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Adept Technology AnyFeeder UG User Manual

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    							Installing Cables and Power
    Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A  21
    2.5 Installing Cables and Power
    This section describes the electrical installation procedure for the Adept AnyFeeder. The 
    Adept AnyFeeder requires the following cable connections:
     the 24 VDC power cable (supplied)
     the RS232 serial communications cable (supplied)
     the DIO (Digital I/O) cable (supplied)
    System Cable Diagram
    Figure 2-7. System Cable Diagram
    NOTE: Refer to your robot user ’s guide for additional system cable 
    NOTE: The Adept AnyFeeder is equipped with fuses to protect the 
    internal components. The motor power 24 VDC input is protected with a 
    10 Amp fuse, and the parallel I/O 24 VDC lines are protected with a 3 
    Amp fuse. These fuses can be replaced in the field. If you suspect a 
    problem with one or both of these fuses, contact Adept Customer Service 
    (see Section 1.14 on page 14) for part information and instructions.
    AnyFeeder Interface Panel
    DIO Cable
    Pins 13, 25: +24 VDC
    Pins 12, 24: Ground
    Red: +24 VDC
    Blue: Ground
    Black: ShieldNote: To serial port on Adept
    SmartController (for V+/AIM
    applications) or to user-supplied
    PC (for ACE/iSight applications)
    24 VDC 
    power supply Black: Shield
    Ground to
    Power Supply
    							Chapter 2 - Installation
    22 Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A 
    Serial Cable Installation
    A serial communications cable is supplied with the Adept AnyFeeder (see Figure 2-8). 
    Connect the male end of the cable to the RS232 (J2) port on the Adept AnyFeeder. Connect 
    the female end of the cable to the serial port on the robot controller or PC.
    Figure 2-8. Serial Cable
    Serial Cable Wiring Assignments
    Table 2-1 shows the wiring assignments for the supplied cable.
    Table 2-1: Serial Cable Wiring Assignments
    Pin #
    DSUB 9 male
    (to AnyFeeder)FunctionPin #
    DSUB 9 female
    (to controller)
    5 GROUND 5
    Connects to serial
    port on AnyFeederConnects to serial
    port on robot controller 
    or PC 
    							Installing Cables and Power
    Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A  23
    Digital I/O Cable Installation
    A digital I/O cable is supplied with the Adept AnyFeeder (see Figure 2-9). Connect the 
    female end of the cable to the parallel I/O +24 VDC in I/O Pwr (J3) port on the Adept 
    Figure 2-9. DIO Cable
    Digital I/O Cable Wiring Assignments
    The supplied digital I/O cable must be wired as shown in Table 2-2.
    NOTE: If you want to communicate with your Adept AnyFeeder using 
    digital I/O rather than serial communications, refer to Chapter 4 for the 
    cable pin/wire assignments.
    NOTE: Regardless of your method of communicating with the Adept 
    AnyFeeder (DIO or RS232 Serial), you must supply power to the logic 
    board through this cable on the pins specified in Table 2-2.
    Table 2-2: Digital I/O Wiring Assignments
    FunctionPin #
    DSUB 25Wire ColorPower Supply 
    +24 VDV 25 WH / BK +24 VDC
    +24 VDC 13WH / GN +24 VDC
    0 VDC 24 BN / RD 0 VDC
    0 VDC 12 RD / BU 0 VDC
    Shield N/A BK Ground to Case 
    							Chapter 2 - Installation
    24 Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A 
    Connecting the Power Cable
    1. Locate the DC power cable with connector that was supplied with the Adept 
    AnyFeeder (see Figure 2-10).
    Figure 2-10. DC Power Cable
    2. Connect the wire end of the cable to the user-supplied 24 VDC / 10 A regulated 
    power supply.
    3. Attach the connector end of the cable to the Motor Power 24 VDC In (J1) 
    connector on the front of the Adept AnyFeeder (see Figure 2-11).
