Amanda Work Group Features Instructions Manual
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Chapter 5: Using Amanda Fax93 To save an item as a fax file from a Windows application: 1. Select the application’s Print command. 2. Change the printer to Amanda Fax then click OK. The Amanda Fax dialog box appears. 3. Click Save as Fax File…. The File Save As dialog box appears. 4. Provide a name and location for the new file. The default extension is .FAX, but you can use another extension. (The information is stored in The Amanda Company’s proprietary format, regardless of the extension.) 5. Click OK. The Amanda Fax dialog box reappears. 6. Click Close or perform another fax operation. Sending a Fax Message You can send documents, etc. from Windows applications as fax messages to other users of your Amanda system. This requires you to use Amanda Messenger as well as Amanda Fax. To send a fax message from a Windows application: 1. Select the application’s Print command. 2. Change the printer to Amanda Fax then click OK. The Amanda Fax dialog box appears.

94 Using [email protected]/Windows Workstation Features 3. Click Send to Messenger…. The Messenger Identification dialog box appears. 4. Type your mailbox in the Messenger Mailbox text box then click OK. If Amanda Messenger is running, the fax appears as a component of the active Com- pose window. If no Compose window is active, a new Compose window is opened to receive this component. Go to Step 6. 5. If Amanda Messenger is not running, the Messenger Logon dialog box appears and you must log on to Amanda Messenger as you normally would: a. (Optional—if the default server name is the correct name) Indicate what Amanda voice server to use: 1) Click Network Settings…. 2) Type the server name in the Server Name text box. See your system administrator for the correct name. 3) Click OK. The Messenger Logon dialog box reappears. b. Type your mailbox in the Mailbox text box. Your mailbox is probably the same as your extension number, but it doesn’t have to be. Check with your system administrator to be sure. c. Type your security code in the Security Code text box. (This is the same security code that you use to access Amanda over the tele- phone.) d. Click OK. Messenger starts (if it isn’t already running) and the fax appears as a component in a new Compose window. 6. To take a look at the fax before you send it, double-click the fax component in the Compose window. A Fax window appears which displays the pages of the fax as thumbnails, small rect- angles about the size of a thumb nail. You can click the thumbnail for a better view of it and use the commands on the Fax menu to manipulate it. 7. When you are ready to send the fax, make the Compose window active. Then, on the Messages menu, click Send… to send this fax to one or more mailboxes and lists. After you send the message, you can stay in Messenger or return to the Amanda Fax dialog or the Windows application. 8. The Amanda Fax dialog box is still open. 9. Click Close or perform another fax operation. N OTE:When you submit a fax request, Amanda sends a special message back to your mailbox when the fax is either successfully sent or determined to be a failure. On the telephone, Amanda says one of the following: Fax sent. Fax deleted because the remote phone number was incorrect. In Amanda Messenger, the fax status appears in the Subject field.

Symbols .TIF files 63 saved with Amanda Fax 32 87 .WAV files 57, 60, 62, 63 Numerics 411 43 A adding buttons to toolbars 52 guests 43 address books 73 after-hours greetings 55 Amanda Dialer 1 description 79 dialing numbers 82 exiting 80 installing 1 logging on 79 redialing numbers 83 restoring dialing defaults 81 setting up 80 Windows 3.11 82 Windows 95 82 Amanda Fax 1 cautions 85 description 12 installing 12 with Windows applications 85 Amanda Fax 32 description 6 installing 6 Amanda Messenger 1 description 15 Edit menu 44 Fax menu 47 Help menu 48 installing 1 logging back on 16 logging on 15 menu bar 44 message information 18 message windows 17 Messages menu 45 Options menu 47 Play menu 46 player controls 49 setting up 19 shortcut toolbar 48 System menu 44 toolbar 48 View menu 44 Window menu 47 Amanda Unified Messenger 1, 51 Amanda Voice Server logging on 15 Amanda voice servers logging on 51 announcing called party 33 archiving components 63 messages 63 autosaving messages 21 away-from-the-office greetings 55 B Basic Options Call Screening 33 Do Not Disturb 33 Identify Called Party 33 Play Date & Time 33 basic options 64, 65 viewing 32 body messages 60 busy greeting 40 custom 40 maximum length 40 system 40 busy greetings recording 56 buttons added to toolbar 52 C call history descriptions 72 call history folders 72 call processing controlling 32 Call Screening 33 call waiting 34 called party identifying 33 Caller ID 70 calls connecting 70 holding 70 leaving messages 71 on hold 34 screening 65 screening via telephone 66 screening via workstation 67 transferring 71 changing security codes 53 clients installing 1 codes changing security 53 columns hiding 19 reordering 19 resizing 19 Comment 43, 74 components archiving 63 listing 25 messages 24 composing messages 23 configuring Amanda Dialer 80 Amanda Messenger 19 connecting screened calls 70 controlling call processing 32 conventions iii copyright ii creating greetings 56 mailing lists 31 messages 24, 58 current greetings 58 custom busy greeting 40 Index

