Voigtlander Vito Br Instructions For Use
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voigtliinder Eihers ore mode of speclroscopicolly tesied gloss, dyed in the moss, ond hord cooted(32 mm. diomeier). The filier foctors given below qre opproximote volues, osthey necessorily depend on the color sensitivity of the block-ond-white filmused, ond on the lighi conditions prevoiling of the iime of the exposure. Yellow filter G 1,5 x Yellowfilter G3x Green filter Gr 4x Oronge filter Or 5 x Ultrq-violet filter UV -20 - Slighi filtering effect for outdoor shots requir.ing shortexposure time!, such os sports ond ocfion subiects, ondpicfures with low sun.Filter foctor:11lz times. Universol filter for londscopes ond other outdoor subiects:indispensoble for snow pictures.Filter foctor: 3 times, Lightens green tones in londscopes. Recommended for ortifi-ciol light portroiture ond copying of coloured originols.Filier foctor: 4 times. Strong filter effects by consideroble suppression of blue light.Reduces oimosperic hoze in distont views.Filter foctor:5 times. Cuts out ultro-violet rodiotion in high mountoins or neorlhe seo. Eliminotes disturbing blue costs in colour shots.Requires no exposure increose. www.orphancameras.com

I I Sefiing lhe Filter Fqctors The use of ony filter (other thon the ultro-violet filter) during the exposurerequires o certoin odiustment of the exposure setting. With the VITO BR you; con corry out thoi odiustment on the shutter with the oid of the dot divisions(2) of fhe side of the operture setting ring (6). You set the dot divisions oppositethe I mork on the depth of field scole (11). ,tF t*T Exomple A: For o foctor of l1lz times iurn the operture ring to the lefi by holf o divisionin the direciion of the orrow. For o foctor of 3 times move it by one-ond-o-holfdivisions, for o foctor of 4 times by two divisions, ond for o focfor of 5 timesby fwo-ond-o-holf divisions. In every cose you therefore odiust the operturesettino occordinq to the filter foctor required.lf hoiever the dperture-speed combinotion hos reoched the limit of f12.8 on theoperture scole, you hoveto odjust the shutier speed occording to the requiredfilter foctor, while lurning the operture ring. Note: when setting holf divisions,olwoys sef the shutter to the next longer exposure iime first.Exompfe B: lf the operture-speed combinotion obtcined is i second ot f12.8, set the filterfoctor os follows:For o foclor of l1/z times odvonce the operture setiing ring by one whole division(to B ot 112.8\, then turn bock by holf o division ond expose for 2 seconds.For o foctor of 3 times odvonce ihe operture ring by one division (to B oI f12.8), For o rocror or 4 rimes:i9;X5in lL,lr;:;130, on division (ro B ot 12.8),ond expose for 4 seconds.For o foctor of 5 times odvonc6 the operfure ring by one division (to 8 ot fl2.8l,ond expose for 6 seconds. -21- www.orphancameras.com

C[o se-uyt s witfi nr oxiyneter Lorge-scole views of obiects ondonimols, or full - frome copies ofpictures ond documenis, which oreporticulorly foscinoiing ond interestingsubiects, ore mode reolly simple withthe Voigtlcinder Proximeter. The speciol odvontoge of this ideolclose-up oitochment is, thot it permitshond-held close-up shots wif h thecomero instontly reody for oction - onimporiont point with live or ropidlymoving subiects. At the some time iheviewfinder porollox ot close distoncesis qutomoticolly eliminoted, ond lensond rongefinder qs result ore coupledos some os in fhe normol zone from3 feet to infinity. -22- www.orphancameras.com

Ayertwe and Depth of rietd The depth of field covers thot port of the subiect oreo in front of, ond behind,the focused distonce which oppeors occepiobly shorp in the piciure. The extent of this shorp zone is by no meons constont: it increoses ihe more you stop down the lens, ond decreoses the lorger ihe lens operture. In short: lorge operlures (e. g. f 14) yield limited depth of field; Smqll operlures (e. g. f/11) yield greater depth of field. The ovoiloble depth of field zone is eosily determined. After you hove setthe lens fo the correct subiect distonce, look ot the depth of field scole (11). This corries two series of operture numbers orronged symmetricolly to iheleft ond right of the I index. The depth of field then extends from the distonce morking opposite one of the left-hond operfure figures to the distoncemorked opposite the corresponding right-hond operture figure (see the illu-sirofion of zone focusing on poge 15). -23 - www.orphancameras.com

cfianging Parr[y nxytosed ti[ws With the VITO BR you con ot ony time toke out o porily exposed film ond chonge over to onother one (e. g. from block-ond-white to colour) withoutthe need for o dorkroom: o Rewind the portly exposed film into its cossette os olreody described onpoge 7. Moke o note, however, of the losi number thoi oppeored in the filmcounter window (19). o When re-inserting ihe portly exposed film, proceed in fhe some woy osdescribed on poges 3 to 5 up to setting the film counter lo F or to No. 22. o Then push the reversing lever (5) bockwords, letting the rewind knob (4) spring up. Keep pulling the ropid winding lever (27) fully to the right until ihe number following the number originolly noted oppeors in the film counler window (19) below the red index mork. Finolly push bock the rewind knob (4), pull the ropid winding lever (27) once more os for os if will go, ond corry on exposing the film in the normol woy. -24 - www.orphancameras.com

7 17 5 Reversing lever 6 Aperture setting ring,combined with f ilm speedsetting ning Shutter speed setting ring leverto disengoge the film speedsetting ring (see No.6) I8 Milled film counler setting ring t9 Film counler window 20 Tripod bush 21 Flqsh socket 22 Bsse plate lqtch 23 Bqse plote flqp 24 Combined viewfinder qnd rqngefinder eyepiece 25 Shqft of rewind knob 25 Cqssette chqmber 27 Ropid winding lever to tension the shutfer CInd odvonce the film 28 Filrn tronsport sprocket wheel 29 Toke-up spool www.orphancameras.com

v on proper e force. In par-t drop it. lf yousection of these er, or post the ter, f irst remoueith a soft sablesurface can bealcohol or ether. Seroice Depart- www.orphancameras.com