Wolf Cinema Projector SDC-10 User Manual
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50 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual Of f Mod e1 M od e2 M od e3 M od e4 In ver seTelecine Le ft Righ t Top B ot tom Of f No rma l HighT his set ting imp roves scenes withfast motion, helping to pro duce cleare rim age sw ith little res idual imag ereten tion\f ForPC an d3D sig nals, the“Cle armotion Drive”can notbe use d\f On occas ion sth eimage mayappear distorted in so me scene s,or light andda rk flas hes mi ght occu r\f In this cas e,p lea se ch oo se “Off ”, an dthe nasetting ofyou rchoice\f Se ttin gs :O ff, Mod e1, Mode 2,Mode 3,Mod e4, Inv erse Tel eci ne [Off] Of f Bla ck inser tion weak Bla ck inter polation strong Inte rpol ation weak Inte rpol ation stro ng With 60 i/ 6 0p sig nals ,e\fg ofTVbroadcas tan dDVDs ,orig inal2 4 frame video ima ge fo ota ge isch an ged toa24 frame disp lay\f (*\b 24p will n ot function\f It is pos sibl e to vis ually confirm theeffects ofthe settin gs in Mo de3and Mode 4of th e Cle ar Moti on Dri ve\f Upon press ingthebu tton “OK” ,it w ill b e dis play ed onallside sof ascreen inthe cente rspl it int otw opart s\f Fin ally, it w ill turn to“Off” \fIt can not be set forPC and3D signals \f Settin gs :L eft > rig ht > top >Bottom >Off (cha nged with “O K” but to n\b [Off] T he lef tsc re en dis play sa de mons tration ofthe Clea rmot ion dri ve \f The rig ht scr een displays ademonstr ationofthe Cle ar mo tion drive \f The upper scr een dis plays ademo ofthe Clear motio n dri ve\f The sc reen below dis pla ys ademo oftheCle ar motion dri ve\f T he Demo oftheClear motion drive isturned off\f Adju sts theop tical iris and ape rture settin g\fA sett in g of 0me ansfu lly open ed\f Se ttin gs :(D ar k\b 15 to0(bright\b Ad ju st th e br ightnes sof thelamp\f (*\b If cont in ually used inthe “High” mode,thelamp will di m soone ran dwi ll lik ely requi reearl ier repl acem ent\f (*\b For ab ou t60 secon dsafter thelamp islit, the lamp cannot beswi tchedoff \f Se ttin gs :N or mal, High [Norm al] Norm ally th is settin gis optimal (160Wdrive \b\f Common ly used inabrighter litrooms, this setting maybe cho se n\f (22 0W dri ve \b [0] Clear Moti on Drive CMD Demo Lens Aperture La mp Powe r

51 SDC 10 Corr ection Valu e Gamma Adj ustment White Red Gr een Blue R ese tEmp hasizes theou tline sharpn essofall ima ges\f Adjust to yo ur pre feren ce\f Val ues: 0to 50 (sh arper\b This con trol ma kes minute detailsoftheimage “standou t\f” Adj ust to you rpref ere nce\f Val ues: 0to 50 (str ong\b [1 ] C reat ecu stom gammacurves and save inthe Cust om 1,2, and 3me mory se tti ngs \f Pleas ead just to you rprefe rence\f (*\b In iti al valu esofCustom 1,2,and 3are thesam eas fo r“Norma l” \f (*\b Pleas erefer tothefigure atthe bottom foradjust men t\f (*\b It is rec ommen ded tha tyou read “Gamma Curve” (pa ge re fe ren ce:5 6\b forhi nts abo ut ad jus tmen t\f You can ch oos eto addthe underlying gammacurveadjustme nt\f (*\b Can choos ean ysetting, asthe defau ltgamm acurve willalw aysap pear line ar\f Setting s:Normal, A,B ,C ,D (br ighten sin pa rticu lardark tointe rmed iateparts \b1 \f8 to 2\f6 (dark ensin part icul ardark to int ermed iateparts\b in th eran ge of valu eswith increme ntsof0\f1 [Norm al] The gamm acu rv e fo r “green” isbe ing dis pla yed as be ing rep resent ativ e \fIf “wh ite”,“re d,” “g re en ”or “b lu e” are selected , the corres pon din gcolor curves are display