ADDER ePower Switch 8 Master Manual
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3.3.7. Se This page ePowerS w devices u distributed - To delet e - To add o - To deact - To add a allowing y Group Id: The ePo w All the ID C Group Na In this fiel characters Device: In this dro group. Power O u This field i - To add p selected at the ri g - To remo remove. ettings / G is used to c witch 8XM. T using redund d on several e e an existing or remove po ivate a Grou a new group, you to set al werSwitch 8X Codes used ame: ld, enter the s long, and ca p-down list, utlets: s used to ad power outlets in the field a ght of the fiel ove a power Groups create, mod This function dant power ePowerSwitc group, click wer outlets t p, uncheck t click on Ad l parameter s XM automatic to identify gr e name you an contain a choose an e d and remov s to the grou above. The s d Power Ou outlet from t ify and delet nality is part supplies. Y ch 8XS devic on Delete to/from an ex the box Acti d a New Gr o s of the group cally creates roups start w want to giv lphanumeric ePowerSwitc ve power out p, press the selected pow utlets. the group, p te groups of icularly usef You can cre ces. of the corre s xisting group vated of th e oup on the r p. an ID Code with the letter ve to the sel c characters. h from whic h tlets to/from t Ctrl key and wer outlets a press the Ctr f power outle ful if you ha eate groups sponding dev , click on Ed e correspond ight side of t to clearly i d r G. lected group h you want to the group. d click on the are marked d rl key and cli ets which ca ave to contro s including vice. dit of the co ding group. he page. A n dentify each g p. The name o add power power outle dark blue and ick on the po an be contro ol the power several pow rresponding new page ap group of pow e can be fro r outlets to th ets of the ePo d their name ower outlet y 20 olled by the r supply of wer outlets device. ppears, wer outlets. om 1 to 32 he selected owerSwitch s are listed you wish to
21 LOGOUT: Click Logout at the bottom of the page to exit the session without saving changes. DISCARD CHANGES: Click Discard Changes at the bottom of the page to discard all the changes you have made on this page. APPLY CHANGES: Click Apply Changes at the bottom of the page to save changes.
3.3.8. Se The Perip h the ePowe or have be Following • 16 x e P • 16 x En • 16 x cu • 32 x se • 16 x Di • any xB • any xB You can c peripheral Connecti n 1. Set th e anothe - Do N O - Do NO 2. Using a ePowe After con n 1. Open y (default 2. Enter t h => The 3. Click o n If the peri p displayed and Info s y The Peri p periphera Explorer o ettings / P herals page erSwitch 8XM een connecte xBus periphe PowerSwitch nergyMeter f urrent probes ensors (temp gital Input M us Extenders us Optocoup onnect an xB already con ng an xBus e dip switche r peripheral OT connect t OT use the sa a standard R rSwitch 8XM necting an x your browser t: http://192.1 he administra e home page n the Setting pheral is pro on this page ymbol is red. pheral page al TAB agai or Mozilla F eripherals is used to en M. This page ed to the ePo erals can be Satellite 8- P for real-time s, perature, tem Modules with s, plers. Bus peripher nected to the peripheral t es of the xB already con he xBus ca b ame addres RJ45 Network M or behind a xBus periph r and log in to 168.100.200 ator name an appears. gs and then o operly conne e after a dela . e is not aut n (or push irefox). s nable and co e is also very owerSwitch 8 connected t Port or 1-Por power consu perature and 16 digital inp ral to the RJ4 e ePowerSw to the ePow Bus peripher nected to th ble (and the ss for two di k cable, conn an xBus perip heral, you M o the Admini 0/sysadmin.h nd password on the Periph ected to the ay of 1 to 60 tomatically [F5] or p r onfigure the x y useful to gi 8XM. to the ePowe rt, umption mea d humidity an puts or 16 x p 45 connecto witch*8XM (D werSwitch 8X ral so that th e xBus (see e power cab fferent xBu s nect the xBu pheral alread UST enable strators Con tm) d (default for herals Tab. ePowerSwit c seconds. In refreshed, ress on you erals which h view of all the M: ure and amb s or 16 x IR p owerSwitch*8 Connection). I/O addres s e of the corr e) before se ls to the RJ45 d to the ePow eripherals Pa age n). ill be autom a he colour of ed to refre ur keyboard have been co e peripherals ient light), proximity sen 8XM or behin s does not c responding p etting its DIP xBus conne werSwitch 8X age: atically recog the correspo sh it by cl d if you us 22 onnected to s which are nsors, nd an xBus conflict with peripheral). P switches ector on the XM. gnized and onding Edit icking the se Internet
