Yamaha 2007 R6 Service
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FRONT BRAKE 4-28 6. Check: •Brake lever operation Soft or spongy feeling → Bleed the brake sys- tem. Refer to “BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM” on page 3-24. a
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REAR BRAKE 4-29 EAS22550 REAR BRAKE Removing the rear brake pads Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks 1 Screw plug 1 2 Brake pad pin 1 3 Rear brake caliper 1 4 Brake pad shim 2 5 Brake pad insulator 2 6 Rear brake pad 2 7 Brake pad spring 1 For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
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REAR BRAKE 4-30 Removing the rear brake master cylinder Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Brake fluidDrain. Refer to “BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM” on page 3-24. 1 Brake fluid reservoir bracket 1 2 Brake fluid reservoir cap 1 3 Brake fluid reservoir diaphragm holder 1 4 Brake fluid reservoir diaphragm 1 5 Brake fluid reservoir 1 6 Brake fluid reservoir hose 1 7 Rear brake hose union bolt 1 8 Copper washer 2 9 Rear brake hose 1 10 Rear brake master cylinder 1 For installation, reverse the...
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REAR BRAKE 4-31 Disassembling the rear brake master cylinder Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks 1 Brake master cylinder kit 1 2 Brake hose joint 1 3 Brake master cylinder body 1 For assembly, reverse the disassembly pro- cedure. New New New LS 2 1 3
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REAR BRAKE 4-32 Removing the rear brake caliper Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks Brake fluidDrain. Refer to “BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM” on page 3-24. 1 Rear brake hose union bolt 1 2 Copper washer 2 3 Rear brake hose 1 4 Rear brake caliper 1 5 Brake pad spring 1 For installation, reverse the removal proce- dure.
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REAR BRAKE 4-33 Disassembling the rear brake caliper Order Job/Parts to remove Q’ty Remarks 1 Screw plug 1 2 Brake pad pin 1 3 Brake pad shim 2 4 Brake pad insulator 2 5 Rear brake pad 2 6 Brake pad spring 1 7 Brake caliper piston 1 8 Brake caliper piston seal 2 9 Bleed screw 1 For assembly, reverse the disassembly pro- cedure.
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REAR BRAKE 4-34 EAS22560 INTRODUCTION WARNING EWA14100 Disc brake components rarely require disas- sembly. Therefore, always follow these pre- ventive measures: Never disassemble brake components un- less absolutely necessary. If any connection on the hydraulic brake system is disconnected, the entire brake system must be disassembled, drained, cleaned, properly filled, and bled after reas- sembly. Never use solvents on internal brake com- ponents. Use only clean or new brake fluid for clean- ing...
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REAR BRAKE 4-35 •Brake pad spring NOTE: Always install new brake pads, brake pad insu- lators, brake pad shims, and a brake pad spring as a set. a. Connect a clear plastic hose “1” tightly to the bleed screw “2”. Put the other end of the hose into an open container. b. Loosen the bleed screw and push the brake caliper piston into the brake caliper with your finger. c. Tighten the bleed screw. d. Install a new brake pad insulator and new brake pad shim “3”...
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REAR BRAKE 4-36 a. Blow compressed air into the brake hose joint opening “a” to force out the piston from the brake caliper. WARNING EWA13550 Cover the brake caliper piston with a rag. Be careful not to get injured when the pis- ton is expelled from the brake caliper. Never try to pry out the brake caliper pis- ton. b. Remove the brake caliper piston seals. EAS22640 CHECKING THE REAR BRAKE CALIPER 1. Check: •Brake...
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REAR BRAKE 4-37 EAS22670 INSTALLING THE REAR BRAKE CALIPER 1. Install: •Rear brake caliper “1” (temporarily) •Copper washers •Rear brake hose “2” •Rear brake hose union bolt “3” WARNING EWA13530 Proper brake hose routing is essential to in- sure safe vehicle operation. Refer to “CABLE ROUTING” on page 2-47. CAUTION: ECA14170 When installing the brake hose onto the brake caliper “1”, make sure the brake pipe “a” touches the projection “b” on the brake caliper. 2. Remove: •Rear brake caliper 3....