ed\f Plac ethe cu rso ron aga mma curve with12points withth e but ton sfo rle ft and right, an d th en use th ebutt on s for up and dow nbutt on sto mov ethose points upordown\f R ed ,g re en andblu ecan beadjuste dat thesame time \f Adju st on ly th egamma curvefor red\f Adju st on ly th egamma curvefor gree n\f Adju st on ly th egamma curvefor blue\f The same data asfor the "Normal" modesare usedwh en re se tting cust omgamma \f (*\b Wh enyou exitth eadjustment menuofCustom Gamma,p le ase save the adjus tme ntval ues \f You can ret urn to theoriginal data, which sho uld be sa ved\f Sh arpne ss Deta ilEnh ance Custo m1~3 12 1 Sh arpness 12 2 Cu stom Gamma Cus to m Gam maCorre cti on Val ue Wh ite R ed G re en B lu e Rese t1 023 51 2 50 10 0(% )Cu stom 1 Custom 2 Custom 3 0 Pictu re Adj ust ExitMEN UBACKBackS ele ctOpera te No rma l>> Gradation diagram corresponding tothe gamma curve\f Gamma curve Gradation atthe selected point\f(*\b

52 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual Hor iz\f V ert \f 4:3 16:9 Zoom Au to J u st Fu llSel ectthe availab leHDMI inputsignal via thesubme nu“[21] HDM I”\f Co mp onent vid eo input se lection viathesub menu “[2 2] COM P\f”\f Anadjustmen tm ay be enabled ifthe edges ofthepict ure arepart ia lly mis sin g du eto thetimin gof horizont alan d vertic alsynch ron iza tion signals\f Thevalueof the picture posit io n de pend son th e input signal\f (* \bD epe ndin g on theinput signal, onlyparti alvideo imagescan bedis pla yed\f (*\bW hen ther eis a3D signal, thisadjustmen tis no tpo ssib le \f Th isalig ns thehor izon tal position oftheimag e\f Thisalig ns thever tical position ofthe imag e\f (*\bIt is disp lay ed when thereisavideo sign aldete cted\f (*\bIf set to3D ,ratio isfixed to16:9\f Three aspect ratio settings: 4:3,16:9, Zoom [16:9] Set sthe sc reen siz e of the image to4:3\f ForHDsign als, le ft an d rig htsid es are reduce d\f Setsthe sc reen siz e of the video image screen to16:9 \fFo rSD signa lsleft and right sides areexpan ded\f Zo oms thevid eo imag es\f(*\bFor HD sign als,this can not beuse d\f Setsthe vid eo imag escreen sizewhen aPC video signa lis dete ct ed\f (* \bIs dis p laye dwh en there isaPC sign alinput\f Set tin gs :Au to, 1:1, Fu ll [Auto] Pos iti on sthe vid eo image screen inthe cente r of th e disp layran ge an d fil ls the scree n\f Depen din g on thesiz e of the vide oscreen ,left and righ tbl ack borde rswill b e dra wn\f Thevid eo imag escr een size isdisplayed withthesize of th e in put ima ge\f Depen din g on theinput video image, thescreen will be comesma ller or part ofthe input imag eoff the scree nmay be cut off\f It does not retain theasp ect ratio ofthe video imageand fil ls the entire scre en\f HDM I COMP. Pictu rePosition As pec t(Vi deo) As pec t(P C) 2Inp ut Signa l Mask Off 2\f5 % 5% C us tom Lef t Right Top Bo ttom Au to Of fTh ishides theup per, lower, leftand rightborders of the scree nwi th ablack mas k\fCan be indi viduall yad jus ted vertic ally an dhor izo ntally\f Adjust toyour preference \f Settin g: Off, 2\f 5%, 5%,Custom [Off] Not mas ked\f Comp ared with theor iginal videoimage, approxima tely 2\f5% around th e ima gemay be maske d\f Co mp ared with theor iginal videoimage, approxima tely 5% arou ndthe imag ema ybe mas ked\f Co mp ared with theor iginal videoimage, approxima tely 5% of the imag eis mas kedon th elef tsi de\f Set tin gs :0 ~ 5% [0] Co mp ared with theor iginal videoimage, approxima tely 5% of the