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XBOX 360 E User Guide

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    Poker is more popular than ever, and Texas Hold ’Emis a great way to learn the game and enjoy it with your
    friends on Xbox Live. With its various betting leve ls, extensive help features, and online offerings, this game lets
    you improve your poker skills at your own pace. 
    Developer : Carbonated Games
    Publisher : Microsoft Games Studios
    ESRB: E
    One of the most popular card games of all time,  Unois
    now available on the Xbox 360. Players can choose to
    go solo in one of three modes: standard, partner, and
    house. The house mode allows the most flexibility in
    terms of setting up your rules, what the winning score
    is, and more. You’ll also be able to play with up to three
    people over Xbox Live. As an added bonus, this is one of
    the first games to support the Xbox Live Vision camera,
    allowing for video chat during play. Whether you go for
    a quick match or want to test your skills against
    ranked opponents,  Unois an enjoyable way to shoot
    the breeze with gamers on Xbox Live.
    To commemorate the 35th anniversary of the game,
    the developers have released a special 35th anniver-
    sary deck on the Xbox Live Marketplace with some
    special rules and cards. There’s also a  Project Gotham
    Racing -themed deck, complete with engine noises.
    Expect more custom decks to be available in the future.
    Xbox 360™Han dbook
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    Wik: Fable of Souls
    Developer: Reflexive Entertainment Inc.
    Publisher : Reflexive Entertainment Inc.
    ESRB: E
    A darling of the independently developed PC games scene,  Wik: Fable of Soulsmakes its way to Xbox Live Arcade.
    The winner of the 2005 Independent Games Festival award for innovation in game design,  Wikis a unique and
    diverse puzzle game that’s beautiful to watch and  fun to play. As the titular character, a creature with amphibian
    abilities, you must catch grubs to feed Slotham, a lumbering creature that hangs out at the bottom of each level.
    While this might sound easy, you must manage Slotham’s movements while dangerous bugs try to prevent
    your charitable act of symbiosis. As simple as the game sounds, the levels, obstacles, and abilities are diverse across more than 125 levels.
    Though there’s no online play, up to four players can engage in local multiplayer games for some great party
    gaming. No matter the number of players, the game’s art is striking and quite different from most games
    you’ll see. With its distinct look and gameplay,  Wik: Fable of Soulsis the art-house hit of Xbox Live Arcade.
    Zuma Deluxe
    Developer: PopCap Games
    Publisher : Oberon Media
    ESRB: E
    Zuma Deluxe is an engrossing puzzle game that’s sure
    to suck away hours and hours of your life. The concept
    is simple—you control a ball-spitting frog in the center
    of a maze-like screen filled with moving balls of various
    colors. Make sure the balls don’t reach the end of the
    line or it’s lights out. Where  Zuma Deluxe gets fun and devilishly tricky
    is in manipulating the movement of the balls to your
    advantage. You can stop the advancing balls by
    matching up three or more of the same color. This
    results in a combo, causing the balls to explode and
    leave a gap in the line. But be mindful of the balls that
    will match up in the gap you’ve just created. If they’re
    different colors, the line will combine and keep
    advancing. If they’re two of the same color, then the
    line gets pulled back. If they’re the same color and
    have more of the same color around them, then more
    Arcade Action, Zero Quarters
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    gaps are created.While it may seem like a simple game of matching colors,  Zuma Deluxeis deceptively deep and addictive.
    But Wait, There’s More
    If you’re not ready to jump into Xbox Live Arcade, there’s a great way to try it out offline. Check out a compilation
    of six of its most popular Xbox Live Arcade games in a package called  Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged. In addition to
    giving you the full versions of each game for offline play, the bundle comes with a one-month Gold subscription
    that lets you try the games online. This is a great way to jump right into the world of Xbox Live Arcade, as well as
    for offline gamers to experience what the service has to offer. Even though downloading games to play is the core of Xbox Live Arcade, the service is much more than that.
    The leaderboards add a competitive element to the experience, the in-game chat features add a social layer to
    gaming, and the downloadable content bolsters the gameplay for several titles. Like the games themselves, the service offers something for everyone. Alpha personalities can try to get into
    the Top 10 for each game. Social butterflies can meet all kinds of people over a friendly game of cards.
