3Com Router User Manual
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DCC Configuration Examples737 DCC Application Using ISDN BRI Interface to Dial and Providing Leased LineTo implement circular DCC, use a B channel on the ISDN BRI interface to provide a leased line, and another B channel to implement remote dialing connection. As shown in Figure 235, the B2 channel on the interface Bri0 of RouterA is connected to the B1 channel on the interface Bri0 of RouterC to provide a leased line, whereas the B1 channel is connected to RouterB to implement dialing connection. In the ISDN network, configure the correlation of virtual circuits on the switches respectively corresponding to RouterA and RouterC, so as to ensure both RouterA and RouterC can set up virtual circuit connections to the ISDN network. RouterA adopts Circular DCC to call RouterB and RouterC, so do RouterB and RouterC. The addresses of RouterA, RouterB and RouterC are respectively,, and Figure 235 Network for the DCC application using the ISDN BRI interface to dial and providing a leased line 1Configure RouterA: [Router] dialer-rule 1 ip permit [Router] interface bri 0 [Router-Bri0] ip address [Router-Bri0] dialer isdn-leased 2 [Router-Bri0] dialer-group 1 [Router-Bri0] dialer route ip 8810152 2Configure RouterB: [Router] dialer-rule 2 ip permit [Router] interface bri 1 [Router-Bri1] ip address [Router-Bri1] dialer isdn-leased 1 [Router-Bri1] dialer-group 2 [Router-Bri1] dialer route ip 8810148 3Configure RouterC: [Router] dialer-rule 1 ip permit [Router] interface bri 0 [Router-Bri0] ip address [Router-Bri0] dialer-group 1 [Router-Bri0] dialer route ip 8810148 Router-to-Router Callback for DCCTwo routers implement PPP callback via the serial interfaces across PSTN, and ISDN callback with the ISDN caller identification technique across ISDN. As shown in the following figure, in the circular DCC implementation, RouterA and RouterB are interconnected via the serial interfaces across PSTN, RouterC and RouterD are interconnected via ISDN BRI/PRI interfaces across ISDN. RouterA and RouterC are specified to be the callback clients, while RouterB and RouterD are 8810152 8810148 Router ARouter B Router C ISDN Bri0Bri1 Bri0 NT1NT1 NT1

738CHAPTER 51: CONFIGURING DCC callback servers. RouterA and RouterC use the same address, whereas RouterB and RouterD use the same address Figure 236 Network for the DCC application providing router-to-router callback Solution 1: Use Circular DCC to implement PPP callback. The server determines whether to originate a return call to a client according to the user names configured in the dialer routes. 1Configure RouterA: [Router] dialer-rule 1 ip permit [Router] interface serial 0 [Router-Serial0] ip address [Router-Serial0] physical-mode async [Router-Serial0] modem [Router-Serial0] dialer enable-circular [Router-Serial0] dialer-group 1 [Router-Serial0] dialer route ip 8810052 [Router-Serial0] link-protocol ppp [Router-Serial0] ppp pap local-user usera password simple usera [Router-Serial0] ppp callback client 2Configure RouterB: [Router] dialer-rule 2 ip permit [Router] local-user usera password simple usera [Router] interface serial 1 [Router-Serial1] ip address [Router-Serial1] physical-mode async [Router-Serial1] modem [Router-Serial1] dialer enable-circular [Router-Serial1] dialer-group 2 [Router-Serial1] dialer route ip user usera 8810048 [Router-Serial1] dialer callback-center user [Router-Serial1] link-protocol ppp [Router-Serial1] ppp authentication-mode pap [Router-Serial1] ppp callback server Solution 2: Use Circular DCC to implement PPP callback. The server dynamically creates dialer routes and originates return calls to the clients according to the dialer numbers. 1Configure RouterA: [Router] dialer-rule 1 ip permit [Router] interface serial 0 Router B Modem ISDNModem PSTN Networking for ISDN caller ID callbackNetworking for PPP callback 88101488810152 88100488810052 Router A Router C Router D Callback ClientCallback Server Serial0 Serial1 Bri0 Bri1 Callback Client Callback Server NT1 NT1

