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Avaya Partner Advanced Communications System 1600 Dsl Module User Guide

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Avaya, Inc. - 160 - PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module User Guide
Y. Delete A DHCP Assignment Entry
2. Select Enable/Disable DHCP.
The following instructions display on-screen:
DHCP Server is currently DISABLED
Enter E to Enable, D to Disable :
3. Type E.
You must restart the PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module
for any changes to take effect.  For more information on
restarting the PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module, see the
“Getting started” chapter.
the DHCP
To configure the DHCP server...

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Avaya, Inc. - 161 - PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module User Guide
2. Select Configure DHCP Server Parameters.
The following instructions display on-screen:
Current Gateway address =
Enter new Gateway IP address:
3. Type the new gateway IP address, and then press
If there is no gateway available, type the address of the
Ethernet port.
The following instructions display on-screen:
Current DNS Server address =
Enter new DNS Server IP address:
4. Type the new DNS server IP address, and then...

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Avaya, Inc. - 162 - PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module User Guide
8. Type the new lease time, and then press ENTER.
The NetBIOS Type Configuration Menu displays.
* NetBIOS Type Configuration Menu *
Current NetBIOS Node Type: h-node
1. B-node
2. P-node
4. M-node
8. H-node
ESC to return to previous menu
9. Select your choice, and then press ESC.
The DHCP Server Configuration Menu redisplays.
You must restart the PARTNER ACS...

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Avaya, Inc. - 163 - PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module User Guide
the DHCP
address range
You must configure the DHCP address range pool to set the
range of IP addresses to return to the DHCP clients.
To configure the DHCP address range pool:
1. On the Main Menu, select Configure DHCP Server.
The DHCP Server Configuration Menu displays.
* DHCP Server Configuration Menu *
E. Enable/Disable DHCP
B. Enable/Disable...

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Avaya, Inc. - 164 - PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module User Guide
4. Type the new low IP address, and then press ENTER.
The DHCP Server Configuration Menu redisplays.
You must restart the PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module
for any changes to take effect.  For more information on
restarting the PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module, see the
“Getting started” chapter. 

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Avaya, Inc. - 165 - PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module User Guide
11. Verification
This chapter describes how to verify that the PARTNER ACS
1600 DSL module operates properly after installation.  It also
covers maintenance, and how to display the current
configuration.  Before you can test the voice capabilities of the
PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module, you must first provision it
at the voice gateway.
Power-up test
The PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module shows a brief
indication of normal operation when you first turn on...

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Avaya, Inc. - 166 - PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module User Guide
To test the PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module:
1. Verify the WAN link status.
2. Pick up the telephone receiver on the PARTNER phone
and check for a dial tone
If no dial tone is present, troubleshoot as necessary.
3. Repeat steps 2-3 for each provisioned line.
4. Disconnect the telephone once you are through testing the
analog telephone ports.
5. Use a crossover cable to connect the PC to the Ethernet
LAN port on the PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module.

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Avaya, Inc. - 167 - PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module User Guide
Displaying the
To display the current configuration and data transmission
1. On the Main Menu, select Reports Menu.
The Reports Menu displays.
* Reports Menu *
C. Display Current Configuration
N. Display Network Statistics
I. Display Interface Statistics
M. Display Media Statistics
R. Display Route Table
A. Display ARP Table

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A. Menu hierarchy
1. Reports
C. Display Current Configuration
N. Display Network Statistics
C. Display ICMP Statistics
I. Display IP Statistics
T. Display TCP Statistics
U. Display UDP Statistics
Z. Clear a Network Statistic
C. Clear ICMP Statistics
I.  Clear IP Statistics
T. Clear TCP Statistics
U. Clear UDP Statistics
I. Display Interface Statistics
A. Display ARP Statistics
I. Display Interface Statistics
B. Display Bridge Statistics

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M. Display Media Statistics
F. Display Frame Relay Statistics
S. Display Serial Statistics
Z. Clear a Statistic
F. Clear Frame Relay DLCI Statistics
S. Clear Serial Statistics
1. Display ATM Statistics
Z. Clear ATM Statistics
1. Display ENET Statistics
Z. Clear ENET Statistics
1. Display POTS Statistics
Z. Clear POTS Statistics
R. Display Route Table
A. Display ARP Table
B. Display Bridge Forwarding Database
S. Display Bridge Status
P. Display...
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