96 Using [email protected]/Windows Workstation Features custom busy greetings recording 56 D dates message 33 message deliveries 59 default forms 74 deleting guests 44 messages 22, 65 Description 70 descriptions call history 72 dialing telephone numbers 82, 83 directories employee 43 Directory Name 1 43, 74 Directory Name 2 43, 74 disabling Do Not Disturb 64 Identify Called Party 64 Play Date and Time 65 displaying names mailboxes 21 distribution lists personal 73 system 73 Do Not Disturb 33 disabling 64 enabling 64 locking 33 E Edit menu Amanda Messenger 44 editing call history descriptions 72 greeting names 56 mailing lists 31 subject of messages 62 editors Word for Windows 76 Elapsed Time 70 e-mail Word for Windows as editor 76 e-mail applications forms 74 employee directory 43 emptying mailing lists 32 trash bin 21, 23 enabling Do Not Disturb 64 Identify Called Party 64 Play Date and Time 65 examples greetings 55 exiting Amanda Dialer 80 Extension 74 Extension text box 43 F Fax menu Amanda Messenger 47 fax messages 29 inverting 29 mirror image 29 printing 30 rotating 29 saving as file 30 sending with Amanda Fax 16 93 sending with Amanda Fax 32 89 viewing 29 faxes messages 62 printing 47 saving .TIF files with Amanda Fax 32 87 saving fax files with Amanda Fax 32 88 saving with Amanda Fax 16 92 sending with Amanda Fax 16 91 sending with Amanda Fax 32 86 files .TIF 63 .WAV 57, 60, 62, 63 created by Amanda Fax 16 92 created by Amanda Fax 32 87, 88 flipping fax messages 29 folders call histories 72 forms e-mail application forms 74 forwarding messages 63, 75 messages with prefix 27 messages without prefix 26 future delivery messages 59 G General User Information Comment 43 Directory Name 1 43 Directory Name 2 43 Extension text box 43 general user information viewing 43 greetings after-hours 55 away-from-the-office 55 busy greeting 40 creating 56 current 58 current greeting 39 custom busy 40 examples 55 importing 42, 57 listening to 56 locking 40 managing 39 maximum length 39 naming 42 offsite 55 playing 40 playing and recording 56 playing options 53 recording 41 recording busy greetings 56 recording options 53 vacation 55 guests adding 43 deleting 44 managing 43 H Help menu Amanda Messenger 48 hiding columns 19 histories calls 72 history descriptions 72 holding screened calls 70 I Identify Called Party 33 disabling 64 enabling 64 identifying called party 33 image files importing as messages 31 opening 30 importing .WAV files 60 greetings 57 image files as messages 31 RNA greetings 42 WAV files 20 information mailboxes 74

