Aimco Brakes Monitor UEC4800TP Instruction Manual
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“User name” and “password”. Since the controller only contains one password (one user) the “User name” can be left blank. Once the password is entered it is returned to the controller were it will be checked and if it is correct the parameters are saved. If it is incorrect the controller will request it from the bro wser again. After a password has been entered most browsers will cache it and return on subsequent request without prompting the user. So as long as the browser is not closed it would not be necessary to enter the password on every change to the parameter s. To remove a password from the controller it just needs to be set to a zero length string and saved via the submit button. Of course this action requires the existing password. If the password is lost or unknown contact your AIMCO representative for a method of retrieval. 19.1.3 ToolsNet The controller has the ability to send rundown data to a ToolsNet server. Once the controller is on the local network there are five parameters that must be set to store data correctly on the server. 1. Server IP Address: This is the IP address of the ToolsNet server. If the server is on another subnet you will also have to verify the gateway in the Ethernet settings. 2. Server Port Number: This is the TCP port the server is listening on for a new connection. The default for th is is 6547 but it should be verified with the local ToolsNet server administrator. 3. Station Id: This is used to identify the data in the ToolsNet database. Work with your local ToolsNet server administrator to set this correctly. 4. System Number: This is u sed to identify the data in the ToolsNet database. Work with your local ToolsNet server administrator to set this correctly. 5. Station Number: This is used to identify the data in the ToolsNet database. Work with your local ToolsNet server administrator t o set this correctly. 19.1.4 Open Protocol The controller has the ability to accept an “Open” protocol connection. This connection is available over Ethernet and/or the standard serial ports. Through this connection you can enable/disable the tool, set the acti ve parameter set, collect rundown data, set the time and much more. 1. Port Number: The TCP port number the controller listens on to accept an Open protocol connection via Ethernet. The default port is 4545 but can be changed if required. 2. Cable Loss Detecti on: Only used for a serial Open protocol connection. If set to 1 the controll er will close the connection on a time -out. If it is set to 0 the controller will not close the connection. See the latest Open protocol specification for details on time -outs and keep alive messages. 3. Cell ID: Optional variable that is passed through the Open protocol connection. 4. Channel ID: Optional variable that is passed through the Open protocol connection.

5. Controller Name: Optional variable that is passed through the Op en protocol connection. To set up a serial port for Open protocol set the function on the desired COM port to “Open Protocol” and cycle the power on the controller. The Controller supports the following MIDs. See the latest Open protocol specification for details on each MID. MID Description Note 0001 Communication start 0003 Communication stop 0010 Parameter set numbers upload request 0018 Select Parameter set 0020 Reset Parameter set batch size 0042 Disable tool 0043 Enable tool 0050 Vehicle Id Number download request 0060 Last tightening result data subscribe Rev 1-2 and 999 supported 0063 Last tightening result data unsubscribe 0070 Alarm subscribe 0073 Alarm Unsubscribe 0080 Read time upload request 0082 Set Time in the Torque Controller 9999 Keep alive message

19.1.5 AIMCO Database The controller has the ability to send rundown data to an AIMCO data collection server. Once the controller is on the local network there are two parameters that must be set to store data correc tly on the server. 1. Server IP Address: This is the IP address of the AIMCO data collection server. If the server is on another subnet you will also have to verify the gateway in the Ethernet settings. 2. Server Port Number: This is the TCP port the server is listening on for a new connection. See your local AIMCO data collection server administrator for the correct port number. 19.1.6 Modbus TCP The controller will accept a connection from a Modbus TCP master. 19.1.7 Controller Outputs The Controller’s outputs are locat ed at address 0 and contain one status word. Controller Outputs Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address 0 Handshake Job Complete Healthy Running Process number Bit Name Function 0-7 Process Number Process number echo. Latched while it is in a job. 8 Running Indicates the tool is running. 9 Healthy Indicates the controller has no faults. 10 Not used 11 Not used 12 Job Complete Indicates the job is complete. Will go off when Enable input goes off. 13 Not used 14 Not used 15 Handshake Echo of the Handshake input 19.1.8 Controller Inputs The Controller inputs are located at address 1024 and 1036. Address 1024 contains one control word and 1036 contains the 20 character VIN.

Controller Inputs Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address 1024 Handshake Abort Enable Process number Bit name Function 0-7 Process Number Process number input. The enable must be off to change the Process Number. On a change to the Process Number the batch is also reset. 8 Enable On the rising edge of Enable the tool will be enabled. 9 Abort If Abort is on the tool will be disabled. 10 Not used 11 Not used 12 Not used 13 Not used 14 Not used 15 Handshake Will be echoed to the Handshake output 19.2 Profibus/DeviceNET The controller can have an optional Profibus or DeviceNET interface . These interfaces are accomplished throug h the use of a serial bridge . The serial bridge is provided by MKS Instruments, Inc . See the latest MKS documentation for details on sending and receivi ng messages. 19.2.1 Logical I/O The controller has five status bytes of outputs. Controller Outputs Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Byte 0 Tool Ready Tool Enable 1 Bypass Batch Complete Msg Received Status NOK Status OK 2 3 Buzz Slow Buzz Fast Red Yellow Green Blue White 4 Pause Red Flashing Yellow Flashing Green Flashing Blue Flashing White Flashing