DCC Configuration Examples739 [Router-Serial0] ip address [Router-Serial0] physical-mode async [Router-Serial0] modem [Router-Serial0] dialer enable-circular [Router-Serial0] dialer-group 1 [Router-Serial0] dialer route ip 8810052 [Router-Serial0] link-protocol ppp [Router-Serial0] ppp pap local-user usera password simple usera [Router-Serial0] ppp callback client 2Configure RouterB: [Router] dialer-rule 2 ip permit [Router] local-user usera password simple usera callback-number 8810048 [Router] interface serial 1 [Router-Serial1] ip address [Router-Serial1] physical-mode async [Router-Serial1] modem [Router-Serial1] dialer enable-circular [Router-Serial1] dialer-group 2 [Router-Serial1] dialer route ip user usera 8810048 [Router-Serial1] dialer callback-center dial-number [Router-Serial1] link-protocol ppp [Router-Serial1] ppp authentication-mode pap [Router-Serial1] ppp callback server Solution 3: Use Circular DCC to implement ISDN caller identification callback. 1Configure RouterA: [Router] dialer-rule 1 ip permit [Router] interface bri 0 [Router-Bri0] ip address [Router-Bri0] dialer-group 1 [Router-Bri0] dialer route ip user usera 8810152 2Configure RouterB: [Router] dialer-rule 2 ip permit [Router] interface bri 1 [Router-Bri1] ip address [Router-Bri1] dialer-group 2 [Router-Bri1] dialer route ip user usera 8810148 [Router-Bri1] dialer call-in 8810148 callback Router-to-PC Callback for DCCA router and a PC implement PPP callback via the serial interfaces over PSTN. As shown in the following figure, the PC and RouterA are interconnected via the modems across PSTN. Circular DCC is adopted in this case. The PC is specified to be the callback client whereas RouterA to be the callback server. They implement callback according to the configuration of the dialer route command. RouterA uses the address and the PC accepts the address assigned by RouterA.

740CHAPTER 51: CONFIGURING DCC Figure 237 Network for the DCC application providing router-to-PC callback 1Configure the PC: aConfigure the modem connected to the PC to be in “autoanswer mode”. bSelect Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > Dialup network. cClick Set up new connection in the Dialup network window. dSelect the Server type page in the established new connection, and perform the following operations: ■Select the option [PPP] ■Set the [Logon network] option as unchecked ■Set the [Start software compression] as unchecked eSelect TCP/IP setting in the Server type page, and perform the following operations: ■Check the option [Server allocated with IP address] ■Set the [Use IP head pointer compression] option as unchecked ■Set the [Use default gateway of the remote network] option as unchecked 2Configure RouterA: [Router] dialer-rule 1 ip permit [Router] local-user userpc password simple userpc [Router] interface serial 0 [Router-Serial0] ip address [Router-Serial0] remote address [Router-Serial0] physical-mode async [Router-Serial0] modem [Router-Serial0] dialer enable-circular [Router-Serial0] dialer-group 1 [Router-Serial0] dialer route ip user userpc 8810052 [Router-Serial0] dialer callback-center user [Router-Serial0] link-protocol ppp [Router-Serial0] ppp authentication-mode pap [Router-Serial0] ppp pap local-user Router password simple Router [Router-Serial0] ppp callback server NT Server-to-Router Callback for DC C A router and an NT server implement PPP callback via the serial interfaces across PSTN. As shown in Figure 238, RouterA and the NT server are interconnected via the modems across PSTN. In this case, circular DCC is adopted. RouterA is specified as the callback client and the NT server as the callback server. Callback is implemented according to the configuration of the dialer route command. The NT server uses the address, and RouterA accepts the address assigned by the NT server. PSTN8810052 8810048 PCRouter A ModemModem Callback Server Callback ClientSerial0

