Aimco Brakes AcraDyne iEC iControl DC Tool Controller Users Guide
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15 Angle High Limit - is used for Accept / Reject decision. Rundown does not pass if the measured final a ngle exceeds this limit. Angle Target - the target angle value Angle Low Limit - used for Accept / Reject decis ion. Rundown does not pass if the final angle is below this limit. Rpm Freespeed % - specifies initial tool output-drive speed. The parameter is expressed as a percentage of the tool’s maximum rated speed. Rpm Downshift % - specifies the speed of the tool after the Tq Downshift value is reached. The value is expressed as a percentage of the tool‘s maximum rated speed. Ergo Mode - activates tool power rampi ng-down mode when fastening achieves Target Torque or Target Angle value. Th is feature reduces torque reaction in the hand-held tool as final tor que or angle is achieved. Soft Start - activates tool power ramping-up from zero to Rpm Freespeed% value. This allows for slower engagement of the fastener into the application. Linked PSets – creates a group of sequential Parameter Sets actuated by a single trigger pull. To define the last Parameter Set in the group, unselect “Link PSet” by placing a 0 in the field. Link Delay - used to add a delay time between the linked steps. Running a Linked PSet rundown: To run a Linked PSet group, select the first PSet in the group as the “Current PSet”. (Via the CHANGE PSET button on the controller, or using Logic IO, or using the “Current” PSet selection in Toolware) Link the PSets by selecting the next PSet in the Current PSet’s “Link PSet” Drop down. If you want to have a delay between the rundowns enter that in the “Link Delay” Drop Down box. If you want to link more PSets then repeat this step. Run the tool as usual by pre ssing and holding the throttle. The tool will sequence thru each PSet in the Linked PSet group. At the completion of last the PSet of the group, the controller will signify the Linked PSet rundown is complete by li ghting the cycle accept (or reject) led and turning off the blue In-cycle led. The current PSet will automatically re set to the first PSet in the group to ready for the next rundown. A release and repress of the trigger is necessary to start the next Linked PSet rundown.

16 Linked PSet Results Reporting: The angle count is reset to 0 at the end of each linked step of a Linked PSet rundown. RBR Combined with a Linked PSet Rundown Note: The RBR, RB, and RBsp, options are only preformed at the end of the last step of a Linked PSet rundown Results Reporting: The results of the last PSet Step in the group are used to report. If the trigger is released before the rundown sequence is complete, the results from the step that the cont roller was currently running, before being interrupted, are reported. The controller reports curve data from the last rundown step and any linked previous steps if not separated by a delay time. Batch Processing: ToolWare allows the user to specify PSets for the sequence of rundowns. During the batch process the controller moni tors each rundown and switches PSets automatically. We can contro l the actions of the controller as each step in the batch is completed. When PSets are link ed only the last PSet has batch settings. Count Preset – defines the number of accepted (ACCEPT) rundowns that must be completed for the associated parameter set Action At Preset Count Complete - The choice of options for end-of-batch events is: Act1 - Reset count and output batch complete Act2 - Hold count and output batch complete Act3 - Disable tool – Hold count and output batch complete Act4 - Go to next PSet & do not output batch complete Act5 - Go to next PSet and output batch complete Next PSet – determines the parameter set that is automatically activated when the count for the associated PSet is reached

17 2.2.2 Parameter Sets Parameter Enable - check boxes allow the user to generate up to 32 different sets of parameters. Each set can be used individua lly or sets can be arranged into batch sequence. If the box is unchecked and the param eters are sent to the controller it deletes the parameter set. Copy - button allows the user to copy one set of parameters into another. The user must specify the destination parameter set number. Delete - removes parameter from overall set. Receive - downloads parameters from the iE C Controller to PC. Downloaded parameters are displayed but not saved in the PC. Send - uploads the current parameters from ToolWare to the controller. The controller will automatically switch to Parameter Set #1 a fter all parameter sets have been loaded. New - allows the user to create a new set of parameters, regardless of what set is selected as currently active in t he Controller or in the ToolWare. Open - opens a saved Parameter file stored in the computer and displays it in the ToolWare Screen. Paramete r set must be SENT to the controller to be used. Save - saves the parameter sets displayed on the ToolWare screen as a file to a designated location on the computer. Reset to Factory Defaults - resets the controller’s parame ters to the factory settings. If Reset To Factory Defaults is selected while tool is connected to controller, three parameter sets will be configured at 30%, 40% and 60% of the tool’s maximum rated torque If Reset To Factory Defaults is selected while tool is disconnected from controller, eight parameters sets wi ll be configured at 10 Nm, 20Nm, 30 Nm, 40 Nm, 50 Nm 60 Nm, 70 Nm and 80 Nm Change units - changes the torque units in the ToolWare. Select SEND to change units in the Controller also. Convert Units in Controller and ToolWare - if checked, automatically converts units in controller and ToolWare to new units when new unit of measurement is selected. If Rundown-Backoff-Rundown or Low Speed Control are active in the controller, User will be notified on this screen.

