Zeiss Ikon Contarex Special Instruction Booklet
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Page 31
Tlre,G,0 NT:AREX System (Fig.24) To widen the scope of ihe CONTAREX speciol, vorious interchongedble lenses ond occessories ore ovoiloble. Being o single-lens reflex cqmero the CONTAREX con be used to s6lve o wide ronge of photogrophic problems with relotively few occes- sories. 2S
Page 34
zEtss Bt0c0N 4,5/21€3 ZEISS DISTAG()N 4/35€ .8 zEtss TESSAR 2,8/50I5 ZEISS PLANAR 2/50@ ,12 zElss PLANAR 1,4/5818 zEtss S0NNAR 2/8530 ZEISS S()NNAR 4/135 zEtss S()NNAR 4/250 Diogrommotic illustroiion of focusing ronges of CONTAREX lenses, olone ond in combino- iion with bellows unit.t;50 1,2A t,ro l:8 1,6 Focusing ronge of lens olone FocusingrongeofTessorfr2S,50mmondPlonorf/20,50mmwith+5diopre supplemenrorylens Focusing ronge of lens emp oying be lows unit ond lens exten5ton31
Page 35
Aecessories r Ever-reody cose with corrying strop ond shoulder pod Extension stroP Lenses and viewfinders ZEISS BIOGON f/4.5, 21 mm wiih contoiner ZEISS DISTAGON f/4, 35 mm with contoiner l) 2) ZEISS TESSAR f/2.8, 50 mm wiih contoiner l) 2) : ZEISS PIANAR f/2, 50 mm with contoiner 1) 2) ZEISS PLANAR fll.4,58 mm with contoiner l) 2) 4) ZEISS SONNAR f/2, 85 mm wifh contoiner 1) ZEISS SONNAR f/4 135 mm with contoiner 1). ZETSS SONNAR f/4, 250 mm with lenshood 3) l) ivith outomoiic spring-looded pre-seleclor...
Page 36
Accessories (Gontd) Focusing hood unii wilh leolher cose Prism viewing unit with ieoiher cose Ground-gloss screen otiochment wiih Ieoiher cose Focusing screen with prism inset for lenses f rom 35 to135 mm wiih leother cose Focusing screen with prism inset for SONNAR t14,250 mn wiih leother cose Wide-ongie viewfinder for Biogon 21 Leother cose for Biogon Leother cose for Distogon 35 ond Tessor 50 or Plonor 50 Leother cose for Sonnor 85 Leother cose for Sonnori35 Leolher cqse for Sonnor 250 Filters,...
Page 37
Accessories (Contd) The CONTA.REX filiers ore supplied in o boyonel mouni which mokes it possible to use the some filiers with oll lenses from 2l mm+ to 135 mm The front boyonet of lhe filiers con be used to occommodote ihe lens hood, which is olso provided with o boyonei mouni. * For lhe BIOGON f/4.5,21 mm in coniunciion with ihe lens hood, ihe screw-in filters S 49 should be used. Colourfilters G - GR- O - R- UV, IKOLOR A, B qnd F, 0 S 49 Colour filters G - UV - IKOLOR C, 0 S 67 lor 25Q mm lens...
Page 38
Accessories (Gontd) Gopying and micro equipment Toble reproduction slond, consisiing of: Toble clompPillor32@x600Connecting ormComero odopter Lighting equipment for obove consisting of: 1 l-clomp 321221 Tronsverse Ivbe 22 x 6002 Clomps 22 x 152 Tubes for corrying reflector 15 x 4004 Clomps 15 x i54 Reflectors with qriiculoted tubesAngle finder otiochment with odopterMicro odopterConnecting ring for micro odopter
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Aocessories (0ontd) Sundries . Toke-up.sPool for comero Cqssette with core ond contoiner Core only for cosselte. Vision-correction lensx t 0;5 to t 5 dioptres Vision-correction lens, obnormol Coble releqse with lock lKOPHOT.,phofo-elecfric exposure meier in leqther cose IKOBLITZ 4 copocitor floshgun for copless bulbs -do., for boyonet-cop bulbs MOVILUM Universql lighting unit wiih 2 reflectors (without lomps) * Pleose quote oplicions prescription for distonce glosses when ordering. i,l.: ,tit 36
Page 40
i. ; *t .,. \-: -t t if i-t:Rii:l - l;. ,;i Care of the C0NTAREX From lime lo time, ihe film trock ond ihe film tronsport sprocket beorings of the CONTAREX speciol, the spool chombers ond the inner side of the bock should be corefully cleoned with o soft brush. (Note: Do not scrotch the shuiter blind. Dusi or fluff on lens flonge or ihe mirror con be cleoned wiih o soft brush when lhe lens is removed. The lens surfqce ond the finder eyepiece should be cleoned corefully with o sofl linen rog ond oll...
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