AT&T Avail Z990 User Manual
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Legal Information Devices purchased \&for use on AT&T\fs system are desi\bne\&d for use exclusiv\&ely on AT&T\fs system. You a\bree that you won\ft make any modifications \&to the Equipment or p\&ro\brammin\b to enable the \&Equipment to operate on any other system. A voice plan is re\&quired on all voic\&e-capable devices, unless specificall\&y noted otherwise i\&n the terms \bovernin\b your a\bree\&ment. Some devices or pl\&ans may require you\& to subscribe to a \&data plan. Your phone is desi\bn\&ed to make it easy for you t\&o access a wide variety of content. For your protection,\& we want you to be aware that some applic\&ations that you enab\&le may involve the \&location of your ph\&one bein\b shared. For applications available throu\bh AT&T, we offer privacy controls that le\&t you decide how an\& application may us\&e the location of you\&r phone and other p\&hones on your acco\&unt. However, the AT&T privacy tools do not ap\&ply to applications available outside of \&AT&T. Please review the \&terms and conditions\& and the associated\& privacy policy for each location-based\& service to learn h\&ow location informa\&tion will be used a\&nd protected. In addition, your AT&T phone may be used t\&o access the Intern\&et and to download,\& and/or purchase \bo\&ods, applications, and services from AT&T or elsewhere fr\&om third parties. AT&T provides tools \&for you to control \&access to the Intern\&et and certain Internet content. These controls may n\&ot be available for certain\& devices which byp\&ass AT&T controls. AT&T may collect cert\&ain types of inform\&ation from your dev\&ice when you use AT&T services to pro\&vide customer support and to impro\&ve its services. For more information \&on AT&T\fs Privacy Policy, visit Goo\ble and the Goo\bl\&e lo\bo are trademarks of Goo\ble \&Inc. Android is a trademark of Goo\ble I\&nc. The Bluetooth ® word mark and lo\bos\& are re\bistered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Copyri\bht © 2011 ZTE CORPORATION. All ri\bhts reserved\&. No part of this pub\&lication may be exc\&erpted, reproduced, translated or utilize\&d in any form or by\& any means, elec- tronic or mechanica\&l, includin\b photocop\&yin\b and microfilm, without the prior w\&ritten permission of\& ZTE Corporation. The manual is publis\&hed by ZTE Corporation. We reserve the ri\bht \&to make modifications on p\&rint errors or upda\&te specifications witho\&ut prior notice. Version No.: V1.0 Edition Time: September 2011 Manual No.: 079584503217

Getting Started ..................\&..................\&............ 3 Startin\b Up ..................\&..................\&..................\&.... 3 Char\bin\b the Battery ..................\&..................\&........ 4 Switchin\b Your Phone On/Off ..................\&..............4 Gettin\b Around ..................\&..................\&................ 5 Gettin\b to Know Your Phone ..................\&..............6 Phone Calls ..................\&..................\&................. 1\f How to Make Calls ..................\&..................\&......... 12 How to Receive Call\&s ..................\&..................\&...... 12 Adjustin\b Your Call Settin\bs ..................\&..............13 Contacts ..................\&..................\&..................\&.... 14 Importin\b and Exporti\&n\b Contacts ..................\&.....14 Sharin\b Contacts Inf\&ormation ..................\&...........14 Entering \bext ..................\&..................\&............... 16 Android Keyboard ..................\&..................\&.......... 16 XT9 Text Input ..................\&..................\&................ 16 Choosin\b Touch Input Settin\bs ..................\&..........17 Messaging ..................\&..................\&..................\&. 18 The Messa\be Box ..................\&..................\&........... 18 Sendin\b a Messa\be ..................\&..................\&........ 18 Chan\bin\b the Messa\be\& Settin\bs ..................\&........18 Email ..................\&..................\&..................\&.......... \f0 Creatin\b an Email Account ..................\&................20 Receivin\b Emails ..................\&..................\&............ 20Composin\b and Sendi\&n\b an Email ..................\&.....20 Replyin\b to or Forwardin\b an Email ..................\&...21 Deletin\b an Account ..................\&..................\&....... 21 Email Settin\bs ..................\&..................\&................ 21 Getting Connected \1to the Internet ..............\f\f Addin\b a New GPRS/ED\&GE/3G Connection .........22 Turnin\b on Wi-Fi ® ..................\&..................\&........... 22 Connectin\b to a Wi-Fi Network ..................\&.........22 Checkin\b the Wi-Fi Network Status\& ..................\&...22 Usin\b the Phone as \&a Modem ..................\&...........23 Usin\b the Phone as \&a Wi-Fi Hotspot ..................\&..23 Browsing the Interne\1t ..................\&.................\f5 Browsin\b Options ..................\&..................\&........... 25 Usin\b Bookmarks ..................\&..................\&........... 25 Chan\bin\b Browser Se\&ttin\bs ..................\&...............25 Bluetooth ® ..................\&..................\&..................\& \f6 Usin\b Bluetooth ..................\&..................\&............. 26 Making the Most of\1 Multimedia ..................\&\f7 Takin\b Pictures with \&Your Camera ..................\&.....27 Shootin\b Video with Your Camcorder ..................\&27 Playin\b Your Music ..................\&..................\&......... 27 Playin\b Your Videos ..................\&..................\&........ 28 Openin\b Your Gallery ..................\&..................\&...... 29 Makin\b Memorable Memos ..................\&..............29 Table of Contents 1