    Overachievers can boost their gamerscores and unlock every achievement in Live Arcade games. The service is updated all the time, so expect new content every few weeks at the very least. With its constant
    evolution, growing library, full feature set, and supreme ease of use, it’s no wonder that this is one of the most
    popular components of Xbox Live. A rainy day is a great excuse to hop on Xbox Live, but the service has so much
    going on that you owe it to yourself to try it out even if the sun’s shining. It’s fresh. It’s fun. It’s easy. And it’ll
    give you a new gaming experience you’ve never had on any console.
    Xbox 360™Han dbook
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    Xbox 360™Han dbookThe Official User ’s Guide
    One Website ,
    You Need
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    Xbox 360™Han dbook
    We’ve covered the basics, the Xbox Live Marketplace, and even how to make the most of your virtual avatar, but
    what about beyond gaming? Luckily, the Xbox 360 is a gateway into an entire community. There are loads of
    great websites out there with excellent information on the Xbox 360 and its games. But if you have time to check
    out only one (or if you’re too lazy to scour the Web), then Xbox.com is the site to see.
    Search Tool
    Gamer Card
    Log In/Out Section
    Section Links
    Subsection Links
    Video Links
    To p
    Game Previews
    Link to Forums
    What’s Hot Links
    Artist of the
    Month Feature
    Search Tool
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    expressly prohibited.  
    One Website, Everything You Need
    As you’d expect, Xbox.com has all the latest infor-
    mation on the Xbox 360’s hardware and software,
    straight from the ladies and gents at Microsoft. It also
    has fantastic forums that let you interact with the
    Xbox 360 community, great columns that help you
    learn about the system, and a solid set of support pages
    in the event you have problems with your system.
    Most important, it has My Xbox, which lets you estab-
    lish your online identity, touch base with your Xbox
    360-playing friends, track your gaming progress, and
    see who’s playing online. Xbox.com is separated into six very important areas:
    > Games
    > Hardware
    > Xbox Live
    > Support
    > Community
    > My Xbox
    Xbox.com has the mandatory straight stuff, the
    nice-to-have bonus stuff, and some new stuff never
    before seen on a console manufacturer’s website. It’s
    a thoroughly useful site for Xbox 360 owners, so take
    advantage of it! Here’s a rundown of how Xbox.com is
    organized and what you can find there.
    All you tech-savvy gamers out there, be sure
    to make use of the RSS feature at the bottom of the Xbox.com main page. Nearly all of the
    subsections have RSS features that will keep you informed via MSN, Google, Yahoo, and other RSS feeds.
    Before bookmarking Xbox.com, link your gamertag to your Hotmail or
    MSN® account. That way, every time you bring up Xbox.com from your
    favorites list, you’re already signed in and ready to go. Just be sure to
    click the “Remember my username and password” box when you do. All the buzz, without the fuss!
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    What It’s All About...Games Section
    Okay, so maybe it’s a bit
    unfair to say that games
    is what the Xbox 360 is
    all about, because it can
    do so much more.
    Nonetheless, that’s
    where we’re starting.
    Xbox.com’s Games tab
    has loads of information
    on previously released
    and upcoming games for
    the Xbox 360, including
    the 411 on retail games,
    Xbox Live Arcade games,
    Xbox affiliates, and
    family-friendly content.
    The main Games page is
    a hodgepodge of its six
    subsections all rolled into
    one. Read on for detailed
    info on each subsection.
    What the Cool Kids Are Playing—
    Featured Games
    If you’re curious about a certain title or are just looking
    for something new, come here for your all-important
    gamer research. The Featured Games subsection has
    information on everything from Xbox Live’s Top 10 games
    to its Featured Downloads.If you need basic information for any of the following,
    look no further.
    >  Platinum Hits:
    Great games, bargain rates! Grab some of the most
    acclaimed titles—all for under 20 bucks each.
    Xbox 360™Han dbook
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    One Website, Everything You Need
    > Xbox Live Arcade:
    Step into the Xbox Live Arcade and play your favorite arcade classics.
    > Family Central:
    From action and adventure to board and puzzle games, there’s something for everyone.