Index 97 installing Amanda Dialer 1 Amanda Fax 12 Amanda Fax 32 6 Amanda Messenger 1 inverting fax messages 29 L leaving messages screened calls 71 length busy greeting 40 greetings 39, 40 listening greetings 56 messages 61, 62 listing components 25 lists creating 31 editing 31 emptying 32 managing 31 personal 73 system 73 locking Call Screening 33 Do Not Disturb 33 greetings 40 logging on Amanda Dialer 79 Amanda Messenger 15, 16 Amanda voice servers 51 M mailboxes 411 43 displaying names 21 information about 74 mailing lists creating 31 editing 31 emptying 32 managing 31 managing custom busy greeting 40 greetings 39 guests 43 mailing lists 31 messages 22 waiting calls 34 maximum time of busy greeting 40 time per greeting 39, 40 Media Player 60 menu bar Amanda Messenger 44 message windows 17 messages archiving 63 autosaving 21 body 60 components 24, 45 composing 23 copying 44 creating 58 creating from components 24 cutting 44 dates and times 33 deleting 22, 45, 65 editing subject 62 faxes 62 forwarding 26, 27, 45, 63, 75 future delivery 59 importing image files 31 information 18 listening 61 listening to 62 managing 22 notification 20 pasting 44 playing 22, 46, 49, 61 playing options 20, 53 private 59 read receipts 60 recording 46, 49 recording options 20, 53 recording over telephone 23 recording with workstation’s sound card 24 replying 29, 63, 75 saving 22 automatically 21 manually 22 screening calls 71 see fax messages 29 sending 25, 60 sending faxes from Windows applications via Amanda Fax 16 93 sending faxes from Windows applications via Amanda Fax 32 89 statistics 32 text 60 undeleting 65 undoing edits 44 updating 45 urgent 59 viewing 22 Messages menu Amanda Messenger 45 messaging 51 microphones used to record greetings and messages 53 mirror images fax messages 29 modified_call_screening 33, 65 N names displayed with mailboxes 21 editing greeting names 56 notification messages 20 Number 70 numbers see telephone numbers 82 O offsite greetings 55 opening image files 30 options Amanda Dialer 80 security codes 16 Options menu Amanda Messenger 47 overview screening calls 66 P passwords changing 53 personal distribution lists 73 personal lists 73 creating 31 editing 31 emptying 32 managing 31 phone numbers see numbers 82, 83 Play Date & Time 33 Play Date and Time disabling 65 enabling 65 Play menu Amanda Messenger 46 player controls Amanda Messenger 49 playing greetings 56 greetings and messages 53 messages 22, 61, 62 RNA greetings 40 playing options messages 20 printing fax messages 30 private messages 59

98 Using [email protected]/Windows Workstation Features R read receipts messages 60 recording custom busy greetings 56 greetings 56 greetings and messages 53 messages 23, 24 RNA greetings 41, 42 recording options messages 20 redialing telephone numbers 83 reordering columns 19 replying messages 29, 63, 75 resizing columns 19 rotating fax messages 29 rows sorting 19 S samples greetings 55 saving .TIF files with Amanda Fax 32 87 fax files with Amanda Fax 32 88 fax messages as files 30 faxes with Amanda Fax 16 92 message components as .TIF files 63 message components as .WAV files 63 messages 22 screening calls 65 connecting 70 holding 70 leaving messages 71 overview 66 transferring calls 71 via telephone 66 via workstation 67 Security Code 47 security codes changing 16, 53 sending fax messages with Amanda Fax 16 93 fax messages with Amanda Fax 32 89 faxes with Amanda Fax 16 91 faxes with Amanda Fax 32 86 messages 25, 60 server name 74 servers logging on 51 Set Name 74 setting current greetings 58 setting up Amanda Dialer 80 Amanda Messenger 19 restoring dialing defaults 81 shortcut toolbar Amanda Messenger 48 sorting rows 19 Sound card 20 sound interface options 53 Sound Recorder 60, 62 speakers used to play greetings and mes- sages 53 State 70 statistics messages 32 subjects editing messages 62 system busy greeting 40 system distribution lists 73 system lists 73 System menu Amanda Messenger 44 T telephone numbers dialing 82, 83 telephones screening calls 66 used to play greetings and mes- sages 53 used to record greetings and messages 53 text messages 60 TIFF files saved with Amanda Fax 32 87 tiff files 63 Time Called 70 Timeout 70 times busy greeting maximum 40 greeting maximum 39, 40 message 33 message deliveries 59 toolbar Amanda Messenger 48 toolbars adding buttons 52 trademarks ii transferring screened calls 71 trash bin emptying 21, 23 U undeleting messages 65 unified messaging 51 Unified Messenger 51 urgent messages 59 user information viewing 43 user options 47 uses fraudulent iii using Amanda Dialer 82, 83 Amanda Fax 85 V vacation greetings 55 View menu Amanda Messenger 44 viewing basic options 32 fax messages 29 general user information 43 messages 22 W waiting calls managing 34 warranty ii WAV files importing 20 wave files 57, 60, 62, 63 Window menu Amanda Messenger 47 Windows 3.11 Amanda Dialer use 82 Windows 95 Amanda Dialer use 82 Windows applications with Amanda Fax 85 Word for Windows e-mail editor 76 workstations screening calls 67