Wolf Cinema Projector SDC-10 User Manual
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60 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual 3D [S te re oscopic] Viewing Thisisabri ef descr iptio nof the 3D meth odology avail ablefr o m this pro jecto r™fYo uwill nee d 3D gla sses, a3D emit ter that synchroniz estheac tive shut ter glasses wit h the proj ect ed imag es(3D glas sesand emit tersold sepa rate ly),plus appropria tecontent froma3D Bluray play er, cab le or sa tell ite system, orgam econ sole™f Th e3D scheme empl oyed bythis systemutili zes the princi ple of binoc ular parallax™f It pr oject swit hthe frame sequential method, whereseparat elyalternat ingimages are pr odu ced forth eleft and right eye™f Openi ngandclosing of3D glasses fitt ed with liqui d cryst alshutters are controlled insuc hawa ythat video images corre sponding to the ri gh t/lef teye andar eonly visible bythere sp ect ive eye ™fAs aresult ,one canseetrue th reed imensionalima ges with this sy stem : Dueto the subtle differ enc eof ima ge pers pective as see nby each eye ,th ebr ain pe rcei ves them inaste reo sco pic way™f The3Dvideo images that “may” beseen bythe respec tive ey es are artifi cial ly pro duced todayby sophi sticated3Dcameras™f Dueto the exposure of eacheye to ONLY therespective leftand righ tvi deo im ages, the brai nis induc edto create a stere osc opi c ima gean illusion whichisnot present in the real object™f In other words, todayÕs 3D magic isasophisticat eduse ofvirtual imaging techni ques! q.é þ Binocular Parallax: Difference ofview on asingle object asseen by the leftand right eyes, respectively\fOriginal Video images seen withthelefteyeEyes Videoimages seen withtheright eye Stereoscopic video image Please stop watch ing at once if you feelu nw ell and consultap hy sicia n if neces sary\f •Peop le wh osu ffer from certa in ty pes ofphot os ens itivi ty, fro m heart dis eas e,or peopl ein gen eral ly poor phy sical cond it io n sho uld not watc h3D video im ages fr om thi sdev ice\f • Itis recommen dedthat youta ke a br eak peri odi cally\fLe ngt hand fr equen cyofthebreak sw ill va ry du eto in div idu aldiffer ence san d tol eran ces\f Pleas ejudg efo r you rsel fan dus ecaut ion whe n viewi ng fo r lo ng er pe rio d s of time\f • Th ebrai nan dey es fu nct ion to ju dge stereo sco pic vis ion\f Afee ling for real dis tan ces star ts to deve lop from earlych ild hood ;we lea rn di stan ces by tou ch ing and seeing real object s\fEven th ou gh there a re indi vidu aldi ffe re nces, children un der 5are sti ll dev eloping the se im port antski lls \f Lett ing th em fr equen tly wat ch virtual 3D images can be an obstacle in the dev elop men tof th e rea lw or ldÕs th reed im ens ion alpers pectives\f • Youn gch ild ren may sudd enly become naus eous when watch in g 3D im ag es\f They may continue to wa tch for long periods withou t unders tanding where the sympt oms ofmot ion sick ness ari se fr om 3D ima ger y\fPlea se accomp anyyou rch ild ren while wa tchi ng in 3D ,a n d pay particular atten tion to the heal thof our you nger view ers at al ltim es\f

61 SDC 10 Separate ima ges which canbeseen bythe rig ht eyean d le ft eye ,res pect ivel y, are take n and produc edsepara tely™fThere fore, the im age for the lefteye isonly vis ible tothe le ft eye ,and th e image sfor the right eye only orthe right eye™fThe hum anbrain perceives ste re os cop icima ges based on ima ge inf orm ation frombothsides™f Theclos er one looks at st ereo scopic im age s,the greater thebinocular disparity ,wh ich mea nsgre ater percepti onofoutw ardprojection™f Atthe same time,3D ima ges must fit the sc ree n,but theproject edima geand theartific iallycrea ted3D focal plane may be in conf lic t™f Thi sma yca use visua lfa tig ue and disc om fort™f Lefteye imageRighteye image Stereoscopic video image Inmost cases, 3Dima ges arepr od uced horizontal ly andar emeant tobe disp lay ed inthe horizontal view ing pl an e\fSin ceitis known that3D view ing can caus ecer tain proble ms with sen sitive oryoung viewers (suc has motion sickness\b, please donot hold the 3Dglasses slanted rel ati ve to the vide oimages\f Pleas ewatch 3D imag esfrom adistance ap prox imately threetimes thehei gh tof the screen\f Forexam ple, for aproj ected ima geona120 inch diagon alscreen, that screen isjust un der 5feet tall\fOne should thus sitap prox imately 15 feet from the sc reen \fPlease referto page 25, and revie wthe table withscreen sizes andheight measurements\f Choos ing adistance closer than recommended maycause undue eyestrain\f

