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ATT System 25 Advanced Administration User Guide

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Page 81

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7-12b Administering Voice StationsNovember 1995 

Page 82

To specify which receiver
group will cover this
station’s calls:1     At Action =, enter 7.
2     At 
Data =, enter
1 - 32: for a standard coverage group number
101 - 132: for a DGC coverage group number.
This number corresponds to the DGC
group number 1-32 (the “1” in the
hundreds’ place indicates DGC
coverage instead of standard
0: for none.
The default is 1.
To send ringing to the
coverage station when
there is no answer at this
station:1     At 
Action =, enter 8.
2     At 

Page 83

Personal Speed Dialing:
1     At Action =, enter 16.
To enable Personal Speed
Dialing at this station:2     At 
Data =, enter 1 for yes or 0 for no.
The default is 0 for multiline stations.
To send ringing to
bridged appearances
when this Principal
station does not answer:1     At 
Action =, enter 17.
2     At 
Data =, enter 1 for yes or 0 for no.
The default is 1.
To send ringing to
bridged appearances
when this Principal
station is busy:1     At 
Action =, enter 18.
2     At 
Data =, enter 1...

Page 84

To assign the number of
times the system will
retry callback for an
outgoing facility:1     At Action =, enter 42.
2     At 
Data =, enter the number of callback retries (after the
first try) for an outgoing facility, 0 - 15. The default is 2.
To assign the number of
rings per callback try for
an outgoing facility:1     At 
Action =, enter 43.
2     At 
Data =, enter the maximum number of times the
telephone should ring per callback try, 2 - 15.
The default is 3.
To enable automatic
callback queuing for...

Page 85

Night Service
To display the number of
each trunk assigned to
this station for Night
Service:1     At 
Action =, enter 51.
2     To continue the list, enter C after each trunk number is
To assign a trunk to thisNOTE: Any given trunk can have no more than four Night
station for Night Service:Service coverage stations assigned to it.
1     At 
Action =, enter 52.
2     At 
Data =, enter a 4-digit trunk number.
To delete a trunk from1     At 
Action =, enter 53.
this station’s Night
Service list:2...

Page 86

Administering Data Line and STARLAN CP Ports
Procedures in this section apply to a data terminal connected to a Data Line Card (DLC) via
an Asynchronous Data Unit (ADU) (not to a data terminal connected via a modem) and to a
STARLAN Interface Circuit Pack (STARLAN CP) in DLC-compatibility mode. This section
describes how to:
n     Assign data stations to ports
n     Remove data stations from ports
n     Assign and change Data Dial Codes (DDCs)
n     Assign Class of Service to data ports.
Using the Port...

Page 87

4     At Data =, enter the code for the data terminal you are
– 1801 for a DLC (ZTN126 or TN726)
– 1802 for a STARLAN CP (ZTN84)
NOTE: The only way to change an existing terminal type
is to remove and reinstall the station.
5     Next, assign DDC:
You see the prompt, 
Action = 2.
At Data =, enter the DDC for this station. The valid
range is 1-9999.
6     To administer Class of Service for this station, see
“Assigning Class-of-Service Options” in this chapter.
Display Support
To assign or remove...

Page 88

3     At Action =, enter 1.
4     At 
Data =, enter 0.
NOTE: If this station is associated with another station(s)
for a feature such as Third-Party Call Setup, you will see a
warning message for each type of association. To continue
with the action, respond to the system message,
C for continue, any other key for abort. When there are no
more associations with the station you want to remove,
you see:
C for continue, any other key for abort
5     Enter C.
You see the following display when...

Page 89

Moving a Data Station
Use this procedure when you want to move a station to another port. Keep these
considerations in mind when you move a station:
n     The moved-to port must be vacant.
n     The terminal types must be the same; that is, you can only move a station to the same
physical type (e.g., data terminal to data terminal port).
To move a data station to
a new port:1     From the Main Menu prompt, enter 2.
2     At 
PDC =, enter the DDC of the station you want to
3     At 
Action =, enter...

Page 90

Assigning Calling Restrictions
To restrict access to the1     At 
Action =, enter 3.
CO trunk pool:
2     At 
Data =, enter 1 for yes or 0 for no.
The default is 0.
To restrict access to all1     At 
Action =, enter 4.
other trunk pools:
2     At 
Data =, enter 1 for yes or 0 for no.
The default is 0.
To set calls to this station1     At 
Action =, enter 12.
to hunt to another station
2     At 
Data =, enter the DDC of the station to hunt to, or 0 for
if this station is busy:
no hunt. The default is 0....
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