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Antares Harmony Engine user manual

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Page 41

This preset demonstrates the use of the 
Vibrato controls to create special effects. It 
includes one Harmony Preset that features 
amplitude- only vibrato (more accurately 
tremolo) and another that features extreme 
pitch variation. 
In each case the original input is muted and the 
presets impose their effects on a D7 chord.
Things to try:
Adjust the various channels’ vibrato settings.
Unmute the original input.
Change Harmony mode to Scale Interval or 
Chord Degrees and see how the...

Page 42


Page 43

Chapter 5: Tutorial Sessions
As mentioned in Chapter 1, the composers who produced three of the 
Harmony Engine demo compositions have been kind enough to allow us 
to include the actual sessions for you to load into your host and experiment 
In each case, we’ve provided versions of each demo for a number of the 
most popular host applications. To keep the sessions to manageable size, all accompaniment tracks 
have been mixed to a single stereo track. Any pre-processing of the vocal tracks...

Page 44

Stay By Me (Paloma Ramos and Jason Poyner; produced by Brian English)
This pop ballad consists of a lead vocal track by singer/songwriter Paloma Ramos with piano 
accompaniment by co -writer Jason Poyner. Producer Brian English generated MIDI data from 
Jason’s original keyboard performance and edited it for use as harmony control input to a single 
instance of Harmony Engine. 
Brian used two of Harmony Engine’s MIDI 
modes for different harmony voicing effects. 
In some sections, he used MIDI Omni...

Page 45

Lif t Us Away (gerry bassermann)
This country-tinged song features two vocalists, a male and a female, each processed with an 
instance of Harmony Engine. Between the two parts, gerry uses three different Harmony Control 
modes as follows:
Male Singer
The male singer’s performance is split into 
three distinct sections:
In the first section, the harmonic structure is 
relatively simple, allowing four harmony voices 
to be generated using Scale Interval mode in 
G Major. The selected intervals are 8vb,...

Page 46

Notice how the number of female harmony 
voices changes at various places in the song. 
In MIDI Channel mode, a harmony voice is 
only active when MIDI data is present on its 
channel, so it’s easy to have a duet in one 
section and four part harmony in the next (or 
even from note to note).
Things to try:
Select different intervals in the male singer’s 
Scale Intervals sections.Try different Register and Spread settings 
during the male’s Chord Name section.
Experiment with the Freeze functions. Try...

Page 47

The third track is made up of disconnected 
phrases from what will eventually be the lead 
vocal. Still using Scale Interval mode in C 
Major, Harmony Engine creates four voices, 
all a 3rd below the original. Each of the four 
voices have different Pan, Vibrato and Throat 
Length settings. In the Humanize section, 
Naturalize is set to a moderate amount, with 
a little bit of Pitch Variation and no Timing 
Finally, the lead vocal uses Harmony Engine 
to create four harmony voices in Chord...

Page 48

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