DCC Configuration Examples741 Figure 238 Network for the DCC application providing NT server-to-router callback 1Configure RouterA: [Router] dialer-rule 1 ip permit [Router] interface async 0 [Router-Async0] async mode protocol [Router-Async0] link-protocol ppp [Router-Async0] ppp callback client [Router-Async0] ppp pap local-user Router password simple Router [Router-Async0] ip address ppp-negotiate [Router-Async0] dialer enable-circular [Router-Async0] dialer-group 1 [Router-Async0] dialer route ip 8810052 2Configure NT server: aConfigure the modem connected to the PC to be in “autoanswer mode”, open [Start/Programs/Accessories/Communications/Dialup Network], click [Set up new connection] in the [Dialup Network] window, select the [Server type] page in the established new connection, and perform the following operations: bFirst, open the [Network attributes/Services] page, add “remote access server” in it and configure RAS attribute, click the button to install the modem, and set the modem attribute to “Dial-out and dial-in”. If the modem has been installed, click . Click the button on the right to set the network attributes of RAS, including: ■Select “TCP/IP” in both [Dial-out protocol] and [Server setting]. ■Click on the right to configure an address assignment method for the dial-in client. It can be either “Use DHCP” or “Use static address set”. ■Select [Allow any authentication] to configure “Encryption setting”. cThen, select the menu bar [Management tools/Server management] to enable remote accessing service. dFinally, select the menu bar [Management tools/Remote access management] to enter the management interface, select [Users/Authorities] in it, and choose the user that can implement remote access. Three callback attributes are available, including: ■No callback ■Set by the dial-in party: The ppp callback ntstring dial-number command should be configured on the router if this method is selected. ■Preset to number: If this method is selected, the dial-number set on the router will be invalid and the NT system will dial the preset number when placing a return call. PSTN8810052 8810048 Router AModemModem Callback Server Callback ClientAsync1

742CHAPTER 51: CONFIGURING DCC Dial Number Circular Standby and Internet Access for DCCIn PSTN, the dial number circular standby is fulfilled through configuring the dialer route command at the dialing side. The access side provides the accessing service for DCC via the asynchronous serial interface, and adopts the PAP authentication to authenticate the validity of the dialing party. In ISDN, single dialer number and CHAP authentication are adopted, and other configurations are similar to the PSTN side. As shown in the following figure, RouterB and RouterD work as access server, RouterA and RouterC at the dialing side accept the negotiated addresses assigned by the remote ends. The address pool for allocation is in the range of to RouterB and RouterD use the address, and obtain the dialer numbers 8810048 to 8810055 from the telecommunications service provider. ISDN dial number is 8810148, which provides services for 16 network users. Figure 239 Network for the DCC application providing dial number circular standby and accessing service Solution 1: Configure dial number circular standby on the dialing parties, adopt Circular DCC to set up connections on the 8 asynchronous serial interfaces at the access side, and configure the DCC parameters on the dialer interfaces. 1Configure RouterA: [Router] dialer-rule 1 ip permit [Router] local-user userb password simple passb [Router] interface serial 0 [Router-Serial0] physical-mode async [Router-Serial0] modem Modem Modem Modem Modem Modem 8810148 Provide accessing services on ISDN PRI interface Provide accessing service on asynchronous interfaces8810048 8810055 8810054 8810053 8810052 8810051 88100508810049 Modem Modem ModemPSTN Router A ISDN Modem Modem Async0 to Async7 Serial2:15Router B Router C Router D Serial0 Bri0 Router NT1 NT1 Internet Internet PCModem …… Serial0 Router

