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Antares AutoTune 5 user manual

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The End Of Editing Modality
In previous versions of Auto-Tune, tracking pitch, editing pitch objects and correcting pitch operated in a modal manner — i.e., when you were doing any one of those things, you 
couldn’t do either of the others. With Auto-Tune 5, you are now free to use any of the graphical editing functions while either tracking or correcting pitch.
You can, for example:
•  Draw new pitch objects while you are either 
tracking or correcting pitch.
•   Edit existing pitch objects...

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not function in those versions. However, you can get an equivalent effect by using the Snap To Note function (see below) to constrain a line segment to a semitone, and then using the Arrow Tool to move that horizontal line segment to any intermediate pitch.
If you have enabled Snap To Note mode (see below), each segment will automatically snap to the nearest semitone. Pressing the Shift key on your keyboard while drawing a line temporarily toggles the state of the Snap To Line button. I.e., if...

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•  Moving the Arrow Tool over a pitch contour object anchor point (whether that point is currently selected or not) causes the cursor to change into the anchor point cursor (four diagonal arrows). Clicking on an anchor point with the anchor point cursor deselects all other objects and anchor points and selects that anchor point so that it can be dragged. Dragging an anchor point stretches or compresses the pitch contour object relative to the nearest unselected anchor point(s). 
•   The...

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Dragging the Magnifying Glass in the Envelope Display will cause the selected time range to appear in the Pitch Display (most useful for navigating when the Envelope Display is in “All” mode). The pitch range of the Pitch Display will be automatically scaled such that all of pitch information in that time range is visible on the screen. 
I-Beam Tool (6) Drag the I-Beam Tool in either the Pitch or Envelope Display to select an area for Make Curve or Import Auto or Adjust Vibrato (see above)....

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The Cut And Copy Buttons The Cut and Copy buttons become active whenever a pitch contour object is selected. Cut removes selected objects. Both Cut and Copy copy selected objects to the Auto-Tune 5 clipboard. You can then paste the objects elsewhere in the Pitch Graph display. 
The Paste Button The Paste button becomes active whenever an object has been Cut or Copied to the clipboard. Clicking Paste places the contents of the clipboard in the center of the current Pitch Graph view. 

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Chapter	4: 	Auto-Tune 	5 	Tutorial
This chapter introduces you to how Auto-Tune 5 works by guiding you through a number of brief tutorials. 
These tutorials make use of a number of audio and MIDI files. (We will assume that you are familiar with loading audio and MIDI files into your host application.) 
If you purchased a packaged version of Auto-Tune 5, your will find the required files in the “Tutorial Audio” folder on the installation CD ROM. 
If you purchased your copy of Auto-Tune 5 via...

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To continue: 
 1.  Set the Retune Speed to about 30. 
  2.  Play “A2-A3-A2 sweep” again. Compare 
the 30 setting to the 0 setting. 
  3.  Try various other Speed settings. 
The setting of 0 is fast: Auto-Tune 5 makes instantaneous pitch changes. The setting of 30 is slower. Auto-Tune 5 makes gradual pitch changes. This parameter controls how rapidly the pitch correction is applied to the incoming pitch. The units are milliseconds. A value of zero will cause instantaneous changes from one...

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Next, we’ll use Graphical Mode for a dramatic graphic demonstration of the effect of Targeting Ignores Vibrato: 
 1.  Still using “wide_vibrato,” set up Auto-
Tune 5 as described in Steps 1-5 above.
  2.  Set Retune Speed to 0. 
  3.  Make sure Targeting Ignores Vibrato is Off. 
  4.  Set Auto-Tune 5 to Graphical Mode. 
  5.  Click the Track Pitch button and play 
wide_vibrato through Auto-Tune 5. A red curve representing the pitch contour of wide_vibrato will be drawn to the screen as the...

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Tutorial 4: Using the Automatic Mode MIDI Functions 
With Target Notes Via MIDI, Auto-Tune 5 looks at its MIDI input in real time to determine its current target note(s). Try the following with the provided audio and MIDI files: 
 1.  Set up your host program and load or 
import the “somewhere” audio and MIDI files as described in steps 1–4 above. 
  2.  Select Automatic Mode and click the 
“Target Note Via MIDI” button so that it turns blue and its indicator changes to “On.”
  3.  Click the...
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