3Com Router User Manual
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39 CONFIGURING FIREWALL This chapter covers the following topics: ■Firewall Overview ■Configure Firewall ■Displaying and Debugging Firewall ■Firewall Configuration Example Firewall OverviewA firewall is used to control the network equipment, which accesses the internal network resources. Setting a firewall at the access entry point of the intranet can control access to the internal network resources by the external network devices. In case of multiple entry points, every access entry point should be configured with a firewall to effectively control the external access. To ensure that all data entering the intranet is detected by the firewall, the firewall should be set at the intranet entry point. A firewall is used not only to connect the Internet, but also to control the access to some special part of the internal network, such as to protect mainframes and important resources, such as data, in the network. Access to the protected data must be filtered through the firewall even if the access is from inside. The firewall can screen the information, structure and operation of the intranet from outside by detecting, restricting and modifying data flow overriding the firewall. At present many firewalls also have other characteristics, for example, to identify the user, and conduct security processing (encryption) for information. Figure 170 A firewall isolates the internal network from the Internet Ethernet Internet PCPCPCPCServer Firewall

548CHAPTER 39: CONFIGURING FIREWALL Classification of Firewalls Usually firewalls are divided into two types: network layer firewalls and application layer firewalls. A network layer firewall mainly obtains the packet head information of data packets, such as protocol number, source address and source port, destination address and destination port, or directly obtains the data of a packet head. But an application layer firewall analyzes the whole information stream. Commonly used firewalls include the following: ■Application Gateway: checks the application layer data of all data packets passing through this gateway. For example, the FTP application gateway will be a FTP server to a connected client end, but will be an FTP dlient to the server end. All FTP data packets transmitted on the connection must pass through this FTP application gateway. ■Packet Filtering: filters each data packet using the user-defined items. For example, to check if the source address and destination address of a data packet meet the rules. Packet filtering does not check call status, nor does it analyze the data. If data packets with port 21 or greater than or equal to 1024 are allowed to pass, then once a port meets this condition, the data packet can pass this firewall. If the rules are configured, then many data packets with hidden security troubles can be filtered out on this layer. ■Proxy: normally refer to address proxy on a proxy server or a router. It replaces the IP address and port of a host inside the network with the IP address and port of a server or router. For example, the intranet address of an enterprise is network segment, and its formal external IP address is When the internal host accesses a certain external server in WWW mode, the IP address and port might become after passing through the proxy server. An address mapping table is maintained in the proxy server. When the external WWW server returns the result, the proxy server will convert this IP address and port into the internal IP address and port 80 of the network. The proxy server is used so that all access between the external network hosts and the internal network occurs through this proxy server. In this way, the access to internal devices that contain important resources can be controlled. Packet FilteringUsually, packet filtering refers to filtering for IP data packets forwarded. For the data packets that need to be forwarded by a router, first the packet header information, including the number of the upper layer protocol carried by the IP layer, the packets source/destination address and source/destination port is obtained. Then the information is compared with the set rules. Finally, it is decided whether to transfer or discard the data packet according to the comparison result. Packet filtering (for IP data packets) selects the following elements for judgment (in the figure, the upper layer protocol carried by IP is TCP), as shown in the figure below.

Firewall Overview549 Figure 171 Packet filtering schematic diagram The following can be realized by data packet filtering: ■Prohibit logging on with telnet from outside ■Every E-mail is sent by SMTP (Simple Message Transfer Protocol). ■One PC, rather than all other PCs, can send news to us by NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol). Packet filtering in 3Com routers security equipment features the following: ■Based on access-list (Access Control List - ACL): ACL is applied not only in packet filtering but also in other features where data streams need to be classified, such as address translation and IPSec. ■Support standard and extended ACL: Set a simple address range with the standard ACL or set the specific protocol, source address range, destination address range, source port range, destination port range, priority and service type with the extended ACL. ■Support time segment: Set ACL functions in a specific period of time, such as 8:00-2:00 of every Monday, or it can be as specific as from a year/month/day to another year/month/day. ■Support ACL automatic sorting: You can select sorting ACLs of a specific category to simplify the configuration and facilitate the maintenance. ■It can be as specific as indicating the input/output direction: For example, a special packet filtering rule can be applied in the output direction of the interface that is connected with WAN or another packet filtering rule is applied in the input direction. ■Support interface based filtering: It can be set to prohibit or permit to forward messages from a specific interface in a specific direction of an interface. ■Support creating a log for message meeting the condition: Record the related information of the message and provide a mechanism to guarantee that excessive resources are not consumed when a large number of logs are triggered in the same way. Access Control ListTo filter data packets, rules need to be configured. A rule identifies a packet to be considered by an Access Control List. The access control list is generally employed to configure the rules to filter data packets, and the types of access control lists are as follows: ■Standard access control list