imag eis mas kedon th erig htsid e\f Set tin gs :0 ~ 5% [0] Co mp ared with theor iginal videoimage, approxima tely 5% of the imag eis mas kedat th eupper side\f Set tin gs :0 ~ 5% [0] Co mp ared with theor iginal videoimage, approxima tely 5% of the imag eis mas kedat th ebot tom sid e\f Set tin gs :0 ~ 5% [0] Inte rlac ed sign als (480i/ 576i/1080i\b areconv erted to pro gressive sig nal s\fInt erpo late sinte rlaced signal video images with vid eo images from thesurroundin gfield s\fPlea se set toyour pref erence \f Settin gs :Au to, Off [Auto] Thisdet ec ts 24p video content, asseen infilm\f Thisalso det ect sin te rla ced sign alsfro mtheori ginal video materi al orifth ey are theprod uct ofsignal convers ion and areint erpo late daccord ingly\f Th ein ter polation ofvideo images asinterlace dvid eo signals, e\fg\f vide oma teria l\f Pro gress ive

Stan dard En hanced Su per White Auto YC bCr (4 :4 :4\b YC bCr (4 :2 :2\b RG BSet sthe dyn amic ran ge of the input video images (scale\b\f Dark andbri ght area s,which are not matched correctly, might get brig hter ordarker\f Ifyou areunsu re ofthe inp ut sign aldyn ami crang e,ple as ere view “Level Check”\f Set tin gs :Sta ndard,E nhance, Super White [Standard] Th isis mo stcommon lyused when the input sig nalis st an dard vid eo,a nd th e re su lti ng dynamic rangelevelsfal l be tween 16 235\f Th isis w her eth edyn amic range ofthe inpu tvideo willscal efrom 025 5,a s ty pica lly se en wi th PC sig na ls\f Th isis set wh en thedynamic rangeoftheinpu tvide osca lesfrom 162 55\fPl ease se t the output to video equipment comp atib le with Super White forSuper Whiteenabl edDVD/BD etc\f Yo ucan con firm the dynamic rangeoftheinp utsig nal\f A pa ttern as show nin th eillu stra tio n is disp layed inthe four corners an dcen ter ofthescre en\f Please comp arethedyna micrange ofthe input sig nalwi th th is patt ern ill ust ration and confi rm\f (*\bTh enumb erinthe illustra tionis the scale level \fT his numbe ris not dis playe d\fThe illu strati onofthe gra dat ion inthe figure is ac cen tu ated forexplanatory purposes \fIt may bediffe rent fromth e act ua lsca le leve l\f Ad jus tth e co lorsp ace ofthe inputsig nal\f Set tin gs :Au to, YCb Cr(4:4:4\b, YCbCr(4:2:2\b, RGB [Auto] YCbCr(4: 4:4\b ,Y C bC r(4: 2:2\b, RGBsignals are automa tical lydet ected an d co nfigure d\f Settin gs if th einput ofaYCbCr(4:4:4\b input video imag esignal is de tecte d\f Set tin gs if th einput ofaYCbCr(4:2:2\b input video imag esignal is de tecte d\f Defa ultsetting when RGB video signalsinput are det ected\f Co nfig ured comm unication ofHD MI equ ipment\f Set tin gs :O n,Off [Off] 53 SDC 10 Inpu t Level Check Colo rSpac e Con tro lwi th HD MI 21 HDMI YPb/Cb Pr/C r RG B Au to Si de by Sid e Topan dBottom 2D On Of f(*\bTh eComp onentvid eo input selectio n\f Thiscon figu res theinpu tsign almethod of th ecomp onent input \f Set tin gs :Y Pb /C b Pr /C r,RGB [Y Pb/ CbPr/C r] Thesett in g for thecom ponent videoinpu tsig nal\f Thesett in g for theRGB video image inpu tsig nal\f Use this fun ction toselect the3Dsignal mode,turn 2D/ 3D conve rsio n ON/OFF an d to adjust the app eara nce of3D images\f Use theUP/D OW Nkey sto select theitem toadjust\f Press the [BACK ]key to re tu rn totheprevi ous scre en\f Thi scon trol selects the3Dinput signal format\f Use the[LE FT]and [RIGHT] keystoconfig urethedesired set tings \f Pres sth e[OK ]key todisplay theavailab lesettings lis t, then usethe[U P]/ [DOWN] keys to make yourselecti on\f The [BAC K]key retur ns you tothe prev ious scree n\f (*\b Some sig na lsmay notbeembedded with3Dinforma tion ,th us the imag epro jecte dma yrev ert to 2D\f R ec on fig ur esu ch selections manually\f (*\b It is rec ommen ded torea d"On 3D" (refere ncepages:5961 \bof the UserÕsMan ualbe fore watchin g3D video images\f S ett in gs: Au to, Sid eby Side, Top&Bottom, 2D 3D for mat sar ede termined automatically \f Selec tth is if the 3Dinput signal isthe side by side method \f Selec tth is if the 3Dsignal isthe topand bottom method\f Proj ec ted asa2D sig nal\f Thi sfeatu re con verts current 2Dimages into aqua si3D video ima ge\fT his effect may notbe visible with cert ain content\f Selec tto con ver t2D video images to3D Selec tto NO Tcon ver t2D images into3D Colo rSpac e 3DForm at 2D\f3D 22 COMP . 23 3DSettings

White Re d Gre en BlueTh isfunc tion enables fine adjustment ofany misa lig nme mt of the lef tand right 3D vid eo images\f Adjus tth es esettin gs to your preference byusing the [LEF T]/ [RIGHT ]keys\f P re ss the[OK] keytodisplay theadjustme ntwindo w\f The [B AC K]key retu rn s you tothe previou sscree n\f (*\b Cann otbe ad justed when the “2D /3D” feature isON\f Set tin gs :15~ 15 This red uces cross talk within 3Dimag econtent \fAdjus tthes eset tin gs to your pre feren ceby usi ng the [LEFT]/ [RIGHT] keys\f Pres sthe [OK] key todispl ay the adjustmen twi nd ow\f The [BA CK]key retu rns youto th e pre viou s screen \f (*\b M ay be ad justed dur ing 3Dplayback but not whe nth e“2 D/ 3D ” fe ature isON\f Set tin gs :8~ 8 Set tin gs :8~ 8 Set tin gs :8~ 8 Set tin gs :8~ 8 Thisfunc tion adjus tfor ima gedepth percep tion\f Adjus tth es esettin gs to your preference byusing the [LEF T]/ [RIGHT ]keys\f P re ss the[OK] keytodisplay theadjustme ntwindo w\f The[B AC K]key retu rn s you tothe previou sscree n\f (*\b M ay be ad justed when the“2D /3D”featu reisON\f Set tin gs :1 ~ 5 Sel ectthi sto automatically identifysubtitles andset 3D conv ersion to On or OF F\fAdj ust setting sto your prefer ence\f (*\b M ay be ad justed when the“2D /3D”featu reisON\f (*\b Ther emay beinstance swhere automatic identif ica tiondoes not w ork ,or certai n image sare iden tified as subtitles\f Us eth e [LE FT]/[R IGHT ]keys toco n figur eyou rdesi redset tin gs\f P re ss the[OK] keytodisplay thesetting sl lis t,the nus eth e[UP] /[DOWN] keys toma ke yo ur selecti on s\f Th e[B AC K]key retu rn s you tothe previou sscree n\f Settin gs :O n,Off 54 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual Fron t Cei ling Mou nt(F\b Rear Cei ling Mou nt(R\b Hor izon tal Vert ic alSu bme nu“[3 1]Lens Control” PixelAdju st To su bme nu “[3 2]Pix elAdjust” Ad jus ts for theprojector Õs position; onecanswitch horizo ntal and vertica lflip /fo rwa rdsw itch\f Set tin gs :Fron t,Ceilin gMoun t(F ront\b, Rear, Ceiling Mou nt (Rea r\b [Front] Fron tupr ig ht projection mode\f Ceilin g/fr on tpro jection mode\f Rear uprigh tprojection mode\f Ceilin g/ rear pro jection mode\f Conce rnin g th epro jection plane, keyston ecorrecti onmay bedep lo yed (especially use ful when the proj ectoris not pa ral lelto th e scr een orenvironment\b\f (*\bTh eremay be instances, whenthe video image af terhav ing correct edforkeyst onedistorti onw ill st ill not mat ch th escr een \fT he position withash ift correct ion of 0% position is on eexcep tio n \f (* \bW ith 3D input sig nals, keystone adjustmentis not possi ble \f Adjus ts thehor izon tal keystone\f Set tin gs :40 to40 [0] Ad jus ts thever tical keystone\f Settin gs :30 to30 [0] Lens Control Pixel Adjus t Insta llat ion Styl e Keysto ne 3Insta llat ion Pa rallax Cros stalk Cance l Intensi ty SubTitle Adj ust