18 2.3 CurveWare In ToolWare, select from the top menu or select directly from the lower menu to open window shown in the Figure 2.3. Only rundown information after most recent Power On of the controller can be graphed. Figure 2.3 CurveWare example Max Torque - is the upper torque limit of the rundown Max Angle - is the upper angle limit of the rundown No. of Data Points - is the number of data points that should be used in the plot. Maximal number of acquired data points is 4000. Current Plot - the N th rundown that has been recorded is highlighted in the graph. Receive – downloads last rundown data from the Controller.

19 Save - saves data points of all curves in the plot in ASCII file. Remove - removes the currently selected plot from the graph. Receive/View - Receive/View allows the user to choose the display features of the graph. Torque – downloads and displays torque data points. Angle – downloads and disp lays angle data points. PSet - displays markers indicati ng parameter set values. View Controls Pan - reposition the view in the drawing area. Pan/Zoom – change magnification. View All – return to the or iginal dimensions. Show All Plots - displays all the plots. Cursor mode - restricts cursor locations to curve data points. Plot Axis - allows user to choose between Torque/Angle Vs Time and Torque Vs Angle . The axes of the graph will change accordingly . Plot Name – allows the user to rename the plot. By default, the plot name is formed by using the date and time at which the plot was created. CurveWare allows for 10 sequential curv es to be overlaid upon each other for analysis purposes. 2.4 Monitoring I/O In ToolWare, select from the top menu or select directly from the lower menu to open window shown in the Figure 2.4. The I/O function is only available in iEC2, iEC3 and iEC4 models. A connector kit is available from AIMCO that allows the user to connect and route wiring to a variety of devices, including light-towers, socket trays, audible signals and PLC modules. The part number is #23490. Contact your AIMC O representative for this item. This screen allows the user to activate and display the operation of the input and output signals to the controller. Off Delays of outputs in this screen and send it to the controller or receive the same from the controller. For testing and setting purposes the physical outputs and logical inputs can be forced ON/OFF temporal ly. This screen also shows the state of the physical I/O. We can temporally change the control source between Tool buttons and Logic I/O port. Selection of PSets through IO is limited to PSe ts 1-8. Selection of entire 32 PSets library requires network connectivity.

20 Figure 2.4 Monitor I/O screen Off Delay - specifies how long the output signal will be ON before turning OFF. Each of the 8 input fields corresponds to the output field. Example: If 200 is the value in the first field that the output signal for Accept will be ON for duration of 200 mSec. If the value is 0, then the corresponding output will re main ON indefinitely or until the next rundown starts. Control Source – allows user to choose the source that controls the tool operation Buttons From Tool – Normal operating condition; t ool lever and control ring control tool operation Buttons From I/O – For testing purposes; allows the tool lever and control ring to be over-ridden by buttons on the Monitor I/O screen Force Enable – When Buttons From I/O is selected, this field selects which inputs and outputs can be forced through the Monitor I/O screen Function/State – When Buttons From I/O is selected and the operation is selected by checking Force Enable, clicking on this field will force the respective operation to take place, regardless of tool button positions. This field will be red when the operation is off and will turn green when the operation is on. I/O Connector Physical States - this diagram is a real time display of the I/O connector. Each position corresponds to the indicated terminal on the 25-pin I/O connector on the bottom of the controller. 2.5 File Menu In ToolWare, select from the top menu. File M enu enables us to select the Connection type with which we want the T oolWare to connect to the Controller. 2.5.1 Connection This enables the user to specify how ToolWare will connect with and communicate to the Controller. The options are as follows:

