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Antares AutoTune 5 user manual

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Chapter	3: 	Auto-Tune 	5 	Controls
This chapter is a reference for all of the controls used in the Auto-Tune 5 interface. How these controls are used together for intonation correction is demonstrated in Chapter 4, Auto-Tune 5 Tutorial. 
If you are upgrading from Auto-Tune 4, you can probably skip ahead to Chapter 5, New Feature Quick Start Guide. 
Common Controls 
The following controls and displays are visible regardless of which operating mode is selected. Their settings affect both Automatic...

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most isolated track. For example, if one track is a close mic’ d vocal while the other is mic’ d from farther away for ambience, or is heavily  processed, select the close mic’ d track. 
ANOTHER NOTE: Auto-Tune 5 will only pitch correct true stereo tracks.  If the second track (i.e., the track not selected as a pitch reference) is  simply an independent unrelated track, unpredictable (and potentially unpleasant) sounds may result. On the other hand, something interesting might happen. You never...

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KNOB CONTROL Lets you select how you want to control the “knobs” in the Auto-Tune 5 interface. 
  VERTICAL: Position the cursor over a knob, 
press and hold the left mouse button (or the only mouse button, if you’re using a one-button mouse) and move the cursor up to turn the knob clockwise or down to turn the knob counterclockwise. The current value of the knob’s parameter appears in its associated numeric display. 
  HORIZONTAL: Position the cursor over a 
knob, press and hold the left...

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Automatic Mode Controls 
Knobs and SlidersAuto-Tune 5’s continuous controls are represented graphically as knobs or sliders. 
Depending on your preference, you can control knobs by vertical, horizontal or radial mouse movement. Set your preference in the Options dialog described above. Double-clicking on a knob 
will return it to its default value. In some host applications, Command (Mac)/Control (PC) clicking on a knob will also reset it to default (see the Auto-Tune 5 Read Me and/or your...

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and chords. The typical approach is to analyze a passage (or less) of music and select tones from a scale that will best approximate the desired pure intervals.
•  19 Tone: This scale has greater purity 
of minor thirds and major thirds (and conversely, minor and major sixths) than twelve-tone equal temperament. A disadvantage is that perfect fifths are narrower than those found in twelve-tone equal temperament. 
•   24 Tone: Also know as the quarter tone 
scale, this scale is used for...

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The Edit Scale Display The Edit Scale Display is used to create custom scales or to modify any of the preset scales. Edits made using this display are associated with each scale. That is, each scale retains its own edits independent of the other scales. For example, if you select C Major and Remove or Bypass certain notes and then change to C Minor and make other edits, when you return to C Major your previous edits associated with C Major will be restored. 
The Edit Scale window displays each...

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 2.  If a performance contains only a single error, you can set all notes to Bypass except the one “sour” note. Auto-Tune 5 will then pass the entire performance through unprocessed except for the sour note, which will be corrected. 
Remove If the Remove button is lit, then the note is simply removed from the current scale. For example, selecting the Chromatic scale and then setting C#, D#, F#, G#, A# to Remove would cause a C Major scale to remain. In that case Auto-Tune 5 would always...

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Virtual Keyboard  The Virtual Keyboard displays Auto-Tune 5’s pitch detection range and acts as a realtime display of the currently detected pitch, a display of the current Scale settings, and as a tool for setting target note behaviors in specific octaves.  
NOTE: The keyboard is only active for scales with exactly twelve notes. It will be grayed out (hence inactive) when any other scale is selected. “But wait!” you might be thinking, “I want to edit Major and Minor scales in individual...

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A TIP: The main purpose of the Momentary function is to allow you to deal easily with specific individual events in a performance. However, you can also use it to “play” the target melody notes in real time. To do this, set the scale to Chromatic and use the Scale Edit window Remove All button to remove all notes from the scale. Set Keyboard Edit to Remove and Momentary to On. Now use your mouse to play the target melody on the keyboard. It’s not as easy as Target Notes via MIDI, but if you...

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As each note is played, the corresponding Remove button in the Edit Scale Display is turned off (adding that note to the scale as a Scale Note). Assume, for example, that your melody starts with D, B, and then A. After playing those notes the display would look the above. 
When you have played the entire melody, press the Learn Scale From MIDI button again to end the process. The Edit Scale Display will now contain a scale containing only those 
notes that appeared in your melody. 
If you...
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