Zeiss Ikon Contarex Special Instruction Booklet
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Page 22
Delayed Action The deloyed ociion device (self-timer) should be iensioned by depressing ihe lever (9). This lever shouldbe operoted only ofter the shufter hos been iensioned. When the releose knob (18) is depressed, the mecno-nism siorts running ond will operote the shulter outomoticolly. When the lever (9) is depressed right downto its stop posiiion the deloy will be opproximotely l2 seconds. Belween the siop ond the iniiiol positionore nolches into which ihe lever con be sei for intermediote deloy...
Page 23
Fis.12 To insert o lens, ploce the lens in lhe boyonel mounl so thol the red dot on the lens coincides with the red dot (5) on fhe CONTAREX. Turn the lens to ihe right uniil it snops in. This will couse the press-button (6) io spring out. The lens is then coupled ouiomoticolly io ihe rongefinder. li does not motter whether the lens iiself is set to infinity or ony oiher distonce, or to whiclr operlure the diophrogm is set. The CONTAREX lenses con be interchonged in full doylight without fogging the film,...
Page 24
I I Fis. l3 The CONTAREX should be tensioned ond the mirror swung upwords by depressing the smoll lug beneoih ihe mirror (Fis. 13). Then the BIOGON f14.5, 21 mm con be inseried occording to the red doi to red dot rule. For sighting, fhe 2l mm viewfinder should be used, which must be slipped into the occessory shoe (4). The depth of field of the BIOGON f/4.5, 2l mm is so greot thoi it is sufficient fo guess ot the dislonce. The depth of field ot f 15.6, when focused io opprox. 6 fi., extends from opprox....
Page 25
Loading and UnloadingFigs.14, i5, l5 opening (Fiss. r4, 15, t6) The CoNTAREX speciol should be held in ihe left hond, with ihe lens pointing downwords. The lockingkeys (23) in ihe bose of the comero should be folded outwords wilh the righi hond ond iurned to the righiond ihe left respeciively. This unlocks the bock. With your left thumb push the bock of the comero down-words ond lift it off with the right hond. 22
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t. Loading (Figs 17, lB, l9)Fiss 1/, 18, 19 Pioce o stondord cornmerciol 20- or 36-exposure cossetle inio the fllm chomber so thot the prongs of the rewinding shoft engoge in the lower opening of the cosseite. Pull the beginning of ihe film ocross ihe film gote ond insert it into the slot of the tcke up spool. Hook lhe third or fourth perforotion hole over the lug in the slol ond turn the loke-up spool so ihci the teeth of the tronsport sprockel engoge the per- forotions of ihe film on bolh sides. Whilst...
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#r.li 36 obove wiih the righi hond ond then sliding ii bockhome. Turn ihe locking keys on ihe bose in the oppo-site direction ond fold ihem down. The keys con be folded only when the bock is correctly in position. After looding, ihe frome counter disc (17) should be ,.,A set. When using o 36-exposure cosseile, sei the while ZU mork to the red mork to the lefi of the figure 36; when using o 20-exposure cosseite the whiie mork should be set to the red mork io lhe left of the figure 20. Now swing the ropid...
Page 28
p0 ,t,I5 FFB ,trHF()}( L If the film is wound on properly, the rewind disc (29) should rotote in ihe direction opposile to the en-groved orrow. When using bulk film (see Reloodobre Cossettes) or 20-exposure cossettes it moy hoppenihoi the film is noi wound lout; in this cose the rewinqdisc (29) will not rotote when the first fromes oreodvonced, ond should iherefore be roloted in thedirection of the orrow until o disiinct resisionce isfeli. (This is olso o relioble indicoiion os io whetherihe CONTAREX is...
Page 29
E;^ Ol Reloadable Cassettes The CONTAREX speciol will toke the some reloodoble cosseties os used in the Contox. looded wiih eilher dorkroom or doylight refills or bulk film, or io qdvqnce ihe film from cosseite to cossette without rewinding. The two-cossette system per- mits film to be exchonged ot ony time, ofter ony number of exposures. To do ihis, you should fire off two blonk fromes cnd only then open ihe comero. When unlocking the bock, the cossettes ore outo. moticolly closed lighl-tight (Fig. 2l...
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tis.22 Furlher porticulors con be found in the inslruclions for ihe use of Conlox cosseTres. Unloading Exposed films in stondord commerciol cossettes hqve to be rewound inio their cqssettes before beingtoken out. For this purpose the locking key (23) on ihe comero bock (morked R) must be lifted ond turned so thoi it points to the R (3a) (Fig. 22). Fold oui the countersunk cronk (30) from the rewind disc (29)qnd turn ii in the direciion o{ the orrow (Fiq. 23\ until the film is completely rewound; this...
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