55 SDC 10 A B Off On Off On OffTh evid eo imag esare enlarged [stretched] inthe vert ica ldi rect io n of the panelres olut io n \fT his setti ngis us ed when oneus es th e anam orphic lens toenl arg ethem inth e hori zo nta ld irect ion\f (*\bA namor phicmod escannot beset when there is a 3D sig nal input \f Ifa 3D signal isfedin whenever the Ana morphic modesaresetto A or B,the Anam orphicmode sar eautomaticall yturned Off\f Set tin gs :A, B,O ff [Off] Video wit h an aspect ratio of 2\f35:1 isenlarg edinthe vert ica ldi rect ion of thepa nelre so lut ion andprojected\f Video wit h an aspect ratio of 16:9 are disp layed by redu cingth em inth e ho rizo ntal dire ction ,wi thout changi ngtheir size in t he ver tic al dir ection \f Used when watchin gvideo images otherth an those with a2\f35 :1aspe ctratio wh ile us ing an anamorphi clens\f 2\f35 :1video images arepr ojec ted withou tany changes\f (Black bands app ear on all sid es\b Th iscon tro lmay correct forwhite balanceerrors, when de termin edto occur fromtheno nun iform reflecti vepro pert ies of the proj ec tion screen \f Ple as eadj ust to you rpreference\f Ad jus ts bla ck levelwh en used indoors\f Settin gs :0 to 10 [0] Us eth is remo tebutton toadjust focus,zoom andshift\f Yo ucan also tu rn th etest pattern displayON and OFF andth en sav eyo u r len spo sition se ttin gs durin gad jus tment \f Useth e UP/D OWN keysto select anitem toadjust \f Pre ss the[BA CK] key toretu rntothe previou sscre en\f Th issel ec tion adjusts the image focus \f Thissel ec tion adjusts the image overall siz e\f Th issel ec tion enables you tomove theimag eUP/ DOWN/L EFTor RIGHT ,usi ng the cen te r rosett e\f Atest pat ter nfor you ruse when adjusti ng fo cus, zoom an d shi ft\f Du ring ad ju stm ent, th e test patter nis dis play ed\f During ad ju stm ent, th e external inputsign alisdisp laye d [wit hout the te st pat tern ]\f Th isloc ks out or enables useof the lens controls\f Thiseff ectively locks outthe“LEN S”function son there mo te co ntro l\f Th isen ables the“LE NS” functions ontheremote control\f Thismen ufu nction [andvia direct IR remote controlbu tto n]reca lls pre vio uslysave dlen sad jus tment memories\f Thisis used totog gle between theprima rylens VariS cope™ aspe ctratio me mori es,i\fe \f1\f7 8:1, 1\f85 :1,2\f3 5:1 and soforth [as made availab leby your custom installer]\f Thissav es allfocu s, zo om and shift settin gs work into one ofthre eava ilab lememo ries[the user memories canberenamed]\f Editan dch an ge the lens memory /aspect rationame s\f (*\bN umb erofcha racters islimited to10, and may incl ude capital and lowe rca se letters, numbers andsymbols \f Selectthe user memory nameyouwishto edit\f Pre ss the[OK] button onthe main unitorthe remo tecontrol toconfirm and ent er theedit mod e\f (*\bA ““ is dis play ed ifthe information isnot saved \f (*\bP res sth e[B ACK ]key onthe main unitorrem oteco ntro la t any tim eto exitthe editmo de\f Doingthi swi lldel et eyour modi fications\f Th ishigh lig hts theedit area\f Thecursor willmove autom atica llyas you ent erchara cters\f M ov ethe cu rso rusing the [UP], [DOWN ],[LE FT] and [RIGHT] keys on th epro jecto ror on th eremot econtrol\f Sel ectthe letter toenter and press the[OK] button\f M ake th e nex tletter, number or symbol selection and pre ss [OK] \f Useth is to delete ach ara cter\fMove theselect curso rto the desire dloca tio nand press the[OK] button\f Th iswill d elete thech aracter inthe Name field\f Anamorphi c Screen Adjust BlackLevel Focu s Zoo m Shi ft Image Pat tern Lock Lens Memory Save Lens Memory Na me Edit Memor y1,2 or 3 Inpu tCu rsor Selec tCursor C lear Va riScop e™ LensMemory Sele ct 31 Lens Cont rol