Using Your Google™ Applications ...............30 Gmail™ ..................\&..................\&..................\&....... 30 Usin\b Goo\ble Calend\&ar™ ..................\&................30 Usin\b Goo\ble Talk™ ..................\&..................\&...... 30 Goo\ble Places™ ..................\&..................\&............ 31 Goo\ble Latitude™ ..................\&..................\&......... 31 Sorting Out Your Phone Settings\1 .................3\f Settin\b Time and Date ..................\&..................\&.... 32 Chan\bin\b Display Se\&ttin\bs ..................\&................32 Sound Settin\bs ..................\&..................\&............... 32 Lan\bua\be Settin\bs ..................\&..................\&.......... 32 Mobile Network Serv\&ices ..................\&..................\&33 Security Settin\bs ..................\&..................\&............. 33 Mana\bin\b Your Device Memory ..................\&........35 Privacy: Reset to Factory Settin\bs ..................\&......35 Mana\bin\b Applications ..................\&..................\&... 35 Mana\bin\b Other Settin\&\bs ..................\&..................\&36 Other Applications ..................\&..................\&..... 37 Alarms ..................\&..................\&..................\&......... 37 Docs To Go ..................\&..................\&..................\&... 37 Note Pad ..................\&..................\&..................\&...... 37Calculator ..................\&..................\&..................\&.... 37 SIM Toolkit ..................\&..................\&..................\&... 37 Task Mana\ber ..................\&..................\&................ 37 Stopwatch ..................\&..................\&..................\&.... 37 AT&T Mobile Care ..................\&..................\&.......... 37 For Your Safety ..................\&..................\&........... 38 General Safety ..................\&..................\&................ 38 Radio Frequency (RF) Ener\by\& ..................\&.............39 FCC Compliance ..................\&..................\&............. 39 Road Safety ..................\&..................\&..................\&.. 40 Product Handlin\b ..................\&..................\&........... 40 Electrical Safety ..................\&..................\&.............. 42 Interference ..................\&..................\&..................\&.. 43 Explosive Environmen\&ts ..................\&..................\&.. 44 Specifications ..................\&..................\&............. 45 Warranty ..................\&..................\&..................\&.... 46 Limited Warranty ..................\&..................\&............ 47 How to Get Warranty Service ..................\&............47 Other Warranty Pro\bram ..................\&..................\&. 47 Notes ..................\&..................\&..................\&......... 48 Table of Contents 2

Getting \ftarted 3 \ftarting Up Installing t\be \fIM/\Gmicro\fD™ Card and Battery Switch off your pho\&ne before installin\&\b or replacin\b the battery, SIM, or memory card. 1. Remove the back cov\&er. 2. Hold the SIM card w\&ith the cut corner o\&riented as shown and slip it i\&nto the card holder\&. 3. Open the microSD ca\&rd holder, hold your microSD \& card by the cut cor\&ner end and slide \&it in. 4. Insert the battery b\&y ali\bnin\b the \bold \&contacts on the battery with the \&\bold contacts in the\& battery compartment. Gently push down o\&n the battery until it clicks into\& place. 5. Press the cover \ben\&tly back into place\& until you hear a click.

Getting \ftarted 4 Removing t\be Battery and \fIM/micro\fD Card 1. Make sure that your mob\&ile phone is off. 2. Remove the back cov\&er. 3. Lift the battery up \&and out. 4. Slide the SIM out. 5. Open the microSD ca\&rd holder. Slide the microSD \& card down \bently an\&d remove it. C\barging t\be Battery When you first \bet yo\&ur new phone you\fll\& need to char\be the battery. 1. Connect the adapter \&to the char\ber jack.\& Ensure that the adapter is inse\&rted with the correc\&t orientation. Do not force the co\&nnector into the cha\&r\ber jack. 2. Connect the char\ber \&to a standard AC wall outlet. 3. Disconnect the char\&\ber when the battery\& is fully char\bed. \fwitc\bing Your P\bone On/Off Make sure the SIM card\& is in your device\& and the battery is char\bed. • Press and hold the \&Power Key to switch on your phone. • To switch it off, press and hold the\& Power Key to \bet the phone option\&s. Select Power off, and then tap OK. \fetting Up Your P\bone for t\be First Time When you first power\& on your phone afte\&r you purchase it or reset it to fa\&ctory settin\bs (see \&Sorting out Your Phone Settings – P\ariva\fy: Reset to \ba\ftory Settings), you need to set up your\& phone settin\bs befo\&re usin\b it. 1. Tap Change language to chan\be the lan\bu\&a\be, if needed. 2. Tap the Android icon on the screen. 3. Create a Goo\ble™ account \&or Sign in to your account. You can also tap Skip to set up an account later. 4. Confi\bure the Goo\ble \&location options an\&d tap Next. 5. Confi\bure the date an\&d time options and t\&ap Next.

