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Amanda Work Group Features Instructions Manual

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    							Chapter 4: Using Amanda Dialer 83
    Redialing a Number
    Dialer saves the last four telephone numbers that you dialed. 
    To redial a previously dialed number:
    1. Right-click the Amanda Dialer button.
    The Amanda Dialer context menu displays up to four recently dialed numbers. (In 
    parentheses is the number of times each of these numbers has been dialed during this 
    Dialer session.)
    2. Click the number to be redialed. 
    							84 Using Amanda@Work.Group/Windows Workstation Features 
    							Chapter 5:
    Using Amanda Fax
    Introducing Amanda Fax
    You can use Amanda Fax (a 16-bit application) or Amanda Fax 32 (a 32-bit application) 
    from any Windows application that has a Print command. You can send documents, 
    spreadsheets, pictures, or anything else that the application can print. You can:
     Fax an item to another location via Amanda voice server’s fax modem
     Create a fax message to be mailed to users on your Amanda system
     Save the item as a file that can be:
     Sent later as a fax via Amanda voice server’s fax modem
    For example, if you copy this file to Amanda voice server using Amanda Moni-
    tor, you can fax it to callers. See the one-call and two-call faxback sections in 
    Installing Amanda@Work.Group/Windows.
     Imported as a fax message
     (Only available with the 32-bit application) You can save the fax as a TIFF image 
    file containing multiple pages (if the fax is longer than one image page)
    If you are faxing items via Amanda voice server, you need the following:
     A fax modem attached to and properly configured for use with your Amanda voice 
    server (for more information see your Amanda system administrator or Installing 
    In all cases, you need the following:
     Amanda Fax or Amanda Fax 32 installed on each workstation from which faxes 
    will originate. Amanda Fax is a 16-bit application and Amanda Fax 32 is a 32-bit 
    The directions for using each of these two applications is slightly different.
    Try some test items from any Windows application to be used for fax purposes before 
    faxing items to others. For example, in Word for Windows, for best readability, print 
    documents that have the page size 8 1/2 by 11 and portrait as the orientation.
    Using the 32-bit Amanda Fax
    The 32-bit version of Amanda Fax is the most popular and, therefore, this chapter 
    describes it first. For a description of the 16-bit Amanda Fax application, see “Using the 
    16-bit Amanda Fax” on page 91. 
    							86 Using Amanda@Work.Group/Windows Workstation Features
    Sending a Fax
    You can send documents, etc. from Windows applications as faxes using the Amanda 
    voice server’s fax modem. You can fax whatever a Windows application can print, for 
    example, all or part of a document or spread sheet. 
    OTE:When you submit a fax request, Amanda sends a special message back 
    to your mailbox when the fax is either successfully sent or determined to 
    be a failure. On the telephone, Amanda says one of the following:
     Fax  sent.
     Fax  deleted because the remote phone 
    number was incorrect.
    In Amanda Messenger, the fax status appears in the Subject field.
    To send a fax from a Windows application:
    1. Select the application’s Print command.
    2. Change the printer to Amanda Fax 32 then click OK.
    The Amanda Fax 32 dialog box appears.
    3. From the Action drop-down list box, select Queue Fax To Host. 
    							Chapter 5: Using Amanda Fax87
    4. Type your mailbox in the Mailbox text box.
    Your mailbox is probably the same as your extension number, but it doesn’t have to 
    be. Check with your Amanda system administrator to be sure.
    5. Type the fax number to receive this fax in the Phone # text box.
    You may need to start with 9 for an outside line.
    6. Type your security code in the Password text box.
    (This is the same security code that you use to access Amanda over the telephone.)
    7. (Optional) Select the Remember Password check box to avoid typing in your security 
    code the next time you send a fax.
    8. Type the name of the Amanda voice server which controls your mailbox.
    See your Amanda administrator if you need help with the server name.
    9. Click OK.
    Saving a Fax as a TIFF File
    You can save documents, etc. from Windows applications as TIFF files of one or more 
    pages. TIFF files are image files and can be viewed from and inserted into documents 
    created with a number of different applications, such as Microsoft Paint.
    To save the current document as a TIFF file from a Windows application:
    1. Select the application’s Print command.
    2. Change the printer to Amanda Fax 32 then click OK.
    3. When the Amanda Fax 32 dialog box appears, select Save As TIFF File from the 
    Action drop-down list box. 
    							88 Using Amanda@Work.Group/Windows Workstation Features
    The File Save As dialog box appears.
