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XBOX 360 E User Guide

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    Now you know what the system is capable of. But do you know how to do it? The
    following pages will show you, step by step, covering everything from setup to nav-
    igating your media using a Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005-based PC.
    Sounds like a mouthful? Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it sounds.
    Xbox 360™System vs. Xbox 360 Core System
    There are two versions of
    the Xbox 360 system—the
    Xbox 360 and the Xbox
    360 Core. In terms of
    what the hardware can do
    when it comes to playing
    games, there’s no differ-
    ence. So if you were con-
    cerned that one package
    might play games better
    than the other, get that
    silly thought out of your
    head! Both the Xbox 360
    and the Xbox 360 Core
    packs can play every 360
    title out there with aplomb.
    But there are some important differences between
    the two. Let’s take a peek at what’s inside each box
    and see how the differences impact your Xbox 360
    Xbox 360™Han dbook
    Aside from the differences in box content, the Xbox 360 system and Xbox 360 Core system
    sport one small physical difference. The Xbox 360 system has premium chrome details on
    the disk tray. It adds a little touch that says, “Check meout!”
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    Xbox 360 Core
    > Xbox 360 Console
    > Wired Controller
    > Composite AV Cable
    > Power Unit
    > Xbox Live 
    Xbox 360
    > Xbox 360 Console
    > Wireless Controller
    > Component HD AV Cable
    > Hard Drive
    > Xbox Live Headset
    > Ethernet Cable
    > Power Unit
    > Xbox Live 
    Get Started
    The Xbox Live
    included with both
    Xbox 360 packages refers to the Xbox
    Live Silver and free
    30-day trial of Xbox Live Gold.
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    expressly prohibited.  
    To Wire or Not to Wire
    The most obvious differ-
    ence is in the packaged
    controllers. The Xbox 360
    Core comes with a wired
    controller, while the Xbox
    360 comes with the wire-
    less controller. The rele-
    vance of this depends
    entirely on your personal
    preference. The controllers
    are equally effective when
    it comes to playing games;
    the wireless controller
    offers more freedom at the
    cost of two AA batteries or a rechargeable battery pack.If you’re fond of old-school conventions and are
    convinced that wired controllers perform better (even
    though this is absolutely not true—the wireless con-
    troller offers lagless play) or would rather not spend
    money on batteries, then stick with the wired variety.
    If you want the convenience of wire-free gaming and
    don’t mind spending a bit more on batteries or a plug
    & play kit, then set yourself free with the wireless
    Xbox 360™Han dbook
    If you’ve purchased an Xbox 360, then you might have noticed that every component is wrapped in green
    or orange plastic. Cool-looking plastic is always fun, but there’s actually an important reason for this. The
    green bags contain everything you need to get your Xbox 360 up and running, but not to connect it to the
    Internet. The orange bags contain parts that are essential for Xbox Live. 
    Did You Know?
    Truth is, both controllers have their advan-
    tages. The wired controller is also compatible
    with Windows XP–based PCs and can be used for PC gaming. The wireless controller offers great range and mobility.
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    Half Empty or
    Half Full?
    The most significant dif-
    ference is the inclusion
    (or omission if you’re a
    glass-half-empty kind of
    person) of the hard drive.
    If you’ve purchased an
    Xbox 360 Core System,
    you’ll need either a hard
    drive or an Xbox 360
    Memory Unit for game
    saves and to store your
    gamertag for Xbox Live. If
    you want to play your old
    Xbox games—of which
    more and more are com-
    patible with the Xbox 360
    each day—you’ll need a
    hard drive to house software compatibility scripting.If you plan on doing considerable downloading, invest in the hard drive. It enhances the Xbox 360 experience
    immensely. While not essential for enjoying your console, a hard
    drive will greatly enhance your Xbox 360 experience.
    Sure, it’s convenient for game saves, but being able to
    experience Xbox Live is an essential part of any Xbox
    360 game. Not only does Xbox Live allow you to play
    against other gamers online, it also offers a wealth of
    experiences ranging from communicating with other
    gamers, downloading games, downloading video clips,
    and much more. Buyers of the Xbox 360 Core needn’t
    worry, though; they can purchase the hard drive as a
    system accessory.