23 Problem / y If yo u ePowe previo your la solve periph y The y e longer y The P TAB a Firefox The Perip h - To activ a - To deact remains p users. The ePo w - To remov A periph to delete - To know - To confi g / Troublesho u choose an erSwitch 8XM ous connecte ast connecte the address herals will app ellow warnin r be reached Peripheral pag again (or pus x). herals page ate a periphe ivate a perip physically co werSwitch 8 ve a periphe heral cannot e it from the the Firmwa r gure or modif ooting ny setting th XM, an addre ed peripheral ed peripheral s conflict an pear on the P ng triangle is d(for instance ge is not aut sh [F5] or pre is used to co eral, check th pheral, unche onnected to t 8XM cannot ral, click on t t be deleted group or t h re version of fy the setting hat is alread ess conflict o l will be repla l, remove its nd reconnec Peripherals p s also displa e if a cable is tomatically re ess on your k eripherals co ated of the c Activated of Switch 8XM, i ated. onding “Delet s to a group ck on the co e, click on th by another x the correspo ellow warnin e if need be, heral. If the eir Edit and I t out that a ted). you need t o keyboard if y onnected to t correspondin f the corresp it will no long te” button. p or a rule. In rresponding e correspon d xBus periph onding Edit a ng triangle. In , change the e conflict is Info Symbol w connected x o refresh it by you use Inter the ePowerS ng device. ponding devic ger be acces n that case, “Info” butto n ding Edit b heral connec and Info sym n that case, e DIP switch solved, all will be red. xBus periphe y clicking the rnet Explorer Switch*8XM. ce. Even if th sible by its a you will firs n. utton. cted to the mbol of the disconnect settings to connected eral can no e peripheral r or Mozilla he device authorized st have
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25 ID: The ePowerSwitch 8XM automatically creates an ID Code to clearly identify each device and each input. • M0 identifies the ePowerSwitch 8XM device, • PW followed by A, B or X identifies power supply input A, B and auxiliary power input, • DI followed by 1 to 8 identifies the Digital Inputs of the I/O Extension Module (option), • EM identifies the I/O Extension Module (option), • O followed by 1 to 8 identifies the power outlets. Name: In these fields, enter the name you want to give to the selected device, its power outlets, digital inputs or outputs and power supplies. The name can be from 1 to 32 characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters. Power Supplies: In this field, enter the name you want to give to the two power inputs A and B and to the auxiliary power input. The name can be from 1 to 32 characters long and can contain alphanumeric characters. Digital inputs: In this field, enter the name you want to give to each Digital Input of the I/O Extension Module connected to the ePowerSwitch (option). The name can be from 1 to 32 characters long and can contain alphanumeric characters. Power Outlets: In this field, enter the name you want to give to each power outlet of the ePowerSwitch. The name can be from 1 to 32 characters long and can contain alphanumeric characters. Default Power-Up: In the drop-down lists, choose for each power outlet the default status to apply after power-up. You can choose between: - On if you want the corresponding power outlet to be always switched On after power-up. - Off if you want the corresponding power outlet to be always switched Off after power-up. - Last Status if you want that the corresponding power outlet takes again the state it was in before power failure. Power up delay: In this field, enter the power up delay you want to define for each power outlet. Power up delay means the delay before the power outlet will take the defined status after power up. The delay can be set between 1 and 65535 seconds, the value 0 means that no delay has to be applied after power up. Function delay: In this field, enter the delay you want to define before the execution of a function (for example Restart function of an outlet). Digital outputs: In this field, enter the name you want to give to each Digital Output of the I/O Extension Module connected to the ePowerSwitch (option). The name can be from 1 to 32 characters long and can contain alphanumeric characters. LOGOUT: Click Logout at the bottom of the page to exit the session without saving changes. DISCARD CHANGES: Click Discard Changes at the bottom of the page to discard all the changes you have made on this page. APPLY CHANGES: Click Apply Changes at the bottom of the page to save changes.