Byte Bit Name Function 0 0 Tool Enable The enabled state of the tool. 1 Tool Ready On if the tool is ready to run. Will be off if tool is disabled or there is a fault on the controller. 2-7 Not used 1 0 Status OK Rundown status on for an accept. This bit is timed and will be on for ½ second. 1 Status NOK Rundown status on for a reject. This bit is timed and will be on for ½ second. 2 Msg Received On to indicate a message has been received from the MKS module and the inputs have changed. This bit is timed and will be on for ½ second. 3 Batch Complete Indicates the batch is complete. Will go off when batch is reset or when the tool enable is turned off. 4 Bypass State of the bypass input. 5-7 Not used 2 0-7 Not used 3 0- 6 Light Tower Status Bitwise status of the Light Tower lights. 7 Not used 4 0- 5 Light Tower Status Bitwise status of the Light Tower lights. 6-7 Not used Controller Inputs Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Byte 0 PSET 1 PLC Enable White Flash Pause Tool Enable 2-11 Sequence Number 12-31 Serial Number

Byte Bit Name Function 0 0-7 PSET Set the active parameter set of 1-32. If 0 the active parameter set is left unchanged. 1 0 Tool Enable If PLEC Enable is 0 this input is ignored. If PLC Enable is 1 this bit can be used to enable or disable the tool. 1-3 Not used 4 Pause Setting Pause to 1 cause the light stack to strobe. Setting it to 0 put the light stack back into its normal operation. 5 White Flash Setting White Flash to 1 cause the light stack to flash the white light. Setting it to 0 put the light stack back into its normal operation. 6 PLC Enable Setting PLC Enable to 1 allows the Tool Enable bit. Setting it to 0 disables the Tool Enable function. 7 Not used 2-11 0-7 Sequence Number 10 character Sequence Number. 12-31 0-7 Serial Number 20 character Serial Number.

19.3 Data Output Settings The use of Ethernet or ot her field busses requires that the data output settings of the UEC -4800 are configured correctly. This can be done from either the UEC -4800 front panel or the setup software. UEC Data Output Settings Field Value Meaning UEC No 01 UEC Identifier Number Out Movement 0 Output all data through RS232C Output Form 0 #-CR Comm Speed 1 9600 bps Bit 1 8 bit Stop 0 1 bit Parity 0 No parity Torque Val Trans 1 Output Pulse Numb 1 Output Fastened Time 1 Output Decision 1 Output Wave Data Out 1 Output (only effects front PC port) Ang Data Transm 1 Output Wave Data Form 0 Binary Output (only effects front PC port) ID Data Out 0 Not Output ID Data Form 00 ID data digit 19.3.1 Data Output Configuration through front panel 1) Turn on the UEC -4800 and wait for self- diagnosis check to finish. The screen will change to the measurement screen when complete. 2) Press in the measurement screen to go to the menu screen. 3) Use the arrows to select ‘Settings’ and press . 4) Use the arrows to select the work number to set up para meters and press . 5) Use the arrows to select ‘Data Out’ and press . 6) Press and hold for more than 3 seconds to enter writing mode. 7) Select the parameter to change and press . 8) Use to increase the value and to select the digit to change. 9) Ensure that the values match the following settings:

19.3.2 Data Output Configuration from PC 1) Turn on the UEC -4800 and wait for self- diagnosis check to finish. 2) Connect the front PC port on the UEC -4800 to a PC with the UEC -4800 setup software using a straight serial cable . 3) Start the setup software on the pc. 4) Go to ‘Main Menu’ (F12) and then ‘File Selection’ (F1) and select your configuration file or create a new one. If a settings file is not present or settings need to be downloaded then proceed to the next section ‘ Downloading/Importing UEC -4800 Settings ’ 5) Go back to the ‘Main Menu’ and go to ‘Data Output Setting’. UEC -4800 Setup Software Main Menu

6) Check that the settings match the settings below. If not then change the appropriate settings. 7) Click ‘Send’ to send new parameters to the UEC -4800. Data Output Settings Menu 19.3.3 Downloading/Importing UEC -4800 Settings The settings on the UEC -4800 can be downloaded from the device using the PC setup software. If a tool hasn’t been selected under Main Menu Tool Selection th en some of these menu items may be disabled. 1) Connect the front PC port on the UEC -4800 to a PC with the UEC -4800 setup software using a straight serial cable. 2) Turn on the UEC -4800 and wait for self- diagnosis check to finish. 3) Start the setup software on the pc. 4) Go to ‘Main Menu’ (F12) and then ‘File Selection’ (F1) and select your configuration file or create a new one by clicking ‘New’ (F1). 5) After selecting the file the ‘Main Menu’ is shown. If menu options are disabled then a tool needs to be selected by clicking ‘Tool Selection’ and then ‘Select’ to select the tool. Return to ‘Set Menu’ (F12). 6) In the ‘Set Menu’ (F2 from Main Menu) choose ‘VRF’ (F8) at the bottom of the screen. 7) A window will appear asking to check the set value. Click ‘Yes’. 8) The program wi ll now communicate with the UEC -4800 and show the differences between the file and the data on the controller. Click yes to import the settings from the controller and overwr ite the settings file on the PC.

Set Menu – Where to download/import UEC -4800 Settings 20. Light Tower Color Definitions UEC - LIGHT ASSIGNMENT FOR LIGHT TOWER AND KEY BYPASS Light Color Judgment Assignment Green Accept UEC Red High Torque UEC Red Flashing Fault other than High Torque, Pulse Count, and Angle Errors UEC Yellow High Pulse/Angle UEC Yellow Flashing Low Pulse/Angle UEC Blue Bypass Key Bypass White Tool Enabled UEC White Flashing Open External Lights Strobe Open External