550CHAPTER 39: CONFIGURING FIREWALL acl acl-number [ match-order config | auto ] rule { normal | special }{ permit | deny } [source source-addr source-wildcard | any ] ■Extended access control list acl acl-number [ match-order config | auto ] rule { normal | special }{ permit | deny } pro-number [source source-addr source-wildcard | any ] [source-port operator port1 [ port2 ] ] [ destination dest-addr dest- wildcard | any ] [destination-port operator port1 [ port2 ] ] [icmp-type icmp-type icmp-code] [logging] Protocol-number is the type of the protocol carried by IP in the form of name or number. The range of number is from 0 to 255, and the range of name is icmp, igmp, ip, tcp, udp, gre and ospf. The above command can also be written in following formats due to the different protocol. 1Command format when the protocol is ICMP: rule { normal | special }{ permit | deny } icmp [source source-addr source-wildcard | any ] [ destination dest-addr dest- wildcard | any ] [icmp-type icmp-type icmp-code] [logging] 2Command format when the protocol is IGMP, IP, GRE or OSPF: rule { normal | special }{ permit | deny } { ip | ospf | igmp | gre } [source source-addr source-wildcard | any ] [ destination dest-addr dest- wildcard | any ] [logging] 3Command format when the protocol is TCP or UDP: rule { normal | special }{ permit | deny } { tcp | udp } [source source-addr source-wildcard | any ] [source-port operator port1 [ port2 ] ] [ destination dest-addr dest- wildcard | any ] [destination-port operator port1 [ port2 ] ] [logging] Only the TCP and UDP protocols require specifying the port range. Listed below are supported operators and their syntax. Ta b l e 618 Operators of the Extended Access Control List In specifying the port number, following mnemonic symbols may be used to stand for the actual meaning. Operator and SyntaxMeaning equal portnumberEqual to portnumber greater-than portnumberGreater than portnumber less-than portnumberLess than portnumber not-equal portnumberNot equal to portnumber range portnumber1 portnumber2Between portnumber1 and portnumber2

Firewall Overview551 Ta b l e 619 Mnemonic Symbol of the Port Number ProtocolMnemonic SymbolMeaning and Actual Value TCPbgp chargen cmd daytime discard domain echo exec finger ftp ftp-data gopher hostname irc chat klogin kshell login lpd nntp pop2 pop3 smtp sunrpc syslog tacacs talk telnet time uucp whois www Border Gateway Protocol (179) Character generator (19) Remote commands (rcmd, 514) Daytime (13) Discard (9) Domain Name Service (53) Echo (7) Exec (rsh, 512) Finger (79) File Transfer Protocol (21) FTP data connections (20) Gopher (70) NIC hostname server (101) Internet Relay Chat (194) Kerberos login (543) Kerberos shell (544) Login (rlogin, 513) Printer service (515) Network News Transport Protocol (119) Post Office Protocol v2 (109) Post Office Protocol v3 (110) Simple Mail Transport Protocol (25) Sun Remote Procedure Call (111) Syslog (514) TAC Access Control System (49) Talk (517) Telnet (23) Time (37) Unix-to-Unix Copy Program (540) Nicname (43) World Wide Web (HTTP, 80)

552CHAPTER 39: CONFIGURING FIREWALL As for the ICMP, you can specify the ICMP packet type. You can use a number (ranging 0 to 255) or a mnemonic symbol to specify the packet type. UDPbiff bootpc bootps discard dns dnsix echo mobilip-ag mobilip-mn nameserver netbios-dgm netbios-ns netbios-ssn ntp rip snmp snmptrap sunrpc syslog tacacs-ds talk tftp time who Xdmcp Mail notify (512) Bootstrap Protocol Client (68) Bootstrap Protocol Server (67) Discard (9) Domain Name Service (53) DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map (90) Echo (7) MobileIP-Agent (434) MobilIP-MN (435) Host Name Server (42) NETBIOS Datagram Service (138) NETBIOS Name Service (137) NETBIOS Session Service (139) Network Time Protocol (123) Routing Information Protocol (520) SNMP (161) SNMPTRAP (162) SUN Remote Procedure Call (111) Syslog (514) TACACS-Database Service (65) Talk (517) Trivial File Transfer (69) Time (37) Who(513) X Display Manager Control Protocol (177) Protocol Mnemonic Symbol Meaning and Actual Value

Firewall Overview553 Ta b l e 620 Mnemonic Symbol of the ICMP Message Type By configuring the firewall and adding appropriate access rules, you can use packet filtering to check IP packets that pass the router. The passing of unexpected packets can thus be prohibited. In this way the packet filtering helps to protect the network security. Configure the match sequence of access control list An access control rule can be composed of several “permit” and “deny” statements and the range of the data packet specified by each statement varies. The match sequence needs to be configured when matching a data packet and access control rule. The maximum number of rules configured under an acl-number is 500 (that is, 500 rules can be configured in normal time range, and 500 rules can also be configured in special time range), and the number of total rules under all acl-number are not more than 500. When there is a conflict among several rules, the system will configure the match rules according to the following principle: ■Rules with the same serial number can be defined. If two rules with the same serial number conflict, use the “depth-first” principle to judge the source-addr, source-wildcard-mask, destination-addr, destination-wildcard-mask, protocol number and port number, then determine the sequence of the rule. ■If the ranges defined by the rules are the same, then determine the sequence of the rules according to the time sequence of definition. The system will choose the rule defined earlier. Operator and SyntaxMeaning echo echo-reply fragmentneed-DFset host-redirect host-tos-redirect host-unreachable information-reply information-request net-redirect net-tos-redirect net-unreachable parameter-problem port-unreachable protocol-unreachable reassembly-timeout source-quench source-route-failed timestamp-reply timestamp-request ttl-exceeded Type=8, Code=0 Type=0, Code=0 Type=3, Code=4 Type=5, Code=1 Type=5, Code=3 Type=3, Code=1 Type=16,Code=0 Type=15,Code=0 Type=5, Code=0 Type=5, Code=2 Type=3, Code=0 Type=12,Code=0 Type=3, Code=3 Type=3, Code=2 Type=11,Code=1 Type=4, Code=0 Type=3, Code=5 Type=14,Code=0 Type=13,Code=0 Type=11,Code=0

554CHAPTER 39: CONFIGURING FIREWALL The “depth-first” principle means matching the access rules with the smallest definition range of data packets. It can be achieved by comparing the wildcards of address. The smaller the wildcards are, the smaller the range specified by the host is. For example, specifies a host (the address is, while specifies a network segment (the range of the address is from to, obviously the former is arranged in the front of access control rule. The special standard is the following: ■For the statement of standard access control rules, compare the wildcards of the source addresses directly, and arrange according configuration sequence if the wildcards are the same. ■For the access control rules based on interface filtering, the rules configured with “any”are arranged last, and the rest will be arranged according to the configuration sequence. ■For extended access control rules, compare the wildcards of source addresses. If they are the same, then compare the wildcards of the destination address. If they are still the same, compare the range of port numbers, and the rule with smaller range will be arranged first. If the port numbers are the same, then match the rules according to the users configuration sequence. The display acl acl-number command can be used to view the executive sequence of the system access rules, and the rules listed ahead will be selected first. Configure Firewall Firewall configuration includes: ■Enabling and Disabling a Firewall ■Configuring Standard Access Control List ■Configuring Extended Access Control List ■Setting the Default Firewall Filtering Mode ■Configuring Special Timerange ■Configuring Rules for Applying Access Control List on Interface ■Specifying Logging Host Enabling and Disabling a FirewallA firewall should be enabled for filtering messages to set other configurations into effect. Perform the following configurations in system view. Ta b l e 621 Enable/Disable Firewall Firewalls are disabled by default. OperationCommand Enable firewallfirewall enable Disable firewallfirewall disable

Configure Firewall 555 Configuring Standard Access Control ListThe value of the standard access control list is an integer from 1 to 99. First of all, enter the ACL view through acl command, and configure the match sequence of the access control list, and then configure specific access rules through rule command. If the matching sequence is not configured, it will be conducted by auto mode. Perform the following configurations in system view and ACL view. Ta b l e 622 Configure Standard Access Control List normal means that this rule functions during normal time range, while special means that this rule will function during the special time range. Users shall set the special time segment when using special. Multiple rules with the same serial number will be matched according to “depth-first”command. By default normal is adopted. Configuring Extended Access Control ListThe value of the extended access control list is an integer from 100 to 199. First of all, enter the ACL view through acl command, and configure the match sequence of the access control list, and then configure specific access rules through rule command. If the matching sequence is not configured, it will be conducted in auto mode. Perform the following configurations in system view and ACL view. Ta b l e 623 Configure Extended Access Control List OperationCommand Enter the ACL view and configure the match sequence of access control list acl acl-number [ match-order config | auto ] Configure standard access list rulerule { normal | special }{ permit | deny } [source source-addr source-wildcard | any ] Delete specific access list ruleundo rule { rule-id | normal | special }} Delete access listundo acl {acl-number| all } OperationCommand Enter the ACL view and configure the match sequence of access control listacl acl-number [ match-order config | auto ] Configure extended access control list rule of TCP/UDP protocolrule { normal | special }{ permit | deny } { tcp | udp } [source source-addr source-wildcard | any ] [source-port operator port1 [ port2 ] ] [ destination dest-addr dest- wildcard | any ] [destination-port operator port1 [ port2 ] ] [logging] Configure extended access control list rule of ICMP protocolrule { normal | special }{ permit | deny } ICMP [source source-addr source-wildcard | any ] [ destination dest-addr dest- wildcard | any ] [icmp-type icmp-type icmp-code] [logging]

556CHAPTER 39: CONFIGURING FIREWALL normal means that this rule functions during normal time range, while special means that this rule will function during the special time range. Users shall set the special time range when using special. Multiple rules with the same serial number will be matched according to “depth-first”principle. By default, normal is adopted. Setting the Default Firewall Filtering ModeThe default firewall-filtering mode means that when there is no suitable access rule to determine whether a user data packet can pass through, the default firewall-filtering mode set by the user will determine whether to permit or inhibit this data packet to pass. Perform the following configurations in system view. Ta b l e 624 Set Default Firewall Filtering Mode The default firewall-filtering mode is message pass permitted by default. Configuring Special TimerangeEnabling and disabling filtering according to timerange Filtering according to time range means in different time ranges the IP data packets are filtered with different access rules. It is also called the special rules for special time. The time ranges are classified into two types according to actual applications: ■Special time range: Time within the set time range (specified by key word special) ■Normal time range: Time beyond the specified time range (specified by key word normal) Similarly, the access control rules are also classified into two types: ■Normal packet-filtering access rules ■Special time range packet-filtering access rules These two types of time ranges define different access control lists and access rules, which are not affected by each other. In actual applications, they can be considered as two independent sets of rules, and the system will determine which Configure extended access control list rule of other protocolsrule { normal | special }{ permit | deny } pro-number [source source-addr source-wildcard | any ] [ destination dest-addr dest- wildcard | any ] [logging] Delete specific access list ruleundo rule { rule-id | normal | special } Delete access listundo acl {acl-number| all } Operation Command OperationCommand Set the default firewall filtering mode as message pass permittedfirewall default permit Set the default firewall filtering mode as message pass inhibitedfirewall default deny