ADDER ePower Switch 8 Master Manual
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10 DHCP: Check this box is you want to obtain the IP address, the subnet mask and the default gateway for your ePowerSwitch 8XM via DHCP. Use of DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) requires a DHCP host to be set up on the network. IP Address: IP address of the ePowerSwitch 8XM, default is Subnet Mask: Subnet Mask of the ePowerSwitch 8XM, default is Gateway: Generally the address of your router, default is blank. DNS 1: Primary DNS (Domain Name Server), default is blank. DNS 2: Secondary DNS, default is blank. Version: Firmware version of the ePowerSwitch 8XM Finder authorized: The Network parameters of the ePowerSwitch 8XM can be configured through a Local Area Network using the provided Finder Program. It is a simple and fast configuration method if you use Windows as operating system. !!! The Finder Program is enabled as default value. For security reasons we suggest to disable the Finder program after the first configuration. HTTP / HTTPS Access: These options enable to choose between the standard HTTP and the HTTP over SSL protocol. HTTPS encrypts and decrypts the page requests and page information between the client browser and the web server of the ePowerSwitch 8XM using a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). A URL beginning with HTTPS indicates that the connection is encrypted using SSL. SSL transactions are negotiated by means of a Key-based encryption algorithm between your browser and the web server of your ePowerSwitch 8XM. The HTTP protocol is enabled as default value. HTTP Port Number: Port number: default is 80 (HTTP). Standard HTTP port is 80. Standard HTTPS port is 443.

11 3.2. Con 1. Use th e PC. 2. Run a T 3. Config u 4. On yo u 5. Press t ePowe 3.3. Con During th e network se Factory n e IP Address Gateway: Default fa c 1. Open y http://1 2. Enter t h 3. The ho nfiguratio e provided R Terminal pro ure the appro ur computer, the “M” on y rSwitch 8XM nfiguratio e first installa ettings of the etwork setting s: 192.168.1 255.255.25 5 ctory protoco your Web bro he administra me page ap on throug RS232 cable ogram such a opriate seria press until the ard and follo INTERFACE P his target P address [ ask IP addr IP address DNS Server y DNS Serve NEOUS: rogram enab gh the LA e temporarily tch 8XM. owerSwitch 8 rt: 80 ! pe following in.htm nd password ing you to co 232 Term the ePower HyperTermin 00, n, 8, 1 an e menu appe ow the menu PARAMETERS: obtain IP [192.168.1. ress [255.2 [192.168.1 IP address er IP addre bled?[Y] AN using a the network 8XM: IP address: d (default for onfigure all se inal conn rSwitch 8XM nal. nd no flow co ears on your u to configur : settings f .250]? 255.255.0]? 1.2]? s [192.168. ess [0.0.0. a standar settings of y both = adm i ettings of you nection M to an availa ontrol. screen. re the netwo from the ne ? .1.2]? .0]? rd Brows your PC acco in) ur ePowerSw able serial p ork paramete etwork?[N] Configur er ording to the witch 8XM. port of your ers of your ation menu default

3.3.1. Ge This page DHCP Cli e Check this ePowerSw Use of DH network. IP Addre s IP address If you use keys. This times repe Subnet M Subnet M a Default Ga Generally Primary D Primary D Seconda r Secondary Finder Pr o The Netwo using the as operati n The Finde !!!For se c HTTP / HT This optio encrypts a server of indicates t based enc The HTTP !!!To achi eneral / IP enables you ent enabled s box is you witch 8XM via HCP (Dynam ss: s of the ePow e the https s operation eatedly duri ask: ask of the eP ateway: the address DNS Address NS (Domain ry DNS Addr y DNS, defau ogram enab ork paramete provided Fin ng system. r Program i s curity reason TTPS Acces n enables to and decrypts the ePowerS that the conn cryption algo P Protocol is e eve the high P configura u to define al : want to ob t a DHCP. Fac mic Host Co werSwitch 8X protocol an n takes seve ing all the p PowerSwitch of your rout e s: Name Serv e ress: ult is blank bled: ers of the eP nder Program s enabled as ns we sugge ss: o choose be s the page re Switch 8XM nection is enc orithm betw enabled as d hest securit ation l the IP para tain the IP a ctory default onfiguration XM, default is nd change t eral minute process. Dur 8XM, defau er, default is er), default is PowerSwitch m. It is a very default value est to disab etween the s equests and using a S e crypted using een your br default value ty level we s meters of the address, the setting for t h n Protocol) s 192.168.10 he IP addre es and the L ring all this lt is 255.255 blank. s blank 8XM can al s y simple and e. le the Find e standard HT page inform ecure Socke g SSL. SSL rowser and . suggest to c e ePowerSw subnet mas his option is d requires a 00.200. ess, the sys LED marked time, you ca .255.0. so be config d fast configu er program a TTP and the mation betwe et Layer (SS transactions the web s e choose the H witch 8XM. k and the d e disabled. DHCP hos t stem needs d Status annot login. ured through uration meth after the firs HTTP over een the clien SL). A URL are negotia t erver of you HTTPS proto efault gatew t to be set to comput e on the cas . h a Local Are od if you us st configura SSL protoc nt browser an beginning w ted by mean ur ePowerSw ocol. 12 ay for your up on the e new SSL e blinks 3 ea Network e Windows tion. col. HTTPS nd the web with HTTPS ns of a Key- witch 8XM.

