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Antares AutoTune 5 user manual

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Tutorial 5: Graphical Mode Basics 
This tutorial will introduce you to the basic Graphical Mode functions, again using the “A2-A3-A2 sweep” file from Tutorial 1. 
Begin the tutorial by doing the following: 
 1.  Load or import “A2-A3-A2 sweep” into a 
track of your host program. Play the track so that you are familiar with the original audio. 
  2.  Set up Auto-Tune 5 to be an insert effect 
on that track. 
  3.  Set Auto-Tune 5 to Automatic Mode. 
  4.  Set the Key to “A” and the Scale to...

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Now that we have some blue lines and curves on the Pitch Graph Display, this would be a good time to become familiar with the functions of the Arrow and Scissors Tools. (Refer back to Chapter 3 for detailed descriptions of the Arrow and Scissors Tools’ behaviors.) 
As you experiment in the following steps, play back the file to hear the effect of each action. 
 7.  Select the Arrow Tool. 
  8.  Drag the Arrow Tool across the Pitch 
Graph to select objects. 
  9.  Move the cursor over curves and...

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Tutorial 7: The Make Curve Function 
This tutorial will introduce you to the Make Curve function. The Make Curve function gives you by far the most precise control over pitch accuracy and inflection. 
 1.  Setup to process the file “Crowd All” 
through Auto-Tune 5. 
  2.  Select Graphical Mode. 
  3.  Press the Track Pitch button. 
  4.  Play the “Crowd All” file. 
  5.  Select the Magnifying Glass Tool and drag 
out a box on the Pitch Graph that encloses the red curve for the “-gether” part...

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 1.  Click the Clear All button to delete the blue curve created above. 
  2.  Use the Line Tool to draw a horizontal line 
as shown below (press the Option/Alt key to constrain the line to horizontal):
  3.  Set the Retune Speed to 20 and play back 
the sound. Experiment with other Retune Speeds to hear their effects. 
Vibratos and other pitch gestures typically occur with related loudness gestures. Specifically, with vibratos, some vocalists produce mostly pitch variations and little...

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Tutorial 8: The Import Auto Function
The Import Auto function allows you to display and edit the pitch corrections that would result from specific Automatic Mode settings. 
 1.  Setup to process the file “Crowd All” 
through Auto-Tune 5. 
  2.  Select Automatic Mode and set the Key 
and Scale to C Major and the Retune Speed to the default of 20.
  3.  Select Graphical Mode. 
  4.  Press the Track Pitch button. 
  5.  Play the “Crowd All” file. 
  6.  Select the Magnifying Glass Tool and drag...

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Note how the pitch errors from the previous curve have been removed. Also, note the “raised pitch” indicated above. This occurs because the Automatic Mode Retune slider value of 20 is slow compared to the rapidly increasing pitch that is occurring at that point in time. But even with the raised pitch, the average output pitch is centered on E3 and the phrase sounds in tune.  

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Chapter	5: 	New 	Feature 	Quick 	Start 	Guide
This chapter brings all of the new Auto-Tune 5 features together in one place to help experienced Auto-Tune 4 users learn the new features without having to slog through all of the stuff they already know. (The items below also appear in their appropriate places elsewhere in the manual.)
With a few exceptions, the new features in Auto-Tune 5 are additions to the current Auto-Tune 4 functionality. In other words, pretty much everything that isn’t a...

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notes and lets you apply a slower Retune Speed just to the sustained notes. Thus, the short notes are in tune and the sustained notes still allow the natural variations of the original performance. 
Here’s how it works:
Start by setting Humanize to 0 and adjusting the Retune Speed until the shortest problem notes in the performance are in tune. At this point, any sustained notes may sound static. If so, start advancing the Humanize control. The higher the Humanize setting, the more the Retune...

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Larger Pitch Edit DisplayAs you’ve no doubt noticed, the Pitch Edit Display is now bigger. Lots bigger.
Track PitchThe Track Pitch function is used to detect the pitch of the audio to be processed so that it can be displayed on the Pitch Graph Display.
Locate the desired audio and press the Track Pitch button. (If you are using Auto-Tune 5’s Internal clock (see below) you may (depending on your host) need to click the Reset button to reset the clock position to 00:00:0.) The Track Pitch...

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Selectable Clock Source For hosts that do not provide valid time information, Auto-Tune 5’s clock display and selection functions let you use an internal time reference for Auto-Tune 4 style operation. 
Since all of the controls in the Clock section are used together, we will describe them as a group.
Determining if your host provides valid clock informationTo determine if your host supplies valid clock information, click the Host button to select the host-supplied clock and put your host into...
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