![](/img/blank.gif) S Up to 16 electrical d You can c 8XM or b Connectio To conne c 1. Set th e anothe - Do N O - Do NO 2. Using ePowe 3. Conne c To config 1. Open y (ex. htt 2. Enter t h 3. Click o n Settings / P ePowerSwit devices on/of connect an e behind an n). ct an ePowe e dip switch r ePowerSw OT connect OT use the s a standard rSwitch 8X M ct the power ure the eP o you browser p://192.168. 1 he administra n the Setting Peripherals tch*8-port or ff or reboot t ePowerSwitc xBus periph erSwitch to es of the e itch already the xBus c a same addre RJ45 netwo M or behind a cable(s) to y owerSwitch, and log in to 100.200/sysa ator name an gs and then o - ePowerS r 1-port can hem. ch 1XS, 8XS heral alread the ePower PowerSwitch installed (se able and the ess for two d ork cable, c another xBu your ePower use followi o the Adminis admin.htm). nd password on the Periph Switch Sate be attache S or 8XS /32 dy connecte rSwitch 8XM h so that th e users gui d e power cab different ePo connect the s peripheral rSwitch devic ng Log in p strators Conf d (default for herals Tab. ellite ed to the eP 2 to the RJ4 ed to the e M, use follow e selected I de of the corr ble before se owerSwitch ePowerSwi t already con ce. rocedure: figuration Pa both = admi PowerSwitch* 45 connector ePowerSwitc wing proced I/O address responding e etting its DIP devices. tch to the x nnected to th age, n). The hom *8XM to rem r on the ePo ch 8XM (Da ure: does not c ePowerSwitc P switches, xBus connec he ePowerSw e page appe 26 motely turn owerSwitch aisy Chain conflict with ch). ctor on the witch 8XM. ears.
27 If the ePo w and displa Edit and In The Peri p periphera Explorer o Problem / y If you ePowe conne ePow e and re now ap y The P TAB a Firefox 4. To con Edit b ePowe werSwitch is ayed on this p nfo symbol is pheral page al TAB agai or Mozilla F / Troublesho u choose an erSwitch 8XM cted ePowe erSwitch, rem econnect the ppear on the Peripheral pag again (or pus x). figure or m o button in the rSwitch Sat e s properly co page after a s red. e is not aut n (or push irefox). ooting ny setting th XM, a conflic erSwitch will move its pow e ePowerSw e Peripherals ge is not aut sh [F5] or pre odify the setti Peripherals ellite device. onnected to delay of up tomatically [F5] or p r that is alrea t occurs and be change wer cable, ch witch again. I s page and th tomatically re ess on you by another sponding Edi In that case DIP switch se t is solved, d Info Symbol you need to keyboard if y PowerSwitch ars, allowing it will be au ase, the colou ed to refre ur keyboard rePowerSwi it and Info s e, disconnec ettings to sol all connecte l will be red. o refresh it by you use Inter h device, clic you to set a utomatically ur of the cor sh it by cl d if you us witch connec symbol of th ct your last lve the addre ed ePowerSw y clicking the rnet Explorer k on the cor all the parame recognized responding icking the se Internet cted to the he previous connected ess conflict witches will e peripheral r or Mozilla responding eters of the
ID: The ePo w ePowerSw y S f y I f y PW f y O f werSwitch*8X witch Satellite followed by a followed by followed by followed by 1 XM automa e, its power i a number bet A or B ide A or B ide 1 to 8 identifie atically crea nput(s) and i tween 1 and entifies the cu entifies powe es the powe ates an ID its power out 16 identifies urrent input A r supply inpu r outlet outpu Code to tlet(s). s the ePower A and B of th ut A and B of ut. clearly ide rSwitch Sate he ePowerSw f each ePowntify each ellite unit, witch 8XS /32 erSwitch Sat 28 connected 2, tellite,
29 Name: In this field, enter the name you want to give to the selected ePowerSwitch. The name can be from 1 to 32 characters long and can contain alphanumeric characters. Analog Inputs: Only for Satellite 8XS /32 Name: In this field, enter the name you want to give to the two current inputs A and B. The name can be from 1 to 32 characters long and can contain alphanumeric characters. Unit: In this field enter the unit of measurement you want to be displayed. Graph: Check this box if you want a display of the analog inputs. Period (minutes): In this field enter the period between two measurements. Power Supplies: In this field, enter the name you want to give to the two power input A or B. The name can be from 1 to 32 characters long and can contain alphanumeric characters. Power Outlets: In this field, enter the name you want to give to each power outlet of the ePowerSwitch Satellite. The name can be from 1 to 32 characters long and can contain alphanumeric characters. Default Power-Up: In the drop-down lists, choose for each power outlet the default status to apply after power-up. You can choose between: - On if you want the corresponding power outlet to be always switched On after power-up. - Off if you want the corresponding power outlet to be always switched Off after power-up. - Last Status if you want that the corresponding power outlet takes again the state it was in before power failure. Power up delay: In this field, enter the power up delay you want to define for each power outlet. Power up delay means the delay before the power outlet will take the defined status after power up. The delay can be set between 1 and 65535 seconds, the value 0 means that no delay has to be applied after power up. Function delay: In this field, enter the delay you want to define before the execution of a function (for example Restart function of an outlet). LOGOUT: Click Logout at the bottom of the page to exit the session without saving changes. DISCARD CHANGES: Click Discard Changes at the bottom of the page to discard all the changes you have made on this page. APPLY CHANGES: Click Apply Changes at the bottom of the page to save changes.