Aimco Brakes AcraDyne iEC iControl DC Tool Controller Users Guide
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35 Multiplier - Configures the tool to in clude gearing added to the base model. Units: Gear Ratio * 100. a. Example: Adding a multiplier with a gear ratio of 5:1, Multiplier setting = 5. Obstruction Torque - In 1st 90° degrees of rotation in the tightening direction cycle will be aborted if this torque is exc eeded. If the tool rotates 90° degrees and stops without any obstruction, the value is too low. Open Loop - After reaching the open position, this open loop torque prevents the socket from bouncing to a partially closed position. Th is torque should be set to a value slightly less than the tube nut home torque. Home - In the reverse direction, reaching this torque indicates to the controller the socket is in the open position. If the socke t does not attempt to return to the open position or returns at an extremely fast rate this value is too low. AcraDyne recommends starting at about 12 in-lbs. 2.7.3 Calibrate Torque This is used to calibrate the tool. Follow ing are the steps that need to be followed to calibrate the Tool 1. Press the “Start To Test” Button 2. Run the Tool to Final Torque 3. Put the External transducer value in the Measured Torque box. 4. Press “Send to Tool” Button. 5. The new Cal value is calculated automatically an d assigned to the tool.

36 Figure 2.7.3 Tool calibration screen Buttons and LED’s Calibrate Buttons - After a tool has been worked on, it is possible the relationship between hall sensors and magnet have c hanged. Using the Tool Button Calibration screen calibrates the field between the two. Test Trigger, Ccw, Center and Cw positions and send the values to the Tool. LED States - Turns the tool lights on, off, or fl ashes. Used for testing of the Tool

37 Figure 2.7.4 LED programming and button calibration Service and Calibration Log The Service Parameters are stored in the memory of the Tool and they can be viewed in this screen. The Next Service cycl e or Next Service date in this screen will turn red if they exceed the value the service is due.

38 2.7.5 Tool Service and Calibration Log 2.8 Rundowns Data for rundowns in all or selected Parameter Sets can be displayed in a tabular format. This information can then be saved as a “Ms.csv” File. You can print the rundown results by using File ->Print in the menu. Rundowns must be saved to a file before the statistics function can be used to evaluate the data. Controller memory can be cleared by cl icking the “Clear iEC Rundown Memory” button 2.8.1 Download Data If rundown data is to be analyzed with the Statistics function, select All Data If no statistical analysis is to be applied, select Results Only. This will significantly decrease the time taken to download the data from the controller to the PC.

39 2.8.2 Select Parameter Set To view results of all saved rundow ns, regardless of Parameter Set, select zero (0) To view results of rundowns for a specific Parameter Set, select the appropriate Parameter Set number To select the colums you want to see, select custom and choose the columns from the selection menu You can restrict th e number of rundowns you want to see by selecting the Max. Rows (0 means all) The Rundowns are ordered by latest first. So the Re cent Rundown will be the first record to be downloaded. You can stop download at any time and analyse the records t hat are downloaded. To begin rundown data download, cl ick “Start Rundown Receive” Note : Statistics functionality requires “All Data” to be selected.

40 Figure 2.8 Rundown Log example 2.9 Log Info Log info describes the usage of the Controller and the tools that have been used with that controller. POR Counts - Number of times the controller power has been cycled. Controller Cycles - Number of rundown the controller has completed. Tool Log - Displays history of tools that have been previously connected to the controller. Monthly Usage - Displays history of the number of rundowns the controller has preformed divided in to months and years. Note : Serial/Model number entries in usage l og are abbreviated for functionality will legacy tools.

41 Figure 2.9 Tool / controller Log Info example 2.10 Statistics The statistics page takes a collection of final torque samples from a rundown file then calculates and displays statisti cal information about the collecti on. In addition, a histogram is plotted, and the final torque for each rundown is displayed graphically. The maximum number of rundowns that can be evaluated is 2048. If more data is stored in the file, then data for only first 2048 rundowns are used. Tor que values are displayed in the units shown on the Main Window toolbar. Rundown Files are saved using Toolware with *.MS.csv extension. This file type can be generated in the Rundowns page by receiving rundown data, then saving the data to a type *.MS.csv fi le. We can open this using the File -> Open option.

42 Figure 2.10 Statistics screen example PSet Selection (Parameter Set): a. Only rundowns with the PSet selected are used in the collection. In addition, Only Rundowns with settings for Torque High Limit, Torque Low Limit, and Target that match the first rundown are used in the collection. b. If 0 is selected for the PSet, all rundow ns in the file will be used in the collection.

43 Stats: POP: Population; The total number of observations used to calculate the statistical data. Mean: (Sum of All Readings) / (Number of Readings) CP: Overall capability, which is the ratio of 6 sigma to the tolerance. The equation for CP is: (Torque High Limi t – Torque Low Limit) / 6 Sigma CPK: Process capability, which takes both sigma and mean into account. The equation for CPK is the smaller of: (Torque High Limit – Mean) / 3 Sigma or (Mean – Torque Low Limit) / 3 Sigma 6 Sigma: The standard deviation multiplied by 6. A total range of 6 sigma will include 99.7% of all data. The equation for six sigma is as follows: 6σ = 6 X Range: The difference between the maximum and minimum reading. Min Tq: The maximum torque reading. Max Tq: The minimum torque reading.

H T b d F a F Histogram o The histogra in, occurs i ivided in to T h of Th For referenc re taken fro Histogra The widt values f o Numb in the the nu the nu Rang samp of 0.1 Ran g samp increm Bin w Final Torqu of Final To am shows t n the colle c a specified he width f the freque o o Wher e he center p o ce, the Para om the first am adjustm h, center po or Range C ber of Bins e collection umber of bi umber of ru ge Ceiling A ple rounded ge Floor Ad ple rounded ments of 0. width and c ue Sample orque Sam he frequen ction of fina d number b ncy bin is e: m is the s e max is the Ceiling ) min is the Floor ) oint s of eac ameter Set rundown i n ment: oint, and nu eiling, Rang s Selection for the num ins is set to undowns + Adjustmen up to the n djustment: down to t h 1 enter point s Graph ples cy count o f al torque sa ins using th elected Num e upper ceil lower floo r ch bin are s values for T n the collec umber of bi ge Floor an n: The hist mber of bins o 200. The n 1. nt: This valu next higher This valu e he next lowe s will be up 44 f the numbe amples. The he following mber of Bin ing for the r for the torq set accordin Torque Hi, ction and plo ns can be a nd the Num ogram initi a s. If there a number of b ue is initiall integer. T e is initially s er integer. T pdated on a er of times t e range of t g equations ns. torque ran g que range t ng to the fo Torque Low otted as ho adjusted by ber of Bins ally uses th re more tha bins can be y set to the his can be set to the m This can be a change to that a spec the histogra s: ge to be ev to be evalu ollowing equ w, and Torq orizontal line y selecting s. he number o an 200 rund e adjusted f e maximum adjusted i n minimum to e adjusted these valu cified interva am is equa aluated ( R a ated (Rang uation: que Target es. different of rundown downs, then from 2 to torque n increment rque in es. al, or lly ange ge s n s