Getting \ftarted 5 \fwitc\bing to \fleep Mode To save battery powe\&r, Sleep Mode suspen\&ds your device to a low-pow\&er-consumption state w\&hile the display is off. Your device also \boe\&s into Sleep Mode b\&y itself when the dis\&play is automaticall\&y turned off after \& a certain period of\& time, which you can set \&in Settings > Display > Screen timeout. Press the Power Key to switch to Sleep M\&ode. Waking up Your P\bone 1. Press the Power Key to activate your screen display. 2. Dra\b the icon to the ri\bht. NOTe: If you have set an \&unlock pattern, PIN or password for yo\&ur phone (see Sorting out Your Phone Settings – S\ae\furity Settings) you\fll need to draw the pattern or en\&ter the PIN/passwor\&d to unlock your screen. Getting Around Touc\b Control Use the touch scree\&n to control your p\&hone. The controls on your to\&uch screen chan\be d\&ynamically dependin\b on the tas\&ks you\fre performin\b. 1. Tap the buttons, icons, or applications to\& select items or to open applicat\&ions. 2. Keep your fin\ber on a\&n item to see the av\&ailable options. 3. Swipe the screen to\& scroll up, down, left or ri\bht. 4. Point, dra\b, and drop to move p\&articular items acro\&ss the screen. 5. Pinch with two fin\ber\&s, or double-tap the \&screen, to zoom in/out on a we\&b pa\be or an ima\be. NOTe: You can view the pho\&ne screen in portrait or landscape orientati\&on simply by holdin\&\b it upri\bht or turnin\b it on its si\&de.

Getting \ftarted 6 Getting to Know Your P\bone EarpieceHeadset Jack Home Key Touch Screen Menu Key Char\ber/ USB Jack Volume Up Key Power Key Volume Down Key Speaker Back Key Camera Lens Back Cover

Getting \ftarted 7 KeyDescription Power Key Press and hold to t\&urn on or off Sile\&nt or Airplane mode, or to power off. Press to switch you\&r phone to Sleep mo\&de. Press to wake up your phone. Home Key Press to return to t\&he Home Screen from\& any application or\& screen. Press and hold to s\&ee recently used ap\&plications. Menu Key Press for current s\&creen options. Back Key Press to \bo to the p\&revious screen. Volume Keys Press Volume + to turn the volume \&up. Press Volume – to turn the volume \&down. Key Functions

Home \fcreen You can customize yo\&ur Home Screen. Set your own wallpaper, add the wid\bets or \&application shortcu\&ts you need, or remove them as y\&ou like. extended Home \fcreen The Home Screen exte\&nds beyond the scre\&en width, \bivin\b you loads mor\&e space to add more\& stuff. Simply swipe your fin\ber to\& the left or ri\bht, or tap the dots on \& the bottom corners o\&f the screen, to see the extended\& Home Screen. C\boosing Your Wallpaper 1. Press the Home Key to return to the Ho\&me Screen. 2. Press the Menu Key and select Wallpaper. 3. Tap Gallery, Live wallpapers, or Wallpapers and choose the ima\be or \&animation you want to use as the wallpaper. Some croppin\b may b\&e needed for Gallery ima\bes. 4. Tap Save or Set wallpaper. Adding Items to Your Home \fcreen 1. Press the Home Key to return to the Ho\&me Screen. 2. Swipe left or ri\bht \&to find a part of the\& Home Screen with free space. 3. Press the Menu Key and select Add. 4. Select a cate\bory, either shortcuts, wid\bets, or folders. 5. Choose the item you \&want to add to the Home Screen. NOTe: You can press and h\&old a blank area o\&f the Home Screen to \bet to\& additional cate\bori\&es, such as Shortcuts, Wid\bets, Folders, and Wallpapers. Removing Items from Your Home \fcreen 1. Press the Home Key to return to the Ho\&me Screen. 2. Press and hold the \&item you want to delete until \&the icon appears on th\&e screen. 3. Dra\b the item to and release your \&fin\ber when the item turns red. Getting \ftarted 8 Status & Notifications Wid\bet Shortcut Tap to open the dialer Tap to open the web browser Wallpaper Tap to open the main menu