    Figure 2-11. 24 VDC In Connector 
    							Installing Cables and Power
    Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A  25
    Setting the Switches
    The Adept AnyFeeder will be set for serial communications. The Com Mode Selection 
    switches (see Figure 2-12) must be set as follows:
    1. Move the A switch (selects Parallel I/O or RS232) to the down position, to select 
    Figure 2-12. Com Mode Selection Switches
    After changing the switch settings, you must cycle power to the Adept AnyFeeder. 
     If the Adept AnyFeeder and connected equipment are powered from a common 
    source, you can turn that source off and then back on.
     If the Adept AnyFeeder and connected equipment are powered from different 
    sources, then you must disconnect and then reconnect the following cables:
     24 VDC power cable. See “Connecting the Power Cable” on page 24 for 
     Digital I/O interface cable. See “Digital I/O Cable Installation” on page 23 
    for details 
    							Chapter 2 - Installation
    26 Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A 
    2.6 Verifying the Installation
    This section describes the procedure for verifying the Adept AnyFeeder after installation. 
    After wiring the system, turn on the 24 VDC power supply and verify that the two (2) 
    Status LEDs are on (see Figure 2-13).
    Figure 2-13. I/O Power and Motor Power LEDs
    Additionally, the LED shown in Figure 2-14 will blink to indicate Serial mode.
    Figure 2-14. Serial Mode Indicator LED 
    							Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A  27
    Using the AnyFeeder with
    Serial Communications3
    3.1 Introduction
    This chapter describes the requirements for using the Adept AnyFeeder with a 
    robot/vision system and serial communications.
    3.2 System Requirements
    To use the Adept AnyFeeder with a robot/vision system, your workcell must contain the 
    equipment described in Section 2.1 on page 15.
    3.3 Program Flow
    The steps below briefly describe a simple program flow for using the Adept AnyFeeder in 
    the workcell:
    1. Initialize the Adept AnyFeeder.
    2. Send “dispense” command to Adept AnyFeeder to feed parts.
    3. Acquire vision image and locate “usable” parts; store part count.
    4. Command robot to pick-place the usable parts; decrement part count for each 
    5. When part count reaches 0, send combinations of “feed forward”, “feed 
    backward”, “flip,” “feed/flip forward,” and “feed/flip backward” commands, 
    along with acquiring vision images, to locate more usable parts.
    a. If usable parts are found, store part count and loop back to step 4.
    b. If no usable parts are found, and feed area is not empty, repeat step 5.
    c. If no usable parts are found, and feed area is empty, go to step 2. 
    							Chapter 3 - Using the AnyFeeder with Serial Communications
    28 Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A 
    3.4 Serial Communications
    This section describes how to set up serial communications with the Adept AnyFeeder. 
    NOTE: If you want to communicate with your Adept AnyFeeder using 
    digital I/O rather than serial communications, refer to Chapter 4 for the 
    cable pin/wire assignments.
    Setting the Serial Port Communication Parameters
    In order for the SmartController CX to communicate properly with the Adept AnyFeeder, 
    you must configure the serial port as follows:
    NOTE: The Adept AnyFeeder will not receive or send any serial data if the 
    baud rate is not set correctly.
    3.5 Serial Command Codes
    The following sections describe: 
     The serial commands that can be sent to the Adept AnyFeeder
     The default values for the Adept AnyFeeder command parameters 
     How the Adept AnyFeeder responds to received commands
     Sample serial communications dialogsTable 3-1: Serial Port Settings
    Item Setting
    Baud rate 9600
    Data bits 8
    Stop bit 1
    Parity none
    Flow control none
    In addition to the above:
    - Disable local echo
    - Append “line feed” to each line sent
    - Append “line feed” to each line received 
    							Serial Command Codes
    Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A  29
    Sending Commands to the Adept AnyFeeder
    Table 3-3 provides a list of all available Adept AnyFeeder serial commands. With each 
    command there is a maximum of two associated parameters which influence that 
    command. Note that some commands do not need any parameters.