    4. Provide a name and location for the new file.
    The default extension is, of course, .TIF.
    5. Click OK.
    Saving a Fax as a Fax File
    You can save documents, etc. from a Windows application as fax files. The saved files can 
    be copied to the Amanda voice server (using Amanda Monitor) or imported by Amanda 
    Messenger as fax messages.
    To save the current document as a TIFF file from a Windows application:
    1. Select the application’s Print command.
    2. Change the printer to Amanda Fax 32 then click OK.
    3. When the Amanda Fax 32 dialog box appears, select Save As Fax File from the 
    Action drop-down list box. 
    							Chapter 5: Using Amanda Fax89
    The File Save As dialog box appears.
    4. Provide a name and location for the new file.
    The default extension is .FAX, but you can use another extension. (The information is 
    stored in The Amanda Company’s proprietary format, regardless of the extension.)
    5. Click OK.
    Sending a Fax Message
    You can send documents, etc. from Windows applications as fax messages to other users 
    of your Amanda system. This requires you to use Amanda Messenger as well as Amanda 
    To send a document as a fax message from a Windows application:
    1. Select the application’s Print command.
    2. Change the printer to Amanda Fax 32 then click OK.
    3. When the Amanda Fax 32 dialog box appears, select Send To Messenger from the 
    Action drop-down list box. 
    							90 Using Amanda@Work.Group/Windows Workstation Features
    4. Type your Amanda Messenger mailbox in the Mailbox text box.
    Your mailbox is probably the same as your extension number, but it doesn’t have to 
    be. Check with your Amanda system administrator to be sure.
    5. Click OK.
    Amanda Messenger starts (if it isn’t already running) and the fax appears as a compo-
    nent in a new Compose window.
    6. To take a look at the fax before you send it, double-click the fax component in the 
    Compose window.
    A Fax window appears which displays the pages of the fax as thumbnails, small rect-
    angles about the size of a thumb nail. You can click the thumbnail for a better view of 
    it and use the commands on the Fax menu to manipulate it.
    7. When you are ready to send the fax, make the Compose window active. Then, on the 
    Messages menu, click Send… to send this fax to one or more mailboxes and lists. 
    After you send the message, you can stay in Messenger or return to the Amanda Fax 
    dialog or the Windows application. 
    							Chapter 5: Using Amanda Fax91
    Using the 16-bit Amanda Fax
    You can use Amanda Fax to send documents, etc. as faxes, save them as fax files to be 
    used by the Amanda voice server, or send them as fax messages to Amanda Messenger.
    Sending a Fax
    You can send documents, etc. from Windows applications as faxes using the Amanda 
    voice server’s fax modem. You can fax whatever a Windows application can print, for 
    example, all or part of a document or spread sheet. 
    To send a fax from a Windows application:
    1. Select the application’s Print command.
    2. Change the printer to Amanda Fax then click OK.
    The Amanda Fax dialog box appears.
    3. Click Fax Out….
    The Amanda Fax Logon dialog box appears so Amanda Fax can verify that you have 
    a mailbox and security code on the Amanda voice server to be used. 
    							92 Using Amanda@Work.Group/Windows Workstation Features
    4. (Optional—if the default server name is the correct name)
    Indicate what Amanda voice server to use:
    a. Click Network Settings…. 
    The Network Settings dialog box appears.
    b. Type the server name in the Server Name text box. 
    See your system administrator for the correct name.
    c. Click OK.
    The Amanda Fax Logon dialog box reappears.
    5. Type your mailbox in the Mailbox text box.
    Your mailbox is probably the same as your extension number, but it doesn’t have to 
    be. Check with your system administrator to be sure.
    6. Type your security code in the Security Code text box.
    (This is the same security code that you use to access Amanda over the telephone.)
    7. Click OK.
    The Fax Number dialog box appears.
    8. Indicate where to send this fax by doing one of the following:
     Type the fax number in the text portion of the Fax Number drop-down combo 
    box using a maximum of 65 characters. (It may be necessary to prefix the fax 
    number with an access code, such as 9 followed by a comma for an outside line.)
     Select a previously used fax number from the list portion of the drop-down 
    combo box.
    9. Click OK.
    The Amanda Fax dialog reappears.
    10. Click Close or perform another fax operation.
    Saving a Fax as a Fax File
    You can save documents, etc. from a Windows application as fax files. The saved files can 
    be copied to the Amanda voice server (using Amanda Monitor) or imported by Amanda 
    Messenger as fax messages. 
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