13 HTTP Port: Port number: default is 80 (HTTP). Standard HTTP port is 80. Standard HTTPS port is 443. LOGOUT: Click Logout at the bottom of the page to exit the session without saving changes. DISCARD CHANGES: Click Discard Changes at the bottom of the page to discard all the changes you have made on this page. APPLY CHANGES: Click Apply Changes at the bottom of the page to save changes.

3.3.2. Ge The syste m SNMP trap browser ti timeserve r Current S This field s As the sy compare d Use Brow If you wan on the Se Use NTP S If you wan and enter timeserve r only if the You can e configura NTP uses Time Zon e Set the tim Without se are synchr Daylight S If you wan LOGOUT : Click Logo DISCARD Click Dis c APPLY CH Click App eneral / Sy m time of the ps, Syslog in me of the c rs. System Time shows the cu stem time is d to the exac wser Time: nt to set the et System Tim Server: nt to set the the IP addr e r can be spe primary time enter either ation page) o port 123/UD e: me zone cor etting this, th ronizing with Saving Time t to set Dayl : out at the bo CHANGES card Change HANGES: ply Changes ystem time e ePowerSw nformation, e connected c e: urrent system s displayed ct hour. The system time me button. system tim e ess of the tim ecified in the eserver is not r the hostna or the IP add DP. rresponding e system cl o an NTP serv e: ight Saving d ottom of the : es at the bot at the botto e itch 8XM is u e-mails and i omputer or m time of the through th e e system tim using the cu e using an N meserver you e Secondary t available. ame (in that dress of an to your loc a ock will show ver. dates, check page to exit ttom of the pa m of the pag used for sync nternal logs. can be auto ePowerSwit e browser, a me is neverth urrent Brows TP timeserv u wish to use y field. The case you m NTP server. ation. The sy w UTC/GMT k this box and the session age to discar ge to save ch chronizing sc . The system omatically sy tch 8XM. a small diffe heless corre ser time of y ver, select th e in the Prim e secondary must have s . ystem clock time. Settin g d specify the without savi rd all the cha hanges. cheduling ac m time can be ynchronized erence (1 to ect. our PC, sel e is option, ch mary field. Th timeserver i specified a will subseq u g a time zone date you wa ng changes. anges you ha ctions and to e set manua with one o o 2 sec) can ect this optio hoose a refre he address o is optional a DNS server uently show e is only rele ant to use. ave made on 14 timestamp ally with the or two NTP appear as on and click esh interval of a second and is used r on the IP local time. evant if you n this page.

15 3.3.3. Ge You can s triggered b To send e following SMTP en a Check this SMTP Ser In this field You can e configura NTP uses SMTP Po r In this field From (e-m In this field The name a valid ad d Example: yourname @ LOGOUT : Click Logo DISCARD Click Dis c APPLY CH Click App eneral / SM setup the eP by the rules d e-mails, you parameters abled: s box if you w rver Addres d, enter the a enter either ation page) o port 123/UD rt: d, enter the P mail Address d, enter the e can be from dress (gener @yourmailse : out at the bo CHANGES card Change HANGES: ply Changes MTP PowerSwitch defined by th u will need s: want the ePo s: address of th r the hostna or the IP add DP. Port Number s): e-mail addres m 1 to 64 cha rally servers ottom of the : es at the bot at the botto h*8XM to se he administra a SMTP ser owerSwitch 8 he e-mail serv ame (in that dress of an you want to ss that ePow aracters long reject messa page to exit ttom of the pa m of the pag end the logs ator. rver on the 8XM to be ab ver you want case you m NTP server. use, default werSwitch 8X g, and can co ages that don the session age to discar ge to save ch s to an ema network a n ble to send e- t to use. must have s . t and usual p XM messages ontain alpha nt have a va without savi rd all the cha hanges. ail account a nd you will h -mails. specified a port is 25. s will appear numeric cha alid from addr ng changes. anges you ha and report a have to con DNS server r to come fro aracters. This ress). ave made on all activities nfigure the r on the IP om. s should be n this page.