Hor iz\fR ed H or iz\fB lu e Ve rt\fR ed Ve rt\fB lue 56 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual Us eth is to delete ALLcharacters\f Movetheselect cursor to th edesi red lo cat ion an dpre ss the [OK] button\f Adel ete confir mation messagewill appea r\f Use th is fu nction tosave theentered name inform ation\f Se lect [OK] and asa vedco nfi rmat ionmessage willappear\f Th isfin e tu nes possible slight colorerrors in the horiz ontal/v ert ica ldi re ctio ns of the vide oImag es,in uni ts of 1pix el\f (* \bIt is imp ossib leto match allimage pixelsonthe scre en\fDue to th etech nologythere willalw ays be some gaps\f (*\bIn cas eth eimag eis reverse d,or upsid edown, th e ho rizo ntal an dve rtica ld ire ctions are reversed\f (*\bP leas epe rfor madjustme ntsonaclear still ima ge\f (* \bFor fin e tu nin g,th eeffects ofadjustme nts may bedifficul tto se eon so me vid eo ima ges\f (M ove red to th eleft\b 1to 5(m ove redtotheright\b [3] (M ove blu e to theleft\b 1to 5(m ov ered totheright\b [3] (M ove red down\b 1to 5(move redup\b [3] (M ove blu e do wn\b 1to 5(move blueup\b [3] 32 Pixe lA dju st All Cle ar OK U se r Na me Edit M EN UBACK >>NameUs er 1 Cl ea rA ll C le ar OK\ } { ] [ > < ) ( ~ | ; :? = / + * & % $ # !^ . , 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1z y x w v y t s r q p o nl k j i h g f e d c b aY X W V U T S R Q P O NM L K J I H G F E D C B A Z m@ E xitB ackSele ctOp erat e Pictur eAdjust SP AC E Selec tCur so r Char acter List Input Cursor

5\b SDC 10 Blue Bl ac k 15 sec On 5se c Off On Off On Off Off On (Po wer\b On (Ana mo\bSetsthe backg rou nd color when noinputsignal isdete ct ed\f Set tin gs :B lu e, Black [Blue] Set sthe backg rou nd color toblue\f Set sthe backg rou nd color toblack\f Set sthe pos ition oftheon screen menu\fBy pres sing the [OK]bu tton, anima ge ill ust ration ap pea rsat the positi on of the men u\fT he hig hlighted position intheillustra tio n ca nbe mo vedvia th e lef tand right keys\f Ifone pres ses[OK], the menu movestothehigh lighted position\f If you pre ss thekey tothe right, themen uwill move starting from thetop lef t> to p righ t> central >bottom righ t > bott om leftand then back tothe upperleft\f By pres sing of th e left key, themenu movesin the opp osi tedire cti on \f [Upperleft] Dete rmines thelen gth oftime todisp laythe menu\f Settin gs :1 5 sec, On [On] If ther eis no op eration for15seconds, themenu dis app ears\f Di sp lay is alway son until dism issed\f Config ures ifinpu tis display ed [or not]wh enever the inputis swit che d\f Value :5 sec, on [5 sec] Di sp lay sfor 5secon ds\f Not dis pl ay ed \f Co nfig ures wh eth eror not todisplay thesig nal, whe nth ein put is swi tched\f Set tin gs :O n,Off [On] Disp lay\f Not dis pl ay ed \f Co nfig ures wh eth eror not todisplay the"D ILA" logo upo nact ivat ion\f Set tin gs :O n,Off [On] Disp lay ed for 5secon ds\f Notdis pl ay ed \f Co nfig ures 12V output to an external device(ex:mo torize dscre en eq uip pe dwi th atri