    Get Started
    Attention Xbox gamers! Many of your original Xbox
    games are compatible with the Xbox 360. You just
    need to get a software update for the game you want
    to play. The easiest way to do this is via download
    from Xbox Live, but you can also burn the file to a
    CD or DVD or order a disc by mail. The entire list of
    Xbox games compatible with the Xbox 360 can be
    found at Xbox.com. For more information on this feature and a
    detailed list of compatible games, skip over to
    chapter 12, “What Is Old Is New Again.”
    Did You Know?
    All Xbox 360 games are Xbox Live–enabled. That means that regardless of whether you
    can play multiplayer online, they automati-
    cally feature some online connectivity, even if it’s just leaderboard content.
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    HD vs. Composite
    You’ve also noticed that each package comes with a
    different type of cord that connects your console to your
    television. The Xbox 360 Core System features an Xbox
    360 Composite AV Cable, which is a serviceable but
    standard type of connection (red, yellow, and white
    plugs). Your games will look great, but you won’t be able
    to take advantage of high-definition resolutions. If your television has component inputs, then you
    definitely, definitely, definitely want to go with the
    Xbox 360 Component HD AV Cable (dark red, green,
    and blue cables split with red, white, and yellow
    cables). They deliver a high-definition picture so you
    can see Xbox 360 games the way they were meant to
    be seen. High-definition graphics allow for significant-
    ly more detail and a far better image than standard-
    definition graphics. Every game for the Xbox 360 is
    required to be in high definition, so if your television
    can support these resolutions, the component HD AV
    cable is worth the cost.
    Xbox 360™Han dbook
    Don’t worry if you
    don’t have a televi-
    sion capable of high-
    definition resolution.
    The HD AV Cables also double as composite cables. Just flip the
    switch at the base of
    the cable to standard and leave the dark
    red, green, and blue cables unplugged.
    Besides, if you don’t have an HDTV,
    there’s no place to
    insert the last three plugs, right?
    The component HD
    AV cable has a little
    switch at the base of
    the cable. This switch designates whetheryour output will be
    standard def or high def. The factory
    default is standard, so if you have an
    HDTV, flip that switch to high def right away.
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    Setting It Up
    Connecting your Xbox 360
    to your television and
    getting it ready to go
    couldn’t be easier. For the
    benefit of those consider-
    ing buying the system,
    here is a brief rundown,
    complete with diagrams.
    Hook It Up!
    First, take a peek at the back of the Xbox 360. Notice
    the four inputs—one for your video connection, one
    for your power supply, one for an Ethernet cable, and
    a lone USB port (see diagram).Plug your audio/video cable into the AV slot on the
    back of the Xbox 360. Then insert the three color-
    coded cables into their respective inputs on the back
    of your television. Match red with red, yellow with 
    yellow, and white with white.
    Get Started
    Do not cover the vents on your Xbox 360. It doesn’t matter if you cover them with a paper or another heat-producing device. Just don’t do it!
    While you’re at it, don’t place the system on the floor either. Small
    particles of dust, lint, and pet hair can get inside the vents and mess with your system’s components.
    Before attempting to
    connect anything to
    your TV or Xbox 360,
    be sure everything is turned to the OFFposition. Turn off your television,
    audio receiver, and
    anything else in your entertainment center.
    USB port
    Ethernet port
    Audio/video cable port
    Power supply port
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    Xbox 360™Han dbook
    Listen up! If you have a surround-sound systemwith a digital audio input, run down to your
    local electronic retailer and pick up a digital audio cable for true surround sound.
    Once you have the cable, insert one end into
    the base of your Xbox 360’s AV cable (the part
    that goes into your console) and the other end
    into your surround-sound receiver. That’s it. Well, don’t forget to set your receiver’s channel to
    transmit from the digital input...and to do that, friend, you’ll have to check your receiver’s manual.If you have a
    monaural TV (one audio plug only),
    choose either the white or the red
    cable; it doesn’t matter which.