DCC Configuration Examples743 [Router-Serial0] ip address ppp-negotiate [Router-Serial0] dialer enable-circular [Router-Serial0] dialer-group 1 [Router-Serial0] dialer route ip 8810048 [Router-Serial0] dialer route ip 8810049 …… [Router-Serial0] dialer route ip 8810055 [Router-Serial0] link-protocol ppp [Router-Serial0] ppp pap local-user user1 password simple user1 2Configure RouterB: [Router] dialer-rule 2 ip permit [Router] aaa-enable [Router] aaa authentication-scheme local-first [Router] aaa accounting-scheme optional [Router] local-user user1 password simple pass1 [Router] local-user user2 password simple pass2 …… [Router] local-user user16 password simple pass16 [Router] ip pool 1 [Router] interface dialer 0 [Router-Dialer0] ip address [Router-Dialer0] remote address pool 1 [Router-Dialer0] dialer enable-circular [Router-Dialer0] dialer-group 2 [Router-Dialer0] link-protocol ppp [Router-Dialer0] ppp authentication-mode pap [Router-Dialer0] ppp pap local-user userc password simple passc [Router-Dialer0] interface async 1 [Router-Async1] dialer circular-group 0 [Router-Async1] link-protocol ppp [Router-Async1] ppp authentication-mode pap [Router-Async1] interface async 2 [Router-Async2] dialer circular-group 0 …… [Router-Async7] interface async 8 [Router-Async8] dialer circular-group 0 [Router-Async8] link-protocol ppp [Router-Async8] ppp authentication-mode pap 3Configure subscriber PC: aInstall a modem in a subscriber PC, configure it to be in “autoanswer mode”, open [Start/Programs/Accessories/Communications/Dialup network], click [Set up new connection] in the [Dialup network] window, and select [Server type] in the established new connection, and perform the following operations: ■Select the option [PPP] ■Set the option [Login network] as unchecked ■Set the option [Start software compression] as unchecked bSelect [TCP/IP setting] in the [Server type] page, and perform the following operations: ■Check the option [Server allocated with IP address] ■Set the [Use IP head pointer compression] option as unchecked ■Set the [Use default gateway of the remote network] option as unchecked

744CHAPTER 51: CONFIGURING DCC cStart dialing, and input the user name user1 and the password pass1. Solution 2: The dialing side uses a single number to dial, and the accessing side uses circular DCC to set up the connection via the ISDN PRI interface. Configure the DCC parameters on the dialer interface. 1Configure RouterC: [Router] dialer-rule 1 ip permit [Router] local-user userb password simple passb [Router] interface bri 0 [Router-Bri0] ip address ppp-negotiate [Router-Bri0] dialer-group 1[Quidway-Bri0] dialer enable-circular [Router-Bri0] dialer route ip 8810148 [Router-Bri0] link-protocol ppp [Router-Bri0] ppp chap user user1 [Router-Bri0] ppp chap password simple pass1 2Configure RouterD: [Router] dialer-rule 2 ip permit [Router] local-user user1 password simple pass1 [Router] local-user user2 password simple pass2 …… [Router] local-user user16 password simple pass6 [Router] ip pool 1 [Router] controller e1 2 [Router-E1-2] pri-set [Router-E1-2] interface serial 2:15 [Router-Serial2:15] ip address [Router-Serial2:15] remote address pool 1 [Router-Serial2:15] dialer enable-circular [Router-Serial2:15] dialer-group 2 [Router-Serial2:15] link-protocol ppp [Router-Serial2:15] ppp authentication-mode chap [Router-Serial2:15] ppp chap user userb [Router-Serial2:15] ppp chap password simple passb Logical Interface Standby through Dialer route for DCCRouterA and RouterB are directly connected via the serial interfaces. At the same time, RouterA forms a dialup connection with RouterB via a modem through PSTN. RouterB cannot call RouterA via dialing. As shown in Figure 240, a logical interface is generated through configuring the dialer route command on RouterA. This interface can be used as either the standby interface for other interfaces or the main interface. The port Serial0 on RouterA is used as the dialer interface, and Serial1 is connected to RouterB through straightforward DDN. The address of Serial0 on RouterA is, and the address of the Serial1 connected to DDN is The address of the dialer interface on RouterB is, and the address of the interface connected to DDN is

