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Adam Equipment PTM Drum and Wheelchair Scale GKREVL1 User Manual

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    49                              © Adam Equipment Company 2013 
    See section 10.7 and 10.8  for details of these spe cial weighing modes.   
    Parameter  Description  Options  Default  
    F4   PCt  This  parameter  allows  the  
    user  to  enter  the  Percent 
    weighing  Function.  See 
    Section 10.7.     None 
    F4 AnL  Enter  the  Animal  Weighing  
    mode  of  operation,  See  
    section 10.8  Set the filter value. 
    50                              © Adam Equipment Company 2013 
    During  the  initial  power-on  testing  or  during  opera tion,  the  indicator  may  show  an 
    error message.  The meaning of the error messages i s described below. 
    If  an  error  message  is  shown,  repeat  the  step  that  caused  the  message.  If  the  error 
    message is still shown then contact your dealer for  support. 
    Err  1 Time input Error 
    Invalid time entry such as “268970” 
    for the time format  “H-m-S”. 
    Err  2  Date input Error 
    34th day of a month is an invalid  
    Err  4 Initial Zero is greater than  
    allowed (4% of maximum 
    capacity) when power is 
    turned on or when the
    [Zero/Enter]  key is pressed.  Weight on the platform when turning  
    the indicator on.  
    Excessive weight on the platform  
    when zeroing the indicator.  
    Platform is not installed. 
    Improper calibration of the indicator.
    Damaged load cell.  
    Damaged Electronics. 
    Err 6 
    A/D count is not correct  
    when turning the indicator 
    on.  Load cell is damaged.  
    Electronics is damaged. 
    Err 7 
    Percent input error 
    Percent function is entered with no  
    reference mass on the platform. 
    Err  8 High limit input error 
    Low limit is set first, then the high  
    limit is set lower than the low limit  
    and high limit not equal to zero.  
    51                              © Adam Equipment Company 2013 
    Err 9 Low limit input error 
    High limit is set first, then the low  
    limit is set higher than the high limit  
    and low limit not equal to zero. 
    FAIL H 
    FAIL L  Calibration error 
    Improper calibration (should be  
    within +10% of the factory  
    calibration). The old calibration data  
    will be retained until the calibration  
    process is complete. 
    52                              © Adam Equipment Company 2013 
    Access  to  the  indicator  parameters  and  calibration  is  controlled  in  all  approved 
    indicators  either  by  limiting  access  to  be  after  th e  Calibration  Jumper  is  put  on  the 
    PCB, location J1, pins 1 & 2.  In this case the dis play will show the passcode request 
    screen,  “ P - - - - “  .  To continue enter a passcode as described below.   
    Or if the Calibration and Parameters have been enab led (see 15.2.10) the user must 
    enter the correct password to have access.  See Sec tion 6.0.   
    Entering  passcode  0000  will  allow  calibration  as  sh own  in  15.1,  entering  1000  will 
    allow access to a limited set of parameters as desc ribed in section 6.2   and entering 
    the passcode 2006 will allow access to all paramete rs as shown in section 15.2. 
    Non  EC  Approved  indicators  will  allow  entry  to  the  parameters  if  the  Tare  key  is 
    pressed during the power on cycle.   The passwords  work as above. 
    When “Pn” is displayed.  
    Enter “0 0 0 0” and press  [Tare] 
    “UnLoAd ” 
       Empty  the  platform  by  removing  the  load,  if  
    there is any and press  [Tare] 
    “LoAd” “6” “KiLoS” Load the requested calibration weight and press  
    53                              © Adam Equipment Company 2013 
    “SPAn”  “PASS” If  Calibration  is  complete, “SPAn  PASS” will  be 
    displayed. Remove the calibration weight. 
    Or, “SPAn”  “FAiLEd ” This  means  calibration  has  failed.  Remove  the  
    calibration weight and repeat the process. 
    “JP On” Remove  the  jumper  or  shorting  of  the  pins  
    whichever  is  used.  The  indicator  will  return  to  
    normal weighing. 
    Non-Approved indicators:  
      For  the  non  approved  indicator  press  the   [Tare] key  during  the  display  counting 
    when turned on,   
    Approved  Indicators:    For  the  Approved  version  a  ju mper  can    be  installed  to  allow 
    access or the Calibration and Parameter Counters mu st be enabled (see 15.2.10).    
    54                              © Adam Equipment Company 2013 
    Apply power to the indicator.  If the jumper has be en used the display will ask for a 
    code  number,   “Pn    “ on  the  Weight  Display  immediately.        Or  press  the  [Tare]  key 
    during the time the calibration counters are being  displayed. 
    Enter the number 2006 when  “Pn  “ is displayed and  then press  [Tare]. 
    The displays will show the first parameters, called  “F1”  “CAL”.   
    To  select  another  parameter  press  the  [Func] key  to  advance  through  the 
    Press the  [Tare] key to enter a parameter.   
    To exit a parameter, press the  [Zero] key.   
    The display  will show the parameter number and a n ame.   
    When a parameter is entered by pressing the  [Tare] key, the displays will guide you 
    through the parameter selected and the options avai lable. 