62 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual Th eframe sequent ialmethod is a way ofdispl aying le ft and rig htey evide oimag es [s eq ue ntia ll y] ™fThe projector projects the video image sus ed forth ele ft and rig htey es di re ctly ont othe screen™f The video images forthe left and rig ht sid e ar eonl yvis ib le wi th therespe cti ve eye, as the leftand right sides ofthe 3Dgla sse s are op en ed an d/ or sh ut rapid ly by aliqui dcrystal shutter™f Asares ult, the left an drigh timage sare se en on ly by th erespe cti ve eye and reveal a3D image™f :: : In ord er tomatc hthe timingofthe 3D video image swith th e op ening/ clos ing of the liqu id crystal shutter s,the projector sendsrapidtimingdata to the 3D glasse s,via infrar ed pul se sas broadcast fromthe3Demitte r™f Lefteye image Open Video image projection withtheprojector frame sequential methodRighteye image EyesClose 3DglassesStereoscopic videoimage Asthevideo im ag es for the lef tan dright side flas haltern ativel yw he n disp layed, weurg eyou tore fr ain f rom looki ng at the scree nwit h the nake deye\f Insu re suffic ie nt 3D glass esare pres entfor your ent ire vi ew ing au dien ce\f • Theop tion al3D glasse sare onl y to be used for view ing 3D vide os from the proj ect or\fPle ase do not useit for wat ch ing ot he robje cts or forw atc hing 2Dvideo images\f Wi th usi ng the 3D em itte r, pl eas eori entth eemi tte r in su ch away tow ards the aud ienceglas ses ,so th at the IR t im ing data can reach the3D gl ass eswit hou tint erf ere nce \fThe IR inf orma tion may be“b oun ced” of fcer tainscr een surfac esand reach theglas ses\f • In cert ain cas es, th e sys te m ma y still n ot wo rk co rrect ly , especi ally: • If you arenear otherinf rar ed com mun icat ion equipm ent or ligh ting\f • If the 3D emi tter is orie nt ed a w ay from th e 3D gla ss es\f • Dep endin g on the typ ean d usag e of 3D emitters, it is als opos sib le tha tits ope rat io n mi ghtin fluen cethe operatio n of other dev ices using inf rar ed commu nica tion s\f

63 SDC 10 Whenthelamp runtime approach es 3,000 hours, amess ageis displaye d onthescree nan dthe lamp rep lacement isencouraged\f • NE VER insert your hands into theANY opening whileACpow er isconn ected! Thiscouldcause pr oduct failure plussevere personal injury,electric shock andeven death\f •Do not replace thelamp immed iatelyafterthe projector has been used; allowacooli ng period of1hour ormore before lamp replacement\f Thelamp as semb lymay stillbehot and can ca us eburns\f • Do not shake orotherwise rou ghly handle thelamp unit\f Thismay cause failure\f •Do not use any flammable cloth orduster toclea nthe internal par tsof theprojector\f Thismay cau seafir e\f ME MO Usa ble Lamp Life • When the “Lamp Power” isse tat “No rmal ",the lifetime of the lamp willbe approx imately 3000 hour s™f Thisis an averag elifetime and cannot beguar anteed™f •The lamp may notreach 300 0 hoursdepending onyour vie wing fre quenc yor ope rating conditions ™f •When the lamp has reached the endof it s usable life,dete rior ation progresses rapidly ™f •If the picture becomes dark, thetint bec omesstr ange, or the image flickers, prom ptlyrepla ce thela mp™fL amp Replac eme nt Proc ed ure The lam pis are pla ceable item™f Ifthe image beco mesda rk ove r time ,or th e la m pfails the n rep lac ethe lamp asse mb ly™f 1Re mov ethe Power Plug from theOutle t 2 Rem ove the Lamp Cover •Remov ethe screw swith a screwdriver ™f 3Lo ose nthe Screw son the Lamp Unit •Loosen the screw swith a screwdriver ™f \bPull Outthe Lamp Uni t • Gra sp the handle andpullout thelam punit™f Re plac ing the Lamp Purc hasing the Lam pUnit Pl eas econ sultyour authori zedWolfCi nema dealer\f Lamp Uni t Par tN o\f :W CLPU22 0 Handle

64 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual Us eonl ygen uine rep lacem entpartsfor the lamp unit\f Al so, ne ve r a tt emp tto reu sean old la mp \fThi s may causeamal fun ction \f • Do notto uch the su rfa ce of anew lam p\fThi sm ay short en the lam p life and cause lam pblow out \f MEMO Aft erRepla cing theLam p •Do notpl ac ethe rem oved lam p unit atany locati onreach abl e by chil dren, orsetit ne ar com busti bleitems™f • Dispose ofused lamp mod ules in the same wayas fluo resce nt lamps ™fFol lo w your lo ca lco mm unit y rul es for disposal ™f5Rem ove thePower Plugfrom theOut let 6Tig hten the Scr ews ofthe New Lamp Unit •Tight enthe screws with a scre wdr iver™f 7Atta ch the Lamp Cover •Inser tthe toppart(with 2claw s)of the lamp coverinto theunit™f • Fasten the screws with a sc re w drive r™f Handle

