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ATT System 25 Advanced Administration User Guide

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Page 31

TABLE 3-2 Initialization Sequence (continued)
From the Information provided on this formEnter these translations:
Assign all station ports (except for attendant
9Voice and Data Station
Records Form andconsoles), following the procedures in
“Administering Voice Stations” and
STARLAN Interface Circuit
“Administering Data Line and STARLAN
CP Ports”. Do not enter Class-of-Service
parameters yet. There are some procedures
you cannot complete until all stations are
assigned, such as button assignments.
Be sure...

Page 32

Administering System-Wide Options
This section describes how to set System-Wide options:
nToll Restrictions
Pooled Modem
Time of Day
Station Message Detail Recording
Call Accounting Options
- Number of digits used for account codes
Miscellaneous System Options:
- Trunk-to-trunk transfer for Loop Start trunks
- Maintenance Busy for Ground Start trunks
- CO trunk pool access code
- Number of DID digits used for PDCs
- How to change or remove the display ID for
Direct Inward...

Page 33

Toll Restriction Options
To specify your area
code:From the Main Menu prompt, enter 4, then set the following
Toll Restriction options:
1     At Action =, enter 30.
2     At 
Data =, enter your area code
To allow toll restricted
stations to make toll calls
within your area code:1     At 
Action =, enter 31 .
2     At 
Data =, enter 1 for yes or 0 for no.
The default is 1.
Specify whether your CO1     At 
Action =, enter 32.
requires you to dial ”1”
before dialing calls2     At 
Data =, enter 1 for yes or...

Page 34

Dial Plan Options
From the Main Menu prompt, enter 4, then set the following Dial
Plan options:
To identify the 1NPA
1     At Action =, enter 36.
status for toll restriction
2     At 
Data =, enterchecking:
- 0: for non-1NPA (current numbering plan)
- 1: for 1NPA (NPA)
The default is 0.
(This option should not be used until the North American
Dial Plan is changed to work this way. This is expected to
occur in 1995.)
Equal Access (IXC) Code Format
To specify the number of1     At Action =, enter 35....

Page 35

Coverage Options
From the Main Menu prompt, enter 4, then set the following
Coverage options:
To send coverage ringing
on internal calls:
1     At Action =, enter 40.
2     At 
Data =, enter:
- 1 to provide coverage ringing on internal calls.
- 0 if you do not want to provide this coverage plan.
The default is 0.
To specify the number of1     At 
Action =, enter 41.
rings before calls are sent
2     At 
Data =, enter a number between 0 and 31 for the number
to coverage or
forwarding/following callsof...

Page 36

To set the receiver to
respond to remote loop:
1     At Action =, enter 61.
2     At 
Data =, enter 1 for yes or 0 for no.
The default is 1 @.
To set disconnect on loss
of carrier:1     At 
Action =, enter 62.
2     At 
Data =, enter 1 for yes or 0 for no.
The default is 1 @.
To set pins CF and CB as
1     At Action =, enter 63.
2     At 
Data =, enter 1 for yes or 0 for no.
The default is 1 @.
To state whether there is
disconnect on received
space:1     At Action =, enter 64.
2     At 
Data =,...

Page 37

To set the date:1     From the Main Menu prompt, enter 4.
2     At 
Action =, enter 51.
3     At 
Data =, enter the date in the form MMDDYY, where MM
= month (01 through 12), DD - day (01 through 31), and YY
= year (00 through 99).
To specify whether
SMDR records should be
sent to the SMDR port:1     From the Main Menu prompt, enter 4.
2     At Action =, enter 52.
3     At 
Data =, enter 1 for yes or 0 for no.
The default is 1 @.
To specify the minimum1     At Action =, enter 53.
length (number...

Page 38

Call Accounting Options
Account codes: To assign1     From the Main Menu prompt, enter 4.
the number of digits used2     At Action =, enter 73.
for account codes:
3     At 
Data =, enter a number between 1 and 15.
The default is 15.
Miscellaneous System Options
From the Main Menu prompt, enter 4, then set the Systems
options listed below:
To set the number of1     At Action =, enter 8.
seconds before a parked
call returns to the
2     At Data =, enter the number of seconds, 0 - 240.

Page 39

To assign the CO trunk
pool access code;NOTE: This code cannot be changed after any trunks have been
assigned with this facility access code.
1     At 
Action =, enter 71.
2     At 
Data =, enter the CO trunk access code. The default is 100
, 101, or 102, depending on the trunk type.
To set the number of DID
digits used to match
against station PDCs:1     At 
Action =, enter 72.
2     At 
Data =, enter a number between 2 and 4.
The default is 3.
To change or remove the1     At Action =, enter 77.

Page 40

Expert Mode Prompt
To change the expert1     From the Main Menu prompt, enter 4.
mode prompt:2     At Action =, enter 74.
3     At 
Data =, enter the new prompt (nine or fewer printable
The default is Command.
Administration Password
To change the1     From the Main Menu prompt, enter 4.
administration password:2     At Action =, enter 75.
3     At 
Data =, enter the new password (eight or fewer printable
characters, with no spaces). For security, the display always
shows ????????.
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