    The parameters available are:  
    “F1 CAL”        To enter the Calibration 
    “F2 dEC”        Decimal Point Position 
    “F3 CAP”        Default Weighing Unit 
    “F4 Int”        Initial Zero Range  
    “F5 rEZ”        Re-Zero range  
    “F6 SCS”       Successive Tare Enable 
    “F7  Cnt”        Display the A/D counts 
    “F8 Zem”       Zero Mode   
    “F9 Lvd”        Low voltage detection   
    “F10 Cn”        Calibration and Parameter counters  
    55                              © Adam Equipment Company 2013 
    1.18.1 F1 -CALIBRATION 
    To enter the calibration parameter, press the  [Tare] key when  “F1” is displayed.  The 
    indicator  will  be  calibrated  using  2  masses  of  appr oximately  1/3Maximum  and 
    Maximum.  If the indicator has been calibrated once  the values will be stored.  If this 
    is  the  first  time  the  indictor  is  calibrated  the  us er  must  enter  the  values  for  the 
    calibration masses.    
    It is necessary to set the decimal point location a nd the capacity before calibration is 
    The  display  will  instruct  you  to  remove  any  weight  from  the  platform, “UnloAd”. 
    Press  [Tare] . 
      The  display  will  tell  you  to  add  the  first    weigh t  to  the  platform: “Ld 1” “    10 kg”    If 
    necessary  change  the  value  shown  to  match  the  weigh t  to  be  used.  Press [CE] to 
    clear  the  old  value  and  then  enter  the  new  value.    All  values  entered  are  in  whole 
    numbers only.   
      Add the weight shown, wait for stability then pre ss the [Tare]  key. 
    The display will tell you to add the second   weigh t to the platform: “Ld 2 “   “    30 kg” 
    Add the weight shown, wait for stability then press  the [Tare] key. 
    The display will show  “SPAn” “PASS” if the calibration is OK.  
    Remove the weight.  
    For the approved indicator the display will then sh ow “JP” “On”  indicating the jumper 
    is still in place if the jumper within the indicato r was used to access the parameters..    
    56                              © Adam Equipment Company 2013 
    Switch  off  the  indicator,  and  switch  it  on  again  to   continue  with  the  other  Service 
    To  set  the  value  for  the  decimal  point  location.        The  options  are    0,  0.0,    0.00,  
    0.000,  0.0000    
    To enter this parameter, press the  [Tare] key when  “F2 dEC” is shown. 
    The display will show the current setting.  
    Press the  [Func] key to change the value. Select from 0, 0.0,  0.00,   0.000,  0.0000   
    Press  [Tare]  to accept the displayed value. 
    1.18.3  F3 – CAPACITY 
    To enter this parameter, press the  [Tare] key when  “F3 CAP” is shown. 
    The display will show the current capacity.   
    Enter the numeric values using the keypad.    The i ndicator will check the number of 
    divisions    n  =  maximum/increment  is  less  than  30,00 0  divisions.    (3000  divisions  for 
    EC approved versions)  
    Press  [Tare]  to accept the displayed value. 
    On non-approved versions the display then lets you  select the increment, “InC 2” 
    For example 100kg x 0.01kg  the increment is 10gram s. but the last digit increments 
    by 1.  
    57                              © Adam Equipment Company 2013 
    The display will show the current increment value a s used with the current decimal 
    point position.  
    Press the  [Func] key to change the value. Select from 1,2,5,10, 20  or 50 
    Not all increments may be available for the capacit y you selected. 
    For EC Approved versions the indicator will determi ne the increment that maintains 
    the number of divisions to be 3000 or less. 
    Press  [Tare]  to accept the displayed value. 
    Press  [Zero]  to return to weighing. 
    1.18.4  F4 –INITIAL ZERO RANGE 
    To enter this parameter, press the [Tare] key when  “F4 int” is shown. 
    The display will show the current initial zero rang e.      
    Press the  [Func] key to change the value and press [Tare] to accept  the value. 
    Press  [Zero]  to return to weighing. 
    1.18.5  F5 -RE-ZERO RANGE 
    To enter this parameter, press the  [Tare] key when  “F5 rEZ” is shown. 
    The display will show the current re-zero range.       
    Press the  [Func] key to change the value.  
    58                              © Adam Equipment Company 2013 
    Press [Tare]  to accept the value. 
    Press  [Zero]  to return to weighing. 
    1.18.6  F6 -SUCCESSIVE TARE  
    To enter this parameter, press the  [Tare] key when “ F6 SCS” is shown. 
    The display will show if the successive tare is on  or off. 
    Press the  [Func] key to change the value. 
    Press  [Tare]  to accept the displayed value. 
    Press  [Zero]  to return to weighing. 
    1.18.7  F7 –ADC COUNTS  
    To enter this parameter, press the  [Tare] key when  “F7 Cnt” is shown. 
    This  parameter  allows  you  to  view  the  A/D  counts  fr om  the  internal  A/D  converter. 
    This can be an aid to service. 
    Press the  [Tare] key to return to the PARAMETER menu. 
    Press the  [Zero] key to return to weighing. 
    Typical value at zero is 30,000-90,000 (approx.)  
    Typical value at full capacity is 500,000 (approx.)   
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