    During startup, the Adept AnyFeeder firmware assigns default values to all parameters. 
    For example, if you send the Adept AnyFeeder a “feed forward” command without first 
    changing any of its parameters, the Adept AnyFeeder control system will apply the 
    default parameters (see Table 3-7 for details).
    See Table 3-6, “Standard Responses,” on page 34 for a list of standard responses. Table 3-2: Description of Symbols used in Tables
    Symbol Description
    > Represents the prompt of a text terminal window
     Carriage return, ASCII code 13 (decimal)
    [speed] Integer in the range 1…10
    [turns] Integer in the range 1…10, except for purge 
    (range is 1…127)
    _ Explicit space (not an underscore)
    Note that all text in the Syntax column is case sensitive
    Table 3-3: AnyFeeder Serial Commands
    Command Description Syntax Explanation Response
    Feed Forward [ffwd] Feed parts forward > x=1 Executes a feed 
    forwardStandard response
    Feed Backward [fbwd] Feed parts backward > x=2 Executes a feed 
    backwardStandard response
    Feed + Flip Forward 
    [flipfwd]Flip parts forward > x=3 Executes a flip 
    forwardStandard response
    Feed + Flip Backward 
    [flipbwd]Flip parts backward > x=4 Executes a flip 
    backwardStandard response
    Flip [flip] Flip parts without moving 
    forward or backwa
    rd> x=5 Executes a flipStandard response
    Dispense [dispense] Move parts from the bulk 
    container onto the feed 
    surface> x=6 Executes a 
    dispenseStandard response
    Purge [purge] Feed parts out backwards, 
    purge gate must be opened 
    manually> x=7 Executes a purgeStandard response 
    							Chapter 3 - Using the AnyFeeder with Serial Communications
    30 Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A 
    Heavy Dispense 
    [hdisp]Aggressively move parts from 
    bulk container onto feed 
    surface> x=8 Executes a heavy 
    dispenseStandard response
    Initialize [init] Move the AnyFeeder into its 
    home position; required 
    before any other action can 
    take place> x=16 Initializes the 
    AnyFeederStandard response
    Stop [stop]Stop current action and move 
    AnyFeeder to home position> x=15 Executes a stopStandard response
    Startup AnyFeeder 
    firmwareStart AnyFeeder firmware 
    (also stops active motions)> S_RUN Restarts AnyFeeder 
    firmwareAnyFeeder will 
    to indic
    AnyFeeder is online
    Reset Error Reset error status and moves 
    AnyFeeder to home position> x=30 Resets error statusStandard response
    Restart Firmware Restart AnyFeeder firmware; 
    resets all parameters to 
    default values> x=31 Restarts AnyFeeder 
    firmware and resets 
    Table 3-4: Setting Parameters
    Command Description Syntax Explanation Response
    Setting the Number of Repetitions
    Set Feed Forward 
    repetitionsSet number of 
    repetitions for feed 
    forward> ab[1]=[turns]Sets repetitions No response
    Set Feed Forward 
    repetitions and 
    execute feed 
    forwardSet number of 
    repetitions for feed 
    forward and execute 
    motion> ab[1]=[turns]_x=1Sets repetitions and 
    executes motionStandard 
    Set Feed Backward 
    repetitionsSet number of 
    repetitions for feed 
    backward> ab[2]=[turns]Sets repetitions No response
    Set Feed Backward 
    repetitions and 
    execute feed 
    backwardSet number of 
    repetitions for feed 
    backward and 
    execute motion> 
    ab[2]=[turns]_x=2Sets repetitions and 
    executes motionStandard 
    Set Feed + Flip 
    Forward repetitionsSet number of 
    repetitions for flip 
    forward> ab[3]=[turns]Sets repetitions No response
    Table 3-3: AnyFeeder Serial Commands
    Command Description Syntax Explanation Response 
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