    > Content Downloads:
    Enticing extras like maps, levels, missions, weapons...it’s all here. Get bonus features for 
    games you own downloaded instantly straight to your console.
    > Featured Downloads:
    Links to information on Xbox Live’s featured downloads.
    > Awards:
    Xbox Live’s Hall of Fame—see a laundry list of 
    links to accolades and awards won by Xbox Live and its games.
    Your Wish List—
    Upcoming Games
    This section is strictly
    for overachievers. If you
    can’t squeeze in enough
    games (or perhaps you’re
    fresh out of games you
    haven’t beaten), stop by
    the Upcoming Games
    subsection for informa-
    tion on recent new
    releases and games that
    are coming soon.
    With the handy-dandy
    search engine, you can
    quickly and easily find a
    game if it doesn’t immedi-
    ately pop up on the main
    Upcoming Games page.
    All titles and box art
    images are clickable and
    lead you straight to the
    nitty-gritty details of your
    chosen game. 
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    Tips & Tricks 
    If the Upcoming Games
    page is for overachieving
    gamers, then the Tips &
    Tricks subsection is for
    gamers who are having
    trouble achieving. If
    you’re stuck on a certain
    game, you’ll find links to
    cheats, tips, strategies,
    and expert help.Xbox.com has enlisted
    everyone in the commu-
    nity—from game devel-
    opers to UberPwner916
    on the Xbox.com
    forums—to help you
    >  Expert Help:
    The Xbox.com game
    experts are here to
    make sure you get the
    most from your games.
    Hints and tips, detailed
    strategies, level walk-
    throughs, developer
    interviews—this is
    where you’ll find the
    game help you need.
    > Prima Guides:
    Prima Guides to the rescue! Lost in a particularly difficult level? Can’\
    t figure out how to beat that one boss?
    Wish you knew how to unlock that  last character? Prima has you covered with guides for all your favorite
    Xbox titles. The world’s leading publisher of official  game guides and the exclusive guide publisher for
    Microsoft, Prima continues to dominate the field it created  in 1990 by providing the highest-quality game guides
    available. Get the best tips, maps, hints, and strategies from Prima’\
    s experts, and take your gaming further
    than you ever thought possible.
    >  Xboxcheats.com:
    XboxCheats gives gamers the upper hand so they can get the most out of g\
    ames. You’ll find god modes,
    unlimited ammo, level skips, and more. Go ahead...we won’t tell anyone you cheated!
    > Top Forum Tips:
    Check the Top Forum Tips for free information on games from gamers just like you. In fact, yo\
    u could drop bits
    of wisdom for fellow gamers!
    Xbox 360™Han dbook
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    >Boost Your Gamerscore:
    Face it, aside from owning someone online, there is no better way to dec\
    lare your gaming skills than with your
    gamerscore. Check this section to see how to boost it by unlocking achie\
    >  Xbox 360 Games:
    A roundup of every Xbox 360 game released to date. Bookmark it and watch\
     it grow!
    Jump In:
    There is only one way to find out what this is. Jump in!
    One Website, Everything You Need
    The Jump In website is not only superbly designed,
    it offers a ton of information, trailers, and downloads
    hidden in a carnival of clickery. Before the Xbox 360
    launch, the website was used to cleverly disguise
    information in an innovative way.  Visitors would have to hunt and peck around the
    site, clicking on abstract images and dragging and
    dropping them to reveal tidbits of Xbox 360 trivia.
    After the system’s launch, it became a place to see
    a few of the system’s key features in action and a
    place for killer wallpapers. Check it out!
    Did You Know?
    The Prima guides section has sample pages of recent Xbox 360 releases as well as archivedinformation on classic Xbox titles. If you stillcan’t find what you need, there’s always the link to www.primagames.com!
    Click on a title on the Xbox 360 Games
    roundup for detailed information like release
    dates, screenshots, plot breakdowns, techni- cal specs, and game trailers.
    Don’t forget to drop knowledge on your fellow
    gamers. If you think you’ve figured out a trick someone else might be (literally) dying to
    know, share the wealth. Post your tips and
    FAQs in the appropriate game forum to con- tribute to the community. With Xbox 360, what goes around comes around.
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