21 USB - is used if the computer is connected with the controll er using the USB connection in the computer. Ethernet - can be selected to set the IP address the connection should use. Offline mode - gives the user the opportunity to -edi t parameter files and configuration files to save without being c onnected to the controller 2.5.2 Open Enables the user to select the file to open 2.5.3 Save Saves the file to the PC in the specified directory 2.5.4 Print Print the Screen or the Data. 2.5.5 Login Login is not required for general access, t hough advanced features are not available in this mode. On occasion, when advanced feat ures need to be accessed, a password will be given and can be entered here. An AcraDyne technician or an AIMCO sales person can create a temporary password to give to a customer. This password will be vali d for the day it is given. This can be used when a customer needs to access technical areas on a temporary basis. It is based on the calendar date and will be vali d until midnight of that date. Contact your AIMCO sales representative to get more information on passwords for use with ToolWare. 2.5.6 Language User can change language and locale either for the particular session or set it as default for the system. The application switches to the language the User selects. 2.5.7 Logoff Log out of the user level the user is in. 2.5.8 Exit Exits ToolWare

22 2.6 Controller 2.6.1 View Firmware Rev Displays the current DSP revision and Servo Rev 2.6.2 Edit Configuration Parameters The user can Edit the controller configuration from this screen. The screen is shown in Figure 2.6.2. Figure 2.6.2 Edit Controller Parameter screen Adaptive Control Enable - Adaptive control is a useful option when a high CPK (Process Capability) is chosen as the most important variable. This is done by adjusting the control to ensure the average applied torque is cent ered between the upper and lower control limit. This feature has three options, which are explained below.

23 Off - Turns adaptive control off. The tool wi ll produce torque until the target torque is achieved. Therefore, all resu lts will be equal to or greater than the target. This will cause the average torque to be greater t han the target torque, thus making it extremely difficult to produce a high CPK. First Ten - Takes an average of the first ten readings in a new parameter set and adjusts the control to make the average to rque correspond with the target torque. Therefore, there will be readings both above and below the target torque, thus maximizing CPK. All - Similar to above, but continually adjusts the control based on the average of the previous ten readings in an attempt to maximize CPK. Pct Adjustment: % Adjustment - Determines how much of a correction adaptive control will try to make. The higher the number, the gr eater the correction adaptive control will make. In Cycle Configuration At Threshold – the tool status is switched to when torque reaches torque threshold set point. At Throttle – the tool status is switched to immediately when rundown is triggered. Note: In Cycle Configurati on “At Throttle” and Rehit Reje ct are mutually exclusive selections. Rehit Reject This feature prevents operator from atte mpting to tighten the fastener that has already been tightened. If this feature is enabled, the rundown will stop if the angle of rotation between cycle complete and threshol d torque is less than a specified number of degrees. Rehit Reject On/Off - If Enabled will abort the a ttempt to fasten a pre-tightened fastener. The default setting for this option is off. Rehit Reject Angle - Used to determine if a fastener is already tightened. If the angles of rotation between cycles comp lete torque and cycle threshold torque is less than the programmed angle, then the fastener is assumed tightened and no pass/reject will be reported. Note: Rehit Reject and In Cycle Configurat ion “At Throttle” are mutually exclusive selections.

24 Rundown-Backoff-Rundown This feature includes three modes t hat engage reverse rotation of the tool. Enable – activates the feature. There are four options available when the feature is enabled. Rundown Backoff SP - Tool will rundown to selected PSet torque, reverse the fastener a set number of degrees defined by Back Off Degrees. Reports the Torque and Angle from the rundown. Rundown-Backoff-Rundown – Rundown to the 1 st Rundown torque (specified below) then reverse the fa stener a set number of degrees and re- tighten the fastener to the target torque established in the parameter set. Reports the Torque and Angle at end of cycle. Rundown-Backoff - Tool will rundown to 1st Rundown Torque, reverse the fastener a set number of degrees. Repor ts the Torque and Angle at end of cycle. Off - Switches the Rundown-Backoff or Rundown-Backoff-Rundown to off mode 1 st Rundown (in-lbs) - The initial rundown torque, measured in (in-lbs). Dwell Time before Back Off - Dwell time [ms] between fi rst rundown and the start of back off. Back Off Degree - The amount of rotational degrees the fastener is backed off after reaching 1st rundown torque. Back Off Torque Limit – This is the backoff torque limit, measured in (in-lbs) Dwell Time before Second Rundown - Dwell time [ms] between back off and the start of second rundown. Soft Start This feature allows the user to set the speed and timing of how quickly the tool ramps up to Freespeed RPM Dwell (ms) - the amount of time that the tool will rotate at slow speed before progressing to the Freespeed RPM (default 500 ms) Dwell (RPM) - the RPM at which the tool will run during soft start period (default 90)