    The process is much the
    same for connecting
    using the HD AV Cables.
    Instead of plugging in
    the yellow (video) cable,
    insert the dark red,
    green, and blue cables
    into their respective
    inputs on the back of
    your component-ready
    Be sure to leave the
    yellow cable unplugged,
    and flip the switch on
    the base of the AV Cable
    to HDT V.
    Did You Know?
    When connecting the AV cables to your televi- sion, be sure you’re plugging them into the
    “audio/video IN” inputs. Most televisions have IN and OUT connectors.
    There are other methods of connecting your
    Xbox 360 to your television. If your television
    supports S-Video or VGA HD AV Cables, invest in them. Your picture quality will be amazing. The quality depends on your connection
    cables. VGA HD AV offers the highest level of
    quality, followed by component HD AV cables, then S-Video, and lastly composite.
    If you don’t get a
    picture or a speaker isn’t delivering
    sound, review these points:
    > The yellow cable is for video.
    > The red cable is for the right speaker.
    > The white cable is for the left speaker.
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    Get Started
    Before connecting the
    power supply unit,
    examine the unit itself.
    There are two main
    components to the
    power supply.
    1. The large box-likepower unit.
    2. The power cord (one end male, the
    other female).
    Before connecting
    either end to the wall
    or the Xbox 360,
    assemble the unit by
    inserting the female
    end of the cord into
    the hollow cavity in the power unit. That’s it, you’re ready to proceed!
    With the power supply
    assembled, insert the
    power connector (it
    looks like a cube with
    two edges shaved off)
    into the power slot on
    the back of the Xbox
    360. Next, insert the
    male end of the power
    cord into an AC outlet.
    You’re ready to rock.
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    Xbox 360™Han dbook
    Unless you want to create an expensive drinkcoaster,  do notchange the orientation of the
    system with a disc inside. Taking this simple precaution can avoid big problems for your system and games.
    Regardless of the orientation you choose for
    your Xbox 360, be sure it and the power supply are in well-ventilated areas. The system’s
    processing power rivals that of most high-end computers, so expect it to generate a decent amount of heat.
    But don’t worry—you won’t be frying any eggs on it.
    One convenient design
    feature of the Xbox
    360 is the ability to
    position it horizontally
    or vertically. This lets
    you save space or
    position your console
    in an aesthetically
    pleasing fashion that
    complements your
    center setup.
    Did You Know?
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    Now all that’s left to do is plug in your wired
    controller. Press the power button on the console
    or the Xbox Guide button on your controller, and
    your journey begins.
    Coming at You Live
    While Xbox Live for the original
    Xbox had a huge impact on gam-
    ing, the updated service for the
    Xbox 360 takes its predecessor
    a long way down the evolutionary
    path. Xbox Live now lets you do much more than play games online.  There are two types of Xbox Live Memberships: Silver and Gold. To get on Xbox Live, you need a broadband
    connection and a storage device (either a hard drive or a memory unit) to store your gamertag. Hardcore gamers will definitely want to go for the Gold. Every online-capable Xbox 360 gets an Xbox
    Live Silver Membership free with purchase. There may be additional costs to purchase games or other
    goodies, but it costs nothing to become a Silver member. 
    Get Started
    If you purchased an Xbox 360 system, the controller
    connection is a little bit simpler. Each Wireless
    Controller packaged with an Xbox 360 system is
    already pre-programmed to that particular system.  If you want to use it on another system (while
    visiting a friend perhaps) or if you want to add a
    second wireless controller to your console, follow
    the instructions below.
    1. Press and hold down the Xbox Guide button on
    the controller.
    2. Turn on your Xbox 360.
    3. Press and hold the connect button on the front
    of the console (it looks like a small circle with
    waves emanating from it).
    4. Press and hold the connect button atop your
    wireless controller.
    5. Wait for the Ring of Light on the Controller and
    console to synchronize, and you’re set.
    Did You Know?
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