gger fun ction ]\f Set tin gs :O ff, On (Power\b, On(Anamorph ic\b [Off] Nooutput\f Wh enproj ector power isturned on,a12V contro lpu lse isemi tted from the trig ger out put \f Wh enturn ing off power, theoutput ofthe 12V contro lsign alsto ps\f Du ring stan dby mod e,an outp utwill occu rif the OPER ATEbutton is pre ssed\f Aftercoo ling, the outpu tst op s [as theproj ector retu rns tostandby]\f Co ntr ol sign als (12V \bare emitted whentheAnam orphicmo deisset from “Off”to “A” or “B” \fIf the Anamorp hicmode is set to “A ” or “B ”, th eoperation inthis state equals“On (Power\b”\f Estab lis h es asyste mPower O ff Timer\f *If th er eare no op erations, theunit powers offautom atica lly\f *It pow ersoff automatically evenwhile projecting an image \f Settin gs :O ff, 1ho ur,2 hours, 3ho urs, 4hou rs [Off] Back Color Menu Position Menu Displ ay Line Display Sou rceDis play Log o Trigg er Off Tim er \bDi spl aySetup 5Fu nctio n

58 SDC 10108 0p DILA®3D FrontProjector UserÕsManual Of f 1Ho ur 2Ho ur 3Ho ur 4Ho ur On Off RS 23 2C LA N On Off In pu t So urce De ep Color La mp Time In pu t Reso lution H Frequ ency VFreq uency De ep Color La mp TimeP ow eris not tu rn ed off\f Pow eris tur ned off autom atically after 1hou r\f Pow eris tur ned off autom atically after 2hou rs\f Pow eris tur ned off autom atically after 3hou rs\f Pow eris tur ned off autom atically after 4hou rs\f Used whe nth eprojector isinstalled at hig her elev ations (appx\f 30 00 feet ,or 900m abo ve sea level\b\f Settin gs: O n,Off [Off] Set\f Not set\f Det ermi nes thecon trol terminal tobe use d\f Only one te rmina ltype maybe use dat on etime\f Se ttin gs: R S 23 2C ,LA N [RS2 32C] Selec tth e RS 232C port\f Se lec ts theLAN por t\f Net wor kis dis play edifLAN ischosen in“C omm unicat io n te rmin al” su bme nu“[51 ]Ne twork” is set to “L AN”\f Res etsth elam puse tim er to“0”\f Se ts th eDHC Pclien t\f Settin gs: O n,Off [Off] Automatic all yob tain san IPaddress fromtheconnecte dnetw ork s DHCP serve r\f *The au toma tic retr iev alstarts withthe"Set" within th e men u\f The netw orksettin gs are establis hedman ually \f Se ts th eIP add res s\f [192\f1 68\f0\f2] Sets th esub net mas k\f [255 \f255\f25 5\f0] Sets th edefau ltgateway \f [192 \f168\f0\f2 54] Disp la ys th e MAC addre ss ofthe unit\f [5 1 ]Re flects thene twork setting\f Disp la ys video imageinput terminal\f Disp la ys th e name ofthe input source\f Disp la ys th e color bit depth concerning aninput vide osign al\f *Wh enyou inputY C bCr (4:2:2\b, itis not display ed\f * Wh enther eis infor mation aboutDeep Color from the sou rce device, it is di spl ayed \f Di sp la ys th e lam pusage time\f Disp la ys video imageinput terminal\f Disp la ys imag ereso lution\f Di sp la ys th e H Freq uenc y\f Disp la ys VFrequ ency\f Di sp la ys th e color bit depth concerning aninput vide osign al\f *Wh enyou inputY C bCr (4:2:2\b, itis not display ed\f * Wh enther eis infor mation aboutDeep Color from the sou rce device, it is di spl ayed \f Di sp la ys th e lam pusage time\f Hig hAl titu de Mod e Co mmu nication Term inal Netw ork Lam pRe set DHC PCli ent IP Add res s Sub netM ask Defa ultGat eway MAC Addre ss Set 51Netwo rk 6Informat ion Di spl ay sup on HDMI/C OMP\fin put Di spl ay sup on PC inpu t

