Wolf Cinema Projector SDC-10 User Manual
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\b0 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual No devi ceis connec tedtoth e in pu tter min als\f The input termin alis conne cted but ther eis no signal\f Input appropri atevideo signal sfr om comp atible sou rces \f Avid eo signal that can not beused in thi sunit has been connected \f Input video signal sthat can beused \f *The names ofinp uttermi nalssuc has COMP \fwill bedisplay edinyel low \f This messa geis di spl ayed when th e ac cumu lated lamp timehas exceed ed2900 hours\f Toclear the messag e,press th e [B ack] button \f Prepa reanew lamp unitan drepl aceit as soon asposs ible\f Reset thelamp time after repl acing the lamp \f(Ref erenc epag e:62 to65\b Mes sage Cause (Deta ils) Error Messa ges
\b1 SDC 10 Thepro jector may beremotely control led when co nne ctedwi th an RS232C cross cab le(DSub 9pin ) to aPC orsystem controller™f The proj ectorcan also beconnected toacompute rnetw orkbyconnecting itwith aLAN ca ble and sending theproper contro l commands™f ContactyourWolf Cinemadeale rfo radd itional details™f RS 23 2C Specificatio ns TCP\fIPConnectio n Bef ore youcan cont rol the projec torvia LAN, youhave to es tab lishaTCPco nnectio nvia a“3wayha ndshake”™f Itis necessar yfor a con nection authentic ation tobe sent from thepr oject or“PJ_O K”andw ith in5se co nd saf ter sendi nga“PJR EQ” –to rece ive “P JA CK ”™fPlease performthisoper atio n – afte rco nfi rmi ng th e op eratin g stat us of th epr oje ctor aga in after establi shment ofaTCP con necti on, ifyou cannot send withi n5 se conds “PJ_NG ”or co uld not re ce iv e “PJNA K”™f RS232C Interf ace Control PC Proje ctor % _$ % &% Connection authen ticat ion pro ced ure Wit hin 5seco nds Pro jec to r Con tro l TC Player connection establishment TC Pport number 20554 Threeway handshake ThisUnit Signal Dire ct io n P C → This unit Thi sunit →PC Non synchronous 8bit Non e 1•PC refers tothe contr ollersuch asapers onal computer™f Start Bit StopBit
\b2 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual Comm andFormat The command betweenthisunit and the compute rcons is ts of“H eader”, “UnitID”,“Comm and”, “Data” and“End”™f • Header (1byte), UnitID(2byte s),Command (2byt es), Data (n bytes ),End (1 byte)™f Hea de r Thi s hex adecimal codeindicates thesta rt of co mmunica tion™f UnitID Thi s code specifies theunit™f Thehexadecima lco de isfixed at“8901”™f Co mma ndand Data Ope rat ing command anddata (hex adecima lco de) Hex adecimalCo de 21 3F 40 06Type Opera ting command Res ponse command Ref erenc ecommand ACKDe scrip tion P C → This unit P C → This unit Thi sunit →PC Thisunit →PC (When thecommand is ac cep ted wit h out error, itretu rns toPC\b Com mand 0000 5057 4950 5243Ty pe Connec tion chec k Power suppl y Input Remot eCon trolDe scrip tion Chec kwhet her commun ic at ion is avai lab lebetween this un itan d the PC duri ng stan db y\f D uri ng stan dby 3 1: Tur non thepow er\f Duri ng pow eron 30: Tur nof fth epow er\f(St and bymod e\b Duri ng pow eron 32: CO MP\f 36: HD MI 1 37: HD MI 2 Sends thesame code asth e su pplied remote control\f •“Remot econ trol cod e”(Ref erenc epag e:72\b
Referenc ecommand anddata (hex adecima lco de) End Thi s code indicates theend ofcommunication™f Thehexadec im al code isfixed at“0A ”™f Rem oteCont rolCode •hexadec imalcode isse nt during communic ation™f Remo te Co ntro lButto nNa me BACK ON STAND BY HIDE LENS\fAP\f MENU OK LENS CONT ROL COMP\f ANIM E STAGE CINE MA FILMHex ade cimalCod e 373330 31 37 3330 32 37 3330 33 37 3330 35 37 3330 36 37 3331 44 37 3332 30 37 3332 45 37 3332 46 37 3333 30 37 3333 34 37 3333 36 37 3334 44 37 3336 36 37 3336 37 37 3336 38 37 3336 39 C om mand 5057 4950Ty pe Po wer suppl y InputDa taDescr iptio n Duri ng stan dby or pow eron 30: Standb ymode 31: Power onmode 32: Duri ng Cool Dow nmod e 34: War nin g mode Duri ng pow eron 32: CO MP\f 36: HD MI 1 37: HD MI 2 RemoteCo ntr o lB utt on Name NATU RAL USE R HDM I1 H DM I2 PI C\fAD J\f INFO\f GAM MA C\f TE MP 3D C OLO RPRO FILE C\fM \fD AN AM O COLO RSPAC E LENSMEM OR Y 3D SE TTIN G 3D FORM ATHexa decim alCode 37 33 36 41 37 33 44 37 37 33 37 30 37 33 37 31 37 33 37 32 37 33 37 34 37 33 37 35 37 33 37 36 37 33 38 37 37 33 38 38 37 33 38 41 37 33 43 35 37 33 43 44 37 33 44 34 37 33 44 35 37 33 44 36 \b3 SDC 10
\b4 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual RS 23 2C Com munication Examples Thi s sec tion show sthe communicatio nexa mple sof RS 232C ™f O pe rating Command Reference Command Type Connection check Power (On \b Power (Off\b In put (COMP \f\b Remot eCont rol (MENU \bComman d PC → Thisuni t: 21 89010000 0A Thisuni t→ PC: 06 89 01 00 00 0A PC → Thisuni t: 21 89015057 31 0A Th isuni t→ PC: 06 89 01 50 57 0A PC → Thisuni t: 21 89015057 30 0A Th isuni t→ PC: 06 89 01 50 57 0A PC → Thisuni t: 21 89014950 32 0A Th isuni t→ PC: 06 89 01 49 50 0A PC → Thisuni t: 21 89015243 37 33 32 45 0A Thisuni t→ PC: 06 89 01 52 43 0ADes criptio n Conn ection check\f Wh enpow eris tur ned onfrom stan db ymod e\f Whenpow eris tur ned off(stand by mode\b from pow eron mode\f Whenvid eo input is set tocompon ent\f Wh enthe same opera tion aspress ing the[MEN U] but ton onth e remot econ trol ismade Type Power (On \b Inp ut (HDMI 1\bComman d PC → Thisuni t: 3F 89 01 50 57 0A Th isuni t→ PC: 06 89 01 50 57 0A Thisuni t→ PC: 40 89 01 50 57 31 0A P C → Thisuni t: 3F 89 01 49 50 0A Th isuni t→ PC: 06 89 01 49 50 0A Thisuni t→ PC: 40 89 01 49 50 36 0AD es criptio n Wh eninf or ma tion ofpow eron mode is ac qu ired\f Wh eninf or ma tion ofHDM I1 inp ut is ac qu ired\f
\b5 SDC 10 CopyrightandCaut ion About Trad ema rksand Copy right • HDMI ,H DMI logo andhigh definitio nmultime dia interfac eare trademar ksor regist eredtradem arksof HDMI Licensing LCC™f Ca ution D\bILA Device Characteristics Donot project stillpictures orpicture sthat havestill segm entsfor along perio dof time™f Thestillparts ofthe picture may remain (“burn in”) onto thescreen™f Takespecial notice of im ages onthe screens ofvideo games andcomputer programs ™fThere isno pro blem when playingnormal videoimages suc has movies orTV content™f Wh en Unit isUnused foraLong Time Pr olonged disuse ofthe unit may cause compo nentfailure™f Turn onthe power occasionally andoperate theunit™f Usa ge Environment • Avoid direct exposure tosunlight anddirect illumi nation™f Blockam bient lightusing acurtain orsha des™f Ima ges areimprov ed whendarkening theroom™f • Do not use thisunit inroom swith cigar ettesmok eor oily smoke™fThis may ca use theunit tomalfunction™f Par ts Re placement Thisuni tcont ains parts (optic alparts ,cool ing fan, etc ™f)that may requir ere pla ceme nt ove r time tomaint ain its pro per functi on ality™f T he estimated timeforparts replace mentvari es gre atly depending onthe usage and envir onment™f Please consult yourauthorized dea ler for serv ice™f Main tena nce Procedures Dirt on theCabinet • Gent ly clean dirton the cabinet withaso ftclo th™f Inthe caseof heav ysoilin g,soak acloth inwat er,wring dryand wipe, follo wed bywiping againwith adr ycloth™f Pay attention to the following asthe cabinet maydeteriora teincondition or paint may come off™f •Do not wipe with thinne ror benze ne™f •Do not spraywith volatile chem icalslike insectici de™f •Do not allow prolonged conta ctwith rub beror pla stic products ™f Dirt intheAir Inlets •Use avacuum cleanertosuck upanyvis ible dirt part icles inthe airinlets™f Otherw ise, use acloth towipe offthe dirt™f Ifdirt is allowed to accumulate inthe air inlets ,the inter naltemper aturecannot beadjus tedand thismay cause majo rmalfunct ions™f Dirt on theLens • Caref ully brush away anymajo rdist or dirt particl es™f Clea nthe lens ONLY with comm ercial lenscleaning papers, suchas used forcleani ngglass esand came ras™fD o not usefluidty pecleaning agentsas this may lead topeeling ofthe surfac eco atings™f
\b6 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual Prod uctName WolfCinema SDC10,3 D DILA Home Cin ema Projec tor ModelNa me SDC10 Disp lay Panel/Size DILA dev ice *2 *3 0\f 7” (19 20 pixel sx108 0pixel s\bx3 (total no\fofpixel s: a ppr ox\f 6\f2 2 m ill ion\b Proje ctionLens 2\f0xpow erzoom lens (1\f45:1 to 2\f7 8:1 \b(zoom/f ocus:power\b Va riS cope™ Threeuseradjus table lens pres ets 1\f7 8:1 ,1\f8 5:1 and2\f 35:1 aspect ratios [NOT E:p rojec torthro w distance when utilizin g the in tern alVari Scop efea ture is appx \f1\f 45:1 to 2\f1 :1 xSW] [external VariScope FX™anam orphiclen ssup port also provi ded ] Ligh t\bSource Lamp 220WUltra high press uremercur ylam p[P art No\fW CLPU 220] Ave rage Lifespan 20003000 hours(normal mode\b Screen Size Approx\f 60”to 200 ”(as pect ratio: 16:9\b Per for mance 1300ANSI,~7 0,00 0:1 CR perf orman ce Resolut ion 1920dotsx1080 dots 2D\b>3D Algorit hm Realtime conversion ofstand ard 2D ima ges int o3D Proje ctionDist ance Approx\f 1\f8m to 12 m An alog Video InputFormats 480i,480p, 576i,5 76p, 720p /50Hz, 720p/6 0Hz, 1080i/50 Hz,1 080i/60 Hz Digita lVideo InputFormats 480i,480 p,576i ,57 6p,7 20p/5 0Hz, 720p/6 0Hz, 1 080i/ 5 0 Hz ,1080i /60Hz,1080p/24 Hz, 1080p/50 Hz, 1080p/6 0Hz In pu tter minals Vid eo Input 1system, RCApinjack x3 Y:1\f 0V pp ,75 Ω Pb/C b,Pr /Cr:0 \f7Vp p, 75Ω * Al so su pports R/G /B Sync onG HDMI Input 2system, HDM I19 pin 2(HDCP compliant \b* 4 Comp atible with th eHDM Iv1 \f4a standard *5 Out put terminal Tr igg erTerminal 1system, 3\f5mmDCpow erjack ( \bDC OUT 12V, 0\f1A 3Dsynchro 3Dsynchro emitter dedi cated terminal (1system, miniDIN 3pin \b Co ntro lTe rmin al RS232Cterminal1syst em, Dsub9pi n(m ale\b x1(ext ernalcontrol\b Re mote Te rmi nal 1system, stereominijackx1 (remot econt rol\b LA NTe rm inal 1system, RJ45plug x1 PowerRequirement s AC110V 240V 50/60Hz Pow erConsumpt ion 330W(3\f2A\b (stan dbym ode: 0\f8 W\b Spec ificat ions
\b\b SDC 10 Ope ratio nEnvironment Temperature:5ºCto 35ºC Hu midity: 20% to 80% (nocondensa tion\b (stora ge tem pera ture: 10C to 60 C\b Installa tio n Height Recommendedbelo w500 0ft (1 524 m \b\f(H igh altit u de op eratin gmod eavailable\b Dime nsio ns(WxHxD ) 19\f5x8\f8 x22\f 5in \f, 496 x22 4x572 m m W eig ht 60lbs\f, 28 kg\f net /75 lb s\f, 34 kg\f shippi ng Acce ssories (Please seepage 14 ofthis UserÕ sM anu al\b • Des ignand specifications aresubj ectto ch ang ewith out prior not ice\f • Please note that some ofthe pictures andill u stra tion sm ay have been abridged ,en larg edorcontextualized in order toaid compr ehension\f Images maydiffer from the actual product\f Dimensi ons (Unit : in ch ) 19. 5316.2 21.6 5 14.92 22.52 3.58 9. 76 1.7 7 8 4.33 4.3 3 4.4 3Lens cente rLamp cover Notes: *2 D\bILA isthe abb revia tionforDire ct\bDr iveImage LightAmplifier. *3 D\b ILA device sare man ufactur edusing extreme lyhigh\bprecis ion te ch no logy .Pixel effectiven essis99.99%. Only 0.0\f% or less of the pixels maybe off or perma nentlylitand still be within spec. * 4 HDCP istheab brev iationfo rHig h\bb andwidth DigitalCon tent Prote ctionsyst em . *5 Ether netis no tsup ported.
WolfCinema 2431 F ifthSt\fBer keley .CA 9471 0 Tel:51 0\f843\f 4500 \fFa x : 51 0\f843.7120 www\f wo lfcin ema\f com©201 1Wolf Cinema Wo\bfCi ne ma ÐTh eNe wSta n\ba r\b of Exce \f\fen ce