Zeiss Ikon Contarex Special Instruction Booklet
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POSTED 6-27-O4 fhi, -*uul i, fo. referenoe and historioal purposes, all rights reserved.This page is copyright @ by M. Butkus, NJ.This page may not be sold or dishibuted without the expressed permission ofthe producel I have no oonneotion with any camera oompany On-line oamera manual.libraryThis is the full text and images from the manual.This may take 3 full minutes for this PDF document to download. The r4ain page is located at www.butkus.org/chinon Ifyou find this manual usefril, how about a donation...
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Page 7
I Eyelets for corrying sirop 2 Aperture setting wheel 3 Focusing hood rnit 4 Accessory shoe 5 ned dot morking for lens chonging 6 Press button for lens chonging 7 Focusing ring on lens mount 8 Prism unii I Lever for deloyed oction mechonism 10 Flosh contoci 11 Boyonei for filler or lens hood 12 Knob for operoiing mognifier 13 Mosnifier 14 Knob for opening focusing hood 15 Ape*ure setting mork 16 Shutter speed seiting ring 17 Frome counter disc Releose knob wiih threqd for coblereleose Ropid wind lever...
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rne (GCDntaFeX is o single-lens minioture teflex comero for lhe 24 x 36 mm negotive formot, wiih focol plone shulier ondropid wind lever Interchqngeoble ZEiSS lenses onci inierchongeoble finder unils os well os opticol onomechqnicol ouxiliory equipment widen the scope ond versofilify of lhis comero in o foshion which conhordly be surpossed. No mclfer which interchongeoble Iens is used, wheiher for close-ups, mocrophotog-rophy, pholomicrogrophy or ofher types of speciolised work, the imoge depicted by the...
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Distinguishing features of the C0NTAREX special The all metal die-cast body, ensuring the highest possible precision ond rigidity.The parallax-free mirror-rellex viewfinder with its lorge, bright, uniformly-illuminoted imoge field. Interchonge-oble finder-units suitoble for the most voried photogrophic tosks. Rongefinder ond lens focusing ore coupled.Interchangeable ZEISS lenses, speciolly computed for the CONTAREX speciol, ronge from ihe 21 mm super-wide-ongle lerrs lo the telepholo lens of 250 mm focol...
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The detachable back helps considerobly when dusiing ond cleoning the spool chombers ond mokes loodingond unlooding on eosy moiler.0nly a few access0ries ore needed to simplify the moslering of difficuli photogrophic tosks, such os close-ups,mocrophologrophy, photomicrogrophy, copying ond lelephoto shots. Gontrols We recommend you to proctice operoting the vorious controls of ihe CONTAREX speciol before loodingihe comero. The viewfinder of the CONTAREX speciol hos iwo different finder uniis which qre...
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