DCC Configuration Examples745 Figure 240 Network for the DCC application providing logic interface standby through dialer route Solution 1: Adopt circular DCC and use the logic interface configured through the dialer route command as the standby interface. 1Configure RouterA: [Router] dialer-rule 1 ip permit [Router] interface serial 0 [Router-Serial0] physical-mode async [Router-Serial0] modem [Router-Serial0] ip address [Router-Serial0] dialer enable-circular [Router-Serial0] dialer-group 1 [Router-Serial0] dialer route ip 8810060 logic-channel 1 [Router-Serial0] interface serial 1 [Router-Serial1] ip address [Router-Serial1] link-protocol ppp [Router-Serial1] standby logic-channel 1 2Configure RouterB: [Router] dialer-rule 2 ip permit [Router] interface serial 0 [Router-Serial0] physical-mode async [Router-Serial0] modem [Router-Serial0] ip address [Router-Serial0] dialer enable-circular [Router-Serial0] dialer-group 2 [Router-Serial0] dialer route ip 8810059 logic-channel 1 [Router-Serial0] interface serial 1 [Router-Serial1] ip address [Router-Serial1] link-protocol ppp [Router-Serial1] standby logic-channel 1 Solution 2: Adopt circular DCC and use the logical interface configured through the dialer route command as the main interface. 1Configure RouterA: [Router] dialer-rule 1 ip permit [Router] interface serial 0 [Router-Serial0] physical-mode async [Router-Serial0] modem [Router-Serial0] ip address [Router-Serial0] dialer enable-circular [Router-Serial0] dialer-group 1 PSTN8810060 Router A Router B ModemModem Serial1 Serial0 Serial0 Serial1 8810059

746CHAPTER 51: CONFIGURING DCC [Router-Serial0] dialer route ip 8810060 logic-channel 1 [Router-Serial0] logic-channel 1 [Router-logic-channel1] standby interface serial 1 [Router-logic-channel1] interface serial 1 [Router-Serial1] ip address [Router-Serial1] link-protocol ppp 2Configure RouterB: [Router] dialer-rule 2 ip permit [Router] interface serial 0 [Router-Serial0] physical-mode async [Router-Serial0] modem [Router-Serial0] ip address [Router-Serial0] dialer enable-circular [Router-Serial0] dialer-group 2 [Router-Serial0] dialer route ip 8810059 logic-channel 1 [Router-Serial0] logic-channel 1 [Router-logic-channel1] standby interface serial 1 [Router-logic-channel1] interface serial 1 [Router-Serial1] ip address [Router-Serial1] link-protocol ppp Troubleshooting DCCModem does not dial when the router forwards the data, so the DCC dialup connection cannot be set up. Do the following: ■Check whether the modem and phone cable connections are correct, and whether the modem initialization process is correct. ■For the synchronous/asynchronous serial interface, check whether it is configured to asynchronous and dialing mode. ■Check whether DCC has been enabled on the dial interface. ■Check whether the corresponding dialer route or dialer number command has been configured for the packet. The remote end cannot be pinged after the modem is connected. Do the following: ■Check whether the same encapsulation protocol is configured on the local and remote ends, and whether the configured PPP authentication parameters are correct. Use the debugging ppp all command to enable PPP debugging to view the PPP negotiation process, and make sure that the PPP negotiation parameters are correct. ■Check whether the network address has been correctly configured on the dial interface (physical interface or dialer interface). ■Check whether DCC has been enabled on the dial interface. ■Check whether the commands dialer-group and dialer rule have been configured, and whether the configurations are correct. Make sure that dialer rule is configured to permit the packet and the two commands are associated. ■Use the commands debugging dialer event and debugging dialer packet to debug DCC, and locate the problem according to the output information.