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Antares Harmony Engine user manual

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Page 31

of popups, they are defined in real time by all 
“On” MIDI notes appearing on an assigned 
MIDI channel. These notes are treated as if 
they were a chord (regardless if they actually 
are an “official” chord or not) and are re-voiced 
by the settings of the Register and Spread 
controls such that the lowest note played will 
always be the lowest pitched note and will 
be assigned to the highest numbered active 
harmony voice. 
The MIDI notes can, of course, be played in 
real time from a controller or...

Page 32

imp OrTa NT N OTE: In MIDI Omni 
mode, there is no way to guarantee 
that a particular note will be assigned 
to a particular harmony voice channel. While 
Harmony Engine does its best to assign the 
lowest note to the highest numbered active 
channel, depending on your fingering, that 
may not always be possible. Setting different 
harmony voices to different Gain, Pan, and/
or Throat Length settings will almost certainly 
result in harmony lines jumping from timbre to 
timbre, which may or may not...

Page 33

Harmony Presets
The Harmony Preset system allows you 
to assign combinations of harmony control 
settings to each of 15 buttons for instant 
recall, either manually or via automation. It 
is a powerful tool, both for ease of creating 
vocal arrangements and as a creative 
tool for quickly and easily experimenting 
with a variety of harmonic approaches. 
Particularly in Chord Degrees or Chord Name 
modes, assign a variety of chords to the 
preset buttons and, with just a few clicks, 
audition your...

Page 34

If you click the Assign button and then, for 
some reason, change your mind, simply click it 
again to exit Assign mode.
To edit an existing preset:
 1.  Click the existing preset’s button to call up 
its control settings and place its name in 
the Name field.
  2.  Edit the controls as desired.
  3.  Click the Assign button and then the 
preset’s button. The updated values will 
be recorded and the preset’s name will 
remain the same. Optionally, you can 
modify the preset name (which will already...

Page 35

Voice Parameter Presets
The Voice Parameter Preset system allows 
you to assign combinations of voice parameter 
settings to each of 6 buttons for instant recall, 
either manually or via automation. This makes 
it easy to instantly change the timbre and 
configuration of your “vocal group” at any point 
in your song.
Voice Parameter Presets store the values of the 
following controls:
Pitch Variation
Timing Variation
Glide Transition Rate
Original Input:Solo

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If you click the Assign button and then realize 
that you forgot to type a name for your preset, 
you can still click the name field and type a 
name before clicking a preset button to assign 
the preset.
If you click the Assign button and then, for 
some reason, change your mind, simply click it 
again to exit Assign mode.
To edit an existing preset:
 1.  Click the existing preset’s button to call up 
its parameters and place its name in the 
Name field.
  2.  Edit the parameters as desired.

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Chapter 4: Factory Presets
This chapter provides brief descriptions of the factory presets that ship with 
Harmony Engine.
Since it is extremely unlikely that any factory preset will be immediately 
useful for any of your personal projects, we have designed the presets to 
demonstrate various ways of using Harmony Engine. Simply start with a 
vocal track whose key and chord progression you know and run through the presets while reading 
their descriptions below.
i mp OrTa NT N OTE: Unlike synth...

Page 38

Pick a part of your vocal where the chord 
remains unchanged for a measure or two. 
Click the Formant Only Freeze button at the 
beginning of that phrase and listen to the 
result. Then start again and click the Formant 
+ Pitch Freeze button at the same point and 
note the difference. In both cases, click the 
respective buttons again at the end of the 
phrase to return to normal harmonization.
Click the different Voice Parameter Preset 
buttons to hear their differences. Try modifying 
one or more...

Page 39

Since all of the Cool Chords presets operate 
on basically the same principle, we will just 
describe their differences below:
Cool Chords 2
In this preset, we’ve provided five chords, each 
in a low, medium and high voicing.
The Voice Parameter Presets provide a No 
Variation version, along with Low, Medium, 
and High settings that are optimized for those 
voicing ranges.
Things to try:
Create harmonizations that are entirely in the 
Low, Medium or High registers. Select various 
Voice Parameter...

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Things to try:
Add vibrato to the harmony voice.
Try different values of Glide.
Unmute one or more of the other channels 
and experiment with different intervals.
Fixed Inter vals
This preset lets you explore the effect of 
using various parallel intervals in Fixed 
Interval mode. Other than unison and 
octaves, this is not something you would 
typically use in conventional diatonic 
music, but as this preset will show, it can 
be useful as an effect in sound design.
Things to try:
Explore other...
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