3.3.4. Ge The ePo w enables yo ePowerSw all sensors and all gro from the G SNMP en a Check this Contact: In this fie character s Name: In this fiel d long, and c Location: In this fie l characters Read Com In this field characters Write Com Check this field, enter long, and c Trap Com Check thi communit y be from 1 Trap Des t Check this Trap Dest Check this LOGOUT : Click Logo DISCARD Click Dis c APPLY CH Click App eneral / SN werSwitch 8X ou to manag witch 8XM M s (temperatu oups of powe General / Too abled: s box if you w ld, enter the s long, and ca d, enter the n can contain a ld, enter the s long, and ca mmunity: d, enter the n s long, and ca mmunity: s box if you w r the name y can contain a mmunity: s box if y o y. In the follo to 64 charac tination 1: s box and en tination 2: s box and en : out at the bo CHANGES card Change HANGES: ply Changes NMP XM provides e the ePow e IB file enable ure, humidity er outlets. Th ols Page. want to enab e name you an contain a name you wa alphanumeri e name you an contain a name you wa an contain a want to be a you want to g alphanumeri ou want to c owing field, e cters long, an ter the prima ter the secon ottom of the : es at the bot at the botto a built-in SN erSwitch 8XM es to remote y, ambient lig he MIB file is le the SNMP u want to giv lphanumeric ant to give to c characters want to giv lphanumeric ant to give to lphanumeric ble to contro give to the W c characters configure th enter the nam nd can conta ary SNMP Se ndary SNMP page to exit ttom of the pa m of the pag NMP (Simple M through SN ely read out t ght). It also e s stored on th P protocol. ve to the C c characters. o the Name s. Default nam ve to the Lo c characters. o the Read C c characters. ol the power Write Commu s. Default nam he ePowerSw me you want ain alphanum erver addres P Server add the session age to discar ge to save ch e Network M NMP-based n the status of enables to c he ePowerSw Contact field. Default nam field. The na me is name ocation field Default na m Community fi Default nam outlets throu unity. The na me is private witch 8XM t to give to th meric characte ss the traps w ress the trap without savi rd all the cha hanges. Management network man fall power ou control individ witch 8XM a . The name me is contac ame can be f . . The nam e me is locatio ield. The nam me is public ugh a MIB br ame can be f e. SNMP age n he Trap Com ers. Default n will be sent to ps will be sen ng changes. anges you ha Protocol) ag nagement sys utlets and th dually all pow and can be d can be fro t. from 1 to 64 e can be fro n. me can be fr . rowser. In th from 1 to 64 nt to send mmunity. The name is trap o. nt to. ave made on 16 gent, which stems. The e values of wer outlets downloaded om 1 to 64 characters om 1 to 64 rom 1 to 64 he following characters traps to a e name can p. n this page.

17 3.3.5. Ge This page - downloa d - upload a - restore t h - download Save: Click this b Load: Click this b Restore: Click this b Save MIB Click this b LOGOUT : Click Logo eneral / To enables you d and save th n existing co he factory se d the ePowe button to sav button and se button if you : button if you : out at the bo ools u to: he current se onfiguration f ettings, rSwitch 8X M ve the curren elect a settin want to resto want to dow ottom of the ettings of you file to your eP M MIB file on nt system set ngs file you w ore the facto wnload the eP page to exit ur ePowerSw PowerSwitch your PC. ttings onto yo want to down ory default se PowerSwitch the session witch 8XM on h 8XM, our local hard load to the e ettings. 8XM MIB fil without savi n your PC, d drive. ePowerSwitc e onto your ng changes. ch 8XM. local hard d r rive.

3.3.6. Se This page - To activ a - To modif - To delete - To create A new pa User Na m In this field and can co Password In this field long, and c Confirm P In this field ettings / A is used to cr ate or deactiv fy an accoun e an existing e an account age appears me: d, enter the n ontain alphan d: d, enter the p can contain a Password: d, enter the p Accounts reate, activat vate an acco t, click on E account, clic t, click on Ad s, allowing yo name you wa numeric cha password you alphanumeri password ag te, deactivate unt, check o Edit next to t ck on Delete dd a New Ac ou to set all t ant to give to racters. u want to giv c characters ain. e, modify an or uncheck th he correspon e next to the ccount on th he paramete the user. Th ve to the use s. d delete up t he correspon nding accoun e correspond he right side o ers of the acc he name can r. The passw to 255 accou ding checkbo nt. ding account of the page. count. n be from 1 to word can be f unts. ox. . o 32 characte from 4 to 32 18 ers long, characters

19 Groups: This field is used to add or remove groups to the current account. To add Groups to the current account, press the Ctrl key and click on the displayed Groups. The selected Groups are marked dark blue and their IDs are listed at the right side of the Groups field. This field appears only if you have already created at least one group (Settings/Groups Tab). Device: In this drop-down list, choose a device from which you want to add Inputs or Outputs to the current account. Inputs/Outputs: This field is used to add/remove Inputs or Outputs to/from the current account. To add Inputs or Outputs to the current account, press the Ctrl key and click on the Inputs/Outputs of the device selected in the previous field. The selected Inputs/Outputs are marked dark blue and their IDs are listed at the right side of the Input/Output field. The ePowerSwitch 8XM supports number of peripherals which are clearly identified by specific ID Codes. LOGOUT: Click Logout at the bottom of the page to exit the session without saving changes. DISCARD CHANGES: Click Discard Changes at the bottom of the page to discard all the changes you have made on this page. APPLY CHANGES: Click Apply Changes at the bottom of the page to save changes.