59 SDC 10 Operation Guide Ope ration Guide Glossary Ga mma Curve Gam maen cod ing of im ag es isrequired tocompensat efor propert iesofhuman vision to max imi ze the useof the bits or bandw idth [in digital devices ]relative tohow huma ns per cei ve light and color™f Human vision under com mon illum ination conditions (not pitc h blac kor blindi ngly bright) fol lows anappr oximate gamm aor pow erfunc tion™f Ifim ag es arenot gamma encoded, they allocate too ma nybits or to o mu chban dw idth tohig hlight s that huma ns canno tdiffer entiate ,and to o fe w bits/band width to shad ow val ues tha thumans are se ns itiv e to andwoul dreq uirem ore bits/ba ndwidth toma inta inthe same visu alqua lity™f [… exce rptfrom Wiki pedi a,6/1 1] The gamm acur veofthe SD C1 5proj ecto rcan becustom tailored tomatc hthe re lative val ues ofthe inputsigna l,the pro jecto rÕs light out pu t,for optimu mpict urefide lity™f Adj ustme nts can bemade both in total whi te and viathe three primary RGBcolor s™f The val ue ofthe input videoimage signal is displa yedasaper centa gew ith both bein g displ ayed in % ofuni tsof the maxi mum light input signal forbright ness, andthe bri ghtn ess out put value as a per centag eof the ma ximum output of the pro jecto r™f We can sayth at rel ative to th e signal input value at50% ,it proj ectswith abri ght ness output value also at 50%™f However ,a light output value of0% isnot compl etely blac ksinc ethat cannot be projec ted [the possibil ity of any proje ctor to reproduc eabsolute blac knes sis lim ited ; thus the light output at “0% black” will be actuall yslightly brighter inrea lterms] ™f Theinput video imagesignal value is thus represent edbyacontinuous gammacurve fro m 0% to 10 0% ,w hich canbe adjus ted byyouor your calibrator ™fThe gam macurve can bese t for each colorsepara tely,i™fe ™fred, green and blue –or by selec tingwhite to adjustal lco lor sat the same time ™f Alarge r“a ngle ”of incl ina tion ofthe gam macurve (“A”below )leads toagrea ter different iati on of the light output values in tha tarea, thusmakingiteasier toresolve fine det ails in the video™f Alower “angl e”ofinc lina tion willlead tofew erdifferenc esinthat ar ea ,mak ing the images harder todisti ngui shbetw eentheimportant grada tions (“B”) ™f If it is impos sible toachi eveany inc lina tionangle, becom inghorizontal, thegap in that ar ea vani shes and it ma ybe imposs ible todistinguish betweenanyofthe key details in video (“C”) ™f Suppos eyou knew theexact incli nati on(or gam macurve) value( s)of the input video signal ,an dcoul dincr easethe slope inthe des ire dar eas andattenu ate the slo pe in othe r por tio ns of the video ™fThe resul tw oul dbe acle arer, welldefined image™f Converse ly,if one doesnot know theinclination values of the video content, fineadjustm entm ight be mor ediffi cul tto perf orm™f Howe ver,there aresome know ntrends ofthe input signal value and loosely deter mined by the type ofvide ocontent ™fA few typical examples are presented in the [Gamma] (Refere nce Page :48)™f Som eme thods about howto adj ust the gamm acurv eare pres ented here,butinreality one can think ofvar ious adjustme ntmet hods, forexample where red,greenand blue ar eindi vidu ally adj ust ed™f In your ownim age creation, pleasewor kthe process oftrial and erro rand discover foryour selfthe impac tof var ious gamm acurves ™f 0% 10 0% IN PU TSIG NALVA LUE THELIGHTOUTPUT 0% 100% 0% 10 0% IN PU TSIG NALVA LUE THELIGHTOUTPUT 0% 10 0% 0% 10 0% INP UT SIG NAL VAL UE THE DIS TRIBUTI ON OF TH EIN PUT SIGNAL THELIGHTOUTPUT 0% 10 0% 0% 10 0% INP UT SIG NAL VAL UE THE DIS TRIBUTI ON OF TH EIN PUT SIGNAL THELIGHTOUTPUT 0% 10 0%