Antares Harmony Engine user manual
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5 Chapter 2: Introducing Harmony Engine What’s It Got? With four independent harmony voices, a variety of powerful harmony generating modes, humanization features for natural sounding performances, and a flexible real-time preset system for harmony and vocal type, Harmony Engine provides incredibly easy-to - use tools to quickly and easily produce virtually any vocal arrangement you can imagine. Key Harmony Engine Features Include: • Four high-quality, formant-corrected harmony voices with...
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6 • Humanize functions that provide selectable amounts of variation to each harmony voice for realistic, natural sounding results • A Freeze function that allows a unique variety of backup vocal effects by letting you instantly freeze pitch and/or formant articulation • A Harmony Preset matrix that lets you create up to 15 complete harmony settings and instantaneously recall them, in real time or via automation • A Voice Parameter Preset matrix that lets you create and instantly...
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7 Chapter 3: Harmony Engine Controls This chapter is a reference for all of the controls used in the Harmony Engine interface. and move the cursor to the right to turn the knob clockwise or to the left to turn the knob counterclockwise. The current value of the knob’s parameter appears in its associated numeric display. For faders, simply click on the “thumb” of the fader and move it to the desired setting. Option (Mac)/Control (PC)- clicking a knob or fader returns it to its default value. NOTE :...
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8 Routing Harmony Engine should typically be instantiated as an insert effect on the track that will supply the source audio. Harmony Engine can be instantiated on a mono or stereo track, but since it processes only a single channel of audio, if you instantiate it on a stereo track, the two channels will be mixed together before being processed. Harmony Engine’s output can be mono or stereo (or, in some circumstances, five channels — see below). Unless you have some overriding reason for using...
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9 (e.g., de-essing, noise reduction, etc.) should be applied to the audio before it is input to Harmony Engine. NOTE : If you will using both de-essing and compression on your vocal track, it has been our experience that using the de-esser before the compressor provides improved results in Harmony Engine. As mentioned above, effects like chorus or reverb can negatively affect Harmony Engine’s ability to reliably detect the pitch of the input audio. As a result, you should not apply these...
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10 Bypass This control is used to (you guessed it) bypass the plug- in. It has been designed to provide artifact-free bypass switching so that you can use it to seamlessly enable harmony only where desired on a track. Click the Bypass button to toggle its state. When it’s red, all harmony voices are muted and the original input will be passed to all output channels. This happens seamlessly (i.e., with no click or artifact on activation). N OTE : When Bypass is enabled, the original input will...
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11 Mute Engaging Mute mode causes the original input signal to be muted from the output. When the Mute button is blue, Mute mode in engaged. Click the button to toggle its state. N OTE : If both the Input Channel’s Solo and Mute buttons are pressed, Solo takes precedence. However, if Solo is then disengaged, the original input will then be muted. aNOT hEr N OTE : Moving a channel’s Gain slider to its minimum setting also results in completely muting its output. Pan Sets the original input’s...
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12 Harmony Voices 1-4 Each of the four Harmony Voice channels are functionally identical and contain identical controls. It may be useful to think of the four Harmony Voices as being similar to the voices of a four- voice synthesizer. Each voice has independent controls for setting its timbre, vibrato, pan and level. The method by which pitches are assigned to voices varies with the Harmony modes selected in the Harmony Control section. In this section, we’ll describe the Harmony Voice...
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13 Solo Engaging a channel’s Solo mode causes that channel’s signal to appear at the output and simultaneously mutes any other channels (Harmony Voice and/or Input Voice) that are not also soloed. When a channel’s Solo button is yellow, Solo mode in engaged on that channel. Click a button to toggle its state. N OTE : If both a channel’s Solo and Mute buttons are pressed, Solo takes precedence. Mute Engaging a Harmony Voice channel’s Mute mode causes that channel’s signal to be muted from the...
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14 Interval The Interval popup sets a Harmony Voice’s pitch interval relative to the original input in Fixed Interval and Smart Interval modes. In both modes, the range is plus-or-minus two octaves. In Fixed Interval mode, the popup displays half-steps in the range -24 to +24. In Smart Interval mode, the popup displays scale degrees in the range 16va to 16vb. This control is inactive in all Chord Name and MIDI modes. N OTE : Harmony Engine remembers the most recent Interval settings for...