65 SDC 10 Reset ting Lamp Time Af ter replac ing alamp unit, pleas eres et th elamp time ™f Rese t th elam ptime from the men uscre en. 1Disp laythe Sett ing Menu 2Sele ct “Fun ction” “LampRe set” 3Re \bco nfi rm • Sel ect “Y es” and thelamp time is set tozero™f Mor eover ,one retur nstothe previ ous menu™f BA CK H IDE LIGH T LEN S MEM ORYLENS AP. ANAMO. HDMI 1 STAND BY3D F O RM AT HDMI 2COMP. LE NS.CON TROL M ENU G AM MAP.F IL E COL ORADJ . PIC. ON FILM N AT UR ALSTAGE 3D US ER I NFOC.M.D. A N IME CI NEM APICTU REMOD E INPU T T EMP C OLO R 3D SETTING R es etL amp Time? Y E SN O ExitMENUBA CKB ack SelectOp erat e Trigge r Off Time r Com mun ic a tio nTe rmi na lNetwor k Hig h Alt it ude ModeL AN Off Off Off Func tion Lamp Res et Pic tu re Ad just Re se tAd va nce dExitMEN UBACKB ack S electO perat e Colo r Temp . Gamma Fi lm Tone Co ntra stB righ tnes s Colo r T in t00 00 C olo r P ro fil eP ic tu re Mod eFilm Fi lm1 X en on1Film1 1 Select 2 Confirm

66 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual Re setthe lamp time byremote control. 1Inse rtthe Power PlugtothePower Outlet 2Op era te the Remot eCon trolwit hth eProjector inthe Standby Mode (th epro jector ispo wered, but isnot turn edon) •Press in the order asshow n™f •Press each button within2se cond intervals and press thelastbutto n for2 seconds ormore™f • [S TANDBY/ON ]indicator and[LAMP] indicator blinkalternatel yfor 3se conds™f Afte r that ,the unit switches tostandb ymo de™f HIDEBACKOK BAC K HIDE LIGH T LEN S MEMO RYLENS AP. A NAMO. HDMI 1 STAND BY3D F O RM AT HDMI 2COMP. LE NS.CO NTR O L M ENU GAMM AP.FIL E COL ORADJ . PIC. ON FILM N AT UR ALSTAGE 3D U SER I N FOC.M.D. A N IME CI NEM APICTURE MODE INPU T TE MP C O LO R 3D SET TIN G Res etthelamp time onl y when youhave re pla ced the lamp \f •Nev er res et th ese rvi ce time whe n thela mp is st ill in us e\fO th erwi se, theap prox ima testand ards fo r gaug ing rep lacem enttim em ay be inaccu rate an dlam pblo wout may occur\f Red Lights Press for2seconds ormore

6\b SDC 10 Pul lth e AC power plug from thepower outlet befor ecleaning\f M EMO If th e filte ris Damaged orToo Dirty tobe Cleane d •Repl acewith anew filte r™fA dirty filte rwi ll not protect the interna l partsof the unit and may cau se shado wsto appe aron the vide oimage™f • To pur chase anew filte r contac tyour authorized Wo lfCinema dealer™fCleani ng and Repla cingFilters Clean thefilter regular lyor air intake eff icie ncyma yde terio rat eand malfunct ionmayocc ur™f 1Rem oveth eFil ter 2Cle an th e Filter • Wash the filte rw ith water and dryit in ashaded area™f •In extr eme lysoi led cases ,the useof aneutral detergent isrecom mende d™fPut on rubbe rgl oves when using adeterge nt™f •Afte r wa shi ng the filter with water ,m ak esure thatitis com pletely drybefore reinstal ling othe rwise electri cshock ormalfunctions may oc cur ™f • Do no tclean thefilter with ava cuum cleaner orair duster ™fThe filter isso ftan d may bedama ged™f 3Reins tall the Filter Fil te r Purc hasing the Replacement Filte r Pleas econ sultyour authori zedWolfCi nema dealer\f Replac em ent Filter PartN o\f :W CFPSD C01 Check thattheleftand right claws arelocked ontotheunit

