Security mode
Image 14-17
Enter name of owner
e.g. Barco Educational Center
Image processing department
Brussels - Belgium
Image 14-18
Enter your PIN:...

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14. Installation menu
Image 14-21
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14. Installation menu
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15. Service
• Version Table
• Lamps and Power supply
• Board Identification
• Diagnostics
15.1 Version Table
What is possible ?
To get an overview of the different software and firmware version inside the projector.
How to get the version table
1. PressMENUto activate the menu bar. (image 15-1)
2. Press→to select theServiceitem.
3. Press↓to pull down the menu.
4. Use↑or↓to selectVersion table....
5. PressENTER.
An options dialog box opens. (image 15-2)
Image 15-1
Version table...

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15. Service
4. Use↑or↓to selectLamps and Power supply....
5. PressENTER.
An options dialog box opens. (image 15-4)
Image 15-3
Power Supply
µC version 004
Ambient Temp 016°C
Max Ambient Temp 045°C
Temp Lamp Driver 1 051°C
Temp Lamp driver 2 049°C
Image 15-4
15.3 Board Identification
What is possible ?
To get an overview of the board article numbers inside the projector.
How to get an overview ?
1. PressMENUto activate the menu bar. (image 15-5)
2. Press→to select theServiceitem.
3. Press↓to pull down the...

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15. Service
15.4 Diagnostics
• I²C Diagnostics
• Lamps and power supply
15.4.1 I²C Diagnostics
What can be done ?
The I2C bus allows the diagnostic of different hardware components
How to display the diagnostics menu ?
1. PressMENUto activate the menu bar.
2. Press→to select theServiceitem. (image 15-7)
3. Press↓to pull down theServicemenu.
4. Use↑or↓to selectDiagnostics.
5. Press→to pull down the menu.
6. Use↑or↓to selectI²C.
7. PressENTERto select I
A text box is displayed. (image 15-8)...

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15. Service
5. Press→to pull down the menu.
6. Use↑or↓to selectLamps and power supply.
7. PressENTERto selectLamps and power supply.
A text box with errors is displayed. (image 15-10)
Image 15-9
Lamps and power supply
Projector runtime
64 : lamp 2 error
65 : lamp 1 & 2 error
70 : lamp 1 errorHistory Description
Image 15-10
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16. Adjustment menu (check up)
• Internal patterns
• Convergence
All items in the adjustment menu are given for check up. No adjustments are possible.
16.1 Internal patterns
How to select ?
1. PressMENUto activate the menu bar.
2. Press→to select theAdjustmentitem. (image 16-1)
3. Press↓to pull down theAdjustmentmenu.
4. Use↑or↓to selectInternal patterns.
5. Press→to pull down the menu.
6. Use↑or↓to select the desired test pattern.
The following test...

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16. Adjustment menu (check up)
How to select ?
1. PressMENUto activate the menu bar.
2. Press→to select theAdjustmentitem. (image 16-2)
3. Press↓to pull down theAdjustmentmenu.
4. Use↑or↓to selectConvergence.
5. Press→to pull down the menu.
6. Use↑or↓to select the desired convergence test pattern.
7. PressENTERto select.
The selected test pattern will be displayed.
Image 16-2
16.3 More..
The items covered by More are only accessible for service technicians with a special key code.
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