3Com Router User Manual
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Configuring OSPF427 hello packet before this interface sets up neighboring relations with the adjacent routers. The interface can be configured into nbma mode on the broadcast network without multi-access capability. If not all routers are inter-reachable on NBMA network, the interface can be configured into p2mp mode. If the router has only one opposite terminal in NBMA network, the interface can also be changed to p2p mode. The difference between an NBMA network and a point-to-multipoint network includes the following distinctions: ■In the OSPF protocol, NBMA refers to those as fully connected, nonbroadcast and multi-access networks. But point-to-multipoint network does not necessarily require full connection. ■DR and BDR should be elected on NBMA while there is no DR or BDR on point-to-point network. ■NBMA is a default network type. For example, if the link layer protocol is X.25 or frame relay, OSPF regards the network type of this interface as NBMA (whether the network is wholly connected). Point-to-multipoint is not a default network type. No link layer protocol can be considered as a point-to-multipoint protocol because it must be a modification from other network types. The most common practice is to change the not fully connected NBMA to a point-to-multipoint network. ■An NBMA network sends messages in unicast mode and the peer must be configured manually. In point-to-multipoint network, messages are sent either in unicast mode or in multicast mode. Perform the following configurations in interface view. Ta b l e 490 Configure the Network Type of the OSPF Interface After a new OSPF network type is configured, the old network type on the interface will be replaced automatically. Configuring Sending Packet CostYou can configure the cost of sending a packet on the interface, otherwise OSPF automatically calculates the cost value according to the baud rate of the current interface. Perform the following configurations in interface view. Ta b l e 491 Configure Sending Packet Cost OperationCommand Configure the network type of the OSPF interfaceospf network-type { broadcast | nbma | p2mp | p2p } Delete the specified OSPF network typeundo ospf network-type { broadcast | nbma | p2mp | p2p } OperationCommand

428CHAPTER 29: CONFIGURING OSPF The default value of the cost of sending a packet on the interface is calculated automatically according to the interface baud rate as follows: The default value is automatically calculated according to interface baud rate. ■If the baud rate is less than 2000 bps, 2000 is taken, and the overhead value is 100000000/2000=50000. ■If the baud rate is greater than 100000000 bps, 100000000 is taken, and the overhead value is 100000000/100000000=1. ■If the baud rate is between 2000 bps and 100000000bps, the overhead value is the result of 100000000/interface rate. Configuring a Peer for the NBMA InterfaceSpecial configuration is needed for the network of an NBMP interface. Since the adjacent router cannot be found by broadcasting hello packets, the IP address of the adjacent router should be specified manually for the interface, as well as whether the adjacent router has a voting right. This is specified with the ospf peer ip-address [eligible] command. To use the eligible attribute, this adjacent router must have no voting right. On X.25 and frame relay networks, you can configure a map to make the whole network fully connected so there is a virtual circuit between any two routers ont eh network and they are directly reachable. Then OSPF can process like a broadcast network. The IP address of the adjacent router, and whether it has a voting right, must be specified manually for the interface because the adjacent router cannot be found dynamically by broadcasting hello packets. Perform the following configurations in interface view. By default, no peer of the NBMA interface is specified. When you configure the peer of the NBMA interface, the following items are necessary: ■The configured hello timer and dead timer between neighbors must be identical. ■The configured link route type betwen neighbors must be identical. ■The area number that neighbors belong to must be identical. ■The authentication mode (simple text or MD5), authentication password, and key-id of the area that neighbors belong to must be identical. ■The configured stub attribute of the areas including the neighbors must be consistent. Configure sending packet costospf cost cost Reset the sending packet costundo ospf cost Ta b l e 492 Configuring a Peer for the NBMA Interface OperationCommand Configure a peer for NBMA interfaceospf peer ip-address [eligible] Cancel or delete a peer for NBMA interfaceundo ospf peer ip-address

Configuring OSPF429 Specifying the Router PriorityIt is necessary to establish the peer relationship manually between interfaces for multi-point access network, (NBMA and broadcast type networks). But establishing peer relationshipoccupies large amounts of system resources when there are hundreds of routers in the network. To resolve this issue, OSPF specifies a “designated router” (DR). All routers within the same network segment send the relationship information to the DR, which broadcasts the link status of each network segment. In this way, the number of the peer relationships between different routers on the multi-access network is significantly reduced. The priority of a router interface determines the qualifications of the interface in voting for the DR. The interface with a higher priority is considered first when the voting rights conflict. The DR is not designated manually, but voted by all routers in the local network segment. The routers of Priority>0 in the local network segment can be used as the “candidates”. The router with the greatest priority value is selected among all routers that claim to be DR. If two routers have the same priority, the one with greater router ID is selected. Routers vote by Hello packet. Each router writes the DR into the Hello packet and sends it to all other routers on the network segment. When two routers in the same network segment claim to be the DR, the one with the higher priority is chosen. If the priorities are equivalent, the one with higher router ID is chosen. If the priority of a router is 0, it is not selected as the DR or “backup designated router” (BDR). If a DR fails due to a specific fault, a new DR must be elected, with synchronization. This can take a long time, during which, the route calculation is not correct. To shorten the process, OSPF puts forward the concept of the “backup designated router” (BDR). The BDR is actually a standby for the DR and is voted together with DR. The BDR also creates relations with all neighboring routers in the network segment and exchanges routing information with them. When the DR fails, the BDR becomes the DR immediately without the need for re-election. Because the neighboring relationship is already created, this takeover process is instantaneous. Of course a new BDR needs to be elected again but during the election, the route calculation is not affected. It should be noted that: ■The DR in the network segment is not necessarily the router with the highest priority. Similarly, the BDR is not necessarily the router with the second highest priority. ■The DR is a role in a single network segment, based on the router interface. A router can be a DR on one interface and a BDR or DROther on another interface. ■The DR is elected on a broadcast interface or NBMA interface. It is not necessary on a point-to-point interface or point-to-multipoint interface. Perform the following configurations in interface view. Ta b l e 493 Specify the Router Priority OperationCommand Set the priority of the interface when selecting a designated routerospf dr-priority value Return to the default router priority undo ospf dr-priority

430CHAPTER 29: CONFIGURING OSPF Specifying the Hello IntervalThe Hello packet is periodically sent to the neighboring router to find and maintain OSPF neighbor relationship, and to elect the DR and BDR in the NBMA and broadcast networks. When one router is started, it only sends hello packets to the neighbors whose precedences are larger than 0, that is, the routers can possibly be elected as DR or BDR. You can configure the interval for sending hello packets. If the interval is too short, the network change can be easily found but the network load will be greatly increased. An appropriate value must be selected for the specific network conditions. On NBMA and point-to-multipoint networks, the poll-interval attribute should be configured to specify the period of sending polling hello packet before this interface sets up a neighbor relationdship with the adjacent routers. The poll-interval attribute must be at least 3 times the value for hello-timer. Perform the following configurations in interface view. Ta b l e 494 Specify Hello Intervall By default, the hello-timer on the p2p interface is 10 seconds and the hello timer on the p2mp amd nbma interfaces on the same network segment must be identical. Specifying the Dead IntervalThe expiration time of a neighboring router means that if a hello packet of the neighbor router (peer) is not received within a certain period, the neighbor router is invalid. You can specify the dead-timer, the period where the peer route fails. The value of the dead-timer must be at least 4 times the value of the hello-timer. Perform the following configurations in interface view. Ta b l e 495 Specify Dead Interval By default, the dead-timer on the p2p interface is 40 seconds and on p2mp and nbma interface the dead-timer is 120 seconds, ranging from 1 to 65535 seconds. Note that: ■The dead-timer of the router on the same network segment must be the same. ■When you modify the network type, the hello-timer and dead-timer are both restored to their default values. OperationCommand Set the time interval for the interface to send hello packetsospf timer hello seconds Return to the default hello interval timeundo ospf timer hello Specify the length of poll-interval on NBMA and point-to-multipoint network typeospf timer poll seconds Return to the default poll interval timeundo ospf timer poll OperationCommand Specify the expiration duration of the OSPF neighborospf timer dead seconds Return to the default value of dead intervalundo ospf timer dead

Configuring OSPF431 Specifying the Retransmitting IntervalThe router waits for confirmation from the neighbor to whom it has sent an LSA. If the router does not receive the neighbors confirmation after a specified interval, the retransmitting interval, it resends the LSA. You can set the time interval for re-transmitting an LSA. Perform the following configurations in interface view. Ta b l e 496 Specify Retransmitting Interval By default, the retransmitting interval is 5 seconds. The retransmitting interval must be twice of the period when a message is transmitted between two routers. The interval for retransmitting an LSA between adjacent routers must not be so small as to cause unnecessary retransmission. Specifying the Transmit-delayThe LSA ages in the link status database (LSDB) of the local router (1 is added per second), but not during the process of network transmission. Therefore, it is necessary to add the aging time before the transmission. Set and adjust this parameter according to the actual situation in the low-speed network. Perform the following configurations in interface view. Ta b l e 497 Specify Transmit-delay By default, the time for transmit-delay is 1 second. Configuring a Stubby Area and a Totally Stubby AreaUsually, OSPF has 5 kinds of LSA packets, as follows: ■Router-LSA: Generated by each router and transmitted to the whole area, describing link status and cost of the router. ■Network-LSA: Generated by the DR and transmitted to the whole area, describing the link status of local network segment. ■Net-Summary-LSA: Generated by the ABR and transmitted to relevant areas, describing routing of certain network segment of the area. ■Asbr-Summary-LSA: Generated by the ABR and transmitted to relevant area, describing routing to ASBR. ■AS-External-LSA: Generated by the ASBR and transmitted to the whole AS (excluding the Stub area), describing routing to AS external. A “stub area” is the area that does not advertise the received external LSA, inside which the scale of the routing table and the quantity of the transmitted routing OperationCommand Configure the interval of LSA retransmission for the neighboring routersospf timer retransmit seconds Return to the default value of re-transmitting intervalundo ospf timer retransmit OperationCommand Set the delay time of LSA tramsmissionospf trans-delay seconds Return the default value of transmit-delayundo ospf trans-delay

432CHAPTER 29: CONFIGURING OSPF information is reduced greatly. A default routing ( is generated for the area by the ABR of the area to insure that these routes are reachable. A stub area is an optional configured attribute, but it does not mean that each area is configurable. Usually, a stub area is located at the boundary of the AS. A non-backbone area with only one ABR or multi-ABR that are not virtually connected between ABRs can be configured as a stub area. A “totally stubby area” is the area that does not receive Type-3, Type-4, and Type-5 LSA (excluding Type-3 LSA which contains default routing and is generated by the ABR). Inside such areas, there is no route to the outside and other areas of the AS, so the scale of the routing table and the quantity of the transmitted routing information is less. A totally stubby area is also an optional configured attribute with the configuration conditions that are the same as those of stub areas. When a stubby area or totally stubby area is configured, the following must be noted: ■The backbone area cannot be configured as a stubby area or totally stub area and the virtual connection cannot pass through a stubby area or totally stub area. ■If one area is configured as stubby area or totally stub area, all routers in this area must be configured with this attribute. ■An ASBR cannot be inside a stubby area or a totally stub area, which means that the exterior route of the AS cannot be transferred to the area. Perform the following configuration under OSPF view: Ta b l e 498 Configure Totally Stubby Area of OSPF By default, no stubby area or totally stub area is configured. The cost of the default routing sent to Stub area is 1. The area is configured of totally stub area when no-summary option is selected Configuring an NSSA AreaNSSA areas are areas that can import external routing by itself and advertise in the AS, but cannot accept external routing generated by another area in the AS. Actually an NSSA area is one form of a stub area, which can conditionally import AS external routing. A new area-NSSA Area and a new LSA-NSSA LSA (or called Type-7 LSA) are added in the RFC1587 OSPF NSSA Option. The NSSA and stub area are similar in many ways. Neither of them generates or redistributes an AS-External-LSA (namely Type-5 LSA), and both of them can generate and import a Type-7 LSA. Type-7 LSA is generated by the ASBR in an NSSA area, which can only advertise in an NSSA area. When a Type-7 LSA reaches the ABR of an NSSA, the ABR selects whether to transform the Type-7 LSA into an AS-External-LSA to advertise to other areas. OperationCommand Define an area as stub area or totally stub area and specify cost value.stub cost cost area area-id [ no-summary ] Cancel Stub Areaundo stub cost cost area area-id [ no-summary ]

Configuring OSPF433 In the following group network, an AS operating the OSPF protocol includes three areas, area 1, area 2, and area 0. Area 0 is the backbone area. The other ASs operate RIP. Area 1 is defined as an NSSA area. After an RIP route advertises to the NSSA ASBR that generates a Type-7 LSA and propagates in Area 1. After the Type-7 LSA reaches the NSSA ABR, it is transformed into a Type-5 LSA that is advertised to Area 0 and Area 2. The RIP route is generated as a Type-5 LSA and propagated in the OSPF AS by the ASBR of Area 2. This Type-5 LSA will not reach Area 1 because Area 1 is an NSSA area. On this point, an NSSA area and a stub area are the same. Figure 146 Schematic Diagram of an NSSA Area Perform the following configuration in OSPF view: Ta b l e 499 Configure an NSSA Area of OSPF By default, no area is configured as an NSSA area. The default-route-advertise attribute generates default a Type-7 LSA. A Type-7 LSA default route is generated on the ABR no matter whether there is a default route in the routing table while applying this parameter. A Type-7 LSA default route is only generated on an ASBR when there is a default route in the routing table. The no-import-route attribute is used on the ASBR, which allows the OSPF route that is imported using the import-route command, to not be advertised to the NSSA area. If the NSSA router is both ASBR and ABR, this parameter option is always selected. Configuring Route Summarization within the OSPF Domain . Route summary provides that the routing information is processed in the ABR. Only one route is sent to other areas for the network segment configured with summary. One area can be configured with multiple summary network segments so that OSPF can summarize multiple network segments. When the ABR sends routing information to other areas, Sum_net_Lsa (Type 3 LSA) is generated for each network segment. If there are some continuous network segments in the area, they can be summarized into one network segment with a range command. Then the ABR only sends one summery LSA and all other LSAs in the summary network segment range specified with this command are not sent separately, OperationCommand Configure an area as NSSA areanssa area area-id [ default-route-advertise ] [ no-import-route ] [ no-summary ] Cancel the configured NSSA areaundo nssa area area-id area 0 area 1 NSSA Router area 2 Router RouterRIP Router Router RIPNSSA ASBR NSSA ABR

434CHAPTER 29: CONFIGURING OSPF which reduces the LSDB in other areas. The configuration of range is only effective when it is configured on teh ABR in the stub area. For example, there are two network segments in an area as follows: They are summarized into one network segment: When the summary network segment of a specific network is added to an area, the internal routes with the IP addresses that fall in this summary network segment are not broadcast separately to other areas. Only the abstract information of the route of the whole summary network segment is broadcast. If the network segment range is restricted with the notadvertise attribute, the abstract information to this network segment route is not broadcast. This network segment is described in the form of an IP address/mask. Receiving the summary network segment and the restriction of the network segment can reduce the inter-area routing information. Note that the route summary is only effective when configured on an ABR. Perform the following configurations in OSPF view. Ta b l e 500 Configure Route Summarization Within OSPF Domain. By default, inter-area routes are not summarized. It must be noted that a routing summary configuration is only valid on the ABR. Creating and Configuring a Virtual LinkAfter the OSPF area division, all the areas may not be of equal size. One particular area is unique and that is the backbone area with the area-id of OSPF route update between non-backbone areas is carried out through the backbone area. The OSPF protocol requires that all non-backbone areas be connected to backbone areas and at least one port on an ABR must be in the area If there is no physical connection between an area and the backbone area, a virtual link must be created. If a physical connection is not possible due to the limitation of the network topology, a virtual link can satisfy this requirement. Virtual link refers to a logical connection channel between two ABRs that is created through an area of non-backbone area internal routes. Both ends of the virtual link must be ABRs and both ends must be configured at the same time so that the virtual link can take effect. A virtual link is flagged with the ID of the opposite router. The area providing the non-backbone internal route for both ends of the virtual connection is called a transit area, whose area-id must also be specified. OperationCommand Configure route summarization within OSPF domain.abr-summary address mask mask area area-id [ advertise | notadvertise ] Cancel route summary between areasundo abr-summary address mask mask area area-id

Configuring OSPF435 The virtual link is activated after the route through the transit area is calculated. It is equivalent to a point-to-point connection between two terminals. Parameters can be configured for this connection like a physical interface, such as sending a hello-timer. A “logic channel” is provided for multiple routers running OSPF that forwards messages between two ABRs. Since the destination addresses of the protocol messages are not these ABRs, the messages are transparent to them and they are transmitted as ordinary IP messages, while routing information is transmitted directly between the two ABRs. Routing information here means an LSA of Type3 that is generated by ABR. The synchronization of routers in the area is not changed. When configuring a backbone area, note that: ■The backbone area is responsible for advertising the routing information of the non-backbone area. If the AS is divided into more than one area, one area must be the backbone area, and other areas must be connected with the backbone area directly or logically. ■The backbone area must include all ABRs, and may include routers belonging to the backbone area only. An ASBR may not be inside the backbone area. ■ABRs inside the backbone area must be well connected, and may be connected physically or logically (establishing virtual connection between ABRs). When configuring a virtual connection, note that: ■A virtual connection can only span one area, which means that the non-backbone area can establish virtual connection with the backbone area only by spanning one other non-backbone area. ■Multiple virtual connections can be connected in series to form a new virtual connection. Perform the following configurations in OSPF view. Ta b l e 501 Create and Configuring a Virtual Link By default, there is no virtual link is created. The attributes for this command have the following default values: ■area-id : None ■router-id : None ■hello-timer: 10 seconds ■retransmit-timer: 5 seconds ■transit-delay: 1 second OperationCommand Create and configure a virtual linkvlink peer-id router-id transit-area area-id [ hello-timer seconds ] [ retransmit-timer seconds ] [ transit-delay seconds ] [ dead-timer seconds ] Delete the specified virtual linkundo vlink peer-id router-id transit-area area-id

436CHAPTER 29: CONFIGURING OSPF ■dead-timer: 40 seconds Configuring AuthenticationOSPF supports simple text authentication and MD5 authentication between adjacent routers. Perform the following configurations in interface view. Ta b l e 502 Configure Authentication By default, the interface does not authenticate OSPF packets. The maximum length of a password for plain text authentication is 8 characters and for a MD5 string authentication the maximum length of the password is 16 characters. The key-id attribute is the key value of MD5 authentication, ranging from 1 to 255. Note that the configured packet authentication mode, authentication password, and the key-id on the router interface in the same network segment must be consistent. Configuring Route Import for OSPFThe dynamic routing protocols on the routers can share routing information. Due to OSPF features, the routes found by other routing protocols are always regarded as the routes outside the AS in processing. In the receiving command, the cost type of the route, cost value, and flag can be specified to overlap default routing parameters. OSPF uses 4 different route types, whose sequence runs: ■Intra-area route — The route in an area of the AS. ■Inter-area route — The route between different areas of the AS. ■External router Type 1— The received IGP route (such as RIP, STATIC). The reliability of this route is high, so the calculated cost of the external route and the cost of the route inside the AS are in the same numeric level. It is comparable with the cost of OSPF route, i.e. the cost value of external route Type 1 = the cost value from the local router to the corresponding ASBR + the cost value from ASBR to the destination address of the route. ■External router Type 2 — The received EGP route. Due to the concerns of poor reliability of this route, the OSPF protocol considers the cost from the ASBR to outside the AS as much as, or more than, the cost to the ASBR within the AS. Therefore, mainly the former is considered in the calculation of route cost, i.e. the cost value to the external route Type 2 = the cost values from the ASBR to the route destination address. If the values are equal, consider the cost value from the local router to the corresponding ASBR. Perform the following configurations in OSPF view. OperationCommand Specify a password for OSPF simple text authenticationospf authentication-mode simple password Specify the string and key-id for OSPF MD5 authenticationospf authentication-mode md5 string key-id Cancel authentication on the interfaceundo ospf authentication-mode