68 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual Be fore Sen din gthe Projec torBack toYour Authoriz edDea lerfor Repa ir, Pleas eCh eck theFo llowing • Youdo not need towor ry about thefollo wing situations ifthere isno visua la bnorm alityonscreen™f •Part ofthe topsurface orfront of the unitruns hot™f • Acreak ing sou ndisheard fromthe unit™f •An operating soundisheard from theinside of the unit™f •Color smear soccur onsome scre ens ™f •Perform thefollo wing test ifthe unit does no tope rate normall y,often due toexter nalstatic discharge or noise™f \f When the unit isin standby mode,pull out the ACpower plug,thenreinsert again™f 2 Press the power button onthe unit totur non the power™f • Asound maybehear dwhe nthe lampis offbut ther eis no danger™f •DILA light engin esaremanu fa cture dus ing highprecision technologies, butover time there maybe som emiss ingpixe lsor pixe ls that remain permanentl ylit™f Trouble shooting Inser tthe pow ercord (plu g\bfir ml y\f Remov eth epow erplug when theunit is in stan dbymod ean d close the lam pcover properl y\fAf ter th at ,ins ertthe ACplu g ag ain\f After the Cool Dow nmod eis co mp let e, tu rn on thepower again\f Isthepow ercor ddis conn ected? Isthelamp coverprop erlysh ut? Isthelamp inCool Downmod e? Isthecor rect extern alinput selected? IstheAV dev iceproper lycon nect ed? Isthe power oftheAV devic eturned on? Arethecorrect sign als bein gout put from theAV device? Is thesett ingofthe input termi nal correc t? Isth e vid eo image tempora rilyhidden? Are batter iesinstalled corr ect ly? Are batter iesexhau sted ? Isthere anobs truction between the remote controlandremote sensor? Istheremot econ trol heldtoo far away from theuni t?Ref erence page:33 Ref erenc epa ge: 62 Ref erenc epa ge: 35 Ref erence page:34 Ref erence page:27 to30 Ref erence page:34 Ref erence page:27 to30 Ref erence page:53 to54 Ref erence page:38 Ref erence page:20 Ref erence page:20 Ref erence page:25 Ref erence page:25 No Pow er Ch ose the correc tex tern alinput \f Connect the AV devi ce pr operl y\f Turn onthe power ofthe AVdev ic e an dplay thevid eo\f Set the AV dev ice prop erly\f Set “COMP \f”an d“HD MI” in the setting men uaccord ingto the input signal \f Press the[H IDE] button todisp lay th e video image again\f Mat chthe pola ritie s( or \bcorrectly wheninsertingthe batteries\f Rep lacewith new batteri es\f Remov eany obst ruc tive obj ects\f Hold theremo te con trol closer to th e sen sor when usin g\f Vide oIm age Does Not App ear Remot eCon trol Doe sNot Wo rk

69 SDC 10 Pleas euse ashort erHDMI cabl e\f Wi llthe picture flicker and become invisible with HDMI input ?Refere nce page: 28 ThePict ureCa nno tbe Projected from HDMI Sou rces Set upthe “Control with HDMI ”fun cti on to “O ff ” \f I s the setup of“Control withHDMI ” func tion “Off”?Re fere nce page: 53 TheIma geCann otbe Seen fromanHDMI Source Check the lamp time onthe infor mation menu \fPrep areanew lamp unitor repl ace assoon aspos sib le when thelamp isnear its end time\f Is thelamp near exhaust ion? Refere nce page: 62to65 Project edImageis Dar k Adjust “Col or”and “Tint” in the settin g men u\f I s the image correctly adjusted? Refere nce page: 49 Colo rDo es Not App earor Look sStran ge Set “Off Timer ”in the setting men uto “Of f”\f Ha ssetting beenperf ormed for of ftim er?Refere nce page: 56to57 Po wer isCut OffSudden ly Adjust the focu s\f Set the unitat a correc tdis tance from the sc reen \f Isthefocu scor rect lyadju sted? Is theun itplaced toonear ortoo far away from thescreen?Re fere nce page: 34 Refere nce page: 23, 25 Vid eo Ima geisFuzz y •Even ifthe “Contr olwith HDM I”function is“On” ,there arestillsome devic estha tcanno treveal images norm allyviaHDMI™f Remov eth epow erplug when theunit is in stan dbymod ean d remove anybl ocki ngobjec t\f Af ter that ,in ser tth eplug again \f Clean the filt er\f Are theairinlets andexhau stvent bloc ked? Isthefilt er dirty ?Refere nce page: 3,15 Re fere nce page: 66 TheUnit Workswhe nPower isTurn edonbutS top sAbruptly After aFew Minutes Set “Mask” in the setting menu to“O ff” \f Al ter the “Pi cture Posit ion” value in th e set tin g men uto ensur e tha tima ges arenotmiss ing \f Ha ssettin gbeen perf ormed for screen mask? Isthedisp lay out ofposi tion?Re fere nce page: 37, 53 Refere nce page: 52 